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    Monday, January 31, 2022

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Undying Morokei. Made the first deck I'm truly proud of. Would really appreciate some feedback from any pro and/or veteran players for possible improvements. Made a deck that punishes the enemy the harder they go face.

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Undying Morokei. Made the first deck I'm truly proud of. Would really appreciate some feedback from any pro and/or veteran players for possible improvements. Made a deck that punishes the enemy the harder they go face.

    Undying Morokei. Made the first deck I'm truly proud of. Would really appreciate some feedback from any pro and/or veteran players for possible improvements. Made a deck that punishes the enemy the harder they go face.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 11:20 AM PST


    So I never followed TESL just played it casually. Only ever made my own decks. Don't even know the terminology ppl use. I've been chasing a unicorn in this game forever. What's the unicorn?

    A deck that is very strong, but also has a theme to it, and is as hipster as possible. All I ever see is aggro decks and perpetual Paarthurnaxes, so it would be fun to finally succeed with a self-made build which isn't one of the 10 seemingly repeating builds I face all the time.

    The result is Undying Morokei.

    The build idea started with one of my usual frustrations of seemingly everyone I'm facing not actually wanting to play the game but just go face, face, face. So I wanted something to help against that. The only issue was... it's part of those 3 cards that require you to only have 1 of each card in your deck.

    Looking at purple there is a card called wake the dead. With ONLY Morokei this is an issue, because if you draw him naturally early you have a wasted/dead card in your hand. So I added a hallowed death priest as well, which also has high impact and can be an outright game winning move.

    I also went for sorc, because then I'd get Laaneth for even more chances to draw Morokei when needed.

    So now I have Morokei, ways to reliably get him to hand. Because fuck those aggro decks. But how do I actually survive being attacked from T1? I had never played a prophecy deck before. The thought of having a bunch of subpar cards from runes breaking can save you, but you only have 5 runes. That is... unless you have Morokei. So what I tried was adding in a good amount of prophecy decks.

    I have no idea how many prophecies a "true" prophecy" deck has, but I ended up with 16/53 which reliably procs runes often enough. It doesn't HAVE to proc on almost every rune, and with Morokei restoring runes this gives you even more chances at proccing runes.

    Sorc is for 2 other major reasons. One is the support card mushroom tower, if you proc that with siege of stroz m'kai or w/e for an additional siege - there is almost no way in hell your enemy can recover. The other for purple is for ramping. You don't have many mid cost cards. Mostly low and high end heavy. By adding one of each of the ramping cards you can actually ramp quiet a lot!

    Blue is mostly for brilliant experiment and dark pact. But blue also has a lot of good offensive and defensive prophecies, and the fate weaver, a card I'd NEVER used before - well - turns out that card can really turn the game if you are behind or losing. Not always, but it's worth a spot easy because of the massive comeback potential.

    So now we have Morokei. Reliable draw of Morokei. A good amount of prophecies, roughly 33% /w starting hand re-draw. Since we are ramping shadowmere is also a tertiary win condition. What exactly am I trying to achieve to become immortal?

    MORE Morokeis! And RE-APPEARING Morokei.

    This is the essence of my build. Night to remember, dark pact, close call, galyn the shelterer, soul tear. I once had like 8 Morokeis played in a game. Countless times I've been on like 1-10 health no runes.... to in one turn - have FULL HEALTH and ALL RUNES restored.

    So what do I know that the average joe does in TESL? Face face face with decks they seemingly all copy from each other. How can I punish that?

    With a minefield of prophecies with a Morokei healing and restoring the runes for more prophecies. I have successfully made a build that punishes people extremely hard for aggression AND has good late game win conditions.

    The usual raise dead / drain life with betray. Siege /w betray. Ramping shadowmere. Mannimarco. Hell, I've won in so many strange ways with this deck that I have win conditions I didn't even think of when making it.

    Honorable mentions is the workshop support. With this you can trigger Morokei like 4-8 times in a turn. This also lets you add some cheap neutral cards for double healing and double card draw.

    The mushroom tower and the workshop and prophecies, these are all UNRELIABLE tactics. But what's so beautiful with this abomination I've made - is that the cards in the deck all synergize extremely well with everything else.

