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    Wednesday, November 13, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Content Creator Profile with NemiForShort!

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Content Creator Profile with NemiForShort!

    Weekly Content Creator Profile with NemiForShort!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:51 AM PST

    Today we have u/NemiForShort. Nemi has a great, chill stream. If your tastes tend towards aggro and/or arena this is the stream for you. Oh, and marbles. Lots of marble races. He likes to mark where his followers come from on a map, which I think is a neat way to visualize your fanbase, but also I just like maps. So come in, relax, take in some games, race some marbles, and put yourself on the map!

    You can find him here: https://www.twitch.tv/NemiForShort

    -Where are you from?

    - I am originally from Serbia but currently live in PA, near Philadelphia. I've been in US for over 14 years.

    -What games do you generally play?

    - I prefer RPG games over card games, to be honest. However, I do not have enough time to play any Online RPGs so I stick to TESL. I am anxiously waiting for Elder Scrolls VI to come out – that, I will play!

    -What other card games do you play besides TESL?

    - Not many, to be honest. With work, family and streaming, I do not have too much time for other games. I would love to play EVE online again. Every now and then, though very rarely, I would play a game of APEX Legends, to wind down. Im not even good at it… feels like a good game to get your mind cleared.

    -What is your favorite card in TESL?

    - That is a good one… oof – pre-Invade, I would say Heretic Conjurer, now hmmm, it has to be Ahnassi, she never disappoints.

    -What is your favorite deck/playstyle in TESL?

    - I tend to be Aggro or Tempo – Control does not suit my style.

    -What inspires you to stream?

    - People! I met some really awesome people here, and it is by far the number one reason for me starting a stream, every time.

    -What is your preferred content platform? When do you normally stream or how often do you normally upload?

    - I stream on Twitch only. My schedule is very straight forward – Mon-Fri 8:30am – 5pm EST… No weekends, that is my family time!

    -What content do you normally talk about?

    - The question, "What content do you not talk about" would be a question much easier to answer. We cover a wide variety of topics, first and foremost the gaming, but we are not afraid to talk about RL topics, as many on the channel would confirm. We are a community made of internationals, we cover pretty much every continent and most of the languages, so discussing cultural differences and similarities is quite natural here. One thing I would love to point out is, that the level of toxicity on the Channel is practically zero, all because of such a great community we have.

    -Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

    - I would like to give my thanks to all the people who support me on and off Twitch, for doing what I really enjoy. Also, I would love to encourage any new streamers that are debating if they should start streaming or not – I would say, go for it! You can do this! Do not make excuses, just get a mic and start streaming, be yourself and enjoy the ride!

    submitted by /u/Stalinski13
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    Goodbye all - Invade is too much

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:27 AM PST

    Been here since beta. I loved the game and stuck through the dark period of no new content, then the dark period of Journey/TC, then the dark period of the new client. I still kept playing and spending money.

    Invade jumped the shark. Yes, you can tech against it. Yes, the win rate is probably not too high. But it is utterly unfun to play against. Kind of like Big Priest or the pre-nerf Shudderwock in Hearthstone. That is when I stopped playing HS and this is when I stop playing TESL.

    It was a fun ride, and I feel like I got my money's worth. The Skyrim expansion was the high point and it has been a gradual decline since then - until a huge drop due to Oblivion. Oh well - on to new games. Take care everyone!

    submitted by /u/Azutmioh
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    Prepare your smaller decks for the Mini Gauntlet! (November 15-18)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:09 AM PST

    Warp Meta Is Hosting Two Qualifiers This Weekend! Join Us Saturday and Sunday for Some High Level TESL!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

    I want to go back to a meta where it feels like my decisions matter.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:29 AM PST

    EDIT: Excellent comments here!!

    As a primarily Aggro/Mid player, I feel like more and more control of the game slips through my fingers into random factors. I also dabble into Control myself occasionally, but always stop playing that archetype because I just don't think relying hard on abusing some mechanic (TC/Wraith) is interesting or fun. It feels superficial to me.

