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    Friday, October 11, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly It's Friday Memes Day #6 - Winner gets 2 packs

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly It's Friday Memes Day #6 - Winner gets 2 packs

    Weekly It's Friday Memes Day #6 - Winner gets 2 packs

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:42 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly It's Friday Memes Day #6. You can submit memes created by you in the comment below following the rules. This thread will run for the entire week where members can Upvote submissions that they like. Members are also allowed to discuss about the submission but stay within the comment.

    The best submission will be selected based on Upvotes and the cut off time for the submission will be around Monday EST morning. The winner will be announced in the Weekly Roundup Post around Monday EST morning.

    The winner will get a 2 packs code.



    • You can only submit one entry where the content is created by you.

    • Memes can be high effort or low effort, but the content has to be related to TESL.

    • Submission must be posted in an image format.

    • Submission must not infringe any copyright and you are solely responsible for the content.

    • Submission/Comment which is reported off-topic, offensive, sensitive and breaking any of the rules above will be removed.

    Other ongoing/upcoming Community Engagement Activities for this week with 2 packs giveaway

    submitted by /u/teachua79
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    When the keyword is juuust right

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:04 AM PDT

    Is it just me or this new oblivion card looks just like “Primitive Sponge” meme?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    Say WAT?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    [Bug] Force of Destruction didn t summon any Daedra in the Gauntlet.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    One weird trick to bring about a glorious new dawn (Gate Closers HATE it!)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:14 PM PDT

    So Spellsword has the best draw in the game now

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 10:23 PM PDT

    After years of getting bullied for not being able to draw, Spellsword now has handbuffing/Fervor and Faded Wraith to literally go from 0 to 10 in 1 card.

    Guildsworn overrated

    Telvanni outdated

    Long have we waited

    Spellsword activated

    submitted by /u/ianbits
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    Players will be able to soul summon Horse armor in the next patch.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    New player coming from HS. What does this red icon mean and how do I get rid of it?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    Arena state after JoO

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:17 AM PDT

    Greetins everyone.

    Before i begin i ask your understanding about any grammar and formatting mistakes, as I'm neither a native speaker nor quite familiar with reddit thread creating tools.

    I'm a long time Legends player ( had a long break - a year and a half i believe- after clockwork city and came back with moons of elsewyr) always going to legend rank, and when i feel like it i even go for top 100 or top 10 (the latter 2 times was really close but unsuccessful in the end). While i do enjoy the ladder, i find from my experience that to compete in the highest level you need a lot (like a lot) time invested and must no matter what have meta decks and ofcourse know how to play them. And while i enjoy competing in the versus ladder format from time to time my true love is the Arena format, and more specifically versus Arena (though solo arena is also fun)

    And versus Arena after JoO came out is what prompted this thread. In Arena, besides the obvious skill to know how to play, it takes a different kind of skillsets to be successful, amongst them the most notable are knowing how cards perform, how to build solid decks and finding synergies and combos that are too weak to see ladder play but are solid enough to grant you some wins and good runs in Arena.

    Granted there is some luck involved into drafting, but after playing a bit (and ive played a lot, like a lot) you know what to expect - more or less - from each colour combination. I strongly believe im above average arena player with over 200 7win arenas (if not more), 42x 7-0 , and I have long streaks of going infinite on arena from time to time. (infinite on arena means the gold you win from arena only is enough to be able to play more arenas, no dailies and tickets or log-in gold, which is extremely hard in Legends since only 7wins grand the gold back)

    Anyway, weird flexing stops here, i just wanted to mention those things so you people and hopefully bethesda can understand that i somewhat know what im talking about.

    The issue is somewhat unavoidable to be honest, but there are ways around it.

    Early in the game, Arena format was very punishing, a simple mistake or drafting greedy or superfast with no value or lack of tempo could mean 0-3 no questions asked. You had to carefully pick the best card to fit into your deck during drafting and play above average to get to the sweet 7win arena run.

