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    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekend Card Discussion Thread - A New Era | January 31, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekend Card Discussion Thread - A New Era | January 31, 2020

    Weekend Card Discussion Thread - A New Era | January 31, 2020

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:51 PM PST

    Weekend Card Discussion Thread - A New Era | January 31, 2020

    Hello everyone and welcome to the latest, and possibly last card discussion thread! This time we are discussing A New Era.

    Please feel free to talk about anything you find interesting about the card: design, effect on the meta, the art, sounds, animations, lore or anything else.


    Set: Tamriel Collection

    Constructed Rating*: 4.4/5

    Arena Rating*: 3.8/5

    *Constructed and Arena Ratings are a based on community votes on Legends-Decks. Remember to rate cards if you feel these ratings are not accurate.

    Example Decklist: Heavy very dirty deck by Lodem

    Trivia: Possibly the most ironic card ever printed.

    For more stats and decklists, try Legends-Decks (closing tomorrow) or visit Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages for more information!

    <-- Previous Discussion: Weekday Card Discussion Thread - Call Dragon | January 27, 2020

    submitted by /u/MillenialSage
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    The game is dead, start trying other decks.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:41 AM PST

    I understand that people want to win but where's the fun in using a deck someone else built for you. I guess I'm just too casual for this kind of game.

    Edit: I should have specified casual. I always saw casual as a place to try out a new idea and ranked was where you go if you know it works. However if what makes the game fun for you using the same optimized deck as everyone else in casual I'm sorry for complaining.

    submitted by /u/rsrnka
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    Legends Asia - Top Players January 2020

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:47 AM PST

    THE GRIND!! : final chapter

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:19 PM PST

    Jan 31

    The consensus was overwhelming, it was #1 or bust.....!

    so I did not wait for 2 hours before season end and instead started early.... gave myself 4 hours in case things go wrong.... I was starting off at #7... I had lost 5 spots in just a couple of hours as people were making their final pushes....

    First game was against control empire off ring... and I had traitor into gambler in hand.... traitor was lost to ravenous hunger but luckily they did not ring out an edict for the gambler which I played on curve instead of skinned hound to save my traitor. It was a risk that paid off as an unanswered gambler usually wins you the game as long as you do not play into immolating blast on 5 and Dawn's wrath on 7 which I did not......

    That first win got me from #7 to #2!!!! which shows you how stacked together top #10 is at the end, a single win gets you top #3 and a single loss throws you into the sub-ten-arion abyss... (see what I did there.... ;) )

    Next game was against burn assassin off ring but luckily I had crown quarter master and dragontail saviour in hand.... your chances to win increase exponentially if you have a 1 drop off ring against aggro..... my 1 drop won the field... and my 2 and 3 drops contested the shadow traitor opener and I eventually won shadow and was able to double guard and induce a concede with all of the opponent's runes intact... (who btw was a friend brandishing a top ten card back and making his final push...)... rank remained unchanged at #2....

    Third game was against mid-gro dagoth, off ring again!!!! however I was able to win field again with the best off ring 2 drop in the game, the dragontail savior, they played gambler shadow which I chased with mamoth which may have been a mistake.... I think it was better to race here, as they already have card advantage and I have queen in hand... anyways after another gambler into double ward crafter to protect both gamblers into hand of dagoth, I found myself 2 off lethal with hand on board, so I had to double trade to kill drain and develop, then they played alfiq and I found myself 1 off again through this guard, so I had to make trades again but had to leave the flame atronach on board... which proceeded to brandish a battle mace with 3 majika to spare just enough for the one or 2 off swift strike which dagoth seems to always have, however I prophacied a last rune harpy which i used on the atronach that had already attacked and not the ward crafter that was about to attack to play around swift strike which they played on wardcrafter instead and I was alive at 1 hp, and that got me the lucky win.... ( this opponent was also on friend's list trying hard for top 10 currently at #14... but ruthlessness of last day ladder spares no friends, you go against good players on the best lists trying their hardest )

    Beating 2 high MMR players in a row was enough to secure #1 spot !!! I could play one more just to be safe with 2 hours to go, but I felt like I had exhausted all my luck in the last game and decided to wait.....

    I kept frantically rechecking every 15 minutes to see if i had to play again....

    But as the clock struck 1:00 a.m. EST, our journey comes to an end at the top of the mountain successfully defending the #1 finish from last month and the cherry on top is that it was with the 100th win this month with the best deck in game.... Aggro telvanni...

    It really has been an engaging hunt... Thank you everyone for your kind words and support.... and hope to see you on ladder.....

    Month total : 432 games 310-122 (71.8%) rank: #1 !!!

