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    Elder Scrolls: Legends Deckbuilding Theory: Magicka Deception

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Deckbuilding Theory: Magicka Deception

    Deckbuilding Theory: Magicka Deception

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Costs aren't always as they appear on the magicka curve

    Plot and Expertise cards: They require you to spend more magicka on another card prior. Technically, these cards aren't necessarily overcosted because you're still getting the value of the card you used prior, but this means you can't play it on curve. You have to wait 1 or a few more turns until you can actually use it.

    Low-cost that require a creature on board (i.e. A Night to Remember, Squish the Wimpy, etc)

    • Cards like this are deceiving. You may look at your magicka curve and think "I have plenty of 2 costs. I'll be able to make early-game plays against aggro", but some low-cost cards won't really do anything if you don't have a board presence established yet.

    Cards that require followup. In general, there are some cards that technically can be played on curve, but realistically, shouldn't. Hence, they are better late game than on curve. Here are a few examples (though there are many cards like this):

    • Fresh Start. On turn 6, you basically give up your whole turn (which is usually bad).
      • Many Support cards (or slow/passive cards in general) are like this
    • Sai Sahan. Most creatures he won't be able to finish off with his effect alone.

    Exalted cards: Most are bad at base and need to be exalted. Temple Conjurer appears as a 2 cost, but is usually used like 5 cost card. Sotha Sil is practically a 12 cost (ain't nobody using that at base).

    Duality cards: They are counted as 3 different costs: the individual costs of each card + the sum (i.e. Manic Jack is considered 1, 3 and 4. That's totally fair, but they may artificially smoothen or distort your curve.

    Add to Hand effects: Plussing is good, but add to hand effects aren't entirely free. For example, if you use Cunning Ally to add the Firebolt, and then you use the Firebolt, it's really a 4-cost card. It's like an Ash Servant with +1/1. Just like how you can use Crown Quartermaster on turn 1, and then save the item for when you need it. However, add to hand effects let you spread out the cost over time. Maybe you can't afford to play the card this turn, but next turn, you might have a few unspent magicka remaining and can play the added card (whereas otherwise, you'd just have an unused surplus).

    Additional cards: For example, Skyshart is 3-cost, but you'll be paying more than that over time. So if someone adds that card to their deck, they would probably want to replace a 7+ cost card for it rather than a 3 cost.

    7-12+ cost cards: They are combined into 1 column on the magicka curve to look better aesthetically (and practically, most decks won't use as many high costs as low-mid costs). So, even if the curve looks good, look at the individual card choices:

    For example, both of these magicka curves have the same number of 7+ cost cards, but a different distribution. Deck A is more balanced, while deck B has a gap in the 7-9's.

    Deck A Deck B
    7-cost 2 1
    8-cost 2 0
    9-cost 2 1
    10-cost 2 5
    11-cost 2 4
    12-cost 2 1
    TOTAL 12 12

    Draw Effects. For example, 1-cost cards like Shadow Shift, Rapid Shot and Scout's Report scale well in mid and late game because they replace themselves with a draw. This means you can spend your magicka on the card you draw instead of playing 1 cost and then having 10 magicka left with nothing to spend it on.

    Cards scale in cost differently

    • Early to mid-game: Young Mammoth might scale better than Sanctuary Pet early-mid game. Mammoth runs over Bruma Profiteer and other 2-cost beaters, while Sanctuary Pet is forced to trade with them.
    • But late game, against big bodies like Dark Seducer or Vigilant Giant, Sanctuary Pet will kill them, but Young Mammoth won't.

    Magicka curve matters and it's one of the things to look at when deckbuilding, but as Nijjaro-AZZ told me, build the deck first. Make card decisions based on your win condititon and what the deck needs. And then after that, do some rounding on the curve (i.e. too many 3 costs, too few 4-costs, can take out some 3's, add some 4's, etc)

    submitted by /u/IckyStickyBoBicky
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    Legendary Protection

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Does legendary protection combine your premium and non-premium? If you have 2 non-premium and 1 premium of a set, does it give you legendary protection from that card since you've technically completed it?

    submitted by /u/Doth83
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    I have very little trouble versus Invade. Here are decklists

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Hi all.

    I do think invade was a blunder of design, balance should have nerfed it much harder. But I also do not think invade based decks are dominating in the meta. Afaik there are countless archetypes with positive WR versus invade.

    Invade decks, though, like prophecy battlemages of old, prey harshly on average decision making. Doesn't mean people losing to invade are dumb, but it does mean the price paid for sub-optimal decisions is way too high. Suffering versus invade decks should disappear as one's experience with the game increase.

    That being said, all this doesn't help the slighest, so here are things that could : decklists.

    (and also the fantastic tips of /u/TurquoiseLink/ : https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollslegends/comments/g4ngdu/invade_seems_broken_to_me/fnymzfv/

    Here are a bunch of the decks I have (for the record, have been playing very regularly since >2 years, which ended with obviously having every card in the game).

    As you might guess, plenty of them are sligthly to hardly outdated, none of them are optimal, most of them I copied from better players than me, and I'm no top notch legend player (used to get legend every month until ... I spent less time playing) but from the time I used to get legend easily every month, Invade hasn't been upped. I Still this is pro enough to provide insight or inspiration for people struggling with Invade.

    edit : mkay, without the bot this needs some explanations. will try to do it piece by piece

    1) Rage warrior :

    basic combo deck : big guy + unstoppable rage

    Leveraging, lethal/slay + pings to remove, ramp, draw. 17+ magicka enables the greedfest

    whodunnit at zero gc SuperMario-s one's elder vampire into 16F breakthrough rage slapping abomination


    2) Aldmeri unite the houses.