    Over the time and with the powercreeping that naturally comes when introducing new cards/expansions those mistakes stopped beeing so meaningful. What that meant is that you were free to make not only drafting mistakes but mistakes in the game too and not be punished cause you had superior card quality. Granted again, you could be superlucky even before expansions and get almost constructed value decks but even then mistakes mattered a lot.

    Ofcourse i understand this kind of thing is really unavoidable, if you are going to introduce more powerful effects than before, that are more swingy and can make comebacks easier. What that this also does though is lowering the skill required to play Arena, and this was really obvious even on MoE expansion, with one perpetrator being above all the rest by a long way. His name is Bandari Opportunist and if you are even a little bit familiar with his arena performance you know where this thread is going. Basically if you could draft Bandari Opportunist in MoE arena (and now also) you were guaranteed at least 2-3 free wins, legit FREE wins for luckily drafting this cards. Its oppresive and really anti-fun card to play against and even CVH and Bethesda recognized this but said its ok since he will rotate out at some point in the future. He is still in by the way, and keeps doing what he did since the moment he got introduced, making people miserable.

    But enough about mister Bandari, you see he is but one card, Epic and only in colour Green, many random factors had to align so you could get this card into play.

    In contrast to INVADE, that seems to be like a really, really dumb (yes i know excuse me) mechanic for arena Format, especially now that we finally got a more competitive Arena Format. Why is that you may ask. So here it goes:

    - Red, Blue, Yellow, can all get invade cards

    - Invade cards come at all rarity tiers, common, rare, epic, legendary

    - Arena's nature (aka random draft) prohibits from legitimately crafting Invade counter decks or even teching invade-counter cards.

    - With few exceptions, Invade cards inherently provide more tempo + value and can snowball harder than any other card (1 drops summoning 0/4 for a total of 1/5 stats plus future buffs and creating threats is insane that even exists)

    - Invade cards lower quality of games, lower the skill required to play cause its all random, and make mistakes in play and drafting worthless.

    - Even if theoretically, there is always 1 option for invade, 1 for tamriel and one for all the rest deck combinations, when the rest of deck combinations include one of red, blue, yellow, invade cards DILLUTE and lower both the quality as well as the excitement of drafting a new arena deck.

    - Invade mechanic and cards are to put it mildly extremely Invasive, Oppressive, Stressful and Anti-fun to play against

    Ive seen lvl 12 Portals in ARENA, what do you expect us to do versus that Bethesda? At least Mundus Stone and Divine Fervor are Two cards one Unique Legendary and the other Epic that when you play them you lose INSANE TEMPO, you basically are doing nothing on the turn playing them. But invade? Let me play a turn 4 5/3 (if not more cause the portal might already be there) that will make a 0/6 portal next turn, or 6/8 worth of stats in creatures plus a 0/6 with ward turn 7 that also has the potential next turn to be a divine fervor plus mundus stone. This CANT possible seem fair and balanced.

    Basically arena is a whole different kind of game, that some things simply do not fit or just break it. Invade is one that breaks it, horribly, and all you can do is go face as soon as you see those colours. And i legit believe nobody wants the game to be go face or go home

    Arena doesnt have the luxury of having combos and answers sloted into your deck, doesnt have a legit game winning plan, and Invade seriously trumps any decision making and deck building element of the game. It might be ok to summon mini-Dagoths in constructed cause both players have a plan and a whole deck dedicated to that plan, but it is NOT ok for arena.

    Basically invade cards should be cut completely from arena drafts, if not now, after a week or two just so that players get their fill of invasion because JoO is new and all.

    Legit, i was super hyped as a predominantly versus Arena player to play arena with the new cards, but invade simply drains the lifeforce out of me, so much that i consciously try to pick the colours that dont have invade cards (i hadnt played scout before JoO for a long time) cause i know its soul crashing for the opponents too, to face insanenly highroll/snowball decks that require only luck and zero decision making game knowledge.