    Deck codes and winrates:

    Aggro telvanni: 100-24 (80.6%)


    Redorans crabs: 50-19 (72.5%)


    Singleton telvanni: 73-53 (58%)


    Goth crabs: 87-26 (77%)


    submitted by /u/gumchoo
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    Playmat unique background sounds

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:33 AM PST

    I'm sorry if it is well known, but I've just realized this yesterday: I always have the in-game music muted cause I like to play listening to something else. So yesterday I was playing on mobile with some new headphones I've got, and between Spotify songs, I listened to those background sounds, really low. Each board has it's own ambiance sounds. Like goats, people chatting, some tortured souls and so on... and that's really cool. I can't hear it when I'm playing on my Mac via Steam, nor even using my regular iPhone headphones!

    Been playing since Skyrim update, dropped when the hold was announced. I just came back for a few games to get copies of the monthly and realized that. Another small detail that makes me sad that this AWESOME game is going nowhere. :(

    submitted by /u/venanciofilho
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    i am so sorry dns.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:28 AM PST

    My Guildsworn Unite

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:07 AM PST

    This began as a reply to u/Angelo_legendx and u/MBRDASF

    Here's my favorite Unite Deck: Guildsworn with Mudcrabs for deck-thinning.


    Here's a version for the Micro Singleton gauntlet:


    A few notes: - The strategy is creature-based control. You want creatures on the board to get board control both to survive aggro and to protect the creatures who have the colors that win the game.

    • You win and lose by card draw. You'll outdraw aggro because they break your runes but you don't break theirs. To outdraw control (you may just do so outright, there's a lot of draw baked in) convince them you're playing mid or aggro so they try to 1-for-1 your creatures with actions.

    • The only truly random card you have to generate is green (Grave Grasp, Fortress Guard, Shambling Skeleton will summon a purple card guaranteed).

    • The best way to make a green card is Barilzar's Tinkering cast twice with betrayal. Creatures with cost 3-5 (so BT cast on a 2-4-cost creature) have a >20% chance of being green: https://tinkering-table.glitch.me

    • Remember, it works best if you do not break your opponent's runes!

    submitted by /u/DrewHoov
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    Prophecies - New System Idea (From the bottom of my heart)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:40 PM PST

    Prophecies - New System Idea (From the bottom of my heart)

    I am aware that Bethesda is not developing new features for the game. Also, this is just a fan idea I had and I am aware I may not be thinking in many scenarios.A quick sample of what you are about to see:



    Legends is my favorite card game ever, but there is one thing that bothers a lot in card games and that is the Luck factor. In comparison with hearthstone, I feel like this game has way less Luck-Factor that determinates who wins... except for the Runes / Prophecy system!

    I think runes are perfect, they allow players to get back in the game by increasing the options of what they can play against the opponent, increases the difficulty for agro decks and adds the breaking-rune mechanic which makes possible cards like the werewolves and many others.

    But the prophecies... I feel like they can be either very unfair or useless... just think about how many times how 3 in a row enchanted javelins and other prophecies have saved your opponent or yourself, it's more frustrating than rewarding I believe (when you are the lucky one), I feel like it is almost trolling!

    So I was thinking in a New System very very simple:


    -A deck can only have one Prophecy.
    -Prophecies cannot be drawn, they will remain out of the field.
    -Prophecies won't be activated unless you have the required amount of maximun magicka. (I'll be clear: you just need to have the displayed amount of mana in the card as Maximum Mana, NO COST), probably these cards could have a different indicator.
    -Prophecies are activated automatically based on their condition.
    -Prophecies will interrupt whatever is happening until it's effect is completely applied.
    -Offensive Prophecies will be activated only during your turn. It can be right before you draw a card.
    -Defensive Prophecies will be activated only during your opponent's turn.
    -This obviously implies to modify and balance all the existing prophecy cards to be normal cards.

    These are some examples I made (Sorry if you feel like they are unbalanced or useless, they are just quick examples I made, also excuse my grammar):










    As you can see you can still be saved by a Defensive Prophecy or have an Offensive one in exchange to put your opponent under pressure.
    The difference now is that every player is responsible for what Prophecy will support his/her deck and set up the right conditions to make them happen.

    Here is some other condition ideas:
    -When your opponent plays a card in the shadow lane.
    -When your opponent plays a card with guard.
    -When your opponent heals himself.
    -When your opponent loses x position rune.
    -When your opponent targets a creature with an action.
    -When your opponent plays a support.
    -When your opponent destroys one of your creatures
    -Same as previous + with 2 power or less

    -When you summon a creature with charge.
    -When you sacrifice a creature.
    -When you move a creature to another lane.
    -When you pilfer N times during the duel.

