• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 19, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Local Daedra nearby eager for you

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Local Daedra nearby eager for you

    Local Daedra nearby eager for you

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    A Very Tedious But Satisfying OTK, brought to you by Territorial Viper, Devour, Wildfire Dragon and Battle of Chalman Keep!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 05:35 PM PDT

    EAT. A. OREO.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    Bug: Bringer Of Nightmare's card obscures friendly creatures in it's lane and prevents you from selecting them.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    This subreddit lately

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 05:44 AM PDT

    Never thought I'd reach top 100 in Legends, let alone with a deck I made. I'd like to share it with you.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    I hope you have as much fun on the ladder as I have with this deck, it can take you far. Also dab on the portal haters.

    Let me know what you think!


    submitted by /u/strongest_nerd
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    I was bored, and turned every For Honor character into an Elder Scrolls: Legends card.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    Weekly events

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    The return od the weekly events is great and all, but when is chaos arena coming back?

    submitted by /u/serdiesel90
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    TBH feels like this should’ve granted me the Gate Closer title.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:41 PM PDT

    [Deck Guide] Ninja Warrior by NexGenRogue (Self-Silence Warrior)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 06:38 AM PDT

    LegendsDecks Link: (https://www.legends-decks.com/deck/65124/deck-tech-ninja-warrior-by-nexgenrogue)

    Screenshot: (https://i.imgur.com/UdJyqaf.png)

    Deck Code: SPAFfclkddehtBAAAPoRpwdAsmnNdzbDovpeogrQfvwwbAiO

    Ninja Warrior is a self-silence themed midrange deck that utilizes strongly statted creatures with drawbacks in utilizing silence, like a ninja, to enable you to utilize these giants ahead of the curve.


    • {{Siege Catapult}}- Once upon a time a 5/5, Catapult's nerf made it's opportunity cost less worth it. However with the higher density of silences and effective ways to use it as a roadblock with guard ironically enough, Catapult has found a niche home in this list.

    • {{Corrupted Shade}} - While it may not be the straight stat stick that Deathlord is, Corrupted shade is the perfect card to stop the show being a 5/5 ward when given guard can effectively slow an opponents push. Conversely, it can trade up in most situations, most effectively versus lethal creatures thanks to ward, making it a pretty great creature to target with Squish the Wimpy.

    • {{Imprisoned Deathlord}} - 4 Magicka 7/7?! Yes, those are quite excellent stats indeed and thanks to them you can protect yourself and deal some serious damage. Deathlord's monstrous stats also enables Stone Throw to remove cards double it's cost.


    • {{Corpus Disease}} - Simple as it comes, Silence & +2/0. Enables you to start the siege as early as turn two with the ring.

    • {{Servant of Ja-Kha'jay}} - Solid on curve as basically a {{Young Mammoth}}, and is a great follow up enabler.

    • {{Earthbone Spinner}} - While not the cleanest enabler, it's flexibility makes it very valuable.

    • {{Shadowfen Priest}} - Deathlord into Priest is one hell of a curve to deal with, not to mention it covers support removal.


    • {{Squish the Wimpy}} - can turn dying or dormant "giants" into genuine threats. You can suicide a dead Shade or Sower of Revenge, and even trigger the breakthrough on Young Mammoth possibly dealing a crushing blow to your opponent.

    • {{Stone Throw}} - A card that may feel lost to time and power-creep, Stone Throw rivals {{Piercing Javelin}} in effectiveness in the right matchup.

    Early Game (Turns 1-5)

    Cards to Mulligan for: Real Simple this time around, just mull for 2&3 magicka creatures. Set up a strong field lane presence so you can dictate trades most effectively and setup your giants to pivot into the aggressor if you're not in the driver's seat already.

    Mid-Game (Turn 6-11) Hopefully you've at least begun to develop your giants, set up a pattern of giant + awakener targeting the giant you played the previous turn. This sets up a pattern of giant beat stick after beat stick. If you're on defense use the Hound and Guar to build a wall with your giants, and combine them with your removal suite to pivot into a strong counter attack.

    Late-Game (Turn 12+) Often times you're here because it took longer to stabilize or finish off the opponent. You're less favored the longer the game goes past the mid-game but this isn't the end. if you're low and top decking play to win not survive. Sometimes risking the two-turn and enabling some draw on your opponent is a necessary risk to undertake on the journey to victory.

    Tips and Tricks

    • Corpus Disease can target opposing creatures too, clearing up guards for the killing blow.

    • Siege Catapult dodges most removal early so giving it guard to roadblock is a great way to hold the field lane. Really what are they gonna do {{Sorcerer's Negation}} it?

    • Guar can help you trade in the shadow lane by giving opposing creatures guard.

    • Squish using a {{Corrupted Shade}} you can't silence is a great way to punch through guards or break a siege without wasting that sacrifice.

    • Squish targeting {{Sower of Revenge}} is a great source or reach, so is sacrificing Sower when the field is full.

    • {{Lyris Titanborn}} kills the opponent if they have 0 runes left regardless of health

    Closing Thoughts This archetype has been a solid rogue deck with even top 50 Legend players occasionally seen piloting it. It's unique playstyle makes it an every dynamic deck to pilot and enables new lines of thought for those looking to expand their playstyles. Ninja Warrior is a good bridge between theme decks and competitive decks allows one to be competitive and thematic without costing much on either.

    If you made it this far thanks for reading all the way through. As always, may the hist guide you, adventurer!

    Other Guides:

    submitted by /u/GENGUNNER02
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    Spooky Scary Tournament

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:03 AM PDT

    This Sunday, the 20th, at 4:00 EST we will be running our Spooky challenge.
    In your 50 card deck you must run a minimum of 3 spirits, 3 skeletons, and 3 vampires.
    Reflective automaton can count as 1 set of three,
    Bring one deck and compete in a swiss style tournament
    Post an English screenshot of your deck in discord prior to first round
    Tournament will be streamed/managed from our twitch channel

    60 JoO packs +legendary pack +premium legendary pack to the winner
    2 JoO packs to the second and third place finishers
    2 JoO packs to two random viewers chosen after the final

    submitted by /u/SirProok
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    Bet this guy exclusively plays oblivion gate decksaa

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    the best bug

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    so Im playing against your favorite invadesword deck when they decide it invade. Typical. The daedra in shadow nudges over except, there is nothing there. Oh no, a bug. But wait, there are a few pixles shimmering where the gate should be...no way! Sure enough, they invade again and the little bundle of pixles is surrounded by a shield animation. Now, I remember the smol skelli boi bug, but this was a whole 'nother level. Fortunately, I won next turn so I didn't have to try to swing at it, but that would be a helluva way to lose if it got out of control. That's it, just a hilarious bug I wanted to share. Carry on.

    submitted by /u/ArdentFecologist
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    Guide: Obtaining and Crafting Legendary Cards

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    Not Getting Daily Quests

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    As the title suggests i have not been receiving a daily quest upon starting the game. I noticed this issue shortly after JoO dropped, curious if others have faced this issue

    submitted by /u/Das_Lobotomite
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    Maurading Chieftain bug?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    Is there a reason Marauder Chieftain's ability does not trigger with Beastform buffs?

    submitted by /u/NRO_ENTERTAINMENT
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    Shorten the afk countdown timer?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    There's been way too many games recently when I've had to wait the full 2 minutes or whatever because the opponent decides to wait until the final countdown of the timer to end their turn.

    If the green countdown circle pops up every turn because they take too long, I feel like the timer for that person should get shorter and shorter every time it happens for them. Way too many games become 10 minutes longer because of these people and it's a complete waste of time.

    submitted by /u/BirdoBean
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