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    Monday, October 14, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Roundup Post - 10/14/2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Roundup Post - 10/14/2019

    Weekly Roundup Post - 10/14/2019

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:10 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Roundup Post 10/14/2019 where we re-post important/interesting thread from last week.

    Game Related

    Weekly Community Engagement Activities


    Tournaments Related

    Streamers / YouTubers

    Last Week Roundup Post - 10/07/2019

    submitted by /u/teachua79
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    Worth playing?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:54 AM PDT

    Hi all.

    Is it worth starting ES: Legends atm as a total noob, with no expansions unlocked, no money to invest and only main storyline cards unlocked? \O/


    Edit: I don't get it why I'm receiving downvotes. It's not a sarcastic question, I just want to know the opinion of some experienced players out there if it's worth investing time, as a new player, in a game that has so much content.

    submitted by /u/Huskss
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    Bloody Hand chef + Harmony + Strike Lethal from Mattoblivium stream.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:42 AM PDT

    Please equalize the Versus Arena draw chances ASAP. JoO is literally "killing" the whole game mode.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:46 AM PDT

    The Versus Arena is the best and most competitive TESL game mode, both deckbuilding and skill wise. You need to have a wide knowledge of the card pool and their possible interactions, combos and synergies. You need to know how to play these "handmaid" decks, you need to be able to "read" opponents, you need to be resourceful and experienced.

    With the upper statements being laid out, we have a big problem as of lately - the big "waged" chance for making a Versus Arena deck towards the newest card set. It creates a FORCED anomaly which does NOT represent the full cardpool, the wide range nor DEPTH of the full TESL experience.

    I particularly have a big problem with the latest JoO expansion being weighted as a primary card pool for picking in Versus Arena - expansion which main mechanic is pretty one-dimensional "linear" curbstomp race toward the RNG-jesus -- something which 99% of the passionate Versus Arena players do not like at all - otherwise they would NOT be playing Versus Arena (but some meme-ish driven low legendary ranked or even casual mode).

    Anyways, I do not mind new cards/mechanics being added to the game (however "bad" they might be), but please for gods sake, equalize the chance of ALL cards in the games to be picked for Versus decks. If some game mechnics are good interaction - don't you worry that Versus Arena players won't catch them up and try to make their decks based on this premise.


    submitted by /u/npavcec
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    All the Warp Meta Decklists in one big hub. Hundreds of meta decks, each tournaments' lists with winners highlighted. Will be updated Weekly. Enjoy!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:54 AM PDT

    Most Satisfying Wins in Legends

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    Just had a match where the opponent was playing an invade deck. I'm playing some mid aggro warrior deck I put together. Really liking the deck so far. From the beginning of the match the opponent starts spamming emotes after any interaction. They become more frequent as the game goes on. Once they got me down to 9 health and had a decent board, the good game emotes begin. I drop 2 buffed guards and they are forced to slam into them and are not able to do anymore face damage. I proceed to control the board from that point. I had to get a couple emotes of my own in for pure principle. God it was satisfying when I won. I guess the moral of the story is don't get too cocky until the victory is assured.

    submitted by /u/MrCsumm
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    Reddit TESL Tournament #1 - Round 3/4 - Deadline: Oct 21, 11pm EST

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    There's whole bunch of new players in the new player question thread that need questions answering.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:02 PM PDT

    There's been 5 or 6 people asking questions in there today, and I don't know the answers.

    Expecting this to die off in /new/, but if whoever sees this, if you wouldn't mind popping over to this thread, it'd be much appreciated, so that we can help out those new players who I don't know how to answer their questions.

    submitted by /u/yumyum36
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    TESL worth returning now?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:17 AM PDT

    Played a lot of TESL at some point of time. Have all adventures, most of the descent legendaries from Core, Skyrim and Morrowind and all the collections. Then dropped the TESL due to the fu***ed up conscription combo, God curse the people who let that awful combo exist. Traded the game for the MTG Arena, then forsaken both.

    Now i'm considering to give TESL one more try. I see 3 new pack sets. And i see the meta have shifted a bit.

    1) Should i return now?

    2) How healthy is meta?

    3) Shold I buy all the precon decks? If now wich ones are mandatory?

    4) Does the good control or midrange archetype viable? Any advices on deckbuilding(i have some spare crystals, about 11k)


    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Vismerhill
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    I wanna complain about Sorcerer's Negation

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    I really dislike that card and want to circlejerk with other players who also dislike the card.

    It's cost-efficient and silences as a bonus.

    I think a fair treatment towards it would be to decrease its damage to 1, or increase its cost by 1.

    submitted by /u/deathking15
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    New players, I have a question

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:06 AM PDT

    I would like to start some streams during the week focused on you. What would you like to see?

