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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Living that quarantine life

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Living that quarantine life

    Living that quarantine life

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    Card Discussion: Wilds Incarnate

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Been waiting all my life for a reverberating strike set up like this. So good

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Rage-inducing invade. Seriously.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    9/10 meme combo fails, the 1 feels good man.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    Is Invade really as bad ad the sub makes it out to be?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    Made a new Reddit account since I lost my old one and took a break from TESL around Moons of Elswyr

    Looking around it seems the game is basically dead development wise not like that'll stop me, TESL was fun, and now I have the time to play again, but why do people hate Invade? It looks RNG plagued but the effects are so shitty that you literally have to highroll a hand of Daedra. Like I was playing Support Guildsworn. Basically Control Mage, but with Draw in Strength {{Orsinium Forge}} is my favorite card it's basically creature based Goldbrand

    Deck: https://teslegends.pro/decks/Guild-Sworn/support-guildsworn-fixed Shame Legends decks isn't a thing anymore

    I've noticed a lot of people always go Shadow, which at rank 12 is kind of expected, but even as of now people always go Shadow even people that have the Legend Rank card back. Is invade really so bad, literally an execute, lethal, or hard removal shuts it down, you can react after they dumped their hand in buffing the gate so you keep field control and you'll be playing beefier cards in shadow instead of fragile 1-2 drops.

    Maybe I'm just not getting it, but why is Invade bad. It's just a shitty RNG based mechanic that isn't very functional.

    submitted by /u/Temp4Legends
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    Decks Codes for Budget Decks (2020 Edition)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    The goal is affordable decks that can win (none of these are just for novelty). Many of these are based off of decks I've spectated in the top 20-50 Legends, with a couple of substitutes to keep them affordable. I used Teslegends.pro to make the decks; some of the pages have notes on suggestions for upgrades.


    Burn Assassin (5450 gems)

    • SPADpVaAbOAHrCdNnMssjnnLsUALixdhkVcIdIjIitkXcfswwd

    Burn Battlemage (5050 gems + Ancano's Cunning)

    • SPACdNxcAGlLfvssirnLwsAMixahgocIdIjIkXreswtEtnwT

    Token Spellsword (6350 gems + FotDB)

    Brawl Crusader (7550 gems + FotDB)

    • SPABgRACcxdeAPrWlLinprfxgpneeDlZpDredLirxPxv

    Math Crusader (6950 gems + FotDB)

    • SPACnRaUADfvirxWAOsukzcxlLinprgpsteDpDredLlGxv

    Move Assassin (6550 gems + Ancano's Cunning)

    • SPADaAumxcAEpVssjnwzANrCdhkVnMcIdIjIfifhcNkXdysJ

    Move Monk (7600 gems)

    • SPAAAEpVlZjnAOdNdhcxkVfxnMfifhcNkGkXdysJwz

    Aggro Sorcerer (9000 gems + Ancano's Cunning)

    • SPAGigkuaAkAqdqoAEnNssoMakAMrChUrQsmeXcIdIjIeQrIkgeF

    Consume Battlemage (9850 gems)

    • SPAAAEfTlLkYvPAOahdIjIkXmTirvDvEwTvIwfvWvKxe


    Goblin Scout (11150 gems)

    • SPABpRACnAjzAPlghldhkVdQnMlzfDnXlhspyyylxIxz

    Dwemer Spellsword (10950 gems)

    • SPABsjAFfTgpeDwGxbANoZcxmbfxhOfrkpfqkXgUpqkYxe

    Orc Warrior (8950 gems + FotDB + Madhouse + Zumog's Ambition)

    • SPACgRvZADrQgnflAOdahwlLrYfvkBeQlMbypykOpIjkwT

    Aldmeri Dominion (<15000 gems, requires stories and frostpark)

    • SPAEqnaAjVeFAGdreDgTrPwCydAUrCdhcxinmbfxnMdIjIsslZfDpTqhdysUsyvDwdwc

    Daggerfall Covenant (<14000 gems)

    • SPANdWgRsdaArenLrPdlqojVulsNsOAElLnNprbKASrChUrWrQsmeXdIjInHssoRoMbDbYomkgeFov


    Rage Dagoth (<12000 gems)

    • SPAFiyaArPfejVAInroofWfveDhFhnydASrCmGcxinmbfxeXdIjIssdLbKmarkdEqhtisH

    Rage Redoran (<15000 gems, requires Stories)

    • SPABqnAJlLfWdrhFdEgTakrPwCAThUmGsmfBcxinmbproRpDdLbKfPrkirmRhnwcyd

    Rage Guildsworn (<15000 gems)

    • SPADaAjtomAGfxnHqzmaqhrPAUrCmGcxinmbeXdIjIssdLbKrkdEhntisHwCvDvKyd

    Tribunal Temple (<15000 gems)

    • SPAHiFeXkhaAhNomqdAKhUnrgwfWfxeDlZqzwCydARrCsmfBcxinnNmbdIjIoMmaqhrPehhnsH


    Lethal Ebonhart (<15000 gems , requires stories)

    • SPADgRqoxhAIrQoogMfvhbbDtaxjAUmGsmnNgsnMqknwoRfAmyaNaMbKrkqBakehpe

    Conscription Empire of Cyrodil (<15000 gems, has Story promos)

    • SPACqNkhALkZnwhFmlfPbDqToEovxjARfBcxinnNgsqkfAnAqzmaqBqyakhnuzuA

    Conscription Telvanni (14000 gems + Forgotten Hero Collection)

    • SPAEqNaAefpPAKgwkZdIhbfAqTqfuzxjARrCdKnNiygseXnMqkjInwnAoMqBqypbaksH

    Dragon Shout Scout (<14000)

    Regarding the Cost: The goal is to keep it under 10000-15000 gems. The cost listed on the side may be misleading. Cards in promo collections, starter decks, and story modes can be had without gems. In general, these lists include many versatile cards that can be reused for other decks too. I tried to avoid Legendaries that you'd have to go out of your way to craft just for one deck. If you don't have the story cards and need ideas for alternatives, you're free to ask.

    submitted by /u/IckyStickyBoBicky
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    BEST OF COMBO MEMES — IN-SITU — TESL (Gardener of Swords / Kynreeve Champion OTK)

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Has the game suffered from power creep?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    I just started playing again. Haven't since skyrim update. I have 3 decks, action mage and 2 themed. Undead only, Dwemer only.

    How fucked am I? with all the new cards, are themed decks viable?

    submitted by /u/Astrothunderkat
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