    It's a bad deck, but not that bad. a different mage control than tribunal. Better when facing plenty warrior as fishing for Willpo+endu is easier. Folds mostly to solid midranges.


    3) Mid spellsword

    always offmeta, but always one of my best go-to mid decks. Purple curve with very solid willpower follow-up.


    4) Control/rage Guildsworn

    Basically control mage became a thing (again) in Morrowind when tri-colo allowed to pack support removal and better endgame/good stuff from a third color : Purple/endurance.

    AW allow to try 2 other variants: Aldmeri and Guildsworm. Green adds nothing good here (especially no support removal), but Red has excellent support removal, and an alternate endgame with Rages.


    5) Tullius Empire

    Empire packs willpower support for tullius, with classic control scout base.


    6) Goblin scout



    7) Mid Keyword Dagoth

    Sooo much fun. screwed hard by control and mass removal, but good board presence, and huge pay-off if opponent let you stacks shit on the board


    8) Ebonheart fun police

    see warrior. less reliable, more good stuff


    9) Wax/wane Monk

    Outdated and it seems off


    10) Dancing aggro assassin

    the kind of deck that made popular scout goblings, because it's incredibly brutal, but also incredibly screwed by pings and curses


    11) Mudcrab Crusader

    Classic Token-y crusader, including mudcrab package


    12) Classic Aggro Crusader


    13) Atronach Mid Battlemage

    leveraging wardbreaking for profit and huge value/tempo from top-ends (Alfic's Conjurer and Mighty conjuring)


    14) Neutral package

    Technically could be built of of any color combination, choose your multi attribute signature card and slap dwemers and mudcrabs with it Willpower synergize most (blanket boosts) but some other might cover one's weakness better (sorceror for reach and negation, archer for ... no, really, not archer. Don't try monk either )


    15) Highlander telvanni

    what is truly amazing: you can run 3x gumchoo in it and still trigger singleton


    16) Tullius Tribunal

    None plays it beside me. Basically a token mage into Tullius, because corsair ship and ordiniran. but truth is, there's a decent chance Intelligence is really lackluster here.But you can know your opponent will mulligan expecting everything but curving 2/3 into Mammoth into troll into tokens and tullius from tribunal


    17) Tribunal Fun police

    One of the decks who's been there forever, with an infinite patience, willing to wait you forever to suck the fun you might have using you units. At some point people realized that not having a victory condition eventually sucks when there are , so they evolved into slow midrange (SPAUaJgOuxbqksqouGigfeaAeijtoNtDkClHcOblwbfPAIfWsHdMedmanNiBrqANtmoeoMrCdVhnfBimjHlYiyqdkZ)

    18) Midgro redoran

    Crusader and purple overstated dudes basically rule the earlygame valuewar since like forever. it's a statistical anomaly that one couldn't pack 75 good cards with low-to-the-ground curve and not have something decent with it.


    19) Slow Mid Redoran

    see (3) mid spellsword. I have always been a fan of mid spellsword, which until very recently and some spirit handbuff schenanigans was considered the worse possible deck ever. This is a Mid spellsword which can pack crusader's and warrior's abominations of bi-color cards.


    (fieewww, I do like Willpower... and really don't like intelligence)

    submitted by /u/Tandyys
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    Invade—- seems broken to me.......

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    So fought a invade deck that literally steamrolled me... granted I don't have the greatest combination of cards, but I feel with a sufficiently decent build be able to block these decks efficiently.... any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Jbalao
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    Anything I should change? Especially struggling against invade... ofcourse

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Ring of Namira plus Undying Dragon equals insta-win

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Top 100 Ladder historical rankings

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm in the process of publicly archiving some of the old Top 100 rankings for the game on the wiki. Many thanks to /u/yumyum36 for collecting some of the lists (especially the older ones), as well as reminding me to actually work on this.

    Since mid-2018, I have made a personal habit of archiving every news item that gets posted on the Legends news section of Bethesda's website on the Wayback Machine (list), but this of course does not cover the older rankings. Unfortunately, because Bethesda literally could not care less about long-term data preservation, many of the old articles are completely gone—having never been archived by anyone—including most of the rankings from 2017. We have snippets from comment sections, but they are usually incomplete or speculative. If anyone happens to have stored these missing rankings personally, I would appreciate it a lot if you could upload those to the wiki, or share them with me here for me to add.

    My playtime in Legends is precisely 1 minute, so I'm not that familiar with how the ladder actually works. If someone would like to edit the article's lede or add a short explanatory section on the ranking system explaining that better than I can, feel free.

    submitted by /u/Atvelonis
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    Is this deck still viable?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    Mid Empire (rough draft)

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Question Solo Arena Oblivion Pack Drop

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Hi I've recently started playing ESL and I really enjoy playing solo arena to test out cards I don't have.

    I reached Rank 1 and along the way I noticed that I've almost been exclusively getting Oblivion Card packs as pack Rewards.

    Is this intentional and is there any way to influence what packs drop?

    submitted by /u/ChickenEater69420
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    Buying single player content at this stage

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    I'm interested in buying the single player campaigns and puzzles, but am curious about one thing. I know they may eventually shut down the game completely, but if they do, is it likely that I wouldn't be able to access that content anymore? Or would just the online features be disabled?

    submitted by /u/HK-13
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    How did everyone’s gauntlet go?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    My first run I went 5/3, second run I went an ABYSMAL 0/3, and third run I went 7/3.

    I played battlemage singleton, it was a toned down version of prophecy/Agro bm with more of a focus on items and actions.

    Siege of Stros M'kai is always fun to play, especially when you get an unstoppable rage off of it and win the game :)

    I also got an ANCANO RED YEAR off, which is the probably most satisfying thing you can do in any video game haha.

    What about you guys? What'd you play and how'd you do?

    submitted by /u/Bohan-Son-of-Yohan
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