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    Saturday, June 6, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends I wish Vampires were given more love before Bethesda packed up shop.

    Elder Scrolls: Legends I wish Vampires were given more love before Bethesda packed up shop.

    I wish Vampires were given more love before Bethesda packed up shop.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Vampires are probably the most aimless set of cards in the entire game, which is a damn shame because they have good ideas individually. Even their undead bros, skeletons and spirits, have more synergy between them than vampires do. I feel like they could have released a new set in tandem with the release of Greymoor, and have given vampires a new keyword like with how ww has beast form. Or even some more synergy around the blood magic mechanic.

    submitted by /u/Mi50gi
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    First game back in a while and this shit happens. Makes me feels happy and sad at the same time.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    Not quite as pretty as a load of legendaries but shiny nonetheless.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Card Discussion Thread - Blood Dragon

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    Card Discussion Thread - Blood Dragon

    Drem yol lok, wunduniik. Welcome to the latest card discussion thread. Today, we'll be discussing Blood Dragon.

    Please feel free to talk about anything you find interesting about the card: design, effect on the meta, the art, sounds, animations, lore or anything else.


    Set: Core

    Example Decklists:

    • My current favorite deck, Dragon Guildsworn, uses this card. A bunch of my other Dragon decks do too.


    • 3x Blood Dragon is a staple of any Dragon deck and even a bunch of non-Dragon decks. Most Dragon decks include red just for this one card (there are a lot of other Dragons in red, but Blood Dragon and {{Blades Lookout}} are the main draws).
      • The only successful Dragon decks that don't run red are highly specialized {{Alduin}}/{{Reanimate}} combo decks and Shout decks, which are less Dragon decks and more decks that happen to include Dragons.
    • In my opinion, Blood Dragon is the dark horse of Legendaries. A lot of them have flashier effects or more impressive stats, and since he's from Core there's been a lot of powercreep and effect-creep ({{Bushwhack}} is literally his ability on a common, and were he released today he'd likely be a rare or epic) since his release, but he's still a very effective card.
    • Blood Dragon can be used to control the field lane from within the shadow lane. This can be useful for playing around creatures with Lethal while still taking out enemy threats. Its ability to ignore Guards helps in this regard.
    • Blood Dragon is not seen in nearly enough midrange decks. Its enormous statline and ability to target any creature of your choosing makes it an excellent choice for making positive trades, and its ability to ignore Guards means that nothing short of direct removal will stop it from slamming your opponent's face for 5 damage each turn. Plus there aren't many good 5 drops in mid battlemage aside from {{Temple Conjurer}}, so it helps fill out your curve.
    • You can use Blood Dragon to eliminate Guards in the other lane that could potentially cause you trouble. Even if you kill a Guard with Lethal, like {{Fighters Guild Recruit}}, you still open up the path for a bigger creature to press face, potentially for the kill.
      • It's often a good idea to use {{Wardcrafter}}'s Ward on Blood Dragon, since this means he can kill Lethal creatures or take damage from them without dying. This forces your opponent to make very unfavorable trades to kill the Dragon, kind of like {{Emperor's Blade}}.
    • If you have multiple other big creatures, it's generally a good idea to attack last with Blood Dragon. That way, if your opponent hits a prophecy guard that would have stopped your other creatures, Blood Dragon can still bypass it (or, if they use it to block one of your bigger creatures in the other lane, you can eliminate it with Blood Dragon).

    Trivia: Blood Dragons are the second level of Dragons in Skyrim (above regular Dragons). They have frills instead of horns, a sail instead of spines, and a large, leaf-like tail.

    <-- Previous Discussion: Card Discussion Thread - Fingers of the Mountain

    --> Next Discussion: {{Priest of Mara}} and {{Baandari Opportunist}} will be next, in that order.

    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    SirProok - TESL News Desk - June 5th 2020

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:44 PM PDT

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