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    Wednesday, October 9, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends New Players Question Thread

    Elder Scrolls: Legends New Players Question Thread

    New Players Question Thread

    Posted: 05 Aug 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    Are you a new player and have a question?

    First check if your question is covered by these handy links:

    Then ask your question below and a veteran player will help answer it.

    If you have a question that needs more personal help (such as "I need help drafting?", etc.) I'd recommend asking for help in the #new-players chat on the discord: https://discord.gg/teslegends

    Experienced Players: If you guys just have general advice, feel free to just comment it, and try to answer new player questions.

    submitted by /u/yumyum36
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    Weekly Content Creator Profile with Jele77!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:03 AM PDT

    We're back! We decided to take a break last week while spoilers were in full swing. Today we have u/jele77! I must admit, I'm a big fan of her channel aesthetics and artistic sensibilities. Stop by her Twitch channel as Jele learns the new expansion, and join the tournaments that she curates!

    Also, she really, really doesn't like Nix Ox:



    But, she's a really friendly streamer:


    You can find Jele's content at: https://www.twitch.tv/jele77

    -Where are you from?

    Bielefeld in Germany^^, I'm glad they have recently proven that it exists.

    -What games do you generally play?

    I mostly play Cardgames, and I spend the majority with playing TesLegends I have more than 6 thousand hours of playtime by now. I also enjoy puzzle games, point and click adventures and I love Stardew Valley, where I recently hit more than 1 k hours as well.

    -What other card games do you play besides TESL?

    I played Hearthstone in 2014, then switched to TESL in September 2017. Three months ago, I started to play Magic Arena, and it helps me to understand cardgames better and improve as a player.

    -What is your favorite card in TESL?

    I don't think I have one favourite card. But I think I like cards, that draw like Discerning Thief or even better Grey Viper Bigrand or old Ash Berserker, Gambler or old Namiras shrine. Razum Dar has become my favorite from the last set. Then I also like cards that grow or have a grow effect like Awakened Dreamer. Also impactful cards in general, like Belligerent giant, Hand of Dagoth, Ordinian Necromancer, Galyn, Conscription, and Rage.

    In a way, I like all the cards. There was just one problem card, I liked the card as a tempo card, but its combo potential was just too powerful, and it did silly things to the game. Talking about Nix Ox here *reeee

    -What is your favorite deck/playstyle in TESL?

    I like to play decks, that can flexibly react to my opponent plays and so Mid Battlemage has always been my favourite, though I have to say that I did not like the recent Alfic variant that much.

    I also liked the old rage Archer a lot, especially moving between the lanes is an effect I enjoy.

    An all-time favourite deck of mine is a control deck created by my teammate Frogger. Its a Sorcerer with Corsaire ship, it tries to exploit Ordinian Necromancers summon effect and can, for example, bring a Supreme Atromancer to the board on turn 6.

    -What inspires you to stream?

    I am hooked ever since I started to stream for fun, more than three years ago. I streamed over 3 thousand hours, through times with a fulltime job and through times of sickness. I simply love it, and I am more than ever on a journey to become a serious content creator.

    What keeps me streaming is to share the experience, to enjoy together. I do not enjoy playing on my own as much, and it just makes me happy to meet all kinds of people from all over the world.

    -What is your preferred content platform? When do you normally stream or how often do you normally upload?

    I stream on www.twitch.tv/jele77 pretty much every day even though my schedule can vary. Right now, I will be streaming starting around 8 pm CET (11 am PST), and I am looking forward to spending more effort on content for YouTube. Right now, I am focused on twitch and getting my life back on track, so YouTube is currently a future project.

    -What content do you normally talk about?

    I have been playing, hosting, and casting tournaments for TESL (next Jele Island Cup on November 2nd! https://battlefy.com/jele-island/jele-island-cup-3/5d9c807a2904ba68cf5dae71/info ). I usually play on the ladder and try to find a deck that works well. Generally, my stream is about learning and having a good time, in cardgames but also life. I also like to talk about mental health, art and the struggles and beauty of life.

