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    Friday, November 1, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Challenge #3: Fast & Furious - Can you win by Turn 3? (in ANY game mode or in Surplus Gauntlet)

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Challenge #3: Fast & Furious - Can you win by Turn 3? (in ANY game mode or in Surplus Gauntlet)

    Weekly Challenge #3: Fast & Furious - Can you win by Turn 3? (in ANY game mode or in Surplus Gauntlet)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:06 PM PDT

    Me: Let me mulligan for good curve. Game: Nope.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:10 AM PDT

    [bug][spoiler]AI doesn’t punish mistake puzzle #8

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    I love the new Home Screen

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    October stats about the ladder and top 100 finish

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    Hi everybody,

    My analysis of September ladder meta had good receptions, so I decided to repeat the experiment this month, I hope you can find this information useful. As last time, for every match I recorded class and type (aggro, midrange, control, combo) of my opponent's deck, as well as mine, who had the ring and what was the outcome. I also took note of some extra details about my opponent's deck , for example if it was an invade deck, a dwemer deck and so on. In total I played 253 matches, 68 before the release of JoO and 185 after. The games were played from rank 5 to legend. Most of them were in top 100 legend, and I ended the season as #81 (using absolutely invade-free decks, I swear).

    As always data sample is limited, so my considerations may not be 100% statistically correct.

    WARNING 1 = I am not a native speaker, so there will be errors.

    WARNING 2 = beware the Wall of Text!


    Last month Assassin (aggro), Telvanni (control) and Tribunal (midrange/control) were the most played classes, but in general the meta was really varied and every class saw a lot of play except for Daggerfall (0.75%) and Redoran (1.48%). Now, that's what happened this month:

    class #match %match
    guildsworn 30 11,86%
    telvanni 21 8,30%
    empire 19 7,51%
    redoran 18 7,11%
    scout 16 6,32%
    ebonheart 15 5,93%
    tribunal 14 5,53%
    monk 14 5,53%
    dagoth 14 5,53%
    crusader 13 5,14%
    battlemage 13 5,14%
    mage 12 4,74%
    spellsword 10 3,95%
    warrior 9 3,56%
    assassin 8 3,16%
    archer 7 2,77%
    hlaalu 7 2,77%
    dominion 6 2,37%
    sorcerer 4 1,58%
    daggerfall 2 0,79%
    agility 1 0,40%
    strength 0 0,00%
    intelligence 0 0,00%
    willpower 0 0,00%
    endurance 0 0,00%

    The first thing we can notice is that the meta is still pretty varied: there is only one class that was played in more than 10% of the games and we have to sum up the contributions of 7 different classes to reach the 50%. As a comparison, last month 50% of my opponents were running 6 different classes, while in January (after Isle of Madness) just 3. It is a bit sad to see that Daggerfall Covenant is still not-existing at a competitive level and basically nobody (0.79%) plays it. Maybe the new monthly reward card will push a little midrange Daggerfall and improve the situation…but if I have to guess I would say no.

    Let's focus on attribute distribution for a while: last month agility was the prevalent attribute on the ladder, due to the popularity of burn assassin and control telvanni. This month, instead, the most represented color is Willpower, with 143 games over 253 (56%). All other attributes are aligned with about 128 matches (50.6%) for each of them. The effect of JoO is really evident here, as the two main themes of the expansion (invade and hand-buff) benefits a lot from yellow (invade in the form of daedras/invasion party, hand-buff in the form of praetorian commander and divine fervor).

    Concerning dual/tricolor distribution, the situation changed a bit during the last weeks: in September they were roughly balanced in terms of presence on the ladder (48.89% vs 49.63%), while in October tricolor decks were much more popular and in 146 matches out of 253 (57.7%) my opponent played a tricolor deck. Dual decks constituted 106 games (41.89%) and mono only 1 game (0.39%). And again this is a consequence of JoO, as invade and hand-buff can be exploited at the best in tricolor decks (guildsworn/redoran/empire).

