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    Tuesday, April 27, 2021

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Luckiest RNG in 4 years of playing.

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Luckiest RNG in 4 years of playing.

    Luckiest RNG in 4 years of playing.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    Just started. Is it worth it?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    I just happened to download TES: Legends. I see that the game was launched some time in 2016, but the community is still active.

    The downside for me is: lots of players have really advanced decks. I'm like winning one battle in four.

    The question is: should I stick with the game, or look for other alternative, which started out recently, so I'm on an even level field with the rest? If so, what are the alternatives?

    submitted by /u/tommy_ngl
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    In desperate search of class-pictures

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    In desperate search of class-pictures

    We had a great tourney last month, u/Nijjaro did a fantastic job on giving us overlay and real-time commentators ( u/jele77 and radical) while protecting the players with delay on stream. I had a great time watching it.

    And so, my mind became unsettled, because i know i was missing something. The perfectionist me got me off-guard and possessed me. Why not get a tournament worthy of it's ancestry? Worthy of... the Master Series. Yes, i am a monster. I admit that. But the moment i saw the overlay, the moment i saw decklists on stream, the moment i saw a non-battlefy bracket being filled on stream, i was lost. Lost in memories. How could we improve what we have? And so, i found it. The thing i was missing, the thing i liked in the Master Series the most.

    "What would you ban if you would be XY?" Asked Justin, and Charm3r began to analyze the matchups.

    We did not see the decklists then, but we heard what they were about. An interesting Redoran deck. The only one in the Master Series... Doomcrag... Nix-Ox... Hlaalu... Battlemage. And our mind began to work: What would I ban, if I would be XY?

    And then, we saw the bans.

    I want to explore this again. To think about what i would ban if i would be in the participants' position. That minute thinking is the most precious minute of tournaments. Because a tourney isn't for the participants but for the viewers. This is where they get "education". I learned to play by watching the Master Series, by watching others play. Could we give the new players this education? Could we give them a moment of thinking, a moment with the same class-pictures i was staring at the thousand times i re-watched the first Master Series?

    I am in desperate search of class-pictures. Because a tiny thing, like how does something look like, has huge impact on viewers. There are shows i watch just for their intro. 40 minutes for one and a half, maybe less.

    I am in desperate search of class-pictures, and i hope someone knows where to find them.

    PS: I am not sure if there ever was a class-picture that had the name of the class in the middle and not on the left. I search for a picture that has the name in the middle. Maybe is there a chance we can get the same files that were used in the first Master Series? (Since they'll be never re-used again - even the second Masters had other overlays.) ( u/CVH )


    PS2: Yes, i know this wasn't really about class-pictures but about how much i appreciate that we have tournament organizers and casters.

    submitted by /u/NightDarkWolf
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    To the person I just played. Red/green deck that kept apologizing for your deck rocking. Don't lol. You did awesome. Gg man.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    at least 3 women in Top 10 currently!!!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    Why does that even matter?

    In an aera, where a lot of streamers still call their opponent he/him, where I felt like an alien for even trying and part of me felt very lonely for years it matters everything to me.

    Of course I dont know what gender/sex every player in the game has and there are hopefully many more women and non binary i do not even know about and there were probably even women and non-binary in top 10 before.

    Feel free to share your best rank finish and current rank too if you are also a woman or nonbinary (or pm me)

    jele77, currently #9 ranked mode + #5 versus arena, best rank reached during season oct and nov 2018 was #1, best finish ever was #5 may 2020

    submitted by /u/jele77
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    I finished Chapter 20 i need good basic PVP Deck please help me

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 12:42 PM PDT

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