• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 15, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Card Design #7: Skyrim Civil War - Winner gets 2 packs

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Card Design #7: Skyrim Civil War - Winner gets 2 packs

    Weekly Card Design #7: Skyrim Civil War - Winner gets 2 packs

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 02:59 AM PDT

    Theme: Skyrim Civil War

    Welcome to the Weekly Card Design #7. You can submit your card in the comment below following the theme and rules. This thread will run for the entire week where members can Upvote submissions that they like. Members are also allowed to discuss about the submission but stay within the comment.

    The best submission will be selected based on Upvotes and the cut off time for the submission will be around Monday EST morning. The winner will be announced in the Weekly Roundup Post around Monday EST morning.

    The winner will get a 2 packs code and gets to pick the theme for the following week's (next next week) discussion.



    • You can only submit one entry where the content has to follow the theme, is created by you and is related to TESL.

    • Submission must be posted in an image format. Optional text describing the Card, its effects and your strategy on playing the card can also be explained.

    • Submission must not infringe any copyright and you are solely responsible for the content.

    • Submission/Comment which is reported off-topic, offensive, sensitive and breaking any of the rules above will be removed.

    Next Week Theme: Dual Colour Support

    Other ongoing/upcoming Community Engagement Activities for this week with 2 packs giveaway

    submitted by /u/teachua79
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    The Crisis is Cancelled

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    Murkwater Guide interactions/bugs

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    So I was in a game and my opponent plays goblin tribal. {{Murkwater Guide}} triggers its treasure hunt off a curse generated by {{Murkwater Shaman}}, the original card is revealed but the copy is not. In the light of recent double-card reveal mechanic, I feel like the cardpair should have the double card treatment.

    So I do a litte testing with a nixox Telvanni deck vs AI:

    Murkwater Guide can tutor 0-cost actions shuffeled in by {{Therana}} via {{Treasure Map}}, but the copy has the original cost.

    On the other hand, {{Sun-in-shadow}} can tutor Manic Jack/Manic Mutation, Baliwog Tidecrawlers/Smoked Baliwog Leg or Elytra Noble/Felldew by the action part.

    I tested this for Smoked Baliwog Leg, it is not possible to tutor the double-card with Treasure Map (it's the only 0-cost double-card component).

    However {{Ruthless Freebooter}} can tutor Elytra Noble/Felldew via Treasure Map, {{Scroll Seeker}} can tutor both Felldew and Mutation.

    Presumably {{Relic Hunter}} can tutor Cloak/Dagger and {{Mistveil Warden}} can tutor Baliwog and Tavyar/Rayvat.

    Is this intended or an oversight? /u/SparkyDeckard

    submitted by /u/IvanDaVile
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    Thank you, Legends team.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:17 PM PDT

    I just wanted to take a moment to thank the team for the work they've done this past year. We've had consistent content for the first time in the lifespan of this game, and the last 2-3 expansions have introduced a lot of cards which shore up old archetypes, and breathe life into some which were simply doa, such as mid spellsword. Horse Armor is now a thing, and we all know what that means, so again... thank you.

    submitted by /u/_Tock_
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    Ancano-Red Year is a thing of the past now. Ancano-Blast from Oblivion is where it's at

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 05:57 PM PDT

    Arena Tier List

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    ESLT13: Facebook vs. Reddit. Match up's are set

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    Please follow the Battlefy link to see the match up's. Tournament starts Wednesday, Oct 15th. My tournaments usually have a few days to complete each rounds due to diff timezones of the players.

    Note: It IS possible for same group to face each other once getting past Round 1 depending on the winner.


    submitted by /u/amethystlocke
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    Quiz time: Guess the number of times the horn was blown

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 04:01 AM PDT

    I love Alduin in this game. Pretty much decimated the poor guys full board.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 09:53 AM PDT

    The Elder Scrolls: Legends is now available for pre-registration in Asia

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 12:50 AM PDT

    The second time this has happened, curious if it's just a glitch on my end?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    For the second time now, I've been in a game where my opponent will take their turn, and suddenly they pause. I'll get no disconnect warning, and I'll watch my opponents turn counter begin to go off and when it runs out nothing has happened. As if my game has frozen? But I get no disconnect signal? I closed the game a reopened it to him finishing me off, and I for sure could have stayed in the game if I hadn't lost out on an entire. I hear someone mention being "roped" before, and was just genuinely curious if that's a bug, or an exploit.

    Anyone offer any insight?

    submitted by /u/Seleth044
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    How can you kill a god?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    Looking for a deck

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    I lost a game to eyenie playing a spellsword support+handbuff deck that I would love giving a try. The problam is I don't know what's his name on reddit

    So have anyone seen the decklist somewhere?

    As reference Jele77 submited something very similar for the tournament.

    submitted by /u/ovedetzot
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    Problem with Twitch drops?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:52 AM PDT

    For the past 3 days I haven't received anything while "watching" streams for 9+ hours every day.

    I've logged out and signed back in on all devices, unlinked Twitch fromy my Bethesda account and re-linked them.

