• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 12, 2020




    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 07:12 AM PST


    Dear Elder Scrolls : Legends Community,

    From middle of 2017 i've started to play, i've enjoyed so much discovering this game but with last december updates and the new year i've taken a decision which goes through my mind. I will take soon in an indefinite break from this kind of time-consuming TCG. It has taken me a lot of time to share you lists/descriptions/demos/gameplays of decks i've loved to play and the interest to climb ladder has changed, i don't want to be constrained by Legend passing each month. Maybe the motivation will be back one day :-)

    So, i wanted to show you all my works on Legends-decks & YouTube !

    THE GENIUS GARDENER | Item « IN-SANE » Assassin

    Well, i've started to play on TESL current 2017 with an Item Combo Battlemage (Merric/Nord Firebrands/Corsair Ships/Charge creatures) but the Assassin deck with Brynjulf i've bought was really good for me. At the beginning of 2018 i've discovered the power of the combo with Gardener of Swords and i imagine something with Thief Guild Fence and... BOOM ! My first baby deck was born !

    > LEGENDS-DECKS PAGE : https://www.legends-decks.com/deck/46388/the-genius-gardener-item-in-sane-assassin

    the aim of the combo is to draw for free our deck to OTK the opponent, looking like an abomination assassin archetype!

    To see on YouTube :

    - the old version (1min)

    - the best parts with the combo (2min)

    - the last updated list (2min)

    This deck is the starting spot of my passion for Item Combo Assassin, you will see it further in this article, but i've written a Guide for fun OTK Item Combo Assassin, including this deck !

    FUN FACT :

    The Sunday 14th October 2018 was organized by Santosvella and his team (with Romanesque) the first French TESL event called MUNSTER SERIES (a cheese joke about the Master Series of QuakeCon (August 2018) and the passion of cheese by the Elder Scrolls iconic character Shéogorath). Some duels were casted on Twitch and even if Santosvella and Romanesque commented my second and last defeat, I was surprised to see my game on Twitch (and especially to give the interest of Santo to play my decklist in his next stream that i'll share too just below)

    > MUNSTER SERIES - Greygose [Mid Battlemage] vs IN-SITU [Item Assassin] (6min30)

    Following the first french TESL event, MUNSTER SERIES, Santosvella has tested some lists from this event the Wednesday 17th October 2018 during a Twitch stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/323912904Among this stream, he's tested my Item Assassin Combo list with the Gardener of Swords, while almost 3 hours (and 14 games)! So I've had the decision to make a selection to present you the potential of this pack !

    > Santosvella tests my Item Assassin Combo deck (The Genius Gardener) (1h08min)

    Who said passion for Assassin archetype, said passion for Swindler's Market !

    THE MATRHÄ–X | OTK Market Assassin

    The following deck is not a surprise and so original because it's like a copy of Thuldir Market Assassin before the nerf of Lillandril Hexmage. Many cards of Alliance War expansion were auto-included in this deck and i've taken so much pleasure to play this « Cancer » deck. Not because the Win Rate was around 80% but especially 'coz it was so fun to draw almost our entirely deck ! Well, to don't forget the climax of Market Assassin, i've had the intention to share it on Legends-decks :

    > LEGENDS-DECKS PAGE : https://www.legends-decks.com/deck/64820/the-matrhx-otk-market-assassin

    Here is a compilation (2m40) of some combos and a twitch clip against Earlmeister (who was #18 Legend at this time) for a Turn 5 OTK.

    Hmmmmm remember...

    MATRHÄ–X REL0ADED | Tribal Market Assassin

    I was sad to sign the end of the Market Assassin era, following the nerf of Lillandril Hexmage... but an idea has risen in my head. What about acions with Crystal Tower Crafter ? Thalmor Ambassy was an interesting choice, mainly with Dominion Oathman and Close Call ! So i've axed a combo around the High Elf Tribal in a REL0ADED version of THE MATRHÄ–X Market Assassin :

    > LEGENDS-DECK PAGE : https://www.legends-decks.com/deck/68329/matrhx-rel0aded-tribal-market-assassin

    You can find links like :

    - a compilation (5min) of the combo

    - a twitch clip with makemorelove

    - GAMEPLAY (27min) of the last updated list !

    NOW. The next deck is one of my favourite deckbuilding (with my Item Combo IN-SANE Assassin deck), my other baby !