    My ideas so far - free coaching for an hour as a give away - solo arena Tipp and tricks - versus arena Tipps and tricks - budget decks testing

    submitted by /u/jele77
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    Hey guys, check this TES Legends funny moments. [Video]

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    Destroy the Heart (Take 1000)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:48 PM PDT

    Soooo are we just giving up on awarding players titles that are bugged? Every set since RtCC I've tried to replay the mission where you face off against Mecinar and Destroy the Heart in hopes that magically it'll finally give me the title... But nope... As a collector this drives me crazy that it's been over a year and a half and this hasn't even been looked at it seems. I get theres other issues at hand but I mean c'mon, its a title unlock. I can't imagine it would be too hard to fix it so it actually unlocks upon completion...

    submitted by /u/Obsydiian
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    Is Horse Armor ever coming back?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    I miscalculated the length of the gauntlet somehow and only ended up with 2 copies. I also noticed that I can't craft it. Any chance it'll ever be available again?

    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    Thats how i feel about this new expansion - What are your favorite cards so far?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    Quitting ESL and I think it's important SparkyPants understands why

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:35 AM PDT

    I love ESL. I think it's a fantastic card game. I've purchased all of the precons, stories and welcome bundles. I play multiple CCG's and ESL is arguably the most fun to play for me.

    However, ESL's quest system has driven me away from this game. As a father I have limited time to play, and when I do have time to play I want to play the decks that I enjoy. ESL's quest system doesn't allow me to do this.

    The quests in ESL are far too niche and require very specific decks to complete. Some quests are so difficult that I'd have to play maybe 10-20 games with that deck in order to complete the quest. Attack and kill 30 creatures with dragons. Kill 15 enemy creatures with cover.

    I know the advice that will be given, re-roll the quests or complete them in story mode. Re-rolling can only get you so far, you're still quite unlikely to be able to play the deck you want to play. As for completing quests in story mode, this is not fun and feels like a chore. Now I could just never complete any quests, but that's just not the nature of CCG's. You need to complete quests to obtain the free resources and be able to play the game.

    Having played Hearthstone, MTGA and Eternal, I've never once felt burnt out by their quest systems. The quests are either easy enough to complete or can be completed using a large variation of decks.

    I appreciate that some people may enjoy the challenge of completing the niche quests, however as someone with limited time, all I want to do is log in and play a deck I enjoy vs other players for a couple of games. I don't want to play 5 games vs AI with a silly deck simply to obtain free resources so that I can maybe one day play the game the way I want to play it.

    I can't be the only player that feels this way and I don't understand what SparkyPants achieve through this quest system. Other CCG's have proven success through easily completed quests, I don't think it will hurt SparkyPants to do the same.

    My suggestion to SparkyPants would be to give players the choice each day. A simple quest which can be completed through many decks (play 30 X color or Y color cards, deal 60 damage to the enemy player etc.), or a more complex quest. The complex quests can give greater rewards than the simpler quests. This choice will allow players who enjoy the challenge of complex quests to enjoy the game the way they want to, whilst allowing players with less free time to be able to enjoy the game the way we want to.

    I do love this game and would love to be able to come back one day, but with the current quest system I'm not finding enjoyment in the game and therefore have to say goodbye for now.

    I understand this is going to receive negative reactions considering my audience is people who still play the game, but I still feel it's important that people understand that this viewpoint on the game exists, and I won't be the only one who has this problem. I don't think it would hurt the game to simply allow players more choice with their quests.

    submitted by /u/Jimbobmij
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    My luckiest 3-Win Reward yet

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:20 PM PDT

    If You Are Playing Invade, You Need To Put Seering Flesh Golem In Your Deck.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:02 PM PDT

    I was down to 1 health with my gate giving all keywords. Next turn I draw SFG and slapped him in the field lane. Boy, my opponent did not enjoy watching a 6/11 with charge drain and lethal wipe everything out. He basically comes with a staff of sparks.

    submitted by /u/nfwheeler1
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    Forces of Destruction...huwha?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:41 PM PDT

    I know this has been posted s lot lately, but her we go again: invade is killing ESL

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    I know I'll be downvoted for all of this but... invade goes against what ESL has stood for (card game wise), for so long. It's a broken mechanic that allows players to brainlessly win using RNG and other tools.

    By now we've all heard the complaints about invade being the largest influx of RNG into this game yet and how it's honestly quite the problem so I'll not go into that, instead I'll talk about the others.

    It allows incredible aggro and a fair amount of board advantage. So let's start off with the reason why it allows so much aggro... first, the buffs.

    Summoning an oblivion gate gives you multiple buffs at level 1 it's no big deal. at level 2 we start to get +1/+1 for all your friendly deadra... while not incredibly game breaking, keep in mind that because invade decks are so linear they are mostly daedra anyway, therefore this +1/+1 acts almost like a divine fervor (5 cost) that's playable from turn 1. At level 3 your daedra all cost 1 less... this is where the steam roll starts to happen. With your daedra costing one less you can easily throw more and more daedra into the field (many of which will also be leveling up your gate) presenting plenty of opportunity to crush face. It promotes the mind set "swarm the field with daedra" and pretty much doesn't allow for anything else when you're playing invade. So by level 3 it's becomes really easy to gain board advantage and level up your gate all the while your creatures are benefiting from a +1/+1 that lingers even after the gate is destroyed. Then we get into the keyword nonsense that you already know. By the time you're getting keywords it's too late for your opponent and you can pretty much smash face until you win.

