• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 11, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Would have been nice to have a powerful guard that actually does it's job instead of being yeeted by an unsummon, silenced, killed by a viper, or stolen by Miraak 90% of the time.

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Would have been nice to have a powerful guard that actually does it's job instead of being yeeted by an unsummon, silenced, killed by a viper, or stolen by Miraak 90% of the time.

    Would have been nice to have a powerful guard that actually does it's job instead of being yeeted by an unsummon, silenced, killed by a viper, or stolen by Miraak 90% of the time.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Are Twitch rewards still a thing?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:25 AM PST

    You guys know what happened here

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 01:46 AM PST


    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:59 PM PST

    Hello, I have seen many players during a game conceding without a sound, just conceded and the game ended with the typical sound of defeat, I don't know if my question make sense, I tried to do the same to no avail, when I concede I get to say " it's a good day to die, or i concede to your prowess "and so on. Any suggestion on how to do it. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/serpico1717
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    Deckbuilding Tips for Beginners

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:02 PM PST

    Deckbuilding Tips for Beginners

    First, decide what playstyle your deck is and build it for that purpose:

    • short (aggro): swarm field, put out lots of damage, attack enemy's face, win before turn 10.
    • mid (midgro): maintain board control, then win with high burst damage all at once or combos
    • long (control): stall for 10 turns, survive, gain card/field advantage and win with powerful high cost cards after turn ~10.

    Have a balanced Magicka curve

    Aggro peaks at 2-3. Midgro peaks at 2-5. Control has a relatively even distribution.

    Of course, it's contextual: these are just a few examples. Not every curve has to look pretty, but generally you want a gradual curvature rather than a bunch of up and down spikes. For example, you don't want a giant spike of 3 costs and then very few 2 and 4 costs.

    Budget decks to help beginners get started. They are mostly similar to high-tier competitive decks, but with a few replacements.

    • Budget Crusader - SPAAAHlZxvireDmCdekNAMfxdLlLxPcMgppDrWnewcprcx
    • Budget Goblins - SPAAAEdQnApRakAOjynXyynMxIxzlhhlfDdhlgspylwd

    Competitive Decks Here are deck lists from the Arkon tournament finalists

    Decks Tier List Here is a discussion thread about the tier lists and meta. A lot of decks are viable now, it's a diverse meta.

    Bonus tip. Look at the ranked and gauntlet leaderboards that CVH posts on here. Friend the best players. Spectate their games. See what cards they use.

    In my next post, I'll go over the colors and great cards from each of them (for short/mid/long) decks.

    submitted by /u/IckyStickyBoBicky
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    Salty Draws

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:40 PM PST

    Was just playing a guildsworn expertise deck for a daily challenge on the ladder against a tribunial control and my opponent filled their board with a bunch of big bodies but waited and didn't hit any runes. I drew another crusader's assault on my turn with nothing else to play. Talking to my buddy on discord I said "it would've been some shit if I had top-decked a Red Year..." and what do you know, Red Year on my first rune break 😒

    What are some of your guys' salty draws?

    submitted by /u/StanTheBasedMan
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    Skyrim Gauntlet (Feb. 7-10) - Top 100 Players

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:17 PM PST

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