• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 13, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Avatar Of Akatosh should get his own VFX

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Avatar Of Akatosh should get his own VFX

    Avatar Of Akatosh should get his own VFX

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:38 AM PDT

    It's quite dissapointing turning Martin Septim into the Avatar Of Akatosh and not getting anything special, just a common transformation. Maybe in the next patch we will see it?

    submitted by /u/PowerOfInk
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    The video i post every time we get a new viable RNG card (This time we got an entire expansion) : CVH Message to DWD on Echo of Akatosh and royal sage.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:54 AM PDT

    What I don't like about invade

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    The problem with this mechanic is that it doesn't allow for any creative deckbuilding. There is pretty much only one deck that is viable for invade. Daedra. Full on Daedra. You can't put an invade card in any deck that isn't focused on Daedra. And there aren't that many daedra that you could have many options for creativity among daedra. With all the other mechanics you could either focus on that mechanic or use the mechanic to boost your own playstyle. Like you don't need to make a consume focused deck to include one or two consume cards. Cause every consume card benefits another playstlye besides consume that you could use in a deck without any other consume cards. Like mercenary captain for tokens.

    submitted by /u/zuluportero
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    PSA: There's a new quest - Destroy 5 supports for a pack

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    Which means you have to queue into opponents that are running supports and having the removal in hand.... Could take dozens of games.

    Unless you trade the support to your opponent!

    So if someone shadowmarks or barters you a support, play it. They might be trying to complete a quest.

    Also here's my deck I used for trading/destroying supports


    submitted by /u/erratically_sporadic
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    Ultimate Heist with Hannibal Traven Combo

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:19 AM PDT

    The first WarpMeta tournament of Jaws of Oblivion expansion is LIVE NOW! Come join for a glimpse of the new meta and some phenomenal production work!

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    This was nice.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:20 PM PDT

    Umaril bug(or feature????)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    Grinding Imperials in progress...

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:00 AM PDT

    Cast Out doesn't remove buffs on Portals

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    I sincerely hope that this is a bug otherwise it's absolutely bonkers but I played cast out on a Portal and guess what? Still a Level 7 portal 2/20 Wow, good job. It's not even fun to play anymore.

    submitted by /u/GanGian7
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    Why I left TESL

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    I don't usually post to reddit. I actually try to avoid it at all costs. But, I'll make a small exception to explain why I've quit the game. It's a relatively simple explanation, I'm not analyzing everything about the game and breaking it down piece by piece. To put it simply, Invade is everything opposite what TESL used to be to me. Sure, there were always meme cards that can high roll like Mundus Stone. But, to base an entire mechanic around something that is so random seems like it downgrades the competitiveness of the game in itself. It shows where the hearts of the devs lie; and that is with casual players who like strong "feel good" and "on the edge of your seat" plays and don't care much to rank up. I'm not the best player and I'm definitely not saying that the mechanic is without counters. I simply don't like what it represents for the future of the game. Ladder is all I have. I'm not the most creative player or the best player or even a tournament player. So, to make ladder unfun for me just makes it all unfun. Of course, I'm sure many people disagree and see a bright future for TESL. If that's the case, then by all means, support what you believe in! But, I cannot lend my support to this game any longer. It's become a chore to play. There's usually always some unbalanced card/deck/mechanic that needs nerfing alongside about 80% (number out my butt) filler cards every expansion. It's the same old story. I've grown tired of it personally.

    I've spent about two years with this community streaming off and on and always supporting a few of my favorite streamers by being present in their chats. It does hurt to leave. I started playing this game and streaming at a really difficult time in my life and I was able to find a family online to get me through it when I felt so alone. The TESL community has been what has kept me around so long, even with sub par viewer counts. You are all amazing and a select few have really been there for me through thick and thin. I cannot ever repay you.

