• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Content Creator Profile with Billybob!

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Content Creator Profile with Billybob!

    Weekly Content Creator Profile with Billybob!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    So, I'll admit to being a bit of an anglophile. In particular, I love the wry humour, but I also love the accent, and I could listen to u/Billybob2302 talk all day long. It's a great stream to chill in both for your arena fix and competitive play. Billybob is also active with charities and giveaways so come join the herd!

    I always appreciate it when people can have a laugh at themselves: https://www.twitch.tv/billybob2302/clip/ViscousBombasticSnakeVoteYea

    You can find Billybob at:

    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/billybob2302

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAh4qRjkQTftNFgZg3GPJPg

    -Where are you from?

    Good old rainy England.

    -What games do you generally play?

    I'm actually mostly a tabletop gamer, I love board games and roleplaying games like D&D and burning wheel specifically.

    -What other card games do you play besides TESL?

    I'm dabbling in Mythgard right now and don't play much else. Used to be a huge Yugioh fan though.

    -What is your favorite card in TESL?

    I love, loveeeee guildsworn revitalizer. Big body for a 2 cost and a nice small heal tick. But mainly she just looks so darn happy to be there and I'm all about positivity; it's really important in the gaming community.

    -What is your favorite deck/playstyle in TESL?

    Token and aggro. I don't have the patience for slower decks and often find that the timer cuts me off before I can use them properly. There's something awesome about having all your little recruits and creatures becoming buffed after a turn or two. Just love watching them grow up big and strong. Proud dad when the deck plays out well.

    -What inspires you to stream?

    I suffer quite badly from Fibromyalgia, and so it's really difficult for me to get out and meet people much. Streaming allows me to connect with all sorts of people from all types of backgrounds and just gives me something like the social life I used to have when I was able.

    -What is your preferred content platform? When do you normally stream or how often do you normally upload?

    I like twitch but I've been trying out youtube and twitter more and more recently.

    I usually stream at mid day BST/ 7am EST, and go on for about 5 hours if my body allows. I try and upload onto youtube at least once a week!

    -What content do you normally talk about?

    I usually talk a lot about arena in TESL specifically.

    I spread awareness about my disability and am proud to have the lgbtqia+ tag on my channel and so talk about social issues and helping and accepting one another.

    In general I like to try and play the game for fun more than anything and enjoy the lore, art and feel of a game more than just playing to win, that's very important to me. I think that positivity allows me to regularly get top 200 over any strategy, cause it can be so easy to get disheartened and give up, but I find it all to fun and enjoyable to do that.

    -Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

    I've been streaming for just over 6 months now and already this game and community has given me so much more than I could have ever imagined. I feel so lucky to have found you guys and my community, the bobarians, are just about to hit 500 followers on my twitch channel. This is amazing to me, I thought with my disability I'd never have any friends again!

    So, if you're ever feeling down, or lonely, or want a good group of friends, a laugh, or some fun, come give us a visit!

    As long as you'll all have me I'm happy to be the one you come to for unicorns, poop (the channel currency), card giveaways, bad plays, and good times!

    submitted by /u/Stalinski13
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    The Grand Melee returns October 25!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    Strategizing for This Weekend's Grand Melee

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Crazy/Favorite Combos?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    I'm curious as to other crazy combos that people have pulled off/stumbled across?

    Last night I was playing my altar deck on the ladder and pulled off a crazy combo that I hadn't even really thought of before. I was sitting at 13 max magicka with an Altar of Despair ready to summon a 5-cost creature. I played a Genius Pathmage from hand which summoned Abnur Tharn which I then used on Genius Pathmage to summon an Odirnirin Necromancer which I used to bring back a Balmora Spymaster. After that I used my Altar on the Balmora Spymaster (which summoned a Flamespear Dragon on it's last gasp) to summon a Doppleganger that I transformed into a second Abnur that used Pathmage's summon ability, which summoned another Necromancer and a Spymaster for sacrificing next turn.

    TLDR; I played one Genius Pathmage and used a 5-cost Altar to get 24-28 worth of stats on the board over 7 creatures. (Someone check my math)

    submitted by /u/StanTheBasedMan
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    QoL Request: Farsight Nereid Card Revealed

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:49 PM PDT

    When Farsight Nereid reveals a card from the top of your opponents deck, it doesn't stay revealed when your opponent draws it. I just think this should be consistent with the way other revealed cards are in game.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Reman
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    This Weekend's Gauntlet: *NEW* Soul Gem card back!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    This Weekend's Gauntlet: *NEW* Soul Gem card back!

    "This card back will be awarded to all entrants regardless of win count, with players in the top 1,000 slots of the event leaderboard also receiving a premium version. "


    I'm going to try so hard for this new card back! What do you guys think about it? I think Sparkypants has been doing such a great job on the new card backs!

    I'm so excited to see accessibility in a basic version, and exclusivity in a premium copy.


    1/ Entry into the Grand Melee costs six Event Tickets or 1000 Gold.

    2/ 9 wins or 3 losses, whichever comes first.

    3/ three maximum runs!

    4/ The Grand Melee kicks off Friday, October 25 at 12pm ET and closes at 12pm ET on Monday, October 28.