    Ragarding class distribution, the first position in the ranking is occupied by Guildsworn and this is not a surprise, as the main mechanic of the new expansion (invade) is related to Willpower, Strength and Intelligence. Moreover, as you probably know, invade combo decks were proven to be pretty broken in the last week and a lot of people exploited the combo to climb the ladder in the last days of the season. 18 out of 30 Guildsworn decks were based on invade, while the others were mainly variants of the good old Rage Guildsworn.

    Telvanni mantain its second place: the control version was still the most popular one (17 games out of 21), but aggro and midrange telvanni started to appear again on the ladder (I would say thanks also to the recent top 10s sealed by gumchoo).

    Empire closes the podium with 19 total matches, pushed by the "new" hand-buff mechanic. In particular, conscription empire was pretty popular (10 matches), thanks also to the contribution of famous players like Ianbits and deinernst. The remaining empire decks were mainly aggro.

    A similar discussion can be made for Redoran: in this case the most popular lists were made by Karakondzhul(I admit, I don't know how to write his name) and Choate.

    These new hand-buff archetypes are characterized by a very explosive late game, with an insane card draw (by means of buffed faded wraith) and a potent finisher in the form of Tullius Conscription (after a couple of Praetorian Commander of course!). I am not sure that classical control decks can stand a chance against this kind of late game, so maybe next month we will see the definitive shift of tribunal from board-based control to a proper midrange deck.

    I let you guys make considerations about the remaining classes.


    As last time, I used teh following definitions to distinguish between archetypes. Keep in mind that is not easy to figure out what your opponent is playing knowing only few cards in their deck, so results are for sure not fully accurate.

    - Aggro = decks that aim to win in the early game (turns 1-6)

    - Midrange = decks that aim to win in the mid game (turns 7-11)

    - Control = decks that aim to win in the late game (turn 12+)

    - Combo = deck that relies on a particular combination of cards to win the game

    - Nd = opponent played no cards

    I have obtained the following results:

    Archetype #match %match
    aggro 80 31,62%
    midrange 49 19,37%
    control 105 41,50%
    combo 17 6,72%
    Nd 2 0,79%

    As you can see the ladder was dominated by control decks (41.5% of the games). That doesn't mean that control decks are better than aggro or midrange right now, but only that they are more popular and this is not surprising as the recent expansion introduced a lot of greedy late game cards. Aggro constituted 31.6% of the matches and midrange only 19.37%. Combo decks were mainly the invade combo variants that were everywhere in the last week.


    As always, I won't give full stats about the ring, as they may be misleading due to the limited data set and the variance (in terms of power level) of the decks that I have played. I had the ring in 123 matches over 253, that is 48.62 % of the games (again lower than 50%! Someone in Sparkypants hates me). This month I have played mostly aggressve decks and my win rate was significantly higher with the ring (last month was the other way round, but I played a lot of control decks).


    If you aim to reach top 100, you may find useful some stats about my win rate, so you have a better idea of what kind of decks you need to use and how many matches you need to play. I have reached legend in the first week (on October 7th if I remember correctly) and I mantained top 100 for most of the month with an average win rate of 67.2% along the month, which is surprisingly low in my opinion: it is the same win rate I had in September (when I ended up as #230 more or less, I don't remember), so the real difference between a top 100 and and a top 300 apparently is only the number of games you play (in my case, 253 vs 135). I stopped playing about 36 hours before the end of the season as #66 and I lost only 15 ranks, which is also very surprising (that's a message of hope for all the european players out there).

    So, I think that's all. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this huge wall of text! If you have questions and curiosities, feel free to ask me!

    submitted by /u/Memnix_TESL
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    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:19 AM PDT

    I was expecting a celebration of Mantikora getting buffed back to her glory days.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:06 AM PDT

    We missed you Manti, welcome back.

    submitted by /u/Lenz12
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    [Guide/ article] Champion of the Arena - Uses & Synergies

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:26 AM PDT

    22 straight wins in ranked.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    Good job on fixing that Heath typo

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    Have you ever dreamt to OTK with Kynreeve Champion and Drive Mad (feat. Stendarr's Hammer) ? YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE !

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:27 PM PDT

    Have you ever dreamt to OTK with Kynreeve Champion and Drive Mad (feat. Stendarr's Hammer) ? YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE !

