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    Wednesday, April 1, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends TIL that you can now concede to kill you opponent faster

    Elder Scrolls: Legends TIL that you can now concede to kill you opponent faster

    TIL that you can now concede to kill you opponent faster

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    Tested this multiple times in ranked games. Left the opponent at ten health and he had only Betty Netch on the board. My board was wide, it consisted of 3/2 Imperial Grunts thanks to Divine Fervor and Fifth Legion Trainer. I then summoned Spider Daedra (to add to the animation time). I sent all Grunts to the face immediately when the summon animations and 5th Legion Trainer's buff occurred. When i was unable to make any more moves since I had won the game, I conceded. The enemy hero avatar exploded before the next Imperial Grunt attacked thanks to this new concede buff.

    TLDR: You can cancel animations via concede to win faster.

    submitted by /u/tarttari
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    Top Players - March 2020

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    A Rework Idea for Invade

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    All the time and money spent on making Jaws of Oblivion doesn't have to go to waste. Invade can be improved and turned into a skill-based deck type. My intent for this rework proposal is NOT to nerf or buff Invade. Keep it at a similar power level, but reduce the randomness and make it require more skill.


    • I understand that Sparkypants is no longer making balance changes, but this is at least a theorycraft, or a proposal for the developers in TESL Asia for when Jaws of Oblivion comes out.
    • I am open to constructive feedback. If I make any errors in this post, let me know and I'll revise it.
    • As with any number changes, even something as subtle as a single integer change can make something go from overpowered to underpowered or vice-versa. Some of my numbers may need tweaking, but I hope my overall concept would help.

    Less Keywords, but You Get to Choose Them!

    Proposed changes to Oblivion Gate

    • Oblivion Gate provides the keywords of your choice (no RNG)
      • "Charge" is excluded from the options
    • The maximum Oblivion Gate level is capped at 6.
    • Maximum # of keywords Oblivion Gate can provide: 8 --> 3

    If this is implemented correctly, choosing the correct keywords for the situation would be rewarding, and choosing the wrong ones means you don't get enough value out of the deck.

    Would the Gate's Health be too Weak with the Level Cap? Capping the level at 6 would cap the gate's self-provided health at 14. Playtesting would be needed. If it's fine, leave it alone. If the health isn't enough, buff it. The initial HP could be upped from 4 to 5 or 6. Or it could be kept at 4, but increased at +0/3. There is a balance. There needs to be enough payoff for spending at least a few turns commiting resources into 1 card, but maybe the scaling can be normalized a bit.

    Would there be incentive to use all the Keywords? Randomness effectively makes it so that people can't have the same keyword every time, at least at first. But what if people are picking Ward 50% of the time and Regenerate <1% of the time? If this were a big enough problem, there could be quotas. Maybe the Gate keywords could have resource bank that starts with 1 use for each keyword, and slowly replenishes them each turn. As a result, players would have to use all the keywords, but budget them out and allocate them to whichever creatures would need them the most.

    Why remove the Charge keyword? Players would pick that one nearly every time. Invade could become too powerful as an aggro/OTK deck. There would be a severe difference in tempo between the two players if Invade could Charge every turn.

    Changing Random Card Effects

    Search and summon abilities can be changed from Random to choice based. If fixing the Keywords in and of itself fixes the archetype, then this section is not needed. But if we're doing a rework anyway, why not go the full mile?

    Daedric Incursion. Draw a Daedra of your choice (4 cost or less) from your deck instead of randomly.

    Unexpected Arrival. Summon a Daedra of your choice from your deck (instead of random) that costs less than the Oblivion Gate level (instead of equal)

    Blast from Oblivion. Cost is reduced from 3 to 2. Prophecy is removed

    Great Sigil Stone Last Gasp: Daedra creature is chosen from discard pile rather than drawn randomly from deck. No +2/2 bonus.

    submitted by /u/IckyStickyBoBicky
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    Do the devs ever plan to balance invade?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Chat in match , Speed turns, calling animation

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    can we make a petition to add a chat feature in match it gets so booring when u have to wait without talking

    also can we add a match type where speed of the turn matters not in the game it self but rather the reward for instant: having 5 (10 sec turns ) will get u a certain reward , 10 (10 sec turns ) will get you an even better reward and so on ..

    lastly can we have calling animation for some cards it helps add more sentimental attachment to that card and frankly all other card game have it

    plz upvote this so the devs can see it and make ESL an even better game it already have a really lovely 2 lane mechanic

    submitted by /u/Anax9595
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    Campfire Gauntlet (April 3-6)

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Not terrible but could have been better tbh

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    Tesl Asia adds Sower to the mix. ��

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Any Discord Servers for rookies ?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    I just started playing a couple of days ago and I'm looking for advice on how to polish my deck.

    submitted by /u/OmarilloDesigns
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    Automatic Dusters

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    You can find crafting guides pretty easy. What I want to know, is there a list of cards somewhere that lists dead cards? Not having much luck with Google on this. I hate invade so I dust any card that has that word on it. I would think cards like blind moth priest would be auto dust too unless going for 100 or for fun decks. Collection is about 80% or so and I'm not going for 100. But could afford to dust to create those last few copies of the staples.

    submitted by /u/mjharp24
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    Definitely No Masters Series Finals @ Quakecon 2020

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 06:22 PM PDT

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