    MAD MAX | OTK « Schizophrenic » Warrior

    Ramp Warrior has always been a big crush even if i don't like Warrior archetype (because it's more for Aggro than Control or Combo). I've litteraly taken so much pleasure to play it ! With Jaws of Oblivion expansion i've seen the Kynreeve Champion and i wanted to created an OTK combo with him. I've already thought of Drive Mad. This action will be the second master piece of the combo. But how do we find tools for the OTK ? Double the power of Kynreeve Champion ? Ok, we have some suggestions as Dremora Markynaz but too expensive... oh,wait ! Stenderr's Hammer ? Mmmh, PERFECT ! MAD MAX was born :

    > LEGENDS-DECKS PAGE : https://www.legends-decks.com/deck/71533/mad-max-otk-schizophrenic-warrior

    I was so proud to find this Casual OTKcombo with cards i like, that i've tried to play it on the ladder and we can win !! Ok, the win rate is not really good and the most of winning fights it thanks to the Control way but you need to test it !

    You can check on YouTube :

    - a compilation of 3 games (1min30) of the OTK

    - an other compilation of 3 games (2min) on the ladder in November (2019)

    - GAMEPLAY (50min) of 6 games (from Rank 5 to LEGEND)

    - and a special 98 damages OTK (30sec)

    FUN FACT :

    You can OTK the opponnent with Kynreeve Champion and The Red Year too ! (that you can see in the GAMEPLAY video just above) or here with a short compilation of 2 games (1min20).

    Well, we come back now with an new Item Combo but in Sorcerer class this time !


    I remember when i've met marv61maylis, on the ladder in last November, playing this Combo deck. When he has discarded Siege Crawler i had an idea of his strategy but it was too late for me ? He had all the tools and me nothing to stop him. I knew the combo with Bone Armor in Scout with Snowy Sabre Cat, but in Sorcerer ?! I think it was teh first time i've met this kind of combo (really great with Crucible Blacksmith!). So i've tried to build a version of this exciting combo and i've loved to play it during the November month !

    > LEGENDS-DECKS PAGE : https://www.legends-decks.com/deck/72970/stairway-to-in-situferno-otk-item-sorcerer

    However, i posted it some days before the adding of Tamriel Collection and Midnight Burial is an auto-included must-have card, because we don't need to discard Siege Crawler for the combo, i've tested in the same time Death Hound and High Hrothgar but it has taken me so much time to write this guide and to record the gameplay that i don't update the list yet.

    Otherwise, you can check my version on YouTube with :

    - Demo of the combo in a single gameplay (3min40)

    - GAMEPLAY of 7 games on the ladder the 24th November 2019 (33 min)

    BROTHERHOOD GÖNG | Slay Item OTK Assassin

    For my last deck on Legends-decks, i wanted to create an OTK Combo between Assassin class, Gardener of Swords and the Slay ability. I've found something Casual but with Gardener of Swords it's not enough optimized so i've removed them. By th way, here is an original and fun Item OTK Combo with Dawnfang and Ring of Namira !

    > LEGENDS-DECKS PAGE : https://www.legends-decks.com/deck/73936/brotherhood-gng-slay-item-otk-assassin

    Too have an idea of the combo on YouTube, check :

    - demonstration of the BROTHERHOOD GÖNG OTK combo. (1min10)

    - some demos with Gardener of Swords ( 15:39 & 16:03 ) and/or Swindler's Market ( 14:00 ) from my COMBO DECKS MELTING POT. (17min)


    AND FINALLY ! To stay in the same Item OTK Combo way, i've shared at the end of November (just before the updates of the game's ending), for curious or Item OTK Combo Assassin deck lovers a GUIDE of some funny lists !

    « Item Assassin is full of surprises ! Come discovering some funny and crazy wombo combo decks with the Gardener of Swords. Here is a short selection of some decklists that i'm hoping you'll enjoy. Welcome in my wombo combo world and HAVE FUN ! »

    > LEGENDS-DECKS ARTICLE : https://www.legends-decks.com/article/229/guide-50-shades-of-combo-item-assassin




    - [DECKLIST #2] THE GENIUS GARDENER (already seen above) (feat. Thieves Guild Fence and full of drawing items)

    - [DECKLIST #3] SUPÄ€ SAIYAJIN (3min30) (feat. Dragonstar Rider, Sparksmith, Swindler's Market and Telekinesis)

    - [DECKLIST #4] MASK EN ABYME (2min) (feat. Master of Arms, Dragon Priest Mask, Glass Helm of Remedy and Ring of Namira)

    - [DECKLIST #5] REQUIEM FOR A PANT (3min40) (feat. Stolen Pants, Sparksmith, Corsair Ship and Telekinesis)


    It was a big work that i'm relly proud to have realized too. Well, it's the end. I've compiled some old and recent games i've made in combo way (or not) in a video (17min) if you want check it it's here :


    > REDDIT POST : https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollslegends/comments/eh6stj/combo_decks_melting_pot/

    Now, i don't have the motivation to search/create funny and original wombo combo decks, mainly if the game is almost dead.

