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    Friday, May 8, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends They made me do it...

    Elder Scrolls: Legends They made me do it...

    They made me do it...

    Posted: 08 May 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    if you missed Hiking Emeric's amazing videos, check them out now!

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    October Monthly Reward -- Fun or Scary?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    With the prevalence of the strong Spellsword Crab + Dwemer decks, although they're beatable, do you think this card will make the deck super strong? How strong? OP/NERF level strong? The card has 3 uses instead of being passively active, which makes it more balanced perhaps. The scary stuff is that it curves well with what I think is one of the strongest card in a Spellsword Dwemer -- Mr. Dynamo. What's stronger than Dwarven Dynamo? How about DOUBLE DYNAMO? Turn 5 is the javelin. Hope you can reach that turn before your get bombed by a dynamite. Not only does the card double the summon effect of dwemers, but mudcrab merchant, anklesnapper, and halls as well. Crabscription got stronger, and expect your hand to be filled with useless cards against them and to burn your ice storm, dushnik, or javelin from a full hand if you're too slow. After you clear the board with an ice storm, expect the opponent to refill the board and hand fairly quick with their other dwemer cards.

    On the other side, the card can be a greed card or could maybe help uncover some combos? It triggers Camel. You can overkill using Odah or get super value from Partysnacks. I wonder if it will summon two Sheepish Dunmers using Stolen Pants and Stolen Pants' last gasp will trigger on BOTH Dunmers... hmm. Maybe Stolen Pants can be included in a Spellsword Crabwemer deck? How about Clockwork Apostle? Can a combo be made from the monthly card and the apostle?

    What do you guys think?


    submitted by /u/Doth83
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    TESL Asia has even less activity than the American version.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    It's young, but I'm already seeing signs of a dying game: Facing against a lot of the same people more often in Ranked. Versus Arena can take up to 10-15+ minutes to find a match

    It's much less competitive in Asia. People who are normally top 250-500 in America are reaching top 10-50 in Asia. Beginners and bad players are placing in the top 100-200, whereas in America, they'd be <#1000 or not in Legend.

    I've heard this from other people and I suspect this myself, but they could be putting bots into Ranked to reduce queue times. Though they probably do this more in the mid and lower constellation ranks. I've seen a lot of full name usernames (i.e. "Roger Smith"). Do most actual people name themselves that in a game?

    There's not much social media activity either. Barely anyone likes/comments on Facebook. The asian language channels on the TESL Asia discord are even less active than the English one.

    I suspect the TESL Asia population is 10% of what it is in America. There's billions of people in Asia; that's appalling. I think the primary cause is a lack of advertising.

    Since Sparkypants already made the content, all GAEA has to do is maintenance and UI design. TESL Asia could turn in a mild profit. It could get all the sets. But after that, I doubt there's enough incentive for them to new content or do anything ambitious with the game after that.

    I enjoyed my time in Asia. I built a decent little collection as a contingency just in case America shuts down. It would take a miracle to make the Asian version grow, but at least it has a small glimmer of hope for being actively developed. Until then, I'm going back to the American version.

    submitted by /u/IckyStickyBoBicky
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    Invade hate

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    People are jumping on the invade hate hype train, but wait until you get finished by an aggro/combo deck in under six turns. There's worse than invade out there. Stop whining.

    submitted by /u/KorazKital
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    Hey friends, been a while. Just wanted to check back and see how everyone is doing. What games are people playing nowadays?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:10 PM PDT


    Been a little while since checking out the sub and glad to see a lot of familiar faces still hanging out. Just wondering what everyone has been up to, what games they are playing, and seeing if I can maybe add some of you old timers (or anyone really) on some other games.

    I'm currently playing Gwent, Legends of Runeterra, HS, and Mythgard, but still in that boring grindy process of trying to accumulate cards on all three. Been playing Gwent the most and have a few good decks but I'm really interested in what's going on with LoR.

    How is TESL Asia treating everyone?


    submitted by /u/SirChoate--
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    TESLegends nostalgia | Big Boy Tribunal

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Help with Scout reanimate deck - getting rekt by any sort of aggro or combo deck

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    heres my deck:
    Right now my strategy is to bury the top cost dragons and ramp to reanimate, or word wall dragon call and ramp to that as well, however this requires very precise draws and I keep getting fucked over by any sort of aggro like assassin, or even hlaalu, any deck with blue and/or yellow really, unless i get perfect draws. Am i playing this wrong or is my deck weak in some way?
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Tankirulesipad1
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    Can someone help me make a good House Dagoth deck?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Please? What are good tips for making this type of deck and what are the best cards to use besides Blighted Werebat

    submitted by /u/gogogo6966
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