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    Saturday, November 16, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends This username/title combination is the best I've seen in game

    Elder Scrolls: Legends This username/title combination is the best I've seen in game

    This username/title combination is the best I've seen in game

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:38 AM PST

    A note on everything.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 06:08 AM PST

    Before i start going on about everything, I want to ask you for your forgiveness in advance. To say that I'm miffed is an understatement and it will be present in this very post. If you're not a fan of rants, feel free to downvote this post and move on with your life. I am not going to provide a tl;dr for any of this because i have a right to ask for some respect towards a creator (in this case, maker of this message - me) and state that if I had the time to write it all, then you sure as hell can read it.

    With that out of the way, welcome. 16th of November, 2019. We haven't had a global shitstorm for over a year, so logically we eventually had to get there. Ironically it comes there thanks to the Oblivion expansion, which brought plenty of good cards and a lot of stink thanks to Invade's design. All of this I want to commend - the new cards are adding a lot of depth to the deckbuilding, for example marauder chieftain giving an aggro deck an option to play proper control against mirrors, defense of bruma rewarding deckbuilding with a very strong aoe buff, the buncha new goblins for revitalizing their tribe into more of a midrange deck. That's all really cool and wonderful. Hell, flavor-wise even Invade scores a few points, because there's a gate that you should shut down to stop the invasion and all. These things are all amazing.

    ...I'm not going to rant about invade itself. I know the combo variant is broken, you should know the combo variant is broken, and the one-gate invade, while absurdly frustrating to play against if they get it going, is nowhere near as big of a problem. If you haven't encountered it on the ladder yet, then queue into the currently ongoing gauntlet to match up against this deck and question your sanity. A sincere question for every single person complaining about Invade, though... Have you tried to ask anyone how to beat the deck? Have you headed towards discord, any content creator's space, or even this subreddit, asking "did I do something wrong?" or did you just instantly assume that the deck is broken and the people who let it go through QA stupid, because your usual strategy doesn't work? Have you considered changing your thought-process heading into games against Invade? The fact that Invade challenges the way you play is a good thing, although the way it does so leaves much to be desired. Thanks to the constant casualization of the game (left until a little bit later) amongst possibly other factors, i get the feeling that majority of the playerbase forgot that the game, in its core design, is difficult to master and expect everything to go their way because they either spent time playing cards without much thought put behind it and/or, even worse, money. For better or worse, the game has changed several times in the past and will continue to change in the future. In order to keep up with the changes, you, too, need to adapt. If you don't want to and prefer to enjoy the game in your own way, that's alright as well. Even if you decide to quit it's okay. Just don't go pointing fingers as if the fault lies entirely on someone else when you settle for any of these options.

    Anyways, we can go about pondering how to fix this deck and pretend that we're miles ahead of the development team because we're theorycrafting solutions in five seconds, without putting them through thorough testing and recognizing that these are all just ideas. Like it or not, the same team responsible for Invade gave us probably the most fun meta/expansion in the last two years in Moons of Elsweyr, with an actually good set of mechanics (one works well when built-around, the other amazing as just another of the mechanics you can sprinkle into your deck, without any support) and balanced power level (evident by the fact it needed one card nerfed from it to transform a meta into a playground for everyone, even well after the meta was figured out). So yeah, this bit is for you, average reader of this rant. Stop shitting on devs. They are currently working on a solution to the problem we're facing.

    The three previous sentences is not something I should be writing in the first place. It's not a player's job to assure you that a fix for anything is in the works, but thanks to the deafening silence coming from the side of development team and near complete neglect from all but a handful of people from Bethesda and despite the fact that the latter of the mentioned people are probably never going to read it (you know, Community Manager probably will, but that's as far as I expect this to go), i want to direct this part to them.

    You clearly care at least a bit about the game, with its friday evening (for Europe, at least) weekly stream about TESL which is broadcasted (most of the time) from several channels, including an official Bethesda one, with how the game was handed to a much more caring development team than "only care about our own stuff" Direwolf and the singular big event for a sizeable prizepool per year. That's not to be neglected - it IS something. Could you, however, at least ATTEMPT TO SIGNAL that you want this game to succeed? It's not like you're going to get more than cheap change out of something you hardly bother with. Fund some smaller tournaments, not even organize - just FUND THEM. Let people know that there's a big fucking tournament going on with a decent prize money, instead of putting information about it like a day in advance at best. The official Bethesda channel DIDN'T FEATURE IT. Barring maybe the finals, I genuinely don't remember at this point, other than the lack of promotion being disappointing. Put more of the crazy offers from last year to get people to care, let alone talk about the game in at least a promising way. Get someone to make decktracking in-game or stream overlay. We're like the only card game without EITHER OF THESE THINGS. I can be easily fooled by small gestures of generosity or care, so fool me for god's sake. We're one and a half year after TESL-on-switch announcement and first, mock images of tournament mode. Neither of these things are there. If you want to keep the pocket change income from this game, then spend a fraction you earn from it to improve it.