    Hello everyone !

    I would like to share you a casual and funny combo deck i've recently built, with Kynreeve Champion and Drive Mad !


    About the decklist and gameplay, please check it on legends-decks : MAD MAX | OTK « Schizophrenic » Warrior

    There is a new video with 2 other recordings !

    Hope you'll like it, i would like to record more games but it's difficult ahah i'm still working on it

    see u later and thanks for watching !

    The Elderscrollsement vôtre,


    submitted by /u/IN-SITU_TESL
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    2nd time this year making top 100!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:49 AM PDT

    Supernatural tournament

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    Supernatural tournament


    Hello everyone!

    We invite you to take part in the Supernatural tournament on November 4th! Register here: https://battlefy.com/devaslav/supernatural-tournament/5db9f08e51f681700851f476/info?infoTab=details

    You can use any Action, Item or Support, but there is a limited list of creatures you can add to your decks. So read the rules carefully! Join us and it will be supernatural fun!

    The main prize - 60 Jaws of Oblivion packs!

    submitted by /u/Yuta_Kamainen
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    How does bolt get it's cost up to 13?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    You earned it Sparkypants

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    This makes me happy

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    November Login Rewards

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 11:03 PM PDT

    Ultimate Heist, balance vs. Control

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    So I just played against a Scout deck with my Control Telvanni deck. I absorbed the initital push which, at one point, got me to 10 health. I was back at 20-something health thanks to my 2 Necromancer´s Amulets I had on board and some additional drain. Overall, things looked pretty good and I was confident that I would win the game.

    Then, my opponent played Ultimate Heist, which brought me down to 5 health (sorry, I mean heatlh) and destroyed my last rune. I still had plenty options to proceed, including gaining heatlh by sacrificing some creatures. But from the subtle hints I got from my opponent, who was spamming emotes like crazy, I knew he had another Ultimate Heist in his hand.

    Only then I realized that there was nothing I could do. Not a single card in my deck could save me. Gaining heatlh is meaningless against Ultimate Heist´s rune break and I was in no position to 1-shot him.

    This got me thinking that Ultimate Heist seems a little unfair vs. control decks. I tried my best to assess the situation from a neutral perspective but came to the same conclusion. With Control decks you take some hits until you finally stabilize and take control of the game. However, this playstyle is meaningless if you can get killed from hand no matter your heatlh, guards, ward or board control. With the red rune break lady (forget her name) you at least have a chance by removing or silencing her. But there is no defense against ultimate heist (except for that singleton card that restores a rune).

    Imo rune break effects should not be able to kill you. This would also be more intuitive since there is no rune at 0 health. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.

    submitted by /u/Chezfuchs
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    A problem

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:59 AM PDT

    I purchased the moons of elsweyr pack for 100 gold and i didnt get any cards after that. what do i do now

    submitted by /u/Dazo889
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    With a new orc in town, a buffed Redoran and some buffed killers, decided to draft an *untested* idea for a 'Redoran Orc Medley'...

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:50 AM PDT

    [discussion] Does Faded Wraith really needs a nerf?!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    I think that Faded Wraith is well designed card in regards to their effect. By now, we've all seen how insanely good it can be in the mid-range self-buff decks. And often times than not, in such decks, the players does not have to do nothing special to extract a decent or up to a HUGE value out of them.

    When compared to the other "draw engines" which are all mostly capable to draw a single extra card (usually at the end of the turn), the nature of the effect which FW has makes is highly desirable and imminently impactful. Even if you drop it as it is, you're guaranteed a card which you can continue to play in the same turn (at 7-10 magicka turns aka mid-range).

    The question is, does it need a nerf?!

    It is obvious that a card which empowers mid-range decks, the meta will naturally polarize more into faster aggro or into deeper control. IMHO, that is the worst indirect impact of that card. CAn overall TESL meta affort that experiment? Maybe yes, maybe not.

    Does a card as it is needs a neft? Yea, for starters, I would make it 6 magicka cost. It would still see play in self-buff decks, mark my words.

    submitted by /u/npavcec
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