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    Friday, March 6, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends My plans for the Hexagauntlet

    Elder Scrolls: Legends My plans for the Hexagauntlet

    My plans for the Hexagauntlet

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:21 AM PST

    {{Nord Firebrand}} x6

    {{Relentless Raider}} x6

    {{Baandari Opportunist}} x6

    {{Spoils of War}} x6

    {{The Ultimate Heist}} x6

    What's your stupid idea?

    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    Hexagauntlet PSA: Factotums are somewhat bugged

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Minor annoyance: the preview is sometimes off for repeated assemblies (e.g. showing the same +X/+Y stats in both options)

    Somewhat less minor bug: you sometimes receive both assembly options at once. I have played with and against Assembled Conduits that got Regenerate and Breakthrough on the first try, or a first +2/+0 and Lethal Assembled Sanitizer.

    In other news, market decks and Bandaari felines still fold on turn three when faced with a Bedeveling Scamp or two, Factotum mirrors are not that fun, and I should pay way more attention when faced with an all-prophecy deck.

    submitted by /u/Codingamer
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    A rant on the Hexagauntlet

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:23 AM PST

    I have a love/hate relationship with the Hexagauntlet.

    • On the one hand, it's one of the craziest, goofiest events in the entire game. It's incredibly fun to play, even if you lose.
    • On the other hand, it only comes once every month or so and I HAVE to play it more than that. If there was a Hexaladder, I'd never touch the plebeian normal ladder again.

    So whenever it comes, I want to make the best out of it. Problem is, that's hard to do because of three cards: {{Piercing Twilight}}, {{Assembled Sentry}} (all the assemble cards are stupid in Hexagauntlet, but Sentry takes the cake because giving every card Guard is stupid), and {{Baandari Opportunist}}. On occasion, you'll run into a n'wah who uses all three. I, of course, am decidedly on team KHAJIIT DOESN'T NEED TO BE FOLLOWED.

    Every single deck, and I mean every single one, is built around one of these three. These cards scale so stupidly, obnoxiously well in Hexagauntlet mode that there's no other choice. And that's a real shame. I'd love to experiment with {{Aldmeri Spellwright}}, {{Torval Crook}}, and {{Unrelenting Siege}}. But whoops, can't do that because I'm getting 30 khajiits in my face every turn or all the opponent creatures have Guard. Trying something with Soul Shred? No I'm not, I just got Twilighted (or the opponent is running mono-neutral).

    Oh also on occasion the turn timer runs out while I'm in the middle of executing my 12-hour-long Unrelenting Siege combo. Timer broken, sparky please fix.

    So, what do we do?

    • Hexagauntlet needs to become a normally available play mode. I should be able to run all the jank I want without worrying about losing on turn negative thirty-seven.
    • In fact, you know what? Let's add a party mode like in Clash Royale where you can play a variety of fun events. So for example Chaos Arena, Hexagauntlet, actions only, etc. Rewards are the same as Casual mode.
    • Finally, anyone think we might need to ban Assemble, Opportunist, and Twilight? I feel like these really take away from the spirit of the Gauntlet (also Invade but I mean that should never have existed to begin with).

    TLDR: N'wah can't get enough of the Hexagauntlet.

    ADDENDUM: I have just finished all my runs. 2 wins and 9 losses total. Pathetic, I know. I'm not upset about the losses, I just want to experiment some more without worrying about losing and then not being able to play again.

    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PST

    {{Baandari Opportunist}} x6

    {{Piercing Twilight}} x6

    {{Assembled Sentry}} x6

    {{Reflective Automaton}} x6

    {{Assembled Sanitizer}} x6

    {{Assembled Conduit}} x6

    {{Assembled Titan}}

    This is the raw cancer deck that will kill every opponent, no matter what list they play.

    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    Whats you guys’ record health?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:58 PM PST

    Please explain Trial of Flame's "logic"

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:30 AM PST


    Have 2/2 Mummy.

    Have 2/5 Invasion Vanguard with 5 keywords.

    Trial of Failure decides to destroy the Invasion Vanguard. What the fuck.

    submitted by /u/-Greenlung
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    When you see it….....Why’d he let me do that?? I was trying to see how high it’d go. ����

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Uhh seems ballanced

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:52 PM PST

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