    Sparkypants. A small company that, originally, many people just didn't give a single chance. The game was doomed the second we heard the news about developer change. All hell broke loose when we got a new client made in presumably just over nine months with 60-75% functionality of the old one made across several years. And yet they persevered. Hired extra card designers, released a roadmap and delivered on all the promises that were on it up to now and it's all commendable. I do not know how much are y'all paid for the hard work on the game, I really hope it's more than enough to get you to live a decent life.

    But please talk to us. Tell us you're working on stuff. Don't act like we don't exist (this is one of our card designers' bio). This attitude just rubs me the wrong way. I know it's reddit, it's toxic and stuff and will never change, but behind these keyboard warriors' masks are people who really love the game and want it to succeed. These people need to believe that you're planning to do the same and require constant reassurance. I understand it's tedious, I really do, but that's just how it is. It will make the moments of genuine praise, happiness and appreciation that much better. The fact that in one of the most turbulent times for the game, when the sentiments are at their lowest they've been for a while, we see practically zero responses only causes further doubts towards the game's future, its state and place.

    Blink twice if we're being ditched because of Fallout 76's misdeeds. We'll understand... Or at least I hope we will.

    I've spent 2,5 years with TESL. I hope to spend twice that with a card game I genuinely love and fondly remember, with community that saw the heights this game has achieved and just want more of that. Even Toastie, who admittedly is harsher than most and can come off as an ass tries his best to convey what worries people and sticks to his guns when demanding response, I respect that.

    Let things go right way again. Do things. To all of you.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Brassrain
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    Legends Cast Episode 22: Endozoa, Tournament Play and Deck Building

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Mini Archetypes

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 10:05 AM PST

    Recently the whole invade fiasco has lead me to (as it has many of us) enjoy less of TESL. But the game still holds a special place in my heart, so I wanted to try and have some fun even with invade running amok. I've always enjoyed the mini archetypes. Support mage, animal monk, silence sorcerer; archetypes that there are barely enough cards to actually play tend to fun. Since I joined around the Clockwork City Expansion, treasure hunt was especially intriguing. It had only a handful of cards (Sparky please add like 2 or 3 treasure hunt cards. It needs the support), but is really fun when you manage to buff Skywag to a 10/10 with just Aldora the Daring's ability. So in the spirit of fun and hopefully forgetting about invade for a while, I wanted to ask people for any deck lists for treasures hunt, but also for any of those niche archetype decks non one places. Tell me what intresting decks you guys have played.

    submitted by /u/briqubuilder
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    How do you guys feel about this card I remember trying to make a daedra deck with it before gates of oblivion and it was an interesting test. I’m curious to see what you think

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:49 AM PST

    Double agent

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:07 PM PST

    Going up against combo invade and they went off? Just rope and close the game.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:11 PM PST

    This deck might actually be the worse combo deck in the history of the game. More consistent than nix ox assassin or empire abomination.

    Where the fuck are our developers? Fuck them too. And the people that actually play this deck. They are abusing the game.

    Rope them, close the game, and waste their time just like they are wasting yours by forcing you to play against this stupid fucking deck.

    Should we just go back to Hearthstone at this point?

    No developer communication. The game is dying.

    submitted by /u/OpeningRelation
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    What if: Obligate and Facultative color cards

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:04 AM PST

    Recently I've been thinking about how different the game would be if cards instead of having a color or color combination and being able to be part of any deck that includes it, they had certain color or colors and they were either obligate or facultative. An obligate endurance for example could only be put in a mono endurance deck while facultative endurance would work like they currently do, they are not restricted. Other terminology could be better, I just thought the biology terms fitted well. Mage's Trick, Scout's Report, Warrior's Fury, with those it makes sense to be locked to the dual color they represent and not used in tricolor. Not every dual color card would be obligate, just some of them.

    This I think could bring identity to dual and even mono color classes that many think is lost due to tricolor and bring more diversity to what people play. Adding a third color wouldn't just be an addition but also a limitation and might make deckbuilding a lot more intentional. It would also give developers a way to control combos by being able to restrict the pool of cards that can interact with certain new card. You'd have a big reason to play monored because the hyper aggro cards could be obligate strength. Say, for example, Relentless Radier. Some of the dwemer cards could be obligate neutral as well.

    Now, i don't think a change to existing cards this significant is going to happen as it will inevitably break many people's decks but it's an idea I had and was wondering what people think about it.

    edit: Also it would be easy to implement in the card itself, like a lock icon by the side of the color or something like that to indicate the card is locked to that color or colors.

    submitted by /u/Borx25
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    Love the new invade buff

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 11:29 AM PST

    Change to daily quests?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:04 AM PST

    It used to be that if I started the day with 3 quests and completed one, a new quest would be added.

