• Breaking News

    Friday, November 15, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends The state of the game is perfect.

    Elder Scrolls: Legends The state of the game is perfect.

    The state of the game is perfect.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:39 AM PST

    As is well documented on this subreddit, the meta is in crisis. The invade nerf did nothing and literally every deck draws too many cards. The ladder is so salty that every snail within a thousand miles spontaneously withers to nothing.

    What response do we have from CVH? Silence. What about wrapter and the rest of his cabal of Pot-of-Greed wannabe designers? Nothing. Not even SparkyDeckard is around to post an animated gif of a toy monkey clanging cymbals to communicate what goes on in the average Sparkypants card designer's head while thinking up the next Conscription enabler.

    All of this is to communicate, of course, my undying gratitude for the swift and effective response to this complaint I posted a while back.

    As all posters who complain about this card game on this subreddit know, we have literally nothing positive going on in our lives. In order to fill the emptiness in our lives, we need a crisis like this to forget that we are simply organic matter meaninglessly replicating on a doomed planet in space hurtling at thousands of miles an hour through empty chaos.

    Thank you for making the game perfect so that I can bitch all day long and forget about the time I am wasting just waiting for old age to finally claim whatever is left of me.

    submitted by /u/ShittyTunaFish
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    No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. There is no escape.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:42 AM PST

    DTBlayde made a video 2 weeks ago explaining a lot of issues people are frustrated with in TESL in a very clear manner. Give it a shot of you wish to learn why community figureheads are down.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:37 AM PST

    Your rewards for 4 wins in this gauntlet: 1 pack, 50 gold, 50 soul gems

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:31 AM PST

    I don't mean this in a belittling way but if you are not an exceptional player and you don't have a ton of tickets or gold to blow, just sit out this event. It is not worth it.

    submitted by /u/WeHaveLostOurPants
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    A Genuine Discussion: Should Prophecy Still Exist?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:06 AM PST

    Prophecies have been a part of TESL since the beginning as a comeback mechanic and ideally as a way to give control decks a fighting chance even if they have a bad draw. To be honest, this has always struck me as a poor solution. However, recently I've given it more thought and wondered if the game and card design philosophy have morphed over the years to a place that doesn't require, and is even held back by, the existence of prophecies. Below are some reasons and points of discussion around this idea:

    RNG: The most obvious argument against Prophecy is that it is perhaps the most random element of the entire game. It's ironic to me that this game was once marketed as "Hearthstone without RNG" and yet it has one of the most luck based mechanics I've ever seen in a CCG attached to it. There is genuinely no worse feeling in this game than losing on a random last rune prophecy. It doesn't feel good winning that way either.

    Conscription: It might seem strange to bring Conscription into this discussion, but hear me out. One of the main reasons prophecies exist is because we have a magicka curve that goes up to 12, two points higher than that of Hearthstone. Because of a higher max magicka, control decks naturally curve higher. There is a higher chance that control decks will not draw 1, 2, and 3 cost cards since they need to fill out their deck all the way to 12 magicka. Prophecies helped mitigate that disadvantage. Even if your opening cards all cost 5+, you'll still have a chance to play a card earlier than that if you hit a prophecy. However, Conscription completely changes the deck building strategy of so many control decks. You no longer need to have a healthy number of 8+ cost cards. They can now compete in all phases of the game with just 3 copies of Conscription. They don't have to have a good curve all the way to 12. So now they can fill their decks with 1 and 2 cost cards, guarantee they have an early game presence, have just 3 copies of conscription at the top to give them a win condition, and they STILL get the benefit of playing cards for free when they hit a prophecy. It's a case of having their cake and eating it too. Prophecies don't serve as a comeback mechanic in Conscription decks, they serve as a random chance of getting to play an extra card for free when they've likely already played a card every single turn anyway.

    Card Advantage and Runes: I love the ideas of runes and drawing cards when they break. The idea that, if you're losing, you have more options and more ways to try and win is fun and satisfying. Isn't this already a large enough advantage? Imagine explaining this mechanic to a new player. "If you're losing and your health gets low enough, you get to draw extra cards so that you can try to make a comeback". Most players would think that sounds fair already, perhaps even already giving too big of an advantage to slower decks. "Oh and sometimes you get to play 6 and 7 cost cards for free if you're lucky". Isn't drawing 5 more cards than your opponent for no cost already enough? Why do we need this extra RNG element on top of that?

    An Overpowered Core Set: I'm not saying that the core set as a whole is overpowered (although it may be), I'm saying that if you only look at prophecies, you'll struggle to find a single card outside of the core set that has seen any sort of significant play since the game's release. I urge you to look at your collection and notice all the objectively great prophecy cards in the core set. Morkul Gatekeeper, Shrieking Harpy, Lightning Bolt, Fate Weaver, Cloudrest Illusionist, Piercing Javelin, Fighters Guild Recruit, Moonlight Werebat, Mummify, Dark Harvester. Now, I urge you to look at every other expansion and try to find prophecy cards of similar power level and play rate. The only ones you'll find are Xivkyn Channeler and Golden Initiate. It's clear that a lesson was learned: Prophecy cards need to be understatted and/or overcosted to balance out their ability to be played for free. The only problem is the core set doesn't follow this rule. It's full of prophecy cards that are powerful ON CURVE. They are so much more powerful than almost any other prophecy printed since. These new prophecies will never see play so long as the core set prophecies still exist. If we ever get a rotation in this game, I would strongly argue for rotating out every single prophecy from the core set. They have dominated the landscape of this game for so long.