    Anyways, some example questions to illustrate:
    - Invade (Regular): How fast do they stack their gate? How do the initial keywords roll? Did I queue with a deck that has Gate-removal? Did I draw a Gate-removal?
    - Invade (Combo): How fast do they draw into their combo? Can I race into them? Did I get hardcountered because my deck doesn't beat Turn 8 OTKs?
    - Spellsword Control: Can I kill them before the Buff shenanigans begin? Did they draw Faded Wraith and get 20 magicka of value out of 5? Did they draw Conscription and get 20 magicka of value out of 12? Do I play a value-game and freelose to Commander/Wraith, or can I play value for long enough to run them out of steam before they draw those?
    - Slow Midrange Tribunal: Did they draw a removal curve? Who has the Ring? Did they draw Ice Storm/Dawn's Wrath on Curve (~30% odds)? Did I hit one of the 10-15% Prophecies that just ends the game? Whose topend gets drawn first or goes deeper?
    - Aggro mirrors: Did I have a good curve? Who gets to play the first trick to snowball fieldlane? Who has Ring? Is either of us going to hit a sub-10% Prophecy?

    These are just examples. The basic principle is simple: It feels like player agency is declining again. We see this happen in TESL when Aggro starts falling off as a popular ladder playstyle and greedpiles start maintaining decent winrates; at that point, games become determined by deck matchup, draw and ring, not player skill. A polarized meta is a shit meta, and I really miss MOE where you'd be carefully fighting for position for 10 turns.

    I understand draw variance and RNG are part of the game. Sometimes shit just goes right or wrong. But it's important that instances where RNG completely dominates the game are limited, and I personally feel like we're currently on the wrong side of the pendulum swing.

    submitted by /u/ToastieNL
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    [Barely enough effort] I made a new The elderscrolls : TESL loading screen for all of your Skyrim CCG needs.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 05:58 AM PST

    What is your favorite summoning quote?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 01:52 AM PST

    When you summon a card it says something! So what's is your favorite quote from the game?

    submitted by /u/DennyXDR
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    Is it always necessary to write something here? :) Okay. If you are in a bad mood this Wednesday, try raising it with my selection of fun moments.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:17 AM PST


    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:49 AM PST

    Checkbox for autoqueue after match ended

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:14 AM PST

    This is what I miss so much. It will speed up continuous plays - game after game, without need to manually press PLAY on Select Deck screen every time after match ended.

    Any thoughts? Would it be helpful for you, guys?

    submitted by /u/dukhevych
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    The turn after I took this shot they un-summoned my Almalexia and used what I think was unstoppable rage,.. kinda pissed me off cause the only card they really took out was my Sotha and my spooky looking action dude. Nevertheless I put my alma back down, put guard on her and he conceded.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:06 AM PST

    Ladder decks vs tournament decks

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:24 AM PST

    So this is something I've heard mentioned before that I haven't quite understood. What are some good/bad tournament decks that are good/bad on ladder? I find my success in tournaments so far since starting them in June have been decent. I've had some good personal wins. But on ladder I struggle a bit lately. From July-Sept I placed top 1000. October was the first month I could reach it. Ended up around 1100. I'll go on a run sometimes where I win 5+ matches in a row but usually it's an inconsistent grind with a lot of losses. So I'm trying to get better on ladder. Is aggro the way to go? I find I'm a better control player. Aggro always seems 50/50 to me on whether you'll win or lose but idk.

    submitted by /u/NordicGod27
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    I've invented something stupid for the Mini Gauntlet. Any feedback?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:43 AM PST

    we need a Solstheim based expancion

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:42 PM PST

    why Solstheim? solstheim have a buch of cool concepts for cards as:

    new werewolfs and werebears as "beast form" cards

    the rieklings, a goblin sub race that can be splited on the red atribute

    unique characters for legendarys such as the master neloth, teldryn sero, General Falx Carius, a new version of miraak and much more.

