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    Elder Scrolls: Legends February Legend meta

    Elder Scrolls: Legends February Legend meta

    February Legend meta

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Some recent posts have made me think this might be useful information, and even though it's a bit late there shouldn't really be much difference considering there's only one new card.

    So, this is the February Legend meta over 365 games (I was between #7 and #58 the entire month):

    Scout - 36 games (22 goblins / 6 control / 2 shout / 2 midrange / 1 reanimate / 1 dragons / 1 animal aggro / 1 unknown) [note: some control matches could be reanimate]

    Telvanni - 35 games (16 control / 6 midrange / 2 singleton / 2 aggro / 2 altar / 1 last gasp / 1 nix-ox combo / 1 conscription / 1 shout / 3 unknown) [note: some control matches are likely conscription]

    Guildsworn - 30 games (19 invade / 3 midrange / 2 control / 1 aggro / 1 expertise / 1 dragons / 1 stealer of secrets combo / 1 prophecy / 1 unite)

    Dagoth - 29 games (17 midrange / 7 aggro / 2 crabs / 1 move / 1 invade / 1 dragons)

    Redoran - 28 games (13 handbuff / 6 aggro / 4 midrange / 2 singleton / 2 rally / 1 unknown)

    Tribunal - 24 games (17 midrange / 6 control / 1 chanter control)

    Crusader - 23 games (11 aggro / 3 midrange / 2 crabs / 2 dwemer with crabs / 1 invade / 1 control / 1 treasure hunt / 1 tokens / 1 unknown)

    Assassin - 23 games (12 aggro/burn / 3 move / 2 midrange / 1 shout / 1 last gasp / 1 market / 1 animals / 1 goblins / 1 crabs)

    Empire - 22 games (10 control / 4 midrange / 3 aggro / 1 support / 1 singleton)

    Warrior - 18 games (6 aggro / 6 orcs / 3 control / 2 midrange / 1 high hrothgar)

    Spellsword - 14 games (3 control / 3 dwemer with crabs / 2 midrange / 1 handbuff / 1 dwemer / 1 aggro / 1 dragons / 1 tokens / 1 unknown)

    Archer - 14 games (5 dragons / 2 goblins / 2 aggro / 1 midrange / 1 move / 1 control / 1 crabs / 1 factotum)

    Ebonheart - 13 games (7 control / 3 ramp/rage / 1 singleton / 1 midrange / 1 unknown)

    Dominion - 11 games (6 midrange / 3 aggro / 1 singleton / 1 unknown)

    Hlaalu - 9 games (3 aggro / 3 pilfer / 2 control / 1 unknown)

    Battlemage - 9 games (3 midrange / 3 invade / 1 aggro / 1 prophecy / 1 items)

    Daggerfall - 8 games (4 midrange / 3 items / 1 dragons)

    Sorcerer - 7 games (5 aggro / 1 items / 1 midrange)

    Monk - 6 games (4 support / 1 midrange / 1 shout)

    Mage - 3 games (3 invade)

    Monored - 2 games (2 aggro)

    Monopurple - 1 game (1 dwemer with crabs)

    I played Dagoth midrange myself, ending at Legend #13 with 250 wins and 115 losses (within Legend). If anyone is interested, I can provide my full winrate breakdown as well. (I'll provide one here; I went a total of 22-5 against invade, 15-4 against guildsworn specifically, with no anti-invade tech)

    Here's the deckcode, in case anyone wants to try it: SPAGmxaAuGjVfcgRAJnHpVdykAvKqhdEfvirARhPdhpTkVbonMvDjHkgdVrCoedIbKrWdZpr

    Edit: Sorry if the post formatting doesn't look great.

    submitted by /u/asaxrud
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    Invade is NOT a Tier 1 deck.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    IMO, it's been a tier 2 deck at best since the Gate nerfs.
    There's a difference between skill floor and skill ceiling. It might help a bad player get into the top 500, but people in the top 50 are rarely using it. And when was the last time Invade won a tournament? Invade decks will get some lucky wins against players that don't draw their removal soon enough, but that alone isn't enough to win consistently and have a high winrate over many matches.

