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    Sunday, December 1, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends What I learned from Invade and how it helped me to reach monthly top 10 legend

    Elder Scrolls: Legends What I learned from Invade and how it helped me to reach monthly top 10 legend

    What I learned from Invade and how it helped me to reach monthly top 10 legend

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:33 AM PST

    It has been an interesting month. Not saying that events which marked it were exactly leisure easy-going gaming-as-usual activities, but somehow the last month "environment" made an impact on my approach to the competitive side of TESL. It is the first time I made it into top 10 legend and I'm actually quite happy with this little competitive "quantum jump" I managed to achieve.

    First off, I am going to repeat what I said many times before - Invade is a terrible design. Even after nerfs, I still deeply believe that it does not belong in TESL, heck, I don't think it belongs in any DCCG's as a concept. Making it T2 or lower deck power is a plus, but still. The attributes and the behaviour of the mechanic, even if it would be numerically tuned into perfection, are a very problematic from my perception and understanding of "good game" (tm) in general. I won't go into details, it has been dissected and verbalized in many posts before.

    So, you must be wondering, what exactly is the positive which I managed to "extract" slash learn from Invade. Well, the pure absurdity and nonsense of mechanic, the invade RNG snowball curbstomp for which I was at the receiving end so many times last month (while stubbornly choosing NOT to tech my decks against them), instead of making me rage-quit, somehow, somehow - they made me immune to Tilt. Plain said - I just freaking teached myself not to give a shit however retarded or "lucky" the match ended up to be, be it in my favour or against me.

    So, I just started playing the game, adapting and doing my things, stuff what I believe to be optimal and efficient. I isolated couple of good cards from the Jaws of Oblivion (Marauder Chieftain, Mute and Trusty Sword) and started building decks around them. For the first part of the month I played Reach Daggerfall. Had a very good success with it, even against un-nerfed combo invade, due to the fact that it had INSANE damage throttle from the perceivably harmless board. Was floating at top 50 with that deck but I just knew it is not top 10 potential, even if played extremely well. Then, maybe even as a mistake, I just made an aggro deck - the kind of an aggro deck you would build when you're new to the game (but experienced to the genre, ofcourse). So, I made a mono-red aggro warrior with a set of Mute and started grinding. Suprisingly, the monthly meta allowed me to break into top 10 very consistenly. Must have been in and out top 10 at least 20+ times. For the last couple of days I played it "smart" (by not pushing too much) and idled the days after only 2-3 wins, only to stabilize the rank. At the end, I ended up at #7 which is more than enough for my current competitive aspirations. Got me a nice cardback and for the future I'm more than ready to meme the shit out of TESL. j/k :D

    Also, yeah, the grind for the top 10 is very REAL. Must have had at least 300+ games with the deck to make me comfortable and fully aware of its potential. My advice - do not change the decks every few games - it is very non-optimal thing to do.

    Overall moral of the story - just do your own things, guys, or what you believe that works the best for you. Heck, you can even netdeck top lists every week. But, most importantly, learn to avoid the tilt and be ready to always adapt. Even adapt the gameplan with the nominally same matchups, only to "screw" with the opponent. Stretch it.. gain the "knowledge". It will eventually work out for you.

    For the end - big shout out to the Russian streaming community which essentially workhorse the TESL visibility on Twitch lately. There are also some very very good players there! Keep up the good work guys!

    submitted by /u/npavcec
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    I think the next expansion will be dawnguard

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:31 AM PST

    That's why there's no serana card yet, which is absurd. And, hopefully, it will also have its own storyline that might expand on the lore and the history of the fort.

    submitted by /u/uglylander
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    I think I know this game

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:03 PM PST

    December Login Rewards

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:09 PM PST

    12 hours from this post, WarpMeta's first December Qualifier will be held! Click on the link to sign up

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:01 PM PST

    Monthly Reward Ranked 3 in Arena and 9 in Versus - only received 1 Purveyor

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 04:44 AM PST

    I was under the impression I would receive 2 Purveyors for my Arena rank and 1 for my Versus rank. Or, at the least, I would receive 2 for my highest rank in Arena. What am I missing (besides a few Purveyors)?

    submitted by /u/IGN_Legend
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    Not a god pack, but a pretty good Demi-god pack...

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:53 AM PST

    Looking for advice for my Dagoth consume deck

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:35 AM PST


    submitted by /u/KannaKaze
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    Deck Building tips and tweaks

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I just finished my first season of this game and managed to stay in top 1000 legends using a mix of Invasion (which I got bored of) and Dragons. Lots of dragons. I've been running a lot of colour combinations to see what works best, from Ebonheart to Redoran, Archer to Guildsworn.

    Guildsworn is what I'm finding myself gravitating to, as it seems to have the most utility.

    I thought I'd post my deck here and see what you guys think of it, I'm having a blast playing it but wonder where I might make improvements.

    Before anything else, I'd say I don't want to drop Alduin, as he is my favourite part of the deck (even if 90% of the time he becomes a Shriveled Mummy... Agh) but other than that, most of the other stuff is fair game.

