• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Who can guess how Invade/Oblivion Gate be nerfed into? - Winner gets 2 packs

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Who can guess how Invade/Oblivion Gate be nerfed into? - Winner gets 2 packs

    Who can guess how Invade/Oblivion Gate be nerfed into? - Winner gets 2 packs

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:18 PM PDT

    Invade combo: an unbiased opinion about why it's a good thing

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:12 AM PDT

    Praise be! The Dragon Throne is empty, and through the power of Invade we hold the Amulet of Kings and the Legend top 100. Praise be to your Guildsworn brothers and sisters. Great shall be their reward in Paradise!

    To those who wish to stop our glorious invasion: How little you understand! You cannot stop Lord Dagon. The Principalities have sparkled as gems in the black reaches of Oblivion since the First Morning. Yes, you understand now. TESL is just one more Daedric realm of Oblivion, long since lost to its Prince when he was betrayed by those that served him. Lord Dagon cannot invade Tesl, his birthright! He comes to liberate the Occupied Lanes with Daedra and keywords alike!


    submitted by /u/TheRealMankarCamoran
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    Why gates don't need to be nerfed

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:51 AM PDT

    Everybody who doesn't enjoy playing gates already left
    -> 100% of people on ladder are playing it
    -> it can never become more than a 50% WR deck from now on

    -> problem solved!

    submitted by /u/abeldenibus
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    The only decent deck I’ve been able to make with my limited cards is an Aggro invade Guildsworn

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    Oh my God, shut up about invade

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:37 AM PDT

    You sound like a bunch of 13 year olds throwing a tantrum. The combo has been out for maybe 2 days and it's already been acknowledged. Go play something else! Do your homework! Mow the lawn!

    You're adding absolutely nothing new or insightful to the discussion. This whole subreddit just turned into a huge echo chamber. Do we need 10 posts on the front page all saying the same thing? Do we need 10 new ones every day? "Ooh, we're spreading awareness, we want our voices to be heard". Listen: 1) it's a card game. Don't act like you're some activist protesting for something. 2) YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN HEARD. The problem has been acknowledged. But anyone who has worked in software knows that you can't just push a button and implement changes. It's a whole process and it takes time. 3) Ask yourself whether you are really posting to raise awareness or just to get sympathy. "Ooh I'm going to quit this game because invade hurt me :(" As if your choices are either "play the game all day, every day, with no break" or "quit the game forever".

    Alright echo chamber, bring on the downvotes now. Doesn't matter, had to get this out.

    submitted by /u/MichelS4
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    Slot machines are not strategy games.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    I think it's important to remember that Invade was viewed unfavorably even before the infamous combo was discovered. Designing an entire mechanic around random pay-off -with mana manipulation thrown in! - is such obviously toxic game design that I'm still surprised that it was released. Cards like Mundus Stone and Suran Pawn Broker were already major offenders in this regard. Invade combo being broken is obviously bad, but it is secondary to the design direction that this game seems to be taking. :(

    submitted by /u/sayer_of_things
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    When you try not to think about TESL and your mind goes like....

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:16 PM PDT

    Why weren’t Oblivion Gates supports? A layman’s analysis of the binary nature of supports and how it (may) hurt design.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    To preface this a bit of background. TESL is the first card game I have put significant investment into, so take these comments with the intent to start a discussion. I am well aware there are people with far more expertise out there that can provide more insight. This is less "What is wrong with invade" and more "how did we get here".

    In the context of the Invade combo going around in Mage, Battlemage, and Guildsworn there have been several proposals going around on how to change Oblivion Gates to be a little more fair. Most propose some sort of change to cost, the way they rank up, or specifically preventing gates from being unsummoned. It's this last one I want to focus on which has really stuck in my head.

    The Invade combo is completely dependent on being able to copy and unsummon Oblivion Gates. If we are going to go with the idea that Oblivion Gates should specifically have a "Permanent" (i.e. can't be unsummoned, can't be copied) effect, to be it directly leads to the question: Why aren't Oblivion Gates supports?

    When we look at the Oblivion Gate itself it is in effect a support. It can't attack (barring "unshackle" synergies), it's immune to silence, it provides an ongoing beneficial effect to the player who has one in play. Currently in TESL there are very few ways to manipulate supports with only Excavate and Euraxia Tharn coming to mind in regards to their effect on Oblivion Gates as well as the typical destroy support cards. The Invade "combo" would be significantly harder to pull off if Oblivion Gates were supports and not creatures. So why aren't they?

    I have a few thoughts, slightly incoherent and incomplete, regarding why the design team went in the direction for a creature instead of a support.

    They aren't supports because the nature of supports is too binary. This has been the most stuck in my head, which is why I have listed it first.

    1. The ability to invade multiple times on early turns would snowball too fast and be too difficult to counter. The first support removal to come online is Dismantle at turn 3 which only directly answers the gate without answering the creatures (potentially) that summoned it. By turn 3 gates can easily be level 3 or 4 with creature discounts and random keywords.

    2. The opponent can simply resummon the gate next turn (with our current Invade cards this is easy) and start the train going again. They could not make enough cards to make the mechanic consistently viable for 50 and 75 card decks without it snowballing too fast as a support.