    Take Dark Harvester. One of the worst cards in the game I thought for the longest time. With this deck this card is actually a monster. You can necromancer it back after using workshop for 8 health. There's also so many ... things that just all work here.

    As for items. Because that siege card is really good, it feels like a waste not adding items. So what did I do? I added healing item, card draw item and the dragon priest mask. So only 3 items, but high impact ones defensively, for momentum and combo synergy.

    An interesting thing about my deck is that I'm still discovering crazy combos and synergies with the cards even after long use. - I'd like some feedback from pro/veteran players. Because though I finally made a self made thematic hipster deck which works, I was never, and still isn't "hardcore" into TESL.

    submitted by /u/Ouroboros612
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    OP is bad at this game and has no luck.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 03:48 AM PST

    Played one of my best decks in the current tournament. Lost nine times in a row.

    At least I got a lot of packs. Didn't draw a single legendary.

    Feels bad man.

    submitted by /u/Mr_House21
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    First guantlet run with support GS, 4-0 against real decks 0-3 against Yagrums Workshop

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 06:34 PM PST

    And two Assembled Titan auto losses.

    I can't get over how good the player base is these days. 😂😂

    Good job guys, enjoy your top ranking for this dead game i guess 😂😂🤗

    submitted by /u/Ccity_toker
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    Ok, hear me out

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 11:13 PM PST

    So first some backstory - I used to play a lot of TESL and it was (and I guess is) BY FAR my favorite card game. Like a lot of people I'm sure, I left when they stopped development and I tried to find something to take TESL's place but nothing could really scratch that itch for me.

    Now recently I've gone all in on another potentially soon to be doomed idea... The Microsoft Surface Duo. But here's the thing. I decided it might be fun to check back in on TESL and figured this fancy new foldable might do a decent enough job of running it. And well..... it could be better to say the least.

    But! This got me thinking! Microsoft owns Zenimax now! They need to draw more people to the Duo and to TESL! Add proper support for it! Shuffle the UI around a bit and let me rotate it so if I want the hinge can either be where the lane divider is or the enemy/ally line. I feel like this device could be literally perfect for playing card games and TESL in particular. Hell, maybe even make it so you can prop it up in a V shape and allow local coop with it! There are so many possibilities.

    And who better to throw a stupid amount of resources into an objectively terrible waste of time than Microsoft and Zenimax! C'mon you cowards, these things were made for each other!

    TL;DR - forget everyone else Microsoft / Zenimax, make TESL work on the Surface Duo so I specifically can be happy.

    submitted by /u/NightCrest
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    weird 5 banners win?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 06:42 PM PST

    Grand melee more like crab guantlet

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 03:09 AM PST

    Imagine choosing a deck for this dead games monthly tournament and saying to yourself, "I think ill bring dwemcrabs" 😂😂


    submitted by /u/Ccity_toker
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    Which deck do you hate the most?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 10:55 AM PST

    I know there's a few decks that get a lot of hate (usually for justifiable reasons). Just curious as to which is hated the most. (I tried to include the ones I generally see most often complained about)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/AeroNailo
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    HOW do i get call dragon?? ��

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 07:41 PM PST

    Bro can someone help me get call dragon ts taking to long i glne fake😭

    submitted by /u/A3TrueLover
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    Is it written in code that you will always lose the first match trying to get to legend

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 07:10 PM PST

    So I haven't played much this month so am on a late Legend push.

    I was on some ridiculous like 20 something and 3 streak with Singleton Dagoth and was one game to legend

    Went up against combo shackle item assassin and got high rolled to death. Then immediately went up against Mid BM and again, high roll to death.

    This seems to happen all the time. I almost always drop a game or two right before making Legend. This happen to anyone else? Lol

    submitted by /u/Ccity_toker
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    Abandoned game=soooooo much hacking. I had a guy play five reverberating strikes on me last night, and four drive Mads. And before a certain asshole says something, yes. I paid attention, and they used no cards to multiply those cards. Cheating. Period.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 09:25 PM PST

    Which of these two decks is better? Prophecy Battlemage vs Token Mage

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 06:22 AM PST


    import codes:



    submitted by /u/Belushka
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