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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Reddit TESL Tournament #2 - Winner: gay_unicorn666 + Signup for Reddit Tournament #3 is still open

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Reddit TESL Tournament #2 - Winner: gay_unicorn666 + Signup for Reddit Tournament #3 is still open

    Reddit TESL Tournament #2 - Winner: gay_unicorn666 + Signup for Reddit Tournament #3 is still open

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:36 PM PST

    Let's complain about the real issue of this game: Werewolves still lack their Beast Form Lines

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:59 AM PST

    It's been YEARS ever since the new client came, and ever since then Werewolves have lost their lines when they turn into a werewolf.

    When will those lines come back, considering how Exalt Cards got their lines back despite being equally less used? What is this blatant furry and nord discrimination? What happened to all the Stormcloak Rights Activists talking shit back in the days, some filthy grey skins got their lines back way before some Nords, Ysgramor worshipping Nords no less, did, what happened to our ancestors' traditions?

    Some demons appear, we all forget about the ones who we left behind, no sinergy to speak of to back them up, what would Hircine think? What would Talos say, to us, so eager to leave behind those we deem unworthy, deprived of their voices, for petty squabbles and wimpies being squished?

    What Happened to this Game?

    What happened to Us?

    submitted by /u/GoodKing0
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    Two stories about "refund", balance and ingame economies

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:39 AM PST

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ...

    I worked as a game designer for F2P collectible games (eg, things comparable to TESL, even though with shitty to very shitty gameplays). As such, and having a strong focus on math and data, I happened to wander into ingame economy. usually anything profit related was way out of my hands, which clearly made it impossible to actually know if I made my job right ("optimize said equation, please. With ??? in place of some variables, because we won't be giving you that intel. And we also won't give you feedbacks on your model")

    But sometime, some big, big MotherofGod mistakes made some things visible. That what I want to share here.

    A) due to simple mistake, a portion of the playerbase received a huuuuge amount of ingame currency (there was something like a christmas 1000 gems offer, but some ppl received 500k gems instead of 1000). The amount was such that it was a visible change to the sum of the gems currently possessed by every active users. The global ingame wealth was notably increased, because of a typo. And it was only in the possession of a happy few.

    That immediately scared the hell out of mostly everyone in marketing and management ("ohhhh nooo, we'll never be milking these cows again. Ever!!!"), and mostly everyone else did not care because their salary was the same anyway. But one smart marketing/data gal realized that it could be an excellent A/B test, and kept watching how these priviledged people behave, and what they did with their fortune.

    Answer was : by any possible way she looked at, they behaved the way other people behaved. they didn't play more, play less, spend more, spend less, quit more or less. They slowly burned their cash, and after some weeks went back to the regular crowd. Three months later, most of them couldn't be distinguished from regular people.

    B) other game, other company. One day, we realize that a loophole in the ingame cash model is used on large scale, allowing some people are having big (BIG!), unintend refunds (let's say the equivalent of). every week. they have to see and abuse it, but hell they do. On the other hand, the game is so greedy than anyone not using this loophole will probably not have 4 legendary cards even after 2 years of grinding (my god, how awful that was!). So, again, management comes down crashing, and a modification to the ingame economy model closes the loophole (at the cost of making the grind notably harder to everyone). That one will still make me laugh 10 years from now.

    That was a PR shitstorm. In a month, we cut out active player base by 30% (which was slowly growing or stable, before). We cut our revenue by more than 30% (the average player who quit was spending more than the average player who stayed. Assuming the quitting players were the cheating players who didn't HAVE to spend). We rolled back the change (the loophole was closed like a year after, with a much more complicated fix). The players never came back.

    The game revenue never, ever made it back to what it was before the patch.

    To me, the conclusion, there, was that the people abusing the loophole were still pretty happy to toss us $10 or $20, when they 'screwed' us for virtual goods we would sell for $200, also because it made the game better for them (better as in bearable grind).

    Btw that's exactly how I function regarding a game like tesl (something to be said about chicken and eggs there...) : the first thing is to make sure I can play without tossing cash. If I have to front cash before I can enjoy myself, then goodbye. Then, I'm happy to spend some money, because I feel it's really not that much regarding what I already have gotten.

    in both situation, the amount of ingame cash was, in any way, less than a percent of what was needed for a complete collection. perhaps less than 1/1000th. there was no real impact on the supposed need to spend




    So ... I'm not saying Bethesda should refund for invade nerf (wll, I am but that's more complicated). I actually think it's a very very bad thing to tie balancing and correcting design mistake to risky PR and a possible danger to the product financial stability

    Btw there are example of freemium pay for collectible game who patches content regularly, sometime to correct a gross overpowered thing, and who never refund (most MOBAs I know, clash royale, ...)

