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    Thursday, October 24, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Challenge #2: Mightiest Daedra + Signup: Reddit TESL Tournament #2

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Challenge #2: Mightiest Daedra + Signup: Reddit TESL Tournament #2

    Weekly Challenge #2: Mightiest Daedra + Signup: Reddit TESL Tournament #2

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 11:32 PM PDT

    Small Collection QoL suggestion: let us check multiple filter boxes at a time

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    Please let us message friends who are offline!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 06:33 AM PDT

    Doesn't make sense honestly, I want to leave a reply when they go offline but I can't and then I'm just going to forget what I wanted to say

    submitted by /u/Wabbstarful
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    Oblivion crisis!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    Simple and straight forward. I hate that when I unsummon any creature in game even and enemy creature the card goes to base stats. When I send an oblivion gate back to the other players hand why does it come back at full level? Probably meant to be that way but I can't stand it.

    submitted by /u/peepa420
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    [Bug] 10/10 Dragon Cult Ghost only deals 1 Dmg To Face (Mannimarco Summon)

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    [Bug] 10/10 Dragon Cult Ghost only deals 1 Dmg To Face (Mannimarco Summon)

    Reporting a bug. I searched for it and couldn't find it reported elsewhere. Not sure if this is the right place to do that (please advise/move if it is not).

    I used Mannimarco to Summon a 10/10 Dragon Cult Ghost from my opponent's discard pile. The Dragon Cult Ghost was initially played by my opponent as a 10/10 and showed up as 10/10 in my opponent's discard pile. Mannimarco summoned it as a 10/10 as well. However, when I attacked my opponent's face, only 1 damage was made (see screenshot).


    submitted by /u/webenji
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    I highly recommend using Invade to clear Master Mode stories while you can

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 02:24 AM PDT

    The AI gets mighty confused about what to do with Oblivion Gates and has a tendency to beat on it until it has low health, then ignore it entirely to go face: this in turn allows you to Invade-buff creatures like crazy they have no answer for. Some RNG is involved as always, but this works for basically every mission with a personal deck.

    Even an incompetent like me just stacked Invade effects and Daedra creatures in a deck (mostly the current premade Invade-themed deck for gold) and it was able to take care of all of Madness and Clockwork Master; one or two missions will have an actual counter in the form of Destroy a creature with 2 health or less actions but that's basically it. When you have to use a forced deck you're on your own though!

    Tragic Ending: If you want to farm the final CC fight like me, be extra careful to note what gets played on what creature. I missed an Umbra item get applied to a Breakthrough creature while item stacking and when it Battled, it won the game before I could do anything =[

    submitted by /u/Transairion
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    By the Nine, if my opponent had played Hallowed Deathpriest, I would have uninstalled the game

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:22 PM PDT

    Wouldn’t an ordering of keywords nerf invade but keep it viable?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:27 AM PDT

    The best way to describe the problem with Invade is that the keyword randomness makes it a viable goodstuff strategy (unfun to play against) instead of a combo strategy (more fun to play against; see the Ring of Imaginary Might/Expunge combo). Here is a keyword ordering that would be a severe nerf to goodstuff decks, but combo decks would survive:

    Level 4: Regenerate Level 5: Rally Level 6: Breakthrough Level 7: Guard Level 8: Drain Level 9: Ward Level 10: Charge

    submitted by /u/DrewHoov
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    Deck Tech: CifIcare's Ultimate heist monk.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:26 AM PDT

    Hi TESL folk,

    It has been almost a year since i made any content (In my defense i had a 3rd child, moved continents and started a business this year) so i guess some introduction is in order.

    I'm CifIcare (See if i Care) and I've been around from pretty early on, my love for this game manifests itself in brewing new decks and trying to reach as high a rank as i can with them over a couple of seasons. I used to post a tech like this whenever i finished top 100 with a deck i made, but i don't have the time anymore to play enough to get there. Still, I try to put out decks i believe can be piloted into that territory even-though they're not likely to be as consistent as top tier decks.

    DeckList : Legenddecks

    As the name suggests, the deck is build around Ultimate Heist. It was my favorite card on release (I always loved playing monk) for a number of reasons.

    Against control decks you only need to break 3 runes before they stabilize to be within reach, breaking 4 would most likely win you the game as there are hardly any counters to finishing someone off by breaking his remaining runes one by one out of hand.

    What's even cooler about this card is that it can be a part of a pretty explosive combo if you drain or pilfer enough, i personally found that using bad pilfer cards just so you can play Master of Thieves and UH is not a great strategy. Instead i run a few strong pilfer cards (Monastic champion and grey fox) as well as 3X Thieve's Den and 3X Master of Thieves.

    Having as few as 2 creatures on the board can allow the combination of TD+MoT to make your UH become 0 cost, then as gravy you also get the card from the rune it (or they if we're lucky) break and we just might even slam the prophecy in their face, such fun!

    In aggro matchups the control oriented early game, the drain heavy mid-game and the 9 defensive prophecies are usually enough gain control of the board before any substantial damage is done.