    Now, you only get a quest if, when you log in, there's an open quest spot.

    I also had a time when I had completed my third quest in story mode and closed the app for the night. When I opened the app the next morning, I got my quest rewards, but no option for a new daily quest.

    Was this change intentional?

    submitted by /u/spedizione_ateniese
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    Didn't know Mini Gauntlet meant Mini rewards...

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:10 PM PST

    Bloody Hand Chef, Not As Advertised

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:23 PM PST

    The text for BHC reads, "When you reduce an enemy creature's power or health with an effect. Bloody Hand Chef gains that much power or health." It appears that BHC should only interact with the opponent's creatures when the BHC owner reduces an enemy creature in some way, and this would also have to happen by way of some effect like a curse or Shearpoint Trogdor.

    However, BHC will also gain power when the opponent's creature returns to a baseline stat, such as Murkwater Goblin's "+2/+0 on your turn". So the truth of the matter is that the BHC's player is not only not responsible for the reduction of their opponent's creature, but there is also no "effect" that is being directed at the creature to bring about the power reduction (such as in the case with the Murkwater Goblin). As it now stands, when Murkwater returns to baseline at the end of your turn the opponent's BHC will gain +2 power.

    I propose the text be changed to remain consistent with what BHC actually does, or the card should only do what its text describes. Looking at you 2.16.

    submitted by /u/babyshaker1984
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    An Alduin and 3 mini Alduin summoned by him

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:25 PM PST

    How to declare questing in casual

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:33 AM PST

    Since there is no way to let your opponent know you are doing daily quests, I propose when you start a game, 'implore' 3 times as a signal of what you are doing. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/andrewwilmshurst
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    Support: Ring of YOU SHALL NOT WIN!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:05 PM PST

    Reminder: Warp Meta's pulling double duty this weekend! Click this link to sign up for the first of our two tournaments this weekend, starting 12 hours from this post

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:49 PM PST

    This invade cancer stops me from doing my daily quests

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:49 AM PST

    ...let alone play the game for enjoyment

    Are the devs really going to leave the game in this state?

    Random clown fiesta casino style keyword slot machine is not fun for anyone - including the retards who play it for a virtual rank

    It's not that difficult to tone it down you know? Not rocket science. What do you have to lose anyway Sparkypants??

    submitted by /u/fastfrequency
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    To the guy who gave me my best battle to date. I'm so sorry for your misclick. You deserved that win.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:08 PM PST

    Bug. Emotes aren't shown after lethal. The other guy doesn't see them the moment someone's HP hits 0.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:54 PM PST

    This hasn't been fixed for a long time now. No one can see emotes made by the other person during the few moments we linger on the board after someone has been defeated. The moment someone's life total reaches zero, the emotes are turned off. It's just a silent 5 seconds lingering on the board with someone dead. You can click on emotes, but the other person won't see them.

    In my opinion, those final interactions are important to help forge an interactive experience between players and makes the games more memorable. This needs to be fixed.

    submitted by /u/AutumnElegy91
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    There's no respect for the game anymore.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:26 AM PST

    So even the "Top" players are doing invade bs :/ all of my games were against invade "combo" :/ in the mini guantlet and i faced one "top 10 legend" with the deck. Is so sad, very sad state of the game, content creators leaving and now this, dude...

    I love this game but now im looking around for some options because the people are playing broken decks just for the "wins".

    Enjoy your rewards, everybody knows youre so skilled and an authentic theory crafter, im almost done right now, end of the rant.

    submitted by /u/Ishara-Zu
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    What’s your spicy gauntlet idea?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:24 PM PST

    I think we can do better than the gauntlets we've seen so far. Mini & twin especially are very boring.

    What if we had a gauntlet where creatures can't attack face?

    Where only alternate win conditions were allowed?

    Where creatures aren't allowed?

    No prophecies?

    Negative health as a win condition?

    No start-of-turn card draw?

    All creatures have last gasp: discard other copies from deck.

    Actions have no playset limit.

    All players start with Ring of Namira on board.

    There's a lot of weird and creative spaces to explore, and I think that's what makes TESL so great. We need gauntlets to capitalize on it!

    What's your spicy gauntlet idea?

    submitted by /u/DrewHoov
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    Daily Challenges “Theme” change?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 06:11 AM PST

    How does one change the theme of your daily challenges. I could have sworn there was a way to do that when I played last, about a year ago. But I have all red strength "themed" challenges, but I font use many strength decks. How do I change the theme to mage, or willpower themed, for example?

    submitted by /u/cbuch11
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    Pimp my Deck (Gearwork Spiders)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:16 AM PST

    Im trying to make a Gearwork Spider deck where you create many of them and gain health with Necromancers Amulets. I sometimes end up with more than I can fit on the board and those are the ones where i win. But i hardly win or get a chance to create them all.

    Is there a deck like this that wins?

    submitted by /u/MistaCizm
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