• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 12, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends He ended up killing himself by playing Alduin :'(

    Elder Scrolls: Legends He ended up killing himself by playing Alduin :'(

    He ended up killing himself by playing Alduin :'(

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    TESL Reddit Bots Update

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    Quick update regarding the card bot and the deck code bot.

    Card bot

    The bot previously periodically analysed legends-decks.com to gather its "database" of cards to ensure it knew any new ones. Obviously as legends-decks.com is no longer online the bot doesn't know of any cards since the site went down.

    I haven't played the game in a long time so I'm not inclined to rewrite the bot scraping (card gathering) code.

    The bot will continue in its current state for the foreseeable unless someone wants to take over development (all code is on github https://github.com/jrwhitehead/TESLCardBot) or the consensus is to turn it off.

    Deck code bot

    This bot uses a webservice kindly created and funded by u/fenrock369. Like myself and many others, Fenrock369 no longer plays the game. The webservice is no longer in active development and doesn't know any cards since Bethesda announced the "death of the game" (I believe). Also the payment for hosting it will run out within a few days at which point the webservice will no longer work.

    This bot will be disable in a few days.

    I just want to say thanks to fenrock369 for creating the awesome webservice and funding it from his own pocket.

    I really loved this game and had a blast playing it for a couple of years. Creating the reddit bots never felt like a chore, however since I no longer play, it kinda does.

    Love you guys and good luck on the ladder.

    submitted by /u/NotGooseFromTopGun
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    Don’t play this game but if anyone is interested in this code I just got from loot crate

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    To those that play @ 3:am

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    For reasons I wake up at 3:AM central daylight time in my country home in Tennessee. I have my coffee and I sit down and launch this cool card game based on my favorite RPG.... then I get fucking worked over by peeps who play like they made the fucking game !!! Any other time of day I have a good win ratio, but from 3-5 AM it's just balls in mine mouth !! My user name is: BESTHESDA.NEAT and I'm get fucked so hard at 3:AM

    submitted by /u/Luvz269Sasquatch
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    Card Discussion Thread - The Mechanical Heart

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    Card Discussion Thread - The Mechanical Heart

    Drem yol lok, wunduniik. Welcome to the latest card discussion thread. Today, we'll be discussing The Mechanical Heart, which won the last poll.

    Please feel free to talk about anything you find interesting about the card: design, effect on the meta, the art, sounds, animations, lore or anything else.


    Set: Return to Clockwork City

    Example Decklists:

    • i got none. if someone has one they'd like to share, please post it in the comments.


    • Obviously, this card is a control card. It can prolong your death, giving you more time to topdeck your win button. It could also slot well into support decks. It's one of very few cards that restore your runes (the only other one being Morokei). Therefore, I would say it slots best into Control Mage, Control Spellsword, and their evil big brother Attrition Tribunal.

    Trivia: The Tribunal of Morrowind gained their power using the Heart of Lorkhan. However, the charming Dagoth Ur stole their Heart and refused to give it back to them. Sotha Sil, realizing that the war of attrition between the Tribunal and Dagoth Ur could only end in the Tribunal's destruction, so he created a second heart as a failsafe and also to power his Clockwork City. The Mechanical Heart activated in 4E200, long after the Tribunal's regime had been ended, and a year before Alduin returned.

    <-- Previous Discussion: Card Discussion Thread - Cadwell the Soul-Shriven/Cadwell the Betrayer

    --> Next Discussion: The next discussion will be about {{Skyshard}}.

    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    Is there any punishment for people who clearly disconnect right before the end of the game? This happens ALL THE TIME

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    i am rank 8 and i want to get to legend, any good decks for climb?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    hi, so i start to play tesl these days with low rank, i noticed that there is so many greedy decks in low ranks, what's the best deck to climb with? i've tried goblin mid and aggro it didn't workout for me, tried pure aggro crusader/hlaalu also not working, what should i play? i can build a greed deck but the season will be over before i even touch rank 5 (greed decks games take time ti win)

    submitted by /u/fhidann
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    TESL: ASIA capped at 30 FPS ?????

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    Who in their right minds would make a game to be capped at 30 FPS in 2020 ???

    I legit overjoyed when I can finally play TESL mobile on my region but when the cutscene plays I become a bit dizzy so I immediately turned on the real time info and saw it running in 30 FPS. But hey, 30 FPS on a cutscene is forgivable, the gameplay will surely play in 60 FPS right ? Right ?

    But noooooo, the gameplay still plays at 30 FPS till the end, I tried looking on the settings, tweaked the game on my armoury, use 3rd party apps, but all bear no fruit. The game still plays at a horrid 30 FPS

    Why ? Just why would you cap it at 30 FPS ? This is not a game made by a group of highschooler's for their project, but rather made by THE Bethesda. FFS 60 FPS should be the bare minimum and now mobile games and apps started to lean to 120 FPS, hell even you could play at 360 FPS with 360hz monitor on desktop. Imagine playing a game with 1/12 refresh rate than what you are used to

    Am I missing something ? I doesn't mind starting over in TESL ASIA and plans to splurge on this game but I can't play for more than 10 minutes without feeling nauseous

    PLS Bethesda /Gaea do something

    submitted by /u/Sam_Mullard
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