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    Friday, November 29, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Discounted Bounty Bundle

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Discounted Bounty Bundle

    Discounted Bounty Bundle

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:40 AM PST

    A week's worth of Deck Checker statistics

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 05:21 AM PST

    I've collate a week's worth of web logs from deck checker (both discord bot and website), and have grouped them by class, and top 20 cards.

    Here's the breakdown for 21st November to 29th November:

    Scout : 1353 Tribunal Temple : 1256 Assassin : 694 Aldmeri Dominion : 543 Monk : 463 House Telvanni : 379 Empire Of Cyrodiil : 368 Archer : 361 House Dagoth : 287 Guildsworn : 286 Battlemage : 269 Crusader : 261 Ebonheart Pact : 237 Warrior : 223 House Hlaalu : 181 House Redoran : 171 Mage : 77 Spellsword : 55 Daggerfall Covenant : 42 Sorcerer : 32 Neutral : 9 Total : 7547 

    Here are the top 20 cards by count in decks:

    Shrieking Harpy : 9353 Shadow Shift : 9297 Wardcrafter : 8912 Piercing Javelin : 8466 Lightning Bolt : 7723 Mournhold Traitor : 7617 Cliff Racer : 7524 Golden Initiate : 6876 Murkwater Scourge : 5772 Hive Defender : 5771 Shearpoint Dragon : 5674 Leaflurker : 5643 Execute : 5637 Cornerclub Gambler : 5394 Edict of Azura : 5080 Skinned Hound : 4930 Mehrunes Dagon's Seducer : 4782 Thieves Guild Recruit : 4767 Rapid Shot : 4655 Daggerfall Mage : 4654 

    Note, I don't collect any personal information, I just log which deck code was requested and the time. I've written another parser to collate the stats above just from the codes.

    Would this be of interest on a weekly basis or any other stats?

    Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/fenrock369
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    Could we have more skill-based titles added?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:47 PM PST

    Most of the titles in the game are based on performing certain actions in a game, and that's neat and it's nice to have variety, but there are almost no titles that are representative of player skill.

    The ones for "win [x number] of games" cap out at 1000, which isn't a whole lot considering the game is almost 3 years old at this point. And on top of that it's just blue rarity so doesn't feel that special. It'd be nice to have 2000/3000/5000/10,000 win titles.

    Could also make some for win streaks, 5/10/15/20/30/50? Or a title if you get to Legend rank on day 1 of the month ("The Impatient"). Or if you defeat a player who is 3 ranks higher than you ("The Underdog"). If you defeat the #1 Legend-ranked player ("The Battle-Tested")! Stuff like that would be really cool.

    submitted by /u/PubliusCornelius2
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    What are people planning to run in the gauntlet? (i.e., I NEED CHOATE)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:58 AM PST

    Was thinking orc warrior plus galyn for giggles.

    submitted by /u/someBrad
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    Just came back to the game a month ago and today I hit legend for the first time

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:35 AM PST

    Okay, Ancano and The Red Year is a funny combo but... what do you think about The Red Year and Kynreeve Champions ? Well... MAD MAX the « Schizophrenic » Warrior is BACK !!!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:07 AM PST

    Okay, Ancano and The Red Year is a funny combo but... what do you think about The Red Year and Kynreeve Champions ? Well... MAD MAX the « Schizophrenic » Warrior is BACK !!!


    Hello everyone ! I've shared you my crazy combo deck there are some weeks ago now but i've recently added The Red Year in the list for more fun and it was easier to record the combo during Casual games, hoping you'll like it !

    The Red Year / Kynreeve Champion(s) OTK

    However, i've sometimes played this deck on the ladder and succeeded the combo, so i've made a short compilation of 3 games ending that you can see in this video (2min) :


    Finally, if you want to discover my decklist with a lot of advices, i invite you to check the Legends-decks page: MAD MAX | OTK « Schizophrenic » Warrior

    See you soon for much fun and combo !

    The Elderscrollsement vôtre,


    submitted by /u/IN-SITU_TESL
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    [Tested] Conscription interaction with deck cost reduction.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:09 PM PST

    So we were having a discussion on TESL discord about the new monthly interaction with conscription and if it should pull creatures depending on the original costs or the reduced one. u/yumyum36 came up with the idea of creating a deck with 3,4,5 cost creatures, Cyriel and conscription.
    The idea is to pilfer with Cyriel to reduce the cost of one creature then play conscription and it worked!. Credits to u/yumyum36 for the idea and deck code.

    submitted by /u/SuperNoobCamper
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    card designers from sparkypants fired?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:09 AM PST

    All removed TES:L from twitter bio.

    TDCJason: https://imgur.com/KxerBBs

    PVDDR: https://imgur.com/uu8gISy

    Wrapter: https://imgur.com/OGLFAfH

    submitted by /u/NoCountryForOldCards
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    A charge of fun for your weekend!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:34 AM PST

    Sorry for whining but I really wish these rewards were just a little bit better :/

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 11:34 AM PST

    ESLT24 (please stop by our FB page if interested in joining. Apologies but a FB/Messenger is required to join)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 07:42 AM PST

    Mandatory Telvanni Legendaries

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PST

    A little flushed with soul gems thanks to the Invade Nerf recompense, I wanted to ask you all what you think are the 'mandatory' legends for the wizard lords. I know each iteration has its own focus, but Odiniran Necromancer, Therana, Laaneth and Sun in Shadow seem to me to be universally present.

