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    Elder Scrolls: Legends My incredibly dumb Baandari Opportunist combo deck

    Elder Scrolls: Legends My incredibly dumb Baandari Opportunist combo deck

    My incredibly dumb Baandari Opportunist combo deck

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 10:20 PM PST

    Complete Beginner's Guide to Economy and Gems

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 09:51 AM PST

    Best way to spend Gold?

    • I would buy the Stories first. Then, the Collections. These have cards you can't get anywhere else.
    • Then, buy the starter decks that have whichever legendaries you need.
    • I'd avoid packs until you those things mentioned above. But after that, buy packs. If there are particular cards you are looking for, buy the pack it comes in. But otherwise, you could buy the pack you have the lowest % owned of.
    • Spending gold on an arena may have higher payout than buying a pack, but it also has a significantly higher time investment, so buying packs may be more convenient for you.

    Which premade decks should I buy first?

    • You're mostly buying the decks for the legendaries. Buy Ancano first. Tyr, Paarthurnax (control only), Zumog, Martin Septim and Brynjolf are among the better legendaries.
    • The 75 card decks for 1000 are less value for your dollar than the 50 card decks for 500. But if youre trying to build tricolor decks, you'll want legendaries like Saryoni and Sun In Shadow.

    Best way to spend Gems?

    • Crafting legendaries you need. But if a legendary is available through a premade deck, buy the deck instead.
    • In general, I would prioritize cards you can't pull out of packs. Monthly promos (the epic rares) are safe crafts because you can't pull them. However, if you need to build a deck, then buy whatever you need for it.
    • I would prioritize crafting cards that are good for many decks rather than cards that only work 1-2 specific decks. This way, when you go to make other decks, it'll be easier.

    Best way to spend Tickets? Ideally, Gauntlets. But if you're a beginner, you may be disadvantaged in gauntlets, playing against people with much better collections and more experience. So, maybe your first month of playing, I'd do a few solo arena just to learn what the cards do and trying them out. But after that, I'd just stick to Gauntlets.

    Should I spend real money on this game? The free to play path is perfectly viable. And tbh, there aren't any particularly great deals. If you were to spend $50-100 on this game, it would help moderately, but not substantially. If you have high disposible income but not much free time, maybe. But for most people, I'd say save your money. The game is maintainance mode, not getting new content; there's no guarentee on how long the servers will be alive for.

    Which story mode should I buy first?

    • This is totally subjective. All 3 have vital cards. I'd say Dark Brotherhood, then Isle of Madness, then Clockwork City. But it's totally up to your preference.
    • Isle of Madness has: Luzrah (mid decks), Manic Jack (aggro/mid), Golden Initiate (any deck), Skinned Hound (any deck), Squish the Wimpy (midgro/mid/slay), Doomfang Ally (midgro/mid?), Gatekeeper (most decks)
    • Dark Brotherhood has: Garnag (aggro/mid), Underworld Vigilante (aggro), Unstoppable Rage (mid/midtrol), Protector of the Innocent (aggro/mid), Penitus (aggro-mid), Black Dragon (any deck), Eclipse Baroness (control), Sanctuary Pet (control), and lethal/slay cards.
    • Clockwork City has: Laaneth (control), Galyn the Shelterer (control), Barrow Stalker (various decks)

    Which collections are best to buy?

    • I'd start with the Forgotten Hero collection. Bleakcoast Troll and Cradlecrush Giant are valuable for midgro or mid decks. Sly and Conscription for control decks. Cast Into Time is decent. The singleton cards are a cool bonus.
    • Madhouse Collection has cards for specific decks: Altar of Despair for control (i.e. Telvanni). Stoneshard Orc for orcs. Merchant Camel for control. If you don't need those specific cards, go for Frostspark.
    • Frostpark has Piercing Twilight (decent for any deck, but favors control) or Wilds Incarnate (which favors midgro/mid/midtrol decks).

    What types of decks should I build? Beginners with a limited collection should start with aggro because they're inexpensive to build and can win games faster so you grind loot faster. As you get more cards, you can start building into mid decks and then eventually control.

    Recommended deck lists? These are both competitively viable up until the highest skill levels. Both are aggro decks which focus on attacking the opponent's face and winning fast.

    Burn Assassin SPAAAHixnMjnbOnLsUxcAMrCdhkVcIdIjIitsskXcfdywd
    Burn Battlemage SPAIwscPirxcclolnLlLADmVdItEAKahtnfvwTreswixcIkX

    What legendaries should I craft?

    Should I disenchant bad cards?

    • This is question is subjective. If you value having a full collection, and you want to be able to play every archetype, even lower-tier/less viable ones, then don't dust. However, if you want to focus on acquiring the good cards faster, and are okay with parting with the 2/3 of bad cards to get the 1/3 of cards that are good, then dust.
    • The game no longer receive updates, so you don't have to worry about disenchanting a card and then it later getting buffs or a new card being released that enables it.
    • Not dusting cards will make the game harder for you your first year or 2, but could make your collection wealthier years from now. But the game is in maintenance mode, and we don't know how long the servers will last for, so I'd enjoy the game in the moment.
    submitted by /u/IckyStickyboBicky_
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