    It's quite controlly, so it likes trying to survive until late game.

    I know this will probably never hit top 10 or maybe top 100 but hey, I've only been playing a month so who knows!

    Here we go:

    Crown Quartermaster x2 Execute x2 Firebolt x2 Guildsworn Apprentice x3 Midnight Snack x2 Tiny Dragon x2 Reflective Automaton x2 Shrieking Harpy x3 Blades Lookout x3 Cliffside Lookout x2 Golden Initiate x3 Crusader's Assault x3 Cloudrest Illusionist x2 Devour x2 Mundus Stone (lol) Dushnikh Yal Archer x2 Earthbone Spinner x2 Piercing Twilight x3 Flamespear Dragon x1 Varen Aquilarios Lightning Bolt x3 Blood Dragon x2 Clockwork Dragon x2 Piercing Javelin x3 Cast Into Time x2 Ebonheart Oracle x2 Skyborn Dragon x2 Icewing Dragon x2 Glacial Dragon x2 Undying Dragon x2 Belligerent Giant x1 Unstoppable Rage x1 Frostscale Dragon x2 Laaneth Miraak Kalgrontiid Odahviing Paarthurnax Alduin

    And that's it. Don't use Reddit much so haven't worked out how to just add the damn screenshots or whatever. Any advice welcome and yes, I know it's greedy and memey but it's a lot of fun to play :)

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Hircine_the_Huntsman
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    Disconnecting every game?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:13 AM PST

    Is anyone else disconnecting every game? After a few turns I get DCed every game. My internet speed test is fine. I've tried resetting all my devices. I've contacted my ISP, but nothing helps and TESL is the only app/site with a problem.

    Started about a week ago. Been fine for years.

    Android Galaxy Tab A.

    submitted by /u/PaulMorel
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    New player, buying premade deck?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 06:24 PM PST

    Hi, im a new player and read some guides here and i am enjoying the game, and i have 500 gold now, and as i saw the best value is from premade decks, soo there's a lot of them. Which is the best of them for me to buy? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/wemen_tejker
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    I didn't try-hard in the gauntlet. Instead, I did this. (Combo fun)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:14 PM PST

    New friends

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:08 PM PST

    I don't really have any friends who play this game so looking on here for anyone in a similar situation! If anyone wants another friend in game who's always down for a chat feel free to add me, Nas20Cass is my username. Cheers 👍🏼

    submitted by /u/BiggieNas96
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    Something to Think About Before Leveling Up In Arena

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:29 PM PST

    Everyone knows that arena que times have gotten longer and longer. Yea, I get it, the developers don't want decent players crushing people all of the time. Even with that the case, it shouldn't be that everyone gets punished.

    That's why I say the following. Think hard before ranking up. You may find it more satisfying, in the long term, to derank your arena level. Sure, maybe you don't get to play as many bulk games of arena, but if you derank, the que times will be shorter and you will again be getting better chances at crushing people without much effort.

    submitted by /u/personofsecrets
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    4x Halls of the Dwemer!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:16 PM PST

    Where did the free offers go? @CVH, @SP ?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:48 AM PST

    Hi. I'm trying to get some relatives into this game, so I push them to play every weekend.

    So this morning, I go all "yeah, and you'll see, there's free stuff, one because there was a nerf, and another for thanksgiving. That's even especially for you because I made you buy the invade premade deck for questing and laddering, and it's the one which has been screwed since so you need to build some other. check the pop-ups when you log-in".

    Screw that. The only that's still available is the $20 one. from https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollslegends/comments/e22ye8/and_here_comes_invade_refund_3600_soul_gems/f8t6957/ I'd expect the offer to stay alive at least until a full week-end.

    Is the 'last offer pushing the previous offer out' intended? Especially when it makes free stuff being replaced by paying stuff?

    /u/cvh, /u/sparkydeckard, ?

    submitted by /u/Tandyys
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    The matchmaking system is dishonest and Bethesda is trying to get you to play more or spend money. Change my mind.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 04:06 AM PST

    You cannot trust this fucking automatic shuffler.

    For one, it might just not be "truly random".

    Two, you do not know if the developer has your best interests in mind.

    Don't forget, this is a world where microtransactions exist and they will do everything they can to keep your attention and get your money.

    How many people actually believe that they would never rig matchmaking or draw order in order to manipulate you into making purchases? Or analyze big data and trends to see at what point people are more likely to spend or play more, and use that data in a way that benefits their own corporate interests?

    Are you telling me that the technology that was developed to do this years ago would never be implemented as a sign of good will and keeping customers' best interest at heart?

    In other words, what incentive does Bethesda have to NOT rig games in order to make people spend more money, if they can get away with it indefinitely and no one being able to show hard proof otherwise?

    I have seen this time and time again in the CCG world, especially the topic being brought up in Hearthstone over the years.

    You can write it off as a crackpot theory but in a world where data, analytics, and modifying consumer behavior is everything, you'd hard-fucking-pressed to change my mind on the matter.

    submitted by /u/Cold-Efficiency
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