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    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Here's how I'd have designed Karstaag, based on the idea of a persistent guard. How's it looking? Too strong? Too weak?

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Here's how I'd have designed Karstaag, based on the idea of a persistent guard. How's it looking? Too strong? Too weak?

    Here's how I'd have designed Karstaag, based on the idea of a persistent guard. How's it looking? Too strong? Too weak?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 04:11 AM PST

    Improving my Shout Scout deck

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:25 AM PST

    Dragon decks have a reputation for being expensive. If you see an opponent rocking a full-premium Dragon deck, you can bet he's rolling in the dough. Recently, I put together a Shout Scout list to try out Call Dragon, just for fun, which also means I didn't craft any really expensive cards for it, and it turned out to be surprisingly effective. Here it is: SPAGgOxhlklHlRaoABqNAOeSsaakbDgskxoPrZeJhCdopaeIBj

    This deck costs 11,200 soul gems, which is less than a bunch of aggro decks. I find its main strength to be its ability to control the board at the beginning of the game and also its insane life gain. Because it's in Scout, you're a lot more likely to pull Paarthurnax, though the deck can function just fine without him. If you want to pick up Dragons, I strongly recommend this, since most of the Legendaries come from precons.

    However, there are a few cards I want to add:

    • {{Innkeeper Delphine}}: a 5/5 for 3 is pretty good. Yeah, that's it. Delphine isn't really a priority considering my strong distaste for her anyways and the fact that she's just a vanilla body.
    • {{Giant Bat}}: It works well with Soul Tear and also a 7/7 charge/drain provides an immediate late-game swing.
    • {{Thorn Histmage}} and {{Blackwood Distiller}}, because more ramp allows me to play more big guys faster.
    • {{Ayleid Guardian}} as an end-game card, though I'm not sure whether this will make the deck too top-heavy.
    • {{Red Bramman}} for similar reasons to AG.
    • {{Thieves Guild Recruit}} to make expensive cards cheaper and also for draw.

    But my problem is I'm just not sure what to cut. Tree Minders always come to mind since they're so low tempo, though I'm also thinking of dropping Midnight Snack since I have so few from-hand Dragons.

    So, would some more experienced deckbuilders mind helping me out? Which of the above cards do I need, and what do I cut for them?

    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    Sooo... Feeling a little sentimental after Skyrim Gauntlet, I decided to defeat Uther without Alisanne dying. Managed to do it with Seducer Darkfire.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 06:29 AM PST

    Atronach Conscription! Best Conjuration Tutor ever!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:16 PM PST

    How to Power-Climb Through the Ranks

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:54 PM PST

    I've see posts on Reddit and Facebook saying "I'm stuck in rank 5/4/3/2/1 and I just can't seem to get out". I want to help.

    3 reasons why you're stuck in your rank:

    You may be thinking "oh, I don't really make that many misplays". Nonsense. Yes, you do. I do. Everyone does. Even friends of mine in the top 10-30 Legends make a lot of mistakes too.

    Start the story from the beginning. You're looking at the board with all of the opponent's big creatures on it and say "How do I win here? It's impossible.". It's too late at that point. Instead look a few or several turns earlier at the initial cause. The bad outcome in turn 10-12 is often caused by a mistake we made in turn 3-6, that we've forgotten about minutes later.

    The solution. Have a friend spectate your games live, and give you feedback on your performance after. Or stream/upload your matches; rewatch them later, analyze the decisions you made. If you're not sure what to look for, read this post: game-sense and playing around threats.

    Have an improvement mindset regardless of whether your current match is a win or loss. Some games can't be won, but you can still learn things in them that can help you in the future. Even in the games you win, you can still spot areas to improve. "I won anyway; does it matter if I made this mistake?". Yes, because you're losing other matches because of that same kind of misplay.

    Take breaks when you need them. Take short breaks every few games. If you're tilted, wait until you're calm; don't instantly press the queue button again. If you're tired, go to bed.

    submitted by /u/IckyStickyBoBicky
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    Arena Tonight

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:03 PM PST

    Did I just forget how to play/draft?? Tonight it is like all the pro's are playing. Slinging many gold cards and duplicates....I swear I'm playing against constructed decks. I get a few wins but not what I normally get. Anyone else having trouble? It makes me play better so it's fine, I have just never seen so many skilled opponents consecutively.

    submitted by /u/mjharp24
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    this game snowballs too much

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Don't you guys think? there are even cards that could basically read "if you are winning, win even more". More often than not I feel as though if I don't answer something right after it was played then it's literally game over. There are so many examples of this that I can't really decide what the worst offender is. But I know for sure that the overabundance of cards, combos, and mechanics that snowball and spiral out of control are the reason you also see the other side of the coin, that players need to have an answer all the time in their hands, and the absolute preference for cards with immediate effects.

    submitted by /u/LetterMeter
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