    TESL has given me life as a streamer, given me kind and supportive friends, and also the love of my life. I am certainly grateful for everything that has come of me playing this game. The parting is bittersweet. I am eager to move forward with my life in other aspects, but there will always be a twinge on the inside thinking about how things are in the TESL community. I have a huge amount of affection for all of you and I wish I could express that more clearly. You are all amazing and I won't forget a single one of you. Thank you for every follow, sub, bit, and kind word. I'm tearing up as I write this. As I always offer, I am here for any of you if you ever need someone to listen and be a friend. I'll still be around on twitch in the TESL section snooping around and being silly in chat as always. I hope to run into a lot of you there! It just may be a little less. (Except for TurquoiseLink's streams... you all know that lol)

    So, goodbye Elder Scrolls: Legends! It's been a hell of a two years!


    submitted by /u/mnicole90
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    Ancano & Red Year Combo

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:27 AM PDT

    Afterwaiting a loooong time, I finally managed to combo Red Year with Ancano's breakthrough perk. Popped award on him, let loose the Red Year and caused nuclear bomb levels of destruction. Very satisfying :) No screenshot sadly, hopefully there'll be a next time!

    submitted by /u/Montysauru5
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    Gauntlet Logic

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:11 PM PDT

    Wordly Wanderer and High Hrotgar bug

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:12 AM PDT

    High Hrothgar buff comes after Summon effect triggers. While other creatures work the opposite. They get the stat buff first then the buffed stat is considered during summon effect.

    submitted by /u/MrBreaktime
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    Got some new brews from the new expansion? Try them out in WarpMeta, an open tournament taking place 10 hours from this post!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 11:00 PM PDT

    Soo when are the random keywords getting fixed?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:22 AM PDT

    Because let's be real, it wasn't fun the first day and it's already obnoxious and thoroughly unfun and we're not even a week in.

    The flavor is nice and the mechanic is absolutely salvagable but RANDOM KEYWORDS NEED TO GO. We knew this was a stupid mechanic from Royal Sage and Manic Jack and I honestly cannot comprehend who thought it'd be a good idea to build the entire set around that.

    submitted by /u/ToastieNL
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    Damn I sucked at the gauntlet. But I loved the limited format. Keeps the game fresh. And decent rewards!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:45 PM PDT

    How to Fix Invade (because its Tragically Bad)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    First, no one wants to win or lose just because of Highroll RNG keywords. Its basically winning because the Slot Machine gave you Jackpot. Its literally gambling as a game mechanic. No one wants this.

    Second, Gates are FAR too fragile to be useful or sustainable. Between the sheer number of cards that destroy creatures - especially ones with power 2 or less - and Lethal, keeping gates on board is so difficult, the mechanic is basically DoA. Dont believe that? Go check Legendsdecks.com for hot decks, right now. Guess what?

    No Invade decks (except for 1 for the Gauntlet) in the top of the list at all. New set just dropped, and NO ONE is building decks with the new mechanic. That represents a colossal design failure.

    So lets fix it

    Suggestion 1 (Small Change):

    Make Gates immune to Lethal. Right now, decks stacked with Lethal have made Invade utterly irrelevant.

    Suggestion 2 (Small Change):

    Make gates untargetable by actions. The sheer number of actions that can make Gates irrelevant, is absurd. Mage and Guildsworn can make Invade an utterly useless joke.

    Suggestion 3 (Big Change):

    Make Gates a Support card with a cost of 1, AND:

    -Gates unlock 1 Keyword per level up, and apply only unlocked Keywords to Daedra when summoned.

    -Level 3: Regenerate or Rally (undecided)

    -Lvl 4: Guard

    -Lvl 5: Breakthrough

    -Lvl 6: Lethal

    -Lvl 8: Summon - Deal 1 Damage

    -Change Dive Rock Fall by adding "Or Destroy a Support of cost 2 or less."

    -Change Blades Flanker or another AGI creature by adding: "Or Destroy an Oblivion Gate."

    This gives Willpower and Agility Support/Gate interaction and removes random keywords. So we are making Gate interaction more limited, BUT balancing Gates to use Progression, as opposed to RNG Highrolls.

    Of the 3 suggestions, I think making them Supports is the ONLY way to make Invasion viable in the long run. Otherwise, the Gates are simply too vulnerable for the mechanic to be relevant, and you have an entire set representing an ENORMOUS design failure.

    submitted by /u/NorthEasternNomad
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    Best twilight ever

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 05:51 PM PDT

    LEC's Gauntlet Deck: 0-3, 9-1, 9-2

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:14 PM PDT

    LEC's Gauntlet Deck: 0-3, 9-1, 9-2

    18-6 (this photo was taken before my final match)

    Hello Reddit! This was my gauntlet deck for this weekend. I initially played just for horse armor, but I had so much fun that I decided to try and win as many matches as I could. I think that giving unlimited access to all the cards in the pool is a brilliant idea. I certainly am looking forward to future gauntlets!