    The last reason why invade creates such a board advantage is because it's not just promoting swarming the field with daedra as well as making it easier... when you summon a gate you're summoning another body! This isn't just "friendly creatures get so and such ability" this is more akin to "summon so and such support card to the shadow lane." Because it's an entire additional body that is summoned and must be dealt with it means that your opponent focuses on taking out the gate instead of your buffed creatures giving you even more opportunity to attack face.

    So when you invade you're summoning a 0/4 oblivion gate that MUST be dealt with on the opponents next turn... unfortunately this gate is summoned into the shadow lane so unless the opponent is running specific actions or card effects they won't be able to destroy it with traditional creature attacks. And because you can use low cost invade cards to get a level 3 gate from turn one you're opponents options with dealing with a gate at that turn is pretty limited to execute. So even though you're opponent is required to address your gate immediately, their options are limited and they can't deal with it traditionally! So your gate is almost guaranteed to survive into the next turn. So the whole idea of "deal with the gate early" doesn't really apply.

    Then we've got the problem with the gate's level acting as entirely new cards... so creating copies of them and and drawing them from the discard allows you to draw high level gates with no effort.

    Sorry for the rambling but here are some thoughts on addressing it. (Aside from keyword problems)

    1). And everyone who defends JoO after buying so much will probably hate this... but put your gate into the field lane or give it guard... It allows charge creatures to deal with it right off the bat.

    2). Don't allow the gate to start gaining additional health until level 5... this means that while you're leveling up it gives creatures a chance to take it out while it loses covers and isn't being healed. If also allows for blue cards such as lightning bolt to take it out.

    3). Make it so gates can only gain one level per turn (unless using invasion party). This way it takes away the mindset "swarm the field" and allows the player to put more thought behind their turn.

    4). Add "while oblivion gate is alive" to the beginning of it so that once it dies creature lose their keywords and their buffs.

    Lastly I'd just like to add that we all love this game... the fact that we've seen so many "invasion bad, I'm leaving" posts should be concerning to the community. We all want to see this game thrive so if we see a large group of players leaving suddenly for a shared reason we really should look into that reason. This game has been great and it's been fun... but it's not quite that at this moment and we should try to address that.

    submitted by /u/PeterKB
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    The Infernal City books would make an excellent small card pack.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:09 PM PDT


    Annaig, Attrebus, Colin, Mere-Glim, Sul, and Mazgar would be great to have art for. Umbriel would also be a unique sight for a support.

    submitted by /u/Of_Moon_And_Star
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    TESL vs other CCGs- Late 2019 Edition

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    Hello there,

    I am currently looking into other CCGs (for some reason). Figured out it is time for YOU to fight about your (other) favorite CCGs.

    PS: See my comment below.

    submitted by /u/Truc06
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    (Satire Sunday) Invade Is My Hill

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    I was there when hundreds starved in the content drought.

    I was there when thousands were lost to the client change.

    I was there when countless wimpys were squished.

    I was there when tens were devoured by a 3/4 cat.

    This is the week I found my hill.

    Invade is the hill I will die on. Should I wait until week two of Invade to make this decision? No, there's no need. Invade now, a week in, will be exactly as it is until the end of time. How do I know this? I am cursed with dreams of the future. A little about myself:

    I was born 22 years ago. For 4 years I've been a Reddit commenter. But for all these years I have never been the ruler of my own dreams. I have seen the Gates of Oblivion, beyond which no waking eye may see. Behold, in Darkness a Doom sweeps the land (JoO). This is the 13th of October; the Year of The Pig, 2019. These are the closing days of the Cenozoic Era, and the final hours of my life.

    Am I a hero? Yes in the sense that it's an accurate description of myself, no in the sense that I'm too humble to point it out. Levelling complaints on Reddit is a thankless task, but I find comfort in the knowledge that it is the most important.

    Now I won't point fingers because I'm behind a computer screen and you won't be able to see where I'm pointing. Instead, what I'd like to do is shine a spotlight on two specific individuals, but again, none of you will be able to see where my spotlight lands making my BUYSIGHT Rechargeable Spotlight one of my least useful purchases. So what I have settled on doing is just making a public statement to the two despots in order to formally air my grievances:

    u/CVSpharmacy and u/WhyIsMySparkyDeckHard?, you should feel not good and next time make me more happier.



    submitted by /u/Chaotic_Narwhal
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    Tribunal Exalt Meta

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    Bug with Forces of Destruction

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:33 AM PDT

    As the title says, I think this card is bugged.

    I was in the gauntlet and on turn 10 I played this, hoping for some sweet daedra, it summoned a lvl 1 gate and nothing else!!!

    Safe to say this cost me the match!! Anyone else noticed this?

    submitted by /u/BinaryEgo
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