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    Sunday, November 24, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends BUG: Elixir of Potency not in pool of elixirs for Shivering Apothecary

    Elder Scrolls: Legends BUG: Elixir of Potency not in pool of elixirs for Shivering Apothecary

    BUG: Elixir of Potency not in pool of elixirs for Shivering Apothecary

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PST

    Quest : Summon 10 Belligerent Giants.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:35 PM PST

    A Reply Regarding Prophecies - They Are Necessary

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:20 AM PST

    I've seen a lot of threads complaining about prophecies lately, so I thought I'd help clear things up before the noise scares away new people.

    Prophecies have an important purpose, and that purpose is to stop one player from irrevocably snowballing the other with an aggressive start. It's quite an ingenious and innovative design actually.

    Prophecies force players to fight for sufficient board control before hitting in order to be safe. They encourage a more interactive back-and-forth for board control rather than a game state where whoever snowballs a good start just wins. They stop the game from devolving into pure aggro.

    No decent player with a deep understanding of the game will say that prophecies aren't necessary.

    If you are a new-ish player, do not fall for the fallacy that prophecies are a bad thing. The people who cry out against it are bad players who do not have a sufficient grasp of the game. I'm sorry if it hits anyone, but it's not my intention to insult them. It's a hard thing to hear, but those people need to understand this in order to become better players.

    Even if you are an aggro player, you need to consider the board state. If you consistently have no effective means to push forward after a javelin kills one of your creatures, there is a problem with your strategy and decisions.

    Both players have 5 runes and equal shots at prophecies. The system is fair. Learn how to read the board and know when to hit. If you are carelessly aggressive on an aggro deck, that's your fault.


    Randomness. Are prophecies random? Yes. But just as random as having opening hands. It is the nature of card games. Randomness is the reason why the game is intriguing and why you aren't playing chess. All you can do is maximize your odds. The highest tier of elite players merely maximize their odds, and they win that way consistently.

    *(I say "board control" a lot for simplicity's sake, but really, I mean any kind of sustainability. Hand size and draw potential too, etc.)

    submitted by /u/AutumnElegy91
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    Remember when Thief of Dreams used to be a 5/5?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:28 AM PST

    Warp Meta's November Monthly Final is live!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:32 AM PST

    Control super strong right now?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:07 AM PST

    So I love midrange and loved last expansions meta. Mid was good but I didnt feel like it was op (especially after alfiq nerf). Now control and super greedy decks seem to be every where. Tribunal "remove everything with avctions" control seems to be back. Contrition seems to be everywhere. And I have even seen a return of ebonheart slay.

    I used to be able to beat these with my mid range decks a decent amount of time but recently I just cannot win. Like they all have tons of tools early that keep me from doing anything until turn 6 or so. And by that time it's usually too late.

    My question is what changed? What in last expansion made control better? Am I the only one and just getting unlucky/playing poorly? Or did control just come back because it's the flavor of the month?

    submitted by /u/swimdewed500
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    No Refunds

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:05 PM PST

    [Bug or intended?] Interaction between Delphine and Old Salty's Assault

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:09 AM PST

    So I drew Delphine from a mudcrab merchant, hold onto it till turn 8, then played it right before playing assault, but she didn't change when reflective god-omaton hit the board... Almost lost because of this. I assume it is a bug? What do you guys think of it?

    submitted by /u/SiuolReinerg
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    the pain

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:56 PM PST

    [Fan Content] Here’s my dark and atmospheric Elder Scrolls gaming playlist. Give it a try! Hope you enjoy it as well.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:31 AM PST

    Let's complain about prophecy

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:11 AM PST

    Who else lost all their gauntlet matches due to prophecies in 3 color greedy shit decks?

    submitted by /u/Turdburglary1
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    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:41 AM PST

    9 wins in this gauntlet? Get in here!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 04:37 AM PST

    I went 2-3 with aggro empire and 4-3 with an aggressive mid-dagoth. What deck did you use to get 9 wins?

    submitted by /u/spedizione_ateniese
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    TriTribal (orc,crab,dwemer) Crusader deck that’s pretty fun. Works well but you need all the cards to make it work. Don’t bother if you don’t have the legendaries. Currently at rank 1.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:52 PM PST

    Would you pay for premium avatars?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:33 PM PST

    The base ones are ugly af.

    submitted by /u/uglylander
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    Finally This Invade cancer decks disappeared . No more easy wins !

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:03 PM PST

    Finally This Invade cancer decks disappeared. The game finally enjoyable and playable. I was actively searching for alternative. Feels a totally different game when this BS is gone

    submitted by /u/Crypt0mason
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    The Redoran Gauntlet

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:24 PM PST

    This weekend only, bring your best hand buff Redoran deck! Or even your worst, heck it'll probably still win! Don't forget the Wraiths and Commanders and Fervors!

    Seriously tho, it's rather ironic that the rally mechanic was originally the Redoran theme and now rally is basically obsolete because of the many hand buff cards. Why play a rally creature that has to survive a turn and not be shackled or silenced to get any value when you can now get the exact same effect instantly from hand???

    submitted by /u/Simetra24
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    Taunting your opponent - oh, you're a poor sport.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:13 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I've noticed, over the years, that people playing online games come in all shapes, sizes and flavours. We have smart ones, dumb ones, pros, scrubs and anything in between.

    One thing I've never quite understood though, is simple rudeness. Be at in a game or to the bloke on the till in your local Tesco.

    Take a game like Monster Hunter. You have your hub information up, someone comes in and the group says hello. New arrival ignores everyone and runs straight to the quest board to post some shit nobody asked for.

    In this, it works with emotes. It's kinda a shame there is no option to speak to people on mobile (that I've found, anyway) but it doesn't hurt to say hello.

    One thing I find sonewhat obnoxious, though, is people that taunt.

    "Welcome, friend" "Prepare to die!"

    I always sigh and just hope for the best at this point. It is, however, hugely satisfying if you proceed to stomp all over them after xD

    I had a match earlier today against some deck, got the upper hand. Had more health and a couple strong creatures on board.

    Guy hits me a bit and then plays conscription. As soon as he does this, he emotes "gg" or whatever the racial equivalent was.

    At this point I kinda grumbled as it presented me with a problem. Conscription had summoned stuff like Ravenous Hunger with a Divine Fervor in play, etc. He had already gotten not one, but TWO prophecy Javelin at this point too, in a 3 colour deck.

    My own salt levels were almost at a lethal dose.

    Luckily, through the noble sacrifice of Nahagliiv, a Danger Noodle and Tiny Dragon, I managed to wrestle back the right lane, into Odahviing to get the board clear on the next turn. Backfooted him until finishing him off with Partysnax and Tazkad.


    What are your pet peeves when playing this game? Is there anything that annoys you and gives you no greater satisfaction than crushing whatever it is beneath your foot?

    I had someone angrily Cast In Time my Tiny Dragon for killing off one of his big creatures the other day, it was hilarious xD

    submitted by /u/Hircine_the_Huntsman
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    Gauntlet's should have open decklists

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:04 PM PST

    A competition like the Grand Melee is a place where you want to play the best you can. For that you need to mulligan correctly. The large variance of decks in these events often makes this (one) hard.

    Knowing how to play the match up helps both players and decreases the chance of surprise-aggro-tribunal blowouts. On ladder the element of surprise is part of the deal but the wins carry less value.

    All the community run competition has open decklists. All the developer run should have, too.

    submitted by /u/SkoomaBabby
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