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    Monday, November 18, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Roundup Post - 11/18/2019 + Signup Now: Reddit TESL Tournament #3

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Roundup Post - 11/18/2019 + Signup Now: Reddit TESL Tournament #3

    Weekly Roundup Post - 11/18/2019 + Signup Now: Reddit TESL Tournament #3

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 10:49 PM PST

    submitted by /u/teachua79
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    Faded Wraith winners at FB managed to draw 71 and 58 cards (both players got it done in rank)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 10:14 PM PST

    Please fix your AI

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 07:31 AM PST

    No matter if solo arena or (future) story mode:

    • if the AIX has magicka advantage make sure it doesn't get the ring on top

    • if the AI has lethal on board make sure it goes for lethal instead of playing multiple cards for nothing

    That's frustration level over 9000

    submitted by /u/plyzd
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    I’ll probably post twice today because there are two cards I don’t really know what to do with. I don’t really understand how I feel about this card and I’d like to hear your guy’s opinion on it.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:51 AM PST

    Warpmeta FINALS, guy summons 13/13 Aspect of Hircine with all keywords on TURN 5. Single gate was unkillable by an Aggro deck WITH the RING and tricks

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:30 PM PST

    Reddit TESL Tournament #3 - Signup Now - Deadline: Nov 24, 11pm EST

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 10:36 PM PST

    Reddit TESL Tournament #2 - Round 4/4 (Final) - Deadline: Nov 24, 11pm EST

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 10:09 PM PST

    Oblivion must be a very fun place

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:40 PM PST

    With Dremora Rave and Invasion Party in effect

    submitted by /u/matti2o8
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    This silent hiatus from the devs

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:12 PM PST

    Is it an indication that there has been a falling out of sorts? Invade seems like an idea that would split opinions and create a lot of 'I told you so, you should have listened' type situations.

    Or is it a sign that our beloved game is dying right in front of us?

    submitted by /u/Turdburglary1
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    What Happened: JoO

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 09:19 AM PST

    As you might have noticed, Jaws of Oblivion, as in "TES IV: Oblivion" was, after TES III: Morrowind and TES V: Skyrim the last big change to capitalize on a big entry in their IP. I'm not here to argue wether ESO is as important, at least it's not to me.

    Moreoever I'm also not debating the quality of an expansion just because it comes from the ESO universe, as arguably AW was the worst and MOE one of the better so far and I really enjoyed RTCWC.

    The point im triyng to make is: this was Bethesdas last chance to capitalize on nostalgia for an old game with say a big(ger) push in marketing or sponsored content on youtube (thats how I found out about TESL in the first place, when HoM came out).

    Alas, that did not happen and I'm wondering why.

    As was argued in another threat, there could be a falling out between the develpers/publishers over the whole invade fiasco, with people saying "I told you so".

    CVH tells us he does not see any card before an expansion is done and all is set in stone, he and Joey are not the people to decide, just to tell.

    Pete Hines (senior vice president of global marketing & communications at Bethesda Softworks) does not make public statements about TESL since the new client fiasco last year and if anyone can enlighten me on who calls the shots on Bethesda side I'd be happy to here.

    The last time I brought this up (about the obvious powerlevel of Catromancer) I was awarded with a bunch of downvotes, but you look you can look it up yourself: https://www.sparkypants.com/team, as this is how the developers see themself.

    It does NOT take an enormous intellect or to be a MtG Hall of Famer to see that the majority of cards from the JoO expansion are just bad design. In no way would anyone of them want {{Faded Wraith}}, random keyword fiesta (or {{Tullius conscription}} for that matter) in their favorite cards game that is - for the record - not TESL.

    Which brings me to the point I'm trying to make. How did this get past their QA department regardless Bethesda or Sparky?

    Well if Bethesda cared about TESL, they would have moved it in-house when they took it from DWD, it's as simple as that. And the guys at Sparky know this too. JoO was their last shot, if they ever tried to make TESL big and they didnt even try.

    I enjoy this game big time, with the lanes (and the prophecies), the unstoppable rage, the gauntlets, but there is no way that Bethesda can make me believe in the future of this game if they don't develop it themself.

    I'm tired of the promise of the promise of a roadmap, missing basics like an API for decktrackers or twitch-extensions that any indi-ccg out there has when all I get is cardbacks and alt arts for $20+.

    The only reason we don't have a rotation and thus powercreep with any new expansion and decks that run 15 times hard removal is that Bethesda might miss out on people buying old packs.

    I know all the "they have to pay servers and salaries and marketing and events" arguments, and personally have spent more money on TESL than on the other TES games combined, but unless something changes fundamentally about how they run TESL, the JoO preorder was the last time I ever spent money on this game, the only way they come to reason is if we vote with our wallets.

    submitted by /u/IvanDaVile
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    What is one old card you would like to see buffed?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:09 PM PST

    For me it would be Riften Pickpocket. Maybe -1 cost. It would be a more-or-less better Indoril Mastermind at that point, but IM was nerfed into oblivion, so I think that's fine.

    I've been playing it in Dark Elf Tribunal Tribal, and I really like it... when I can pull it back with Odirniran, and even then it's not very strong, just kind of okay (but fun to throw your opponent's cards back in their face, and one-of-three is good odds of finding something useful).

    Or, I suppose the more accurate comparison would be Thieves Guild Shadowfoot. Where the Shadowfoot can deal 1 damage, help skip runes, snipe combo pieces and maybe trigger your opponent's expertise, Riften Pickpocket would give you one-of-three... In which case, maybe the Pickpocket would be better than the Shadowfoot?

    submitted by /u/Drazhya
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    Here’s that other card it’s kind of in the same boat as the other one seems like could get better card for one more cost or something with an ability that’s cheaper.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:06 AM PST

    Now they're just trolling...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:19 PM PST

    Remove knight of order from forces of destruction

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:50 PM PST

    Title says it all, remove knight of order from the random list of daedra forces of destruction summons. I've had multiple games where my whole lane is essentially wiped out cause I played a 10 cost card that fucked me over more than the opponent. For those who don't know or remember off the top of your head, knight of order silences all creatures in its lane. Even if it's the first you summon w FOD, it still silences all the others summoned after it. I get that invade is kinda OP but there really shouldn't be a way to cripple yourself completely by playing a 10 cost card that has no other visible negatives. Just remove that one card from the list that literally is not in any invade decks anyone is running, or just change the creature type. Seems like an oversight that it was included in the first place.

    submitted by /u/Arkneryyn
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    My opinion why this game is dying

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:03 PM PST

    650 players per day says Steam chart. Thats almost dead game.

    This game has everything except good balance and team that doesn´t care about it.

    Why can´t you nerf broken cards asap? You just make people rq the game....

    When I started to play the game, you could beat any deck with any deck. Now you have to play only meta decks and that makes new players run away from the game. 75 cards is not easy to collect. Atleast give new players 1 broken deck when they get to lvl 50 so they can have fun and when they lose , it is going to be cause they played bad, not because they don´t have good cards.

    And this game can´t have good balance because there are so many powerfull cards that can insta win you the game and opponent can´t do anything about it.

    example: Rage, Conscription, Wraith

    We need cards that can be played on opponent turn. Some sort of counterspell, so that people have option to counter this broken shit.Or delete cards that have powerfull instant effects. That way we are going to have a card game that actully requires skill and brain , that is going to attract players. Maybe I´m wrong, but honestly it is better for tesl to die insted playing against "new faded wraith" every single patch and waiting for a nerf 3 months .

    submitted by /u/eviltunafish
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