    -Is there anything else you would like to share with us

    I want to thank my teammates ReireiBarker, Thuldir, Emikaela, FierceInfinity and Frogger. I have enjoyed every second with them and learned so much from them. They are just the best.

    submitted by /u/Stalinski13
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    Collect an exclusive new card in the Oblivion Gauntlet, starting October 11!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:12 AM PDT

    Grandmaster Jauffre explains to Martin how the Mythic Dawn was able to gather so many followers (3E 433, colorized)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:11 AM PDT

    Landing Page dremora reviews Invasion Party options

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    Music To My Ears

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Hey u/sparkydeckard u/CVH

    Thank you so much for coding the board-dependent music! It really makes each match feel unique and important.

    And as always, major props for the fast bug fixes and continual presence on the forums. You guys are awesome.

    submitted by /u/Chameleon108
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    Coming from Hearthstone. This game is amazing and I love that you can just buy decks.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:42 PM PDT

    Even if they might not be all that great, it's a nice way to get quickly started for just five bucks. And you can upgrade it as you play.

    This game has so much depth and tactics to it. The two lane thing was odd at first but it adds a layer of strategy. Also I'm a pretty big fan of the Elder Scrolls series and all of the lore and characters.

    submitted by /u/Vinven
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    You can make an infinite loop with Hannibal Traven and Dark Rebirth

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:54 AM PDT

    Just realized Marauder Captain works really well with the 0/1s that get buffed every turn. (Crazed Hunger as an example)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    I was just playing a game and noticed that every turn crazed hunger got his +2/+0 the captain got it permanently. This is just...wow.

    submitted by /u/EverybodyGetsCheese
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    Request: Please let me overwrite supports tutored by Worldy Wanderer

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:48 AM PDT

    As the title says (though wrongly phrased, sorry!), I would appreciate the option to overwrite existing supprts with tutored ones and/or take them in hand. Right now, Worldy Wanderer does nothing on summon if you already have 4 supports in play.

    I did get to choose, but no option to overwrite popped up and I didn't draw the card either. Weirdly enough, I drew it next turn.

    It didn't matter much in this particular match, but not being able to summon for example a forward camp, when both players are left topdecking could very well be deciding sometimes...

    submitted by /u/sp_3121
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    Now would be a GREAT time to re-release the Golden Saint Alternate Art

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    Have a meme template to commemorate the new expansion.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:00 AM PDT

    Whoa! Where did this ALT Execute card art come from?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:48 PM PDT


    I have the premium version showing too which you can see in the pic. The blade is very shiny. i like it!

    submitted by /u/raydawg2000
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    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:47 AM PDT

    They did it.

    They went full meme.

    Horse Armor...

    Nay. Neigh, I say.

    submitted by /u/Chameleon108
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    Rally is finally a really solid deck and I'm loving it

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:50 AM PDT

    These handbuff cards are so good, actually having useful things to rally on works and faded wraith gives the desperately needed card draw when you're playing on a curve. Also Emperor's Attendant is like a rally magnet, being able to store up your rally points for another card is so incredibly useful

    Can't upload to Legends but here's my deck if anyone wants to try it


    submitted by /u/Wabbstarful
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    Invade deck I just got to Legend with in case anyone needs ideas

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:43 AM PDT

    Invade deck I just got to Legend with in case anyone needs ideas


    Keep in mind people will adjust to the mechanic and this might not be as good in a few days-- but if you just want to try out the mechanic and have some fun, should do the trick! If you don't have all the legendaries, just put in Harpies and Wardcrafters to fill the slots, I wouldn't craft anything right now.

    submitted by /u/AONomad
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    I finished the Mythic Dawn quest! What's the highest level you've gotten a gate to so far?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:30 AM PDT

    For those wondering about introductory quest

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 03:30 AM PDT

    PSA: If you fear totem your oblivion gate, you can summon it as a creature.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    Then you can invade, and summon a second, and then ALL GATE BUFFS WILL BE APPLIED TO BOTH.

    submitted by /u/Thatguyjmc
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    Horse armor!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    While I'm quite hyped by the news of this card coming to the game, I'm concerned by its delivery method. Using a timed window, even if it may come around again, leaves people unable to obtain all cards if they join Monday afternoon. If more cards are released like this, they basically have to be trash tier so that you don't lock people out of good decks because they don't have 1 card which was only offered for 4 days.

