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    Thursday, July 1, 2021

    Elder Scrolls: Legends How dead is this game?

    Elder Scrolls: Legends How dead is this game?

    How dead is this game?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    This was my favorite card game of all time until Bethesda pulled its support. I've noticed this subreddit a little more active recently. Is it worth getting back into again now?

    Is there any hope for it?

    submitted by /u/loljoedirt
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    When you just barely beat an invade deck��

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    Alt-Art Divine Fervor is the reward for this Weekend's Gauntlet

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    Steal deck, Reverse invade

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    I finally finished #1 for a ranked ladder season!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Howdy y'all, Shadow-AZZ here. I don't post much but I made a similar one back when I finished top ten for the first time and shared my journey and wanted to do so again now that I finally achieved my goal of finishing #1. I don't intend this to be self indulgent, it was just quite the grind and I thought maybe people would find the perspective of a top player interesting and maybe even inspiring.

    I realize the game is no longer under development, and that a lot of big names aren't around any more to compete for the top ladder spots every month. And yet many new great players have risen to fill those shoes, not only that but the meta has been fixed for awhile now and the strong decks have circulated and everyone has access to them now and has endlessly refined them to the point of ridiculous strength. So it still feels like an achievement to me to finish in the top ten, which I've now done a dozen times. And yet #1 had always eluded me, and not for lack of trying. For those who don't know it may seem easy to think that it wouldn't be that much harder to finish #1 than just top ten. To put it in perspective yesterday, the last day of June's ranked season I was #2 around midday and had to go 27-2 in order to pass #1, which I did with a few hours left. The grind to even be in the top 5 by months end is pretty gnarly but that's just something else. I really didn't believe I could do it.

    Shoutout to patzeras who took #1 for may, and was in that spot again and made it that difficult to pass him. I tried in may as well to pass him but fell short even after winning at a similar percentage at #2 on the last day in may. And thanks to my team for supporting me and helping me keep my head in the game.

    You may wonder, why would I or anyone spend so much time trying to achieve something that most would probably not find much meaning or value in? I had to ask myself that and reflect a bit. I love this game so much, and it's rich tradition of great players who have gone before and who still push me to always improve to keep pace with them. There's so many smart, creative and amazing players who inspired me to go from never playing a ccg before legends to achieving, now finally, every goal I could ever have had for myself in this game. A part of me knew that this was the one missing accomplishment from my tesl resume and though I didn't know if I could actually do it, I looked forward to potentially feeling like there was nothing left to prove or accomplish and to be able to relax and just play for fun with no pressure to perform or achieve anything further. Legends has a great community full of competitive players and those who just enjoy memeing it up and everything in between. And there's nothing wrong with that. I encourage everyone who still plays to just keep playing and practicing. I see a lot of posts different places asking how people can improve their piloting or decks, or achieve certain results. Honestly what worked for me was sticking to what I know and am good at. I've tried many decks from other people, but always went back to what I made and knew like the back of my hand and was comfortable with. I played a little bit of mid archer last month but mostly burn aggro battlemage, my favorite deck and couldn't be more proud it was able to achieve #1. For anyone who wants to try it out, here's the code:


    I'm gonna be stepping away from competitive ladder play, and still do events and tournaments for a bit before work stuff makes me take a break from the game for awhile. I'd like to take more of a role helping other people improve or achieve their goals if I can. Feel free to add me in game IGN is Shadow-AZZ and I'd be glad to share any of my decks or piloting tips, or let people spectate my play or vice versa. I had a lot of help on the way to achieving what would have been unthinkable when I first started playing a couple years ago and couldn't get out of rank 12. It might sound dumb but you can accomplish so much more than you may think if you keep at it, whether in tesl or anything else in life.

    Anyways cheers folks, see you on the ladder!

    submitted by /u/SHADOWSandSILENCE
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    Top Ranked Players - June 2021

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    Congratulations to the top 100 players from June's ranked ladder season!