    The possibilities are endless!, it could be a whole expansion just of Prophecies.

    submitted by /u/Caballep
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    Game Sense and Playing Around Threats

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:10 PM PST

    Having the right deck makes a player good. But anticipating and playing around cards is what separates the good players from the great ones.

    Mass Removal

    • Stacking a lot of creatures in one lane can be punished by Unstoppable Rage (red, 8 cost) or Dawn's Wrath (yellow, 8 cost).
    • Filling the whole board can be punished by Ice Storm (6 blue). Think about this on turn 5 (even turn 4 if the enemy has ring).
    • Late-game, Cyrodil has A New Era and red control decks may have Red Year.


    These are common Prophecies to expect:

    • Blue: Shrieking Harpy, Lightning Bolt
    • Yellow: Golden Initiate, Cloudrest Illusionist, Piercing Javelin
    • Green: Fighters Guild Recruit
    • Purple: Mummify
    • Red: The red prophecies don't have much effects or utility. They're just beaters. Aggro decks will use them; slower decks won't.

    Attacking order is usually:

    • attacking with whatever creature has Power low enough to not break a rune.
    • if breaking a rune is inevitable on your next attack, you attack with the largest creature to deal the most damage (or if you need a pilfer/rally/drain to resolve).
      • whatever creature you break a rune with, you can be assured that if the opponent has removal, that it at least didn't prevent that creature from attacking

    Deck Type

    Knowing what deck you face helps knowing which cards to return. Against decks that are more aggro than yours, you want to get bodies in the board and trade so they can't overwhelm you with damage. So lower cost creatures are better to keep in this matchups. But against control decks, they may play passive and punish you for over-committing on board.

    I can't always generalize based on their colors, but I've often noticed:

    • Aggro: Assassin, Battlemage, Hlaalu, Crusader, Ebonhart and Monk
    • Aggro or Mid: Dagoth, Dominion
    • Mid: Redoran, Covenant
    • Mid-Long: Tribunal, Guildsworn
    • Long: Telvanni

    Some decks vary. Archer could be aggro prophecy or it could be lethal control. Spellsword could be mid-long, but may be an aggro token deck. Of course, sometimes people use Telvanni as a disguise for aggro.

    Misc Info

    • Green decks use Shadow Shift. They could attack any lane at any time.
    • If Archer deck has a lethal on the board, they can use it to kill your creatures in any lane next turn.
    • Against Goblins, any creature with 1 defense is going to die. So, for example, if you have a Wardcrafter, you can ward another creature, so at least it gets value even if it dies.
    • Yellow has Miraak late game (they will steal your best creature)

    I'll end it here cuz I don't want it too long. It's your boii Sticky Icky; peace out.

    submitted by /u/IckyStickyBoBicky
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    Ledgends Decks PSA

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:54 PM PST

    For those of you that may like to save your own or other historical decks, you may be able to do something like go to a deck page, right click, and save the page as HTML to your computer. Another idea is to use one of the internet archive sites.

    Hope the ideas work for you.

    submitted by /u/personofsecrets
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    One Salty Empire! Micro/Singleton Gauntlet - Aggro Empire - Let's play Elder Scrolls Legends #36

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:37 PM PST

    Underrated cards

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST

    My top 5 underrated cards.

    1. Blackworm Neophyte.
    2. Aela the huntress.
    3. Doomcrag vampire.
    4. Disciple of Namira.
    5. Aundae clan sorcerer

    What card/cards do you think is underrated and why? :)

    submitted by /u/Tristanethebreton
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    To be fair i wouldn't want to play against me either...

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:31 PM PST

    I love this Gauntlet so much, because Ruby Throne Scout is so dang fun to play!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:41 PM PST


    submitted by /u/Pandaemonium
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    What's the distribution of ranks?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:49 PM PST

    With most games, there's a bell curve distribution. Most players are in the mid-ranks, and only 1-5% of the population are in the highest rank.

    But is the rank in Legends really zero-sum? I feel like you can get from 12 to 6 just playing (even if you're not good). I can go on a fat losing streak and still not be demoted a number.

    Legends is the top rank. But there's over 1500 people in it. How large is the playerbase, a few thousand people? If there's 3000 people that play the game actively and competitively, that's like half of them in legends. That's definitely not a normal distribution, if that's the highest end.

    It's way easier to get the top rank in this game than other games I've noticed. I feel like the ranks moreso reward playing than skill.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but if it were really zero sum and based on MMR, the ranks would be more like:

    • 12-5 = Bronze
    • 4-1 = Silver
    • Top 2000 = Gold
    • Top 1000 = Plat
    • Top 250 = Diamond
    • Top 100 = Masters
    • Top 50 = GM
    submitted by /u/IckyStickyBoBicky
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