• Breaking News

    Friday, November 26, 2021

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Singleton. Dagoth. Wins. Needs nerf

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Singleton. Dagoth. Wins. Needs nerf

    Singleton. Dagoth. Wins. Needs nerf

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 09:56 AM PST

    NEW DWEMER DECK IN LEGENDS!! | The Elder Scrolls: Legends

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 07:30 AM PST

    Frankly I'm baffled.. (a salute)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 12:37 PM PST

    ..as to why I still love this game. I've never been much good at it, mediocre really. I'm hopeless at deck building.

    I hate Invade and pretty much all the popular cards from the last drop, and their attendant predictable decks.

    I've got at least one copy of every card and two or three of almost all cards you ever see get regular play. I'm still building towards a full collection with little expectation of getting there before lights out.

    I got bored chasing all the titles, gawd I need a long break from playing mono Neutral. I rarely play regular Arena and never touch versus. I like some of the gauntlets but rarely have the time at the weekend to spend on them.

    And yet I login every day and play between two and six games. Maybe it's just a compulsion but I really do get a kick out of it. I do have CFS/ME so my activity choices are somewhat limited but even so...

    Saluté TESL! Long may your zombie existence continue.

    submitted by /u/Saaaalvaaatooreee
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    Been having TONS of fun with aggro-scout lately

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 11:36 AM PST

    I've been wanting to build an aggressive deck with built-in graveyard hate and I think I've finally put together a pretty good list. Take a look: https://imgur.com/ibJ6QkX

    I started with Green/Blue, which was great and let me really hate on graveyards, but then decided to instead move to Green/Purple for a few reasons.

    1. I wanted a way to better utilize the creatures I was stealing with Mausoleum Delver, and Purple let me do that with a stronger Consume package (another mechanic I've wanted to make work anyway).
    2. Purple also lets me run Reanimate, which is a janky inclusion BUT is 1000% worth it when I'm able to steal and summon an Alduin or Paarthurnax that my opponent put in their graveyard with Midnight Burial.
    3. It catches people off guard because almost no one suspects an aggressive deck from Green/Purple.

    And honestly, I've been surprised with the results. Playing at around Legend #300 yesterday, I won 9/10 games against all different kinds of decks ( https://imgur.com/JL0uauO ).

    Some notes if you want to try making a similar deck:

    • Consume is awesome with Cornerclub Gambler, as even if they can answer the Gambler, I'm still stacking my graveyard with a future consume payoff.
    • Pitching Tazkad early is great, as it makes all of your Reanimate's essentially additional copies of Tazkad
    • Stealing a creature from your opponent's graveyard works with Ruin Shambler, which is nice.
    • Dro-m'Athra Reaver might be one of the most underrated cards in all of TESL. That thing is so good (even without investing heavily into consume)
    • I go back and forth between adding/removing support removal and silence. The deck probably needs some.

    Anyway, I've just been having such a good time with the deck that I wanted to share it. Let me know what you think or what you'd change. And if you decide to give a similar deck a try, let me know how it goes :)

    submitted by /u/ch4_meleon_
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    Alt-Art Lightning bolt returns with this weekends Grand Melee

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 06:00 AM PST

    just what the title reads... and I like it!

    submitted by /u/IvanDaVile
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    Control decks

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 08:49 AM PST

    A common theme in TESL with control decks has always been who can ramp first and get to their broken win condition first.

    It used to be Uprising, conscription, or Nix Ox, but now were seeing players rely on Call Dragons and Ayleid Guardians 🤮🤮

    In my last 19 matches, I have faced 13 featuring purple. I'm 12-1 in those games with Singleton Dagoth which speaks on how midrange decks just beat the shit out of control decks.

    Now the point I'm getting to is that cards like Ayleid Guardian have basically put training wheels on deck builders. Pre nerf DV was the card that allowed these typical understatted control shells to get away with weak early turns, but with its nerf, that's no longer the case.

    Also, more cards have been released since DV was nerfed that allow mid range to put even BIGGER threats up faster, which makes this outdated Telvanni control shell struggle heavily.

    So to wrap this up, what are yalls thoughts on control decks adding stronger creatures for the early game? Why are so few people doing this? If a control deck with a toxic af win condition like Ayleid Guardian could fight for field lane in the early game, they'd win a lot more.

    At what point do people drop TGRs for Mornhold Traitors? Or are people going to continue to lack any sort of innovation and run the same deck from 2018 that doesn't work anymore 😅

    What are yalls thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Ccitytoker
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    Is Wilds Incarnate Good?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 05:33 PM PST

    This card is pretty prevalent but I never played it myself since I doubt I can always keep a rune or two by turn 7 especially in an aggro matchup. I know this is probably a win-more card for fast decks that take the lead and force the opponent to be defensive which is similar to Triumphant Jarl. I've seen it in some midrange lists but I'm still skeptical about running it myself since I hate to play a lackluster 7 cost 5/6 guard. Let me know if it's worth running it.

    submitted by /u/BootResponsible4627
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    I would greatly appreciate if anyone could watch my newest video! Helps me out as a small youtuber!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 06:57 AM PST

    Forget Delete Tribunal, Delete Redoran is even worse

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 05:27 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    You know, everyone has always said how Tribunal is the pinnacle of procrastination. The best of boring.

    It is not. I've just faced my first (in... however many years I've been playing?) my first, true, Redoran Delete deck and let me tell you... It was the most uninspired match I've ever had the displeasure of playing. The guy got off all 3 Javelin, all 3 Edict, a couple of Drive Mad, Arrest, Mannimarco, Shadowfoot, Fell the Mighty and more I'm sure I've forgotten.

    I've been coming across a LOT of Ayleid Guardians (which I struggle with, not gonna lie... my first time trying Ebonheart which relies on lethal for most of its board control) so I've sadly had to tech in some cancer of my own.

    So, the best feeling was reviving his stupid Shadowfoot with Necro, and my Deathpriest hit his Miraak. Somewhat double standards on my part, sure, but c'mon... how is having ALL that removal (and more, I forget what) thrown at you? DAMN YOU I WANT TO ADMIRE MY HARD-EARNED CARDS ON THE BOARD

    submitted by /u/Hircine_the_Huntsman
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