    3. The options to deal with supports are too limited (silver bullets). They can lead to games where you lose because you simply didn't draw the right cards.

    They aren't supports because the developers wanted them to have interaction with unsummon and copy.

    1. It is, subjectively, fun to get multiple Oblivion Gates out on board and watch Daedra swarm the board.

    2. It's balanced (maybe even weak) when the combo is not out of hand on turn 5-9, when it requires setup with creatures like Wispmother or playing suboptimal cards like forsworn guide, cast out, etc. in a traditional aggro or midrange shell


    While it does seem correct that Oblivion Gates are not supports with the current cards. The mechanic could have been released and adjusted to accommodate a support Oblivion gate (with fewer overall Invade cards and stat adjustments). The fact that they are not supports, but function as supports, to me highlights a core problem with the binary nature of supports and support removal. It is possible the design space would be more open if supports had health and could be destroyed through direct combat.

    Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/3019642
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    SO......! I am back (Apparently I love the game too much to stay away)... and want to be the voice of reason this time....!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    As dev's have hinted at potential balance changes in a couple of weeks, we have to give them their space.

    The invade meta is here to stay for the time being. We can either quit playing temporarily, which I was initially planning on doing or adjust to the meta for now, and play decks that we are not used to or comfortable playing for the time being... accept some of the these losses, let them not tilt us and move on.....

    I played invade combo yesterday, and it actually helped me figure out how to play against it better. (i recommened anti-invade people to try it atleast in practice.) My winrate playing anti-invade (although there were some clear uninteractable blow-outs) was still better than playing invade myself.

    When you see turn 6 invade blow-out, just pretend it is old school control tribunal, or nix-assassin or market assassin. Due to keywords involved it may feel much worse, but practically speaking outcome and win-rate maybe the same.

    submitted by /u/gumchoo
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    This subreddit right now

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    when you drop debilitate after opponent plays Tullius' Conscription ��

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    When they low roll lethal and breakthrough- please send thoughts and prayers to this poor brave soldier.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:08 AM PDT

    As everyone is either trying to hard counter portals or calling for nerfs

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    It even works in Versus Arena!!!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:17 AM PDT

    #LeviosMadeMeDoIt: Unironically, Immolating Blast might be one of the best cards for any deck that aspires to go lategame currently.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:43 AM PDT

    Managed to hit Legend rank first time thanks to the Invade

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    [meme] Waiting for Localization

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    Thanks to the ESL regulars who have helped me.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:04 PM PDT

    I used to be a fairly regular player, back when the DB expansion dropped. I quit after finishing that story. I came back recently and was absolutely lost. I came here, posted a few questions in the new player thread, and read a bunch of advice posts on here.

    I just broke into tier 3 on versus ladder. I recently acquired the "unvanquished" title. I found a few decks that I've been studying to improve my own builds.

    Thank y'all so much. I'm having fun with the game again, and am seeing much better results.

    I felt like such an idiot, but now I know that winning the field lane is vital!

    submitted by /u/DirtyBobMagoo
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    CHONKY Chieftain Combos

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:55 AM PDT

    Having so much fun testing this small combo in Consume Warrior that I wanted to share. Marauder Chieftain is a really fun card with consume and it adds a lot of surprise reach.

    Marauder Chieftain in play, use Seeker of the Black Arts to mill a bunch of cards and then trade some good consume targets. Play Ruin Shambler and another card that buffs if possible, allowing you to be gain upwards of 10+ power in a turn and take out an opponent before they even see it coming. Cards Like Clan Captain, Dragontail Savior, and even Servant of Jha-Kha'Jay can make it get out of hand before you know it.

    Just wanted to share cause fun combos like this are getting ignored cause of all the invade hysteria. Hist aid you adventurers!

    submitted by /u/GENGUNNER02
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    I'm sorry, tesl machine broke

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:00 AM PDT

    This was very satisfying

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    A very simple solution to the combo problem.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:51 PM PDT

    Soooo..... what should I craft these days?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    I don't feel safe crafting crazy invade combo cards, because whatever nerf is going to happen is going to bring it back down to below the power level of other decks.

    So what's left to craft? Rimmen Siege Weapons? Queen's Captains? Kaathunigrondine?

    submitted by /u/Thatguyjmc
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    Played 9 games of ladder this morning and only faced 1 Invade deck.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 01:13 AM PDT

    And whooped their ugly arse muahahah

    Anyways, there's a few of these suckers out and about but you can play proper games, just don't let tiltvade get to you. I am prone to tilt myself so I tend to concede pretty early if I see my chances to end at 6 decline - these games aren't really worth much attention amyways.

    Warning: decks on ladder were extremely fast (probably in response) so keep that in mind.

    EDIT: Played 10 more and the cancer came back in full force. ggwp sparkthesda,

    submitted by /u/ToastieNL
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    We already have a song for Invade

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:00 AM PDT

    For those who never played The Elder Scrolls Online, there are bards across the world that sing songs related to the Elder Scrolls lore.

    One of the songs is this, "From dread Daedra save us"


    submitted by /u/JagdOsprey
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