    I would like to thank a lot of people :

    > Players as Petamax for creating crazy combo like his Abomination Scout, this one behind the combo with Ramp Rage Warrior (that eyenie and Thuldir have played) and others like this, the kind of crazy combo (love this one with Ordiniran Necromancer, Corsair Ship and discarded Supreme Atromancer)

    > Sreamers as IanBits and MattOblivium for the fun during your streamings ! French streamers as Santosvella & Romanesque, Ranelagh, Glassjawhs that i've loved to watch too !

    > my french discord community !! (it was so fun to deal with you guys <3)

    > All support and feedback i've had in the game, on Legends-decks and reddit (thanks JackAries, MrN0b0dy Mester_Vester, Skynomad, Sav0s_Aren, LECityLECLEC...)

    > all those I could forget, thanks..

    and i thank these decks i've published and others as Move Assassin or Swift Strike Dagoth because i've taken so much pleasure and joy to play with them.

    On Legends-decks I wanted to share some original things, bring new interesting stuff and ideas. I didn't want to make daily deckbuilding of decks that everybody have seen and seen again. I hope i give some interest to build new strategies, because we can make beautiful original decks yet with TESL. Maybe for a next time ?

    I hope it wasn't so boring to read all this sh*t and you have enjoyed the passion..

    I wish you the best for 2020 :-)

    The Elderscrollsement vôtre,


    submitted by /u/IN-SITU_TESL
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    I love to beat invade decks

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:48 PM PST

    Shearpoint and stat reduction cards is broken, and faced this on 90% of my runs in the gauntlet. If you played it... Im genuinely curious, why?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 08:57 AM PST

    To those who didn't play the netdeck, thanks for the awesome games!

    submitted by /u/amac214
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:21 AM PST

    Just got back to the game 4 days ago. Super fun!!!! Then I learned that the game is gonna die...
    Anyway, if you feel like discussing decks and stuff, hmu at steam "ilhauging".
    Cheers, and enjoy your sunday.

    submitted by /u/ilhauging87
    [link] [comments]

    THE GRIND: chapter 9

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:34 PM PST

    Jan 11

    I skipped ladder today....!

    Started with the day with my last run of luxury gauntlet and instead of making the goblin scout deck as I was contemplating the night before (which seems to be a very strong and popular deck in the format), just used the same deck as yesterday (aggro telvanni) and went 9-1, and for some reason had a much more easier time beating goblins and assorted aggro compared to normal ladder.

    I do regret the first run where I literally threw away 2 games and went 2-3. That made me question the deck, but today proved that the deck was strong I just played badly. (likely due to fatigue)

    Main reason for skipping ladder was my fear that if I lost the first few games with a late start, (after already spending time on gauntlet), I may compulsively go on another 50 plus game stretch like the other day which my brain is not ready for.... i will recover from the sleep deficit by sleeping in on the weekend and tackle ladder tomorrow

    Ladder decay was only 2 ranks as well ( likely due to gauntlet ) and currently I am sitting at #8....

    Month total so far: 284 games 201-83 (70.8%) current rank: #8

    Luxury telvanni 20-6 (77%)


    submitted by /u/gumchoo
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    I’ve been having fun with the gauntlet.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:08 PM PST

    When you're winning in rows and need one more win for rank 5, but get defeated ._.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:18 PM PST

    Captain Britten - Tribunal Control in the Luxury Gauntlet - Let's play Elder Scrolls Legends #32

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:32 PM PST

    I need some help

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:47 PM PST

    When I first started playing the game when I bought one of the dlc i got a mount code for ESO but I can't seem to find it in the app does anyone know how I can get back to that code?

    submitted by /u/WherezMyTV
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    WTF...you can't exalt a raised creature?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:35 PM PST

    Bloody moronic.

    submitted by /u/-Greenlung
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    Death to invade!

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:16 PM PST

    I've started resigning from matches the moment someone reveals they're playing invade and it has actually become MORE satisfying than beating them!

    For the record, it's not that I find them difficult, it's just they feel like working when you play against it. All the fun of a match is instantly absorbed from the game.

    submitted by /u/sweetnickels
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