    Honorable mentions: Mentor's Ring, Night Talon Lord, maybe Divayth Fyr too?

    I don't have full sets, so I'm looking for recommendations of who to soul summon my next couple of big spends.

    submitted by /u/TheDetachedRetina
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    Expansion #4 should be here soon. What do y'all expect?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:26 AM PST

    I'm in a train, bored as fuck, don't hate me

    Sooo here's an image of the Roadmap: http://prntscr.com/q3yovi

    It suggests a 4th expansion for TESL in this very year. Now, given how the timing works out, reveal season should be right upon us. Nobody wants to release a card set too close to the holidays because if something turns out to be broken (either balance or gameplay wise), that'd make for a horrible experience in one of the higher traffic times of the year. A week or 2 margin is desirable. That'd put expansion release date on roughly December 11 which is a mere 2 weeks away! Obviously, "things happen" so it might be a bit later.

    Now, looking at the image, all three of the former ones "teased" the topic of the expansion, even if we initially didn't expect them to. The road map obviously was announced with Alliance War, the second expansion (MOE) has this backdrop of Rimmen, the capital of Elsweyr. Expansion 3, Jaws, features a fairly obvious Oblivion Gate.

    Now, expansion 4 is the first one of these three that actually features the backdrop of an existing card: Dremora Markynaz. This can mean two things:
    1. They weren't sure about the theme yet but expected it to be Oblivion-related (which is fair, because we're talking 9-10 months ahead now).
    2. They were sure about the theme and decided to split up Oblivion into two expansions (giving it roughly the same quantity of cards as Skyrim and Morrowind got).

    Anyways, that's all I got.

    TLDR: Expansion teases should be here VERY SOON with a release in ~2-3 weeks!!! and secondly, there's reason to think it's an Oblivion/Cyrodiil expansion again!

    submitted by /u/ToastieNL
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    The meta feels pretty great now

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:21 PM PST

    Anyone else agree? I'm meeting huge variety of decks in top 200 legend.

    As a control player I still hate facing conscription but it seems less popular, probably due to our goblin friends tearing them a new one by turn 5. Also the hatable decks of slay ebon, telvanni conscription and hand buff conscription aren't oppressively prevalent.

    In the last 24 hours I've also faced goblins, aggro hlaalu, item BM, control telvanni, pilfer monk, mid guildsworn, greedy rage warrior, mid tribunal..

    Thoroughly enjoying this few days before the new cost reduction meta.. lol

    submitted by /u/Chungshantesl
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    Help for someone new?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:44 PM PST

    NEW PLAYER HERE, been playing for a few weeks and have built a semi successful archer deck, the only problem ive found is i have no idea what cards i need, out of the packs or the pre mades. I havent found a good way to search for specific things outside the collection. I hope the link works.


    To clarify i just need help on what im missing, not to change too much from what i have going on

    submitted by /u/TheactualDK
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    Does this happen to anyone else?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:57 PM PST

    Are there actually ANY decks this works in?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:10 PM PST

    Can anyone help me improve this deck? (New player)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:57 PM PST


    I tend to snowball and get 30/30 creatures in a couple turns. Any help would be appreciated (rank 4)

    submitted by /u/arctifire
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    Bug: Abnur + Faded Wraith

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 07:23 AM PST

    Everyone's favorite Bug problem...Abnur Tharn

    I had a Faded Wraith Buffed to 3/5. My opponent played an abnur and stole Faded's summon. That summon text reads:

    "Draw cards equal to FADED WRAITH's power."

    But the unbuffed abnur drew FIVE cards. This is wrong. It would work that way if the summon said "Draw cards equal to this creature's power."

    submitted by /u/spedizione_ateniese
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    Any must have legendary cards?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

    As the title says, I havent really used many soul gems so I have tons piled up. Does anyone have advice on ones to stay away from or must haves? Other Then the dedric gate shitshow I used to mainly use a controlish dagoth deck if that helps with recommendations Edit:should mention I play all decks really for variety but u feel most comfortably dagoth/guildsworn and huallu back in the day lool

    submitted by /u/MajinTrump
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    TESL having a special offer for christmas?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:04 PM PST

    I just started playing a few weeks ago and was wondering if TESL has special offers around this time of year..

    submitted by /u/LatinDovah1810
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    Question about entering legend rank

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:24 PM PST

    Would it be possible to enter at #1 near the end of the month?

    Generalised answers would be good, but pertaining to me I more specifically mean arena.

    I ask this because currently on a 21 game win streak, have just done 2x 7-0 in a row. Have done 3x 7-0 in my last 30 games, and have only lost 1 game in that last 30 games, and think my current run could potentially be another 7-0, which would catapult me into legend. I'm not sure whether or not to just sit on it until the 11th hour.

    submitted by /u/ElderTrollLegend
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