    Run 1: I went 0-3 on Mage/Invade

    Run 2: I played this deck and went 9-1.

    Run 3: I continued to play this deck and went 9-2. (0 changes were made, if you have optimization ideas feel free to share!)


    The Strategy:

    1. Gauntlet feels like an aggro meta, with a heavy lean towards "Invade" decks. Mage was the most highly represented opponent by a landslide. Scout's Wound Package/Lethal Package are very good at consistently killing 0-12 warded gates.
    2. Focusing on survival/ramp, our goal is to stall to a Burglar or Murkwater Shaman. If these cards survive they can be a real nuisance to stall even further until:
    3. Our 9 drop Vampire Package really packs a punch. Invade consistently gives you slay targets in Shadow Lane, and if these cards are able to swing once the game is pretty much over vs most aggro/invade decks. Good positioning with guards and sniping with wound can ensure a 2nd swing.
    4. Bonus: Martin Septim is a boss. As a 3/7 he can kill a Hive Defender and live to tell the tale. In at least 3 matches he transformed into a dragon. In some of these matches he was played on curve T3-4 and lived. A very special play with him is to be at 7 max magicka and only use 6 magcika. The following turn you are at 8 max magicka but you get a bonus magicka carryover - enabling you to play an earlier 9 drop vampire.

    PS: Controlling / Predicting opponent lane placement is a very valuable skill when piloting this deck. Example: If you have territorial viper, incentivizing them to put their next threat in Field can have a major payoff. Certain plays can force opponents to chase you into Field - such as shadow shifting a drain creature from Shadow to Field.



    I will link the VODs (video-on-demand) below. Have fun and let me know if you give my deck a try!

    submitted by /u/LECityLECLEC
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    Theorycraft Marauder Chieftain/Flesh Atronach OTK with me

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:18 PM PDT

    The objective of the deck would be to have Marauder Chieftain in play, and then summoning Flesh Atronach, either from hand or from Necromancer as a sort of Charge Flesh Atronach. Okay, so for the bare bones, I have

    Marauder Chieftain x3

    Flesh Atronach x3

    Seeker of the Black Arts x3

    Odirniran Necromancer x3

    Sower of Revenge x3

    Merchant's Camel x3

    Ebonthread Cloak x3

    Now the question is do we go Warrior, Covenant, Redoran or Ebonheart? My instinct is Covenant, so we can get more Control and discard by adding:

    Discerning Thief x3

    Palace Conspirator x3

    Dark Rebirth x3

    Elusive Schemer x3

    Studious Greybeard x3

    Ice Storm x3

    Sorcerer's Negation x3

    Some obvious staples will probably be thrown in, like Wardcrafter, Shrieking Harpy, Ald Velothi Assassin; as well as some cards that are almost necessary in the Invade Meta such as Stone Throw, Mummify and Barilzar's Tinkering; some other possible inclusions might be Journey to Sovngarde and Alfiq Conjurer.

    Any other ideas? Will Redoran work better with the extra bodies from Willpower? More Draw with Ebonheart? Maybe just stick with 50 card consistency?

    submitted by /u/rlrader
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    Singleton Decks 2019

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:31 AM PDT

    One thing I always loved about Hearthstone were Singleton Decks like Renolock. When I found that there's Singleton support in TESL too I was excited. Unfortunately I couldn't find many decks. The ones I've found were outdated most of the time.

    Since I enjoy Mage and Sorcerer the most does anybody has a fun list (for casual) that doesn't include 20 legendarys?


    This is the Mage list I'm running now. I've replaced 3 missing cards with the Singleton support ones.


    This is an older list I've found. Maybe some updates needed?


    And this is the Sorcerers list I'm running. Outdated too and I had to replace some cards. Any updates viable for this one?

    submitted by /u/plyzd
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    Help me understand something (concerning factotums)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:59 AM PDT

    Hey! Played an opponent in casual that had a factotum deck. He had an assembled conduit on the board, and he had gotten the +2 health assemble from the titan earlier in the game. When his turn started, it seemed like he gained health whenever the conduit regenerated. Either that, or I had missed something else, but I couldn't find anything else on board that would have given him the health.

    I've never seen this happening before, so I was very confused by it all. Can regenerating trigger a creature's summon ability? Or does regenerate trigger assembly again? Or something else? Please help me see what it is I'm missing :)

    submitted by /u/flipyourface
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