    Arena has always appealed to me cause you could not go meta, every deck you played felt different, you were WOW that was a nice combo, WOW i didnt expect that, WOW that was a cool interaction, with the occasional damn that opener could be constructed or damn he had Odaviing, now its all : WOW he has invade, do i go face with my deck that cant push? Do i use all of my 2 removals on portals or the daedra creatures? Do i lose the value war cause im trying to kill the portal that can reach 10 hp and could be better than divine fervor and mundus stone or do i let the opponent summon mini-dagoths by turn 7-8? Which negative scenario do i choose? Lose or Lose ?

    At this point even thinking of the things ive seen in arena provokes feelings of despair, and even if i was super stocked to play some Legends for new interactions and scenarios i wont be playing cause every game feels the same shitty (excuse me again) experience over and over again. Invade literally killed arena for me.

    Thank you for reading. Im leaving with the hope that at some point in the near future arena will be the fun experience it had been for years (even if stale due to the lack of new cards from time to time) and for that to be the case invade should be removed from Arena , nothing less nothing more. No hard feelings, i had a lot of fun and continue to do so in contructed and casual modes but as an Arena player i sincerely dont wont to touch that format again as long as invade exists in it.

    TLDR : Invasion cards and mechanic way too oppressive, stressful and anti-fun in versus Arena, breaks the format and makes it feel like you are playing the same match every time or playing constructed ladder. Battling against invade decks leaves you with three options 1) go face and hope your deck can do it, 2) have more invade, 3) simply lose . Remove invade from Arena format if not now after a week or so when the initial hype and novelty dies off.

    submitted by /u/ExiledCaptain
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    Important interaction: if you set Oblivion Gate's health to 1, it doesn't grow when leveled up

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    You can play Three Feather Warchief on a lvl 1 O-Gate, then let them level it up 2-3 times before you execute it. Busted.

    submitted by /u/Plays-0-Cost-Cards
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    Legends Cast episode 18: Oblivion Unleashed!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:22 AM PDT

    Warning! Forces of Destruction does not summon any Daedra when played in the gauntlet! Not saying I would have won this one if it did, but the odds would have been much greater!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    Another Gauntlet, Another Batch of 5 Decks

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:15 AM PDT

    Audio Bug: Bitterfish Witch SFX play even when game volume is muted

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    That'll do ��

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    It works don’t know why it just does. 15-1. Really 15-2 but I’m not counting that lost the game lagged and played the wrong card. SPABsjACfqpqAPwscPxAcKgFdqcsoZfrgUkpoShOefbK.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Finally got all 3 HotD out

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    So, what are your first impressions on Invade?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:43 AM PDT

    City Guard has become my favorite card.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:29 AM PDT

    Nothing can beat an on-demand "Stop right there, criminal scum" button.

    submitted by /u/RavenKnight1998
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    Invade Gauntlet: Worst Experience in the Game

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    While its nice to get free packs easily, I must say: This gauntlet has to be the worst experience yet in this game. Every match is the same: Snowballing Invasion decks in the one neutered format where the mechanic actually works. The games are a repetitive slog, and if it were not for the free packs, would not be worth the terrible experience this gauntlet offers.

    submitted by /u/NorthEasternNomad
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    Looks like Iron Atronach costs 9 now

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Looks like Iron Atronach costs 9 now

    For some reason, {{Iron Atronach}} can be summoned buy {{Unexpected Arrival}} at unappropriate gate level. Played 2 games in gauntlet and got smashed with charge Iron bois both times. FeelsBadMan


    submitted by /u/dedokMolotok
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    5 quests: New feature or bug?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:15 PM PDT

    Rock, Portal and wait... thats ILLEGAL

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:24 AM PDT

    [Chart] What are my odds for rolling that one specific Keyword given the level of my Oblivion Gate and the existing keywords on my creature?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 11:25 PM PDT

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