    Is this normal? The past 3 weeks I got a drop every day.

    submitted by /u/plyzd
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    Mobiles Client Still Laggy and Sometimes Unplayable

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 03:42 AM PDT

    Last Gasp effects, Summoning Legendaries, Luzrah's Lute, Hitting prophecies... anything with animations seems to lag for me on iPad. It's gotten progressively worse since about halfway through Moons of Elsweyr, and the new update did not change this. New animations are nice and all, but I would like some more attention placed upon ensuring the client still functions on all mediums, even if it means implementing a low-performance mode or toning down on certain animations. It's made slower decks extremely difficult for me to play optimally, as I have to rush or even skip parts of turns.

    submitted by /u/PHJ101
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    Still strong

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 02:26 AM PDT

    Was rank 2 when the new expansion was released. Took a break playing ranked until yesterday Took me 30 games to reach legend. Winrate: 22-8. (73 %)

    Many losses came early. My favorite deck still works.


    Im facing some new fun decks out there not only invade so lets spare all the negativity.

    submitted by /u/Friedrich73
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    Marauder Chieftain is awesome

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:56 PM PDT

    So now that Horse Armor exists, what are the best targets?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    Which legendary and epic creatures have the sweetest premiums? Maybe one you can't quite justify crafting... but you could DEFINITELY slap down some Horse Armor onto to get that sweet value?

    (And no, "Dragonstar Rider" is not an acceptable answer.)

    submitted by /u/Pandaemonium
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    8 keyword spider daedra, feelsgoodman

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    Why Arena Ranked is unsustainable.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    Let me start by saying I love Arena more than any part of this game, and have easily logged more hours playing it than casual or ranked. So, I don't write this just to bitch and moan, but to express my dread on the direction Arena has taken and hope we can get this remedied before it dies (along with my desire to play it).

    Currently, there are 12 ranks of Arena, the same as Ranked. And in order to go up in rank, you have to win, and to go up quickly you have to get 4+ wins in a single run. Personally, that's not so difficult at early stages, but at the higher ranks repeatedly winning 5-7 games in a single run is increasingly unlikely. Which means the awards get smaller, which means you're having to spend gold and event tickets to play again, until at some point you're out of gold and having to spend cash just to climb the ladder.

    A 6 or 7 win run will pay for your next ticket, because it gives around 150 gold. That's how I was able to sustain playing arena so much. But now, in order to climb from 5-1 on a monthly basis, you either need a massive bank of gold, the uncanny ability to win 6-7 games every time you run against top ranked players, or a deep wallet. And that's what bums me out. Arena ranked has gone from a fun, different way to play the game and get a pack or two while you're at it, to what will inevitably become a cash dump in order to get to the higher ranks. I'm sure there's a few players so good they always get 7 wins, even against legend tier players, but for the rest of the 99% of us it's simply unsustainable.

    I'm hopeful something can be done about this. Some options might be removing the number of ranks required to climb, or lowering the gold cost of playing, or introducing a "casual" arena. But the way it stands now, I won't be doing ranked arena after this month because my gold and wallet cannot sustain a monthly grind up the ranks.

    submitted by /u/HansGruber37
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    Why my favorite Oblivion card is Blades Stalwart

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    Can we address the crappy forced theme design of the recent sets?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:48 PM PDT

    Ok so since invade is the hot topic right now I think it's pertinent bring up how it and Wax/Wane are the start of a negative trend in design.

    Now while Wax/Wane had a few cards that were playable outside of the theme, the main deck was mostly slap all the relevant Wax/Wane cards in, fill in the rest with good stuff. Then we have Invade with even more of an emphasis on the decks being juiced to the gills with Invade cards. To make matters worse the decks don't even function without multiple legendaries of the theme. Obviously certain cards that make the themes work,that should be epic, are being rare shifted up to sell packs.

    The set design is reminiscent of yugioh where there are typically linear deck themes pushed hard on the back of top rarity cards. While that's fine for them , ESL is not type of game that should be revolving are these type of linear mechanics. Continued uninspired FOTM design like this will have long term negative effects on the game.

    submitted by /u/093er
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    EPISODE 1| Imperials gain a significant victory over Daedra at the battle of Menta-Li-Eel.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:05 PM PDT

    New Player Resources

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:43 PM PDT

    With the somewhat exodus from hearthstone and blizzard, now seems as good a time as any to embrace any newcomers. Esl is a lot harder to get into than something like Hearthstone; can someone who is experienced with the game make some new player guides ie budget decks and how to pilot them, what to aim for with each archetype, advantages/disadvantages of mono, dual, tri color decks, when to play each lane, etc.

    These are just some things I struggled with (and still do) when I got into this game. Also, the rankedstar new player guide in the sticky post is broken for me.

    submitted by /u/terminbee
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    Weekday Card Discussion Thread - Blackwood Alchemist | October 14, 2019

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    Weekday Card Discussion Thread - Blackwood Alchemist | October 14, 2019

    Hello everyone and welcome to the latest card discussion thread! This time we are discussing Blackwood Alchemist.

    Please feel free to talk about anything you find interesting about the card: design, effect on the meta, the art, sounds, animations, lore or anything else.


    Set: Jaws of Oblivion

    Constructed Rating: 1.8/5

    Arena Rating: 4.0/5

    *Constructed and Arena Ratings are a based on community votes on Legends-Decks. Remember to rate cards if you feel these ratings are not accurate.

    Example Decklist: Explorer Magika OTK by Loris Valsecchi

    Trivia: Blackwood's heavy rainfall makes it lush, and a diverse selection of plants can be found. This makes it a wonderful place for the native Argonians to practice alchemy.

    For more stats and decklists, try Legends-Decks or visit Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages for more information!

    <-- Previous Discussion: Weekend Card Discussion Thread - Bitterfish Witch | October 11, 2019

    submitted by /u/MillenialSage
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