    new nords and dark elves

    new skeleton cards as draugrs

    a buch of new actions and even a new shout

    meaby 1 or 2 new dragons

    new sprigans and animal cards like the Burnt Spriggan and animals like the netch ,etc

    a brand new mechanic with the black books of hermaeus mora

    and the last, some new dwemer cards, solstheim have a buch of dwemer ruins soo meaby 1 or 2 new dwemers is not too crazy

    have this kind of stuff in a 75+ card expancion would be amazing, if you ask me all this sounds more cooler than MoE and JOO combined

    submitted by /u/imuno18
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    BullSh!t abom

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:24 AM PST

    Legends-Decks custom card suggestion, for this event and general deck building: "Deck Filler"

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:38 PM PST

    Any fun decks to play at rank 3?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 11:48 AM PST

    Can anyone share a deck that's been working for them? (if it's not too much trouble)

    submitted by /u/Megayeetotron
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    Just started playing this game. Whoever thought being able to give guard creatures immunity to damage ought to be ashamed.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 11:47 AM PST

    Newbie faking

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 11:37 AM PST

    What's with all those people pretending to be new players? I see them all the time: standard cardback, Forgotten Hero title, playing decks that are definately not decks new players could have available and emoting all the time.

    submitted by /u/plyzd
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    What does AZZ mean?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 11:35 PM PST

    I keep seeing people with smurfs appending AZZ into their names for months now. Thought I'd finally ask since search results keep coming up empty. What does it mean and how did it start here?

    submitted by /u/AutumnElegy91
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    Is Barilzar’s Tinkering more effective on your creatures or the enemy’s?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 11:05 AM PST

    So I love playing RNG decks. They're super fun. Barilzar's tinkering is one of my favourite cards, even after siege crawler ruined the 11 drop defensive meta. But lately I've been finding myself using the card even more on the enemy creatures, either to avoid a guard or neutralize a low cost unique. How do you guys use this card? Is it more offensive or defensive? Let me know how y'all feel about it <3

    submitted by /u/diccpound
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    PSA Legendary duplicate protection does not work on level up rewards

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:57 PM PST

    Wanted to get Mentor's Ring, but got 2nd Ayrenn instead :(

    submitted by /u/NerfMantikoraPls
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    Me: Trying to play my old pilfer move deck for fun. Matchmaking:

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    When the good RNG is all used up by invade decks

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:15 PM PST

    When the good RNG is all used up by invade decks

    I had two arcane enchanters and drew at least a dozen items with this rider, but never rolled breakthrough, which was the only keyword I actually needed.


    submitted by /u/HeidelCurds
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    [Deck] Are you we hungry? I guess it's time to...

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:27 PM PST

    Feed the clan!


    Wait no, Consume!

    Gluttony Sorceror

    How about a Breton? Maybe some crocodile? If you pay a little extra I have a flame Atronach in here. Steer clear of the old scholar dude though, or you'll be haunted and doomed to hear him drone on and on how the kids these days have it easy, and need to learn how to get a real job.

    This is a Consume deck. It has snacks, and it has diners. You need a good mix of both snacks and diners, and to coordinate their positions for maximum culinary effect, and so you also have waiter cards. Discerning thief finds you only the most choice cut of Argonian, while Seeker of the Black Arts will just shovel a bunch of snacks your way. Arthritis reaper doesn't eat much, and mostly just likes to watch Korean Mukbang shows of pretty girls eating tasty food. Don't kink shame him, okay? He does a lot of work, especially if paired up with a ruin shambler.

    Strategy wise - let the seeker get in for a few hits early, but don't feel you need to break lots of runes just to fill your discard pile. This is mid-range, control the board, and then play some surprisingly large, surprisingly efficient beef afterwards. Necromancers can help control the board by getting back icy shamblers, or help develop a position by getting ruin shamblers. It isn't always wise to consume with the reaper, sometimes you should leave the tastiest snacks for others who need it more.

    submitted by /u/Zechnophobe
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