    5/ Unlike prior events such as the Pauper Gauntlet or Oblivion Gauntlet, there are no special rules for the Grand Melee. Just bring your best deck and show your opponent who's best!


    Source: http://beth.games/2BynRA2

    *NEW* Soul Gem card back!

    submitted by /u/LECityLECLEC
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    Another episode of funny moments in TES Legends.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:39 AM PDT

    Ho well can you do with "themed" decks?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:11 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    So I've recently started to get into TES Legends after messing around with it way back during its beta days, and I was wondering how effective are themed decks. What I mean by that are decks where you "role-play" so to speak.

    For example take a lot of spirits, skeletons, and consume effects and do a necromancer theme. Or an Empire deck filled with tokens, supports, and Imperials. I don't expect to be getting legend or anything but it would be nice to do decently well with lore-friendly decks built around specific tribals and/or mechanics. Just the core races alone offer 10 themes to build around, so even if just a handful of these flavorful decks work that's plenty for me.

    Thanks for your time, and I look forward to really digging into Legends!

    submitted by /u/asimo77
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    Marauder Chieftain going berserk ��

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:35 PM PDT

    Heretic conjurer is useless now

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:21 PM PDT

    Before JoO there were hardly any low cost daedra. Now you often get low cost invade shit. For a 2/3 for 5 with guard this now feels pretty useless.

    submitted by /u/zuluportero
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    What happens when you Alt+F4?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    Do opponents get auto-concede or "opponent disconnected"?

    submitted by /u/npavcec
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    Cold Feet Cancel?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:57 PM PDT

    I wanna take a pulse if anyone has experienced this, since I think it has happened to me many times -- I queue up in Ranked, realize I didn't change my deck so cancel, but after less than 10 seconds in queue it then immediately matches me up instead of letting me cancel, or waiting out the 20-30 second wait?? Has anyone experienced this?

    submitted by /u/Suppenkaschper
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    Help! I need someone to talk me off a (deck) buildings ledge!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    Ok, so I am not a new new player, fairly fresh, I started in April and since that time its been the ups and downs between win streaking past rankings and living days/weeks in the snake's butt (especially rank 5 damn). Anyway, I'm not telling you all anything you haven't heard/experienced before right? — I have had some success deck building—like when a deck just flows out of the gate..... ooooooof (\shuttering* from recent OGD — Oblivion Gate-Distress)* or it maybe needs two or three edit rounds and then flies high for awhile. Most of these cases have been with constructing singleton decks—just seems to work for me.

    However, for longevity sake, the last couple months, I've decided to focus myself solely on the world of 3's. I've had middling success at best....creating from scratch, with an exerted effort to not netdeck (no judgment just personal preference) and instead simply research each potential card, interactions, feedback, etc — I've had a Market Empire, Token Tribunal, and Gear Spider cloning...well...worked on almost every deck type for that one.

    Ah I'm rambling, ok long story short they were all fleetingly great and during the repetitively long-form (like this post) editing stage they Thelma and Louise'd right off a cliff. I currently can't tell if I am playing Legends or trading garbage pail kids (might be dating myself on that reference — Garbage Pail Kids). I am struggling with knowing I have to focus on a win condition / theme / structure and yet still seeing so many ways/cards to achieve it and wanting one of this and one of that and not being able to decipher the actual effectiveness in the initial pre-testing build phase; while admittedly trying to actively pick cards that I don't see played very often and making them work too.

    Veterans and survivors alike out there — any sage wisdom or proven method I should implement to harness and streamline a very detailed but currently very chaotic analyzation situation? I need centering, clearly. Thanks in advanced. :)

    submitted by /u/screamhbk24
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    Silence, you fool!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:59 AM PDT

    Just a thought... When a creature is silenced should their audio byte also be silenced?

    I don't pay particular attention to the sound bytes but it could be a cool detail.

    submitted by /u/majingary
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    Honestly, I can't even blame them

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    Collection bug: Searching for “new”

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 10:01 PM PDT

    Hi all, I've noticed since the alt art of master of arms, leaflurker & a couple of others show up despite not having new in the text nor being new cards to my collection.

    This seems to be a very small bug.

    submitted by /u/xAeternax
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    Can I get "The Master of Dragons" title against the AI?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:42 PM PDT

    That's the question, it requires to summon 20 dragons in one game, if the answer is yes, please, tell me how.

    submitted by /u/codyischida
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    Can't link my account?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:26 PM PDT

    Pretty much what the title says. I want to sign up for the Twitch drops, but I can't link my Bethesda and Twitch accounts. The process works fine for a bit--I go to the linked accounts page on bethesda.net, follow the link to Twitch, and log into my Twitch account. Then I get brought to a page which says something along the lines of "you are about to leave Twitch" and a "continue" button. When I click the button, it returns me to the linked accounts page, with no new linked accounts.

    I've tried linking them on mobile, I've tried switching browsers, I've tried logging out of both accounts, I've tried logging out of both accounts on mobile--same result, every single time. Anyone have any clue what's going on? Are the sites just being wonky today and I just need to be patient, or is this something I have to call technical support for?

    submitted by /u/Apocryphal_One
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