    I would genuinely love to hear more arguments as to why Prophecy is a good thing for this game. I would also love to hear how any of you personally rationalize to yourself taking seriously a game that can so blatantly rip victory or defeat away from someone at random. I've played TESL for years, but every once in a while I'll lose a close Mid vs Mid matchup to a last rune prophecy lightning bolt or shrieking harpy, and I'll begin questioning why I even play this game. Why do I continue trying to get better and play with a competitive mindset if I can lose through no fault of my own and through no merit of my opponent?

    submitted by /u/MegaBiteGames
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    TESL & life - Food for thought

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:25 AM PST

    This was posted as a comment but decided to make a full post of it, as this is my view of it "all".

    Since my 2nd kid was born I feel time flew out the window for me. I have so little time to enjoy for myself besides work and family, and this is one of the few games I enjoy playing, be it in what state it may be. And I'm having fun playing, or doing youtube for it. Otherwise, if something brings you misery, why would you still do it? Then it's no longer "playing a game", but an addiction, that only self perpetuates anxiety, depression and unhappiness. By definition a game is something to entertain the mind. After 4 hours of coding microservices or whatever reverse proxy I'm squeezing my brain for, a 15 minute break to play 1/2 games regardless if I win or lose, is pure bliss for me. and this is in my opinion, positivity and open mindedness. I think everyone playing tesl right now, should take a step back and analyze. Are you enjoy playing it? Yes - all good. Keep that chin up No - play something else that makes you happy.. or you want to force someone to make the game to your liking? Why? Maybe you're not a part of the masses that this game's designers are targeting. Or, maybe you can do the change for yourself. If the meta is poop, build an anti poop. The game offers you so many tools to do so many things. Be creative and have fun playing it. Imagination is a human-only trait.. a gift that should not be thrown away just for the sake of repetition and complacency. That would be my message for you all.



    submitted by /u/GicaForta
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    ‪Living la vida loca!!! Buffing la Vida Loca!! This my Handbuff Redoran. There are many like it, but this one is mine‬

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:59 AM PST

    Anyone else having a problem with the app crashing a ton?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:55 AM PST

    If so, do you know if they're working on fixing it? I hope it's not my phone being too old... iphone 7 but I only bought out about 6 months ago.

    Today the game couldn't get past the loading screen without crashing, tried several times. Before there was a day where I started a match and then it decided to crash almost every time I played a card. And yesterday if I ever switched the app into the background to change podcasts or reply to a text it would re-load when switching back to it.

    submitted by /u/caw_the_crow
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    The State of Everything Right Now

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:37 PM PST

    When you get the perfect start with goblins for that turn 5 concede

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:02 AM PST

    Cards that generate Neutral cards?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:41 AM PST

    I'm trying to make a deck with Hulking Fabricant, which requires Neutral cards to trigger.

    I could just slap in some actual Neutral cards, but I noticed Crown Quartermaster and Corsair Ship generate Neutral items that trigger my Hulk. What other cards generate Neutral cards? Is there a list anywhere?

    submitted by /u/Censing
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    The first time I’ve come across someone with an invasion deck....

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:01 AM PST

    And what the actual f!? What do you mean each daedra gets lethal, ward, guard, charge, regenerate and drain!?!?

    I've seen a lot of posts moaning about the invasion decks but never really felt the pain of it until now. I felt really bad using my dragon deck with Alduin but that is something else entirely. . .

    "When you invade, invade" I saw someone post the other day. Fml.

    Anyway stay woke guys

    submitted by /u/chris-asks-questions
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    Arch-nemesis of Oblivion gates

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:20 PM PST

    Dwemer vs Invade

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:12 AM PST

    It seems like a strong counter but for rank 8 isn't much to brag about yet. I've played 4 invade decks and beat them all by over running the Shadow lane. I got the idea from lore, how the Argonians drove back the daedra by invading their gates. The gates typically can't stay on board for more than two turns so far. Someone managed to buff their gate to 10hp and summon two daedra giving them taunt, which I thought screwed me, but Strong hold enforcer cleared that issue up. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Zekrah
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    Wanted: A guide to mid-Dagoth

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:57 PM PST

    I feel like metas come and go but some version of mid-Dagoth is always a solid deck. Unfortunately, I just suck at playing mid and control. I have tried many different brews of the deck in many different metas, but I just don't get how to pilot it.

    Like, I understand if you're up against a burn deck you want to get your drains going.

    But how do you pilot against aggro/token crusader or empire? What do you do against a Stealer of Secrets Guildsworn or classic tribunal? And what about against mid-BM?

    I feel like if I try to go fast I run out of gas, and if I go slow my opponent gets underneath me. I think really, I don't understand the theory of the deck.

    If anyone who is in to this kind of thing would make a guide (written or video), I would love to learn your wisdom.

    submitted by /u/spedizione_ateniese
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    When the deck starts working

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:59 PM PST

    MagSnaps colors = TESL colors

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:35 AM PST

    What are some lesser played spicy 1-offs you include in your aggro/mid lists to catch people off guard?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:31 PM PST

    I don't get how resolutions works in this game (specifically Ultrawide)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:55 AM PST

    Hi all,

    So, I recently switched from 3 1080p monitors (3 landscape), to 1 3440x1440 Ultrawide + 2 vertical 1080p on the side.

    On my previous setup, TESL used to worked with eyefinity enabled allowing a resolution of 3840x1080 (albeit the "sides" further from the 1920 central pixels were faded to dark, it was still somewhat enjoyable and the transition was there, implying a solution for ultra(ultra)wide was there.)

    But on the 3440x1440, it just stays at 1920x1080 ratio, and put big ugly black bars on the remaining area of the display.

    Long story short : How can a game "support" 3840x1080 (which isn't a common thing at all), but not 3440x1440 ?

    submitted by /u/TekCrow
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