• Breaking News

    Friday, January 31, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Legends will never die now that i have it permanently on my body :) Plan to get the other soon!

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Legends will never die now that i have it permanently on my body :) Plan to get the other soon!

    Legends will never die now that i have it permanently on my body :) Plan to get the other soon!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:03 AM PST

    THE GRIND : chapter 21

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:06 AM PST

    Jan 29

    It only took 3 or 4 hours before a couple of ppl passed me and I found myself back to #3, where I continued to camp and skipped playing ladder.....

    Jan 30

    I did not play on the 30th either and I am writing this on 31st, the dreaded last day of ladder.... !!!!

    Playing on the last day always triggers significant anxiety for me, as I have had 2-3 pretty bad experiences in the past ( I would use the term PTSD, but I dont want to insult true victims and demean the term by using it in the context of a card game ).....

    It was Dec 2018, when I got to #1 for the very first time early in the month, I had been in top #10 before mid-season that but never finished there... always in teens or twenties......

    That month I was playing the un-nerfed hallalu that I had optimized over 2-3 months (RIP... skulk/oathman/manor/ash berserker, you are always missed.... btw hallalu was nerfed almost as much as nixox, and may have been as annoying to play against as some other "uninteractable" decks that get all the flack).... It seemed unbeatable, I held #1 for practically the whole month.... good competitive players sent me friend requests to track my rank.... it just felt good.... All I had hoped for was a top #10, but #1 seemed amazing.... on dec 31 however, with a couple hours left, I dropped to #3.....!

    I decided to try to go for #1 instead of settling for top #10, as it seemed to be my right as I had held it all month.. I lost a couple of games and fell out of top #10, and then just could not climb back..... :(

    The more I played the more I lost... fell to the 40's and recovered to #17 where I finished the season.... #17 was where I had finished the month before... but that month I was happy, this month #17 was devastating..... I was more than a little shook and felt very disappointed....

    Ever since then, if I have to play on the last day, my heart beats faster, the hands shake, each decision seems important... each win seems undeserved.... To avoid that, I have learned to settle and not to strive as much...

    That is the reason I have had nine top #10 finishes in a row last year but only one #1 which was last month.... I just cant handle last day pressure.... I just dont go for #1... I camp and only play if I fall out of top #10....

    There were at least 2 other months where I crashed and burned on last day and did not even make top #10, last one as recently as last Nov...

    So here I stand now at #2 (up 1 from yesterday, hope the person who fell is able to recover)....... and I dont know what to do.....

    If I dont play it is very likely I finish in top #10.... and my goal for the month will be fulfilled.... i.e. to document in real time the grind that is needed to get that sweet card back... and it seems like you just have to play over 400 games and win 7 out of every 10 atleast....!

    But I am so close to #1 that I could go for it and finish there for the second time...!

    Should I go for it?

    Do I let someone else experience the joy of being #1 in a game that may not be around for too long?

    Should I play if I fall out of top #10 even, as I don't think I have anything left to prove either to myself or anyone else...

    For people who who have been following this series, I will let you guys decide.... I will put in comments the three options, and when there is 2 hours to go before the season ends, I will do whatever option gets the most upvotes, and report back tomorrow.... how does that sound?

    Month total so far: 429 games 307-122 (71.6%) current rank: #2 !!!

    submitted by /u/gumchoo
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    have you ever seen rule34 of this game?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:17 PM PST

    Ebonheart Oracle made me look for it, but I had no luck finding any. Actually I've never seen any fanart about this game, only memes.

    submitted by /u/LetterMeter
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    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:49 AM PST

    If you had to pick just one attribute to play with, which would it be?

    submitted by /u/SitharioftheSenate
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    To honor the memory of Legends-Decks, I've decided to share my very first homebrew deck, which I made back in 2017 before I knew how to deckbuild. I've certainly progressed a lot from that sad excuse of a list.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:25 AM PST

    Literally just started, hoping for advice so I don’t screw myself over

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:19 AM PST

    I haven't even finished the beginning story and started pvp play yet, but I want to make sure that I don't do something dumb and regret it later on

    submitted by /u/PanPride
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    I haven't played since pre-Sparkypants but was thinking of getting back into the game. What are some key things I should know?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:37 AM PST

    I never actually got that deep into the game and mostly played it for the stories, though I did dabble in comp. I got turned off of the game by the, shall we say, rough transition from Direwolf to Sparkypants.

    The main points I'm interested in are things like:

    • Is the current meta still hard aggression decks or are more tactical decks viable now?
    • Is there any power creep to worry about?
    • Should I worry about buying packs with real money or are in game rewards/daily's usually sufficient enough?

    And of course if there are other key things people think I should know, please don't hesitate to say something!

    submitted by /u/Trithis2077
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    SirProok - TESL Asia: First Mage

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:27 AM PST


    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:49 AM PST

    thinking about soul stoning every other card i own to make my favorite of all time deck full premium ... thoughts?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:57 PM PST

    so i havent played alot the last year but i always played around with the thought of returning when i feel like it but now i only read and see bad news, like they no longer work on sets or the game at all? and the deck sites are closing down? so i dont have a small collection at all i have skyrim and core at 100% and the rest at 30%-50% (i havent played much since 3 colours) and now im thinking about dusting all the meme cards or the fun cards or even the competetive decks i used to run to make my all time favorite deck completly premium ... as a good bye in some sort of way but that would put me to a point of no return sooooo.... what you guys say?

    TLDR : havent played the game in ages ,heard about sad news wanted to dust all cards to give the game a last good bye... thoughts`?

    submitted by /u/DaSpoderman
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    End of the game

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:18 PM PST

    I was going to rage a little and blow some steam after being stopped in solo arena by a khajiit monk deck who wasn't even the boss, with two Quin'rawl Burglar, additional mana and a lane where the first creature to attack can attack twice... sigh!

    But after seeing some posts about the "end of the game", it made me want to make posts to chat a little with the people who still play the game.

    Just a post without ambition, to talk some ideas of how the game could still be saved.

    One of the things that I think would help a lot is if they separate the development of the game on pc and mobile.

    That would give them freedom to develop new game modes for the pc, and maybe even custom matches.

    What if you could play custom matchs that exist only in the story mode against other players?

    Matches with only actions, moment of clarity, 100 mana, mudcrab merchant and many others...

    I really wish i could play these modes against other players.

    But those are just wishes, anyway, what are YOUR ideas?

    Forgive the bad English,

    and I will not judge anything, I am interested in anything you have in mind!

    submitted by /u/Wayward-_-Son
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