    Alt arts were always a great reward for this type of stuff because you can still play the cards, just not the real pretty version. If a cheap item cycle deck appears, horse armor could be very good and that would be frustrating for new players.

    In my opinion, no cards should be permanently locked behind arbitrary time windows, even meme cards. Alt arts etc should be used for this. Every normal version of a card should be obtainable through normal methods for every player.

    What do yall think?

    submitted by /u/waitthisisntmtg
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    People are boycotting Hearthstone time for TESL to rise!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    Finally the time has come!

    submitted by /u/thredm08
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    Is it just me, or is it practically impossible to destroy Oblivion Gates with combat damage?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    I know there are many options for dealing with Oblivion Gates: Execute, Grisly Gourmet, lethal creatures, Hatchery Meddler, Stone Throw, Spiteful Dremora, any hard removal, etc.

    However, it seems that one option which is all-but-impossible is destroying a gate by attacking it with non-lethal creatures. Have other people felt like this too?

    The fact that it always starts with cover, and the abundance of low-cost and multiple-trigger effects mean the health snowballs crazy fast. If you want to destroy the gate with combat damage, you almost need to do nothing at all besides committing every creature Shadow and spending every single turn attacking the gate, while your opponent develops a board.

    There are lots of low-cost options to Invade: one at 0, two at 1, one at 2, four at 3, four at 4 (ALL of which are multiple-trigger effects.) And since most of the Invade cards aren't unplayable, when someone wants to build an Invade deck it seems like they can reliably advance their gates twice per turn from turn 4 on (or else play other cards that guard Shadow.) And then once the gate becomes advanced, any daedra summoned to shadow has a decent chance at becoming Guard, Charge, and maybe Ward.

    This is still an early take obviously (the expansion has only been out for one day.) But are other people feeling that without lethal creatures or removal-from-hand the Oblivion Gates are extremely hard to destroy?

    submitted by /u/Pandaemonium
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    Public Service Announcement

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    With the new update you can no longer have 3 daily quests when you start the day, finish one and get a new one.

    submitted by /u/Cha05_Th30ry
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    Please let us choose the playing board

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    I tried playing some games tonight on the new lava board but I had to stop after 5 minutes because my eyes were bleeding

    submitted by /u/fastfrequency
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    Three feather Warchief sets gates back to 1 health.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:51 AM PDT

    I'm sure I am the last one to realise this but just in case anybody didn't think about this card, it is a doozie in Goblins against invade

    submitted by /u/no-bs10
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    ICYDK: unsummoned Oblivion Gates keep their level (pictured: level 3 gate in my hand)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    Tips for switching from Hearthstone to Elder Scrolls Legends

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    I was going to try to get back into Hearthstone after a bit of a break but with Blizzard's recent actions I have decided not to put more time/ money into that game at this time. However my card game itch hasn't been scratched quite yet and I have decided to give this game a chance. I played it briefly when it was in beta but haven't touched it since. I currently am just playing through the forgotten hero story and for now will probably continue on with more solo adventures afterwards.

    The main questions I currently have are:

    1. How is this game as a f2p player?
    2. How does set rotation work. Any sets I shouldn't be worrying about right now?
    3. Resources for figuring out metas and aiding in building decks?
    4. Outside of the lane system what are the most jarring differences between this and hearthstone.

    Thanks in advanced for any help you can give :)

    submitted by /u/zoomboy6
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