    Rank Player
    1 Shadow-AZZ
    2 patzeras
    3 putlerkaput
    4 ProBear
    5 deVisse_AZZ
    6 AnymRai
    7 RingDifference.NPO
    8 DjFoR3sT-MoD
    9 ashish87_NPO
    10 Aniaa
    11 Nihilus-AZZ
    12 TMO-AZZ
    13 AyRoss.NPO
    14 r4d1cAL-AZZ
    15 eyenie
    16 Risinhigh
    17 AlexxxDream
    18 FrozenXylem
    19 SmartDecisions
    20 Belmona
    21 PlatinumBandicoot
    22 123321a
    23 demon69696
    24 ShadaLoo_
    25 cj96
    26 D4rk-Messi4n
    28 NocturnaL_NPO
    29 kav-
    30 RakdostheDecent
    31 ignacio16
    32 ll_phoenix-POG
    33 Lion.Elm-NPO
    34 whoknowsme
    35 Devil_Sined
    36 Alyonka
    37 MoeFritz
    38 KACTA
    39 Sartrixa-FR
    40 PlatosCat
    41 Kfluffy-Friends
    42 kivjah-FR
    43 Nijjaro-AZZ
    44 MagGaket
    45 Aemondin
    46 AndreyKogan
    47 bEA5TR
    48 Quorip
    49 Vezelay
    50 DixiFlatline
    51 Maxi_Sweet
    52 Naadir
    53 7thEye-FR
    54 ColonelVLAD_POG
    55 warlock-05
    56 lebidko
    57 Theofan3837
    58 DeathRow-AZZ
    59 Shaqatak
    60 Achtnacht
    61 anonymous
    62 Louis.Vuitton-Friend
    63 hkbling
    64 Abra_Cadabra
    65 GeneralBelethor
    66 Flash_86
    67 kotuo
    68 Rahxen-Friends
    69 sterh44
    70 PadreLoko
    71 TheNorthernWinds
    72 maker83
    73 Hgh111097
    74 ChrisTopaz
    75 Afk44444
    76 SouthernStar
    77 thegasd
    78 ioftherestlessstorm
    79 Balbag
    80 NelsonAraujo86-NPO
    81 hagoroma
    82 jatoru
    83 ApocalypseBlackRider
    84 OmegaMassif95
    85 Etneo
    86 Zariouslion
    87 Little_Chief
    88 Dontpushtheriver.NPO
    89 SirVladimir
    90 Daveourn-NPO
    91 Diamond-Ukr
    92 temarihugo
    93 GetRekt101
    94 Nerevarin88
    95 Átticus
    96 MrDeath-AZZ
    97 Beyjes
    98 Xxtigre
    99 guyaverage
    100 vvdovyvv​

    Also, congratulations to the top 25 Versus Arena players for the month!

    Rank Player
    1 Belmona
    2 Mihail.Ag301
    3 bEA5TR
    4 Teldil
    5 Thorgal_Aegirsson
    6 Silverax
    7 Dreamer2329
    8 feefiifoothumb
    9 warlock-05
    10 mr_kores
    11 DjSmiGOl
    12 Tonewa
    13 Chapai
    14 Magicxp
    15 Pasha-Numero_Uno
    16 anonymous
    17 Lordstix
    18 Zhbarahlush
    19 Fleaked
    20 Hamerfell_Hero
    21 Norilskoch
    22 Spirituell
    23 snaeki
    24 Korito
    25 Valerycry​
    submitted by /u/CVH
    [link] [comments]

    Ok. What's going on? I have hardly been seeing stupid ass invade for the longest time on ladder. Now all of a sudden it's every fucking match. Ridiculous.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    Looking for thoughts/advise on my unite the houses deck (3 screenshots) (see comment)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    My typical pack-openings. Because I need 8 more Shocking Wamasu.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 03:28 AM PDT

    Rank 2 on day 1? Wtf? No life whatsoever lol. Well, he played invade so I guess mom's basement gets pretty boring, lol.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    Just pulled a puppy from a 3 wins pack.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    Last night of season. Good luck everybody!!!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    Men..., this game is trash..,,, and you know it !!!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    Luck.. ,, Luck.., and more LUCK..,,, thats all..!! ..,, Competitive game they call it.. !!..,, Luck an more Luck,,...,, I respect every players here, but there is a reality, its impossible that competitive game exists with a 40% luck factor...,,, even poker !!..

    That prophecy system..,, that "Mario Cards" system.., its impossible to be competitive. Its just a family game, no more. I dont like prophecy idea, never understand it. Besides, you know..,,, always watched, always monitorized, and bla., bla...,, TES deserves much more than this koopa troopa game.

    Be serious please.. !!

    submitted by /u/Front-Bee7982
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