    I'm saying they should make that decision based on

    • what it'd cost, ofc
    • will the amount of cash tossed will change anything meaningful, regarding player's ability to craft anything they want ? Is it possible to estimate monetization and retention impact?
      • My guess is that the answers would be no and yes, it won't have any.
    • How to spin it for good PR ? if the answer here is there is no way, then cut the losses, don't do anything and move on.

    In the current situation, I'd toss everyone who crafted cards since JOO started a refund up to 6400 gems (assuming it won't impact the grand scheme of things), to buy social peace. I'd add that the policy from now on will be regular balancing patches*, without refund, period.

    *that's free because it's what's been happening anyway. just say minimum 6 per year, and you're covered.

    submitted by /u/Tandyys
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    First time winning this!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:21 AM PST

    How to achieve maximum value from Gray Viper Brigand

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:10 AM PST

    Why don't you all just be nice instead of mean then the reddit would be much better

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:48 AM PST

    And another thing, why do we have to fight against other players, if both players worked together we would get way more points

    submitted by /u/pheromonekvlt
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    If I promise to stop multi-tasking during matches, will people please stop pulling this BS?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:44 AM PST

    Getting blackscreen in middle of a match

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:53 AM PST

    Hello guys,

    So as the title says, i recently came across an huge issue which is that i get a blackscreen after 2-3 turns when i try to play the game on my laptop. It only happens on the laptop, on mobile it propperly works, it also only happens in tesl, i can do whatever the hell i want and nothing happens but as soon as i try to play TESL my pc just gives up after a few turns.

    Since i know that the support team often takes a while to respond to this i wanted to try my luck at reddit first.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    submitted by /u/deinernst123
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    Custom card inspired by recent events.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:09 PM PST

    On the CVH stream right now they just said no soul gem refunds since it was a mechanic fix

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:09 PM PST

    I'm not bummed or mad , just wanted to spread the word.

    submitted by /u/Twitch-tv-obanye
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    64 bit Client?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:07 AM PST

    So I just updated my MAC to OSx 10.15 Catalina which does not support 32-bit applications. I should have read up on the update a bit more before I went ahead with it, I was quite a few updates behind So I jump blindly in to the not so bright future...
    Turns out TESL is a 32-bit game and I can no longer play.
    Is there anywhere a 64-bit client is available, or will one be made?
    Steam is only offering me a 32-bit version.

    submitted by /u/Dreaded_JThor
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    Devs: You need to decide what you want this game to be.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:36 AM PST

    I'll spare everyone the giant rant post. I just feel nobody is saying this, so I will.

    You guys continue to release even more powerful versions of previously nerfed cards. This is not power creep--it's worse. Shrine was nerfed, yet Faded Wraith exists. Alfiq Conjurer and Luzrah were nerfed because they granted too many stats for too cheap a cost, yet you created invade. Mantikora was nerfed, only to be made a joke by Queen's Captain. People complained that Conscription and Praetorian Commander were toxic, so you nerfed them both, only to then create an entire deck type that revolves around cycling Praetorian Commander.

    I mean, what are you guys even doing?

    submitted by /u/aZestyEggRoll
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    With the recent Invade controversies, the best thing to do would be to roll back Jaws of Oblivion (SATIRE POST)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:27 PM PST

    In light of recent events, Invade has been thrust into the spotlight multiple times. All the ad revenue it's generating is going straight into Mankar Camoran's pocket, making him the sixth richest Mer in Cyrodiil (Mannimarco is eighth).

    Additionally, a number of Argonians (including a full board of An-Xileel Invaders) have been protesting the Invade nerfs. Supposedly, they want a refund because they paid the Hist massive quantities of Soul Gems for Daedra-stomping superpowers and now said powers are pretty much useless.

    There have also been rumors about Faded Wraiths who eat immeasurable quantities of bizarre items, including a Khuul Lawkeeper, a Black Soul Gem, and a Stormcloak army in the middle of an uprising. These Faded Wraiths have become so huge that they are eating through the TES:L terrain like giant PAC-MEN, with the added side effect of barfing out attrition control cards.

    This chaotic series of events can be traced back to one instigating event: when Emperor CVH faked his own death at the hands of the Mythic Dawn. He has been sighted time and time again in disguise, dropping hints about incoming Invade nerfs. However, seeing as he is supposedly dead, he has not made any official statements on the current status of Invade or whether the Mythic Dawn will receive a refund for their now defunct Oblivion Gates.