    Inconsistent aggro matchup. In many cases, aggro can press face onto Invade before they even have time to build gate. The win condition of Invade is to get drain/ward/charge keywords by turn 5 or 6. In that case, yes the aggro is fucked, but it is random. What if the aggro deck has lethal next turn and you get regenerate and breakthrough as keywords.

    Way too many counters to Gate

    • Lethal creatures (Sanctuary Pet, Fighters Guild Recruit, Ald Velothi Assassin, etc)
    • Removal (Execute, Piercing Javelin, Edict of Azura, Territorial Viper)
    • Transformation (Mummify, Grisly Gourmet)
    • Hatchery Meddler
    • Fear Totem

    Too reliant on draws. This deck needs to draw key important cards in the early-mid game like Invasion Party and Sigil Stone. Sometimes they draw them in time, sometimes they don't.

    Good players know how to play around it

    • Don't clear the gate immediately. Wait until it gets to level 3 or 4 and then remove it. This way the opponent has to spend 3 cards to pump it up to be removed by your card.
    • If your deck is very aggro, press face. But for mid or long range deck, don't go face. bleed them out resources (and kill the gate in battle) before smashing any runes.
    • Yes, there are some games in which Invade will win regardless of what you do, but in context of many matches, the top rank players win against them the majority of the time.

    If you want to "sell your soul" to play a meta deck, why not use a deck that's actually better than Invade like Empire Control, Telvanni Conscription, Goblins, Mid Guildsworn, Mid Rage Redoran, Mid Tribunal, Battlemage, Crab Aggro, etc.?

    submitted by /u/IckyStickyBoBicky
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    Card Discussion Thread - Hist Speaker

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Card Discussion Thread - Hist Speaker

    Drem yol lok, wunduniik. Welcome to the latest card discussion thread. Today, we'll be discussing Hist Speaker.

    Please feel free to talk about anything you find interesting about the card: design, effect on the meta, the art, sounds, animations, lore or anything else.


    Set: Core

    Example Decklists:

    • nobody uses this card. rip.


    • Hist Speaker is kind of useless now because of removal spam and being outcompeted by cards like Tree Minder (more reliable + immediate effect on board) or Barrow Stalker (better value for 2), though it can still snowball sometimes.
    • I think it'd be a lot better if it was "summon: gain +1 max magicka, last gasp: lose -1 max magicka". That way it could combo with unsummon effects and also be resistant to Cast into Time.
    • For 2 magicka, it can proc Thorn Histmage and Blackwood Alchemist's self-buffs and temporarily activate Protector of the Root or Pureblood Elder's effects in a pinch if you have 6 or 16 max magicka respectively.
    • With Pureblood Elder out, you gain 2 magicka upon summoning it and only lose one when it dies (not sure if this is when PBE is dead or even when it's alive).
    • I decided to talk about this card because in the asian client, where there is less stuff overall, it's still useful as an early drop in the Shadow Lane to snowball a Scout control deck into its bigger drops.

    Trivia: The Hist can speak to and even directly affect or control Argonians. They used this ability to their advantage to enhance the strength and speed of all the Argonians during the Oblivion Crisis. Result? The Daedra got their faces stomped so hard that they had to close the gates because the Argonians were actually marauding Oblivion.

    <-- Previous Discussion: Card Discussion Thread - Skyshard

    --> Next Discussion: I'm thinking either Mantikora or maybe Tazkad, though there may be some other cards worth discussing. Eh, I'll probably put out a poll.

    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    Odd Gauntlet Invade Glitch?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    I just lost to frannrealg, who on turn 3, played an Unexpected Arrival (level 2), which summoned an Iron Atronach...

    Is this a known bug? Because even-numbered Daedra aren't allowed, it just summons the highest cost possible?? Wtf?

    submitted by /u/thrillfine
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    BM and Invade is the ladder

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    Quite boring as shit . Why not try something different and stop chasing legendary when that shit don't mean shit anyway

    submitted by /u/alduinapoc
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