    Notable synergies:

    Execute + Gourmet + Shining Saint + Cloudrest Illusionist (a bunch on gate killing in there too)

    Master of Thieves+Thieve's Den + Monastic Champion+ Devious Bandit + The Ultimate Heist

    Brynjolf can generate a ton of resources in this deck, considering he gives 1 mana for each pilfer or drain. that can lead to some shenanigans with Spoils of War.

    Hope you like my deck, i'm enjoying it with a pretty decent WR (slightly over 70%) currently at rank 400 or so.



    submitted by /u/Lenz12
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    Events are better than ever

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:38 PM PDT

    Just wanted to send a note of appreciation to the team. Events were much missed and it would have been enough just to bring them back. But the new implementation is better than anything we had in the old client. Unlocking cards is really cool, for instance. But the real homerun for me has been the prize support. I was expecting to use events to turn my tickets into packs and gold. But I actually have more tickets now than I did before events we reintroduced. Being able to break even with a reasonable number of wins is extremely generous, so thanks.

    (Also thanks again to Choate for all the wins I've earned with his lists.)

    submitted by /u/someBrad
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    Nice to see every some familiar situations

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    New player here, having a lot of fun getting into this game. I left Hearthstone for non-game reasons, but I'm glad I found this game for in-game reasons. With that said I was glad to see that all digital CCGs have a similar situation where a new players like myself fires up the game, pieces together whatever I can with my new cards, and get out onto Ranked to play some other level 9 and 10 noobs and have some fun. All was going according to plan (having fun that is), until I hit a dude at Rank 9, playing an all premium control deck with what felt like 25% legendaries. Needless to say he smoked me. Hope the dude is having fun. See you guys out there!

    submitted by /u/therealwheat
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    Few questions about double cards

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 02:22 AM PDT

    What happen if you draw a double when you have 9 cards in hand?

    What happen if you draw 2 cards when you have 8 cards in hand? Being the first drawn cards a double.

    What happen when a creature is destroyed by the black dragon? Being the creature a double card.

    What happen if you reveal the top card and it is a double?

    What if the top card of a deck is discarded and it is a double?

    What if the top card of a deck is consumed and it is a double?

    What happen if you steal the top card of your opponent's deck and it is a double? With 9 cards in hand?

    What happen if you combine a double into a monstrosity? What if the 2 creatures to combine are double cards?

    For now, that's all.

    submitted by /u/YourMomInThong
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    * Me trying Horse Armor OTK just for memes. ¯\_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    So how exactly does Caius Cosades work? Are the choices weighted or not?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    I've been playing a lot of Caius Cosades because handbuff stronk but I don't actually know how the card works. Specifically, are the odds weighted for the number of copies that are in the deck? Like if they are playing 3x Wardcrafter and 1x Ancano, is Caius 3x likelier to show a Wardcrafter than an Ancano? Or equally likely?

    And take the case where they play a Bedlam so they're holding two Scamps and have one other card in their hand. Is there a 67% chance that Caius shows you a Scamp?

    submitted by /u/Pandaemonium
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    Affordable, good meta decks?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, recent Hearthstone convert here and wondering if someone can help me out with some good, affordable meta decks? I want the real thing, not watered down budget versions. I'm really enjoying the game but having a hard time figuring out what cards are good, what combos and archetypes exist, and how to go about building viable decks. For me, I feel like some shameless netdecking is a good place to start. Much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/turn1concede
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    Reddit TESL Tournament #2 - Signup Now - Deadline: Oct 27, 11pm EST

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:37 PM PDT

    [Bug]Berserker of the pale buff applies to odirniran necromancer after he summons the creature from the discard pile, not before.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:24 PM PDT

    Berserker of the pale's text says when not after, so it should work like it works with Mulaamnir ... it nearly costed me the game i had a 6/6 necromancer in hand and a berserker of the pale on board, it did not allow me to resurrect mannimarco and after the summon effect resolved necro got the buff and break through.

    submitted by /u/SuperNoobCamper
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    Hatchery meddler is perfect against oblivion gates.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:28 PM PDT

    I swapped out the health of a gate with 12 health. So satisfying.

    submitted by /u/nfwheeler1
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    Are dragon themed decks viable nowadays?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:05 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm a returning player, haven't played for like 1-1.5 years so I'm curious if dragons are useable in this meta? Not looking for op decks at all, just somehow viable and fun as I like dragons and played back then when I last played the game.

    submitted by /u/kazomester
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    I am the most unlucky person ever. Opponent draws 2 Dagoth Ur with Face Sculptor and then the Gates of Madness, what are the odds of this????!!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    Question: What should happen when I activate Heretic Conjurer's ability with an Oblivion Gate on the board and play a daedra?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:46 PM PDT

    This happened yesterday. The daedra I play gets the gate buffs then is transformed into a different daedra via the conjurer's ability. The second daedra gets no buffs from the gate. Why not? It would make sense that all new summoned daedra would get the buffs.

    submitted by /u/sensetimeshave
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