    Siege Crawler and the Avatar of Akatosh have discussed the matter intensely, and have come to the consensus that the ideal course of action would be to go back in time and officially "save" Emperor CVH from the Mythic Dawn, therefore ending the Oblivion Crisis before it even begins.

    This would lead to Invade never existing, meaning that Mankar Camoran would still have to eat bread thrown at ducks from ponds, the Argonians wouldn't be angry because they wouldn't have thrown so many Soul Gems at the Hist for useless powers, and the Faded Wraiths would stay underground.

    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    I think something is wrong with my gate

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:47 PM PST

    After 3 years I can say I truly hate one thing of this game...

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:56 PM PST

    Prophecy. Prophecy. Prophecy.

    Listen, it's ok to face Prophecy Battlemage (or the Aldmeri/Mage variant) but it's unbelievable when my opponents in 75 cards NOT PROPHECY deck draws first prophecy rune or even 3 rune in a row. And not only this but the prophecies are:

    Javelin Bolt Harpy Golden Initiate

    And this are game changing cards most of the time. I enter the gauntlet tonight and I went really bad only when my opponent got 2-3 prophecies in a row and when those prophecies were javelin, bolt, harpy and initiate. Don't tell my "try to play around" I've been playing (around) since September 2016, several times legend and a couple of times top 100 in melee/gauntlet. Prophecies needs to be reworked before it's to late (too many possible new prophecies), nerfing the effect while played as a rune. I actually like the prophecies system by itself (you need to think a lot of what you are doing) but not in this state. There are too much game changing prophecies that can turn the table and you can't to anything.

    Tonight I went 0-3 / 8-3 / 1-3 with the same deck and the matches I lost are all because first prophecy (or multiple) rune. With 9 wins my Gray Fox is faded away...(also lost 9 tickets)

    submitted by /u/SirGreengrave
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    Weekend Card Discussion Thread - Whodunit? | November 22, 2019

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:55 PM PST

    Weekend Card Discussion Thread - Whodunit? | November 22, 2019

    Hello everyone and welcome to the latest card discussion thread! This time we are discussing Whodunit?.

    Please feel free to talk about anything you find interesting about the card: design, effect on the meta, the art, sounds, animations, lore or anything else.


    Set: Jaws of Oblivion

    Constructed Rating*: 3.3/5

    Arena Rating*: 1.3/5

    *Constructed and Arena Ratings are a based on community votes on Legends-Decks. Remember to rate cards if you feel these ratings are not accurate.

    Example Decklist: Mini Ramp Rage by pirateninjapapa

    Trivia: Whodunit? is a quest) in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. A client has arranged a party in order to kill off some enemies with the Dark Brotherhood's) help. The goal is to kill all the guests, and a bonus is given if nobody witnesses any murder.

    For more stats and decklists, try Legends-Decks or visit Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages for more information!

    <-- Previous Discussion: Weekday Card Discussion Thread - Marauder Chieftain | November 18, 2019

    submitted by /u/MillenialSage
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    How does the changes to invade count as a mechanic "fix"?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:04 PM PST

    Like what part of gates would make you look at it and think "hmm, pretty sure that the card can't be duplicated, copied, or unsummoned"

    What part of these cards acted like they weren't supposed to?

    No the mechanics were working fine, everything worked as you would expect it too.

    Look if you don't wanna refund the cards just say there will be no refunds. Don't say bullshit like this was a mechanic fix, when this was just a nerf.

    submitted by /u/Jaxc1w
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    A Sparky Experiment?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:07 PM PST

    I logged in one day and wondered whether or not the quest choice was a little social experiment to find out which rewards people preferred. Now this past week I've been noticing a lot more 60 gold or pack reward quests. Maybe intentional or maybe it's just a coincidence, but a welcome surprise to be sure.

    submitted by /u/Wabbstarful
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    No matter how you look at it, Invade destroyed the game and this community

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:17 PM PST

    At this point, whether Invade was/is broken and whether they should have given soul gem refunds for the nerf are essentially irrelevant. After years of holding out hope for the game to turn around, it was finally happening. We had oodles of new content, great communication from the developers, gauntlets, tournaments, and a healthy meta. All that positive vibe has been wiped out since Jaws of Oblivion released.

    I believe that the entire Invade debacle is the death knell of TESL. (Incidentally, check out the awesome song called Death Knell from the Oblivion soundtrack written by the accused rapist Jeremy Soule). This has been such a negative experience for so many people and has polarized this beleaguered community. The 200 people left on reddit aren't even trading memes, decks, and achievements anymore. I can only assume that, like me, they are just here to watch the world burn.

    submitted by /u/Azutmioh
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