• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 2, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Artists! TESL Asia Is Having a Create a Card Back Contest. Winner(s) Will Get $100 USD, and Your Card Back in Game

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Artists! TESL Asia Is Having a Create a Card Back Contest. Winner(s) Will Get $100 USD, and Your Card Back in Game

    Artists! TESL Asia Is Having a Create a Card Back Contest. Winner(s) Will Get $100 USD, and Your Card Back in Game

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    What Is The Secret To Make A Brilliant Deck That Is META?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:38 AM PDT


    I wanna discuss the topic of deckbuilding. I am amazed on how a player could have thought of creating Telvanni Control (Conscription, etc.), Support Monk, Nix-Ox Combo, and Doomcrag Warrior (though I'm not sure if Doomcrag became META). There was a lot of creativity in making these decks. So, do any of you guys have tips on how to build a creative deck that can be META?

    Do you list down cards of the current META that are strong and build your deck around it?

    Do you need a deep knowledge on card games? Like whoever created Telvanni Control, did he know that card advantage is a big factor in card games and can defeat your opponent? How did he possibly think using cheap creatures are enough to control your opponent?

    Do you spend a lot of time thinking what synergy can be done to become an OP deck like Nix-Ox combo or Singleton Telvanni w/ Siege and Mushroom Tower combo?

    How did you find out that you could have a lot of board control and presence using Conjurer Support? Were you testing on a support deck and using Forward Camp and was refining it until you discovered the effectiveness of Conjurer Support?

    Feel free to discuss! :)

    submitted by /u/Doth83
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    Why some people with the "100 tOp" cardback are playing invade?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    And nope, theres no excuses for playing that sht. Just take the free "win" im don't want to watch a brain dead human just dragging "high skilled" cards. Feel so proud for your well deserved rank. I know i can beat him easily but really, im so tired for dealing against boring people ( some ign's comes to my mind). End of the rant, feel free to say anything.

    submitted by /u/Ishara-Zu
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    Tamriel Collection HELP ME

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    why don't I have Tamriel Collection? if I view the card collection, I don't even find the cards from the Tamriel Collection. online challenge game is I find many users with these cards. I would like them too. please help me

    submitted by /u/Chrikyle13
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    March-April 2020 Monthly Tier List

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    What does “items plundered” mean in the statistics section?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    It says I have 559 which is an odd number, so it can't just be from the plunder spell, and even if it was I'm sure I haven't used that card 280 times.

    submitted by /u/Bohan-Son-of-Yohan
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    House Telvanni Singleton vs Invade disconnect (I find them so entertaining) ... with style, rising their gates from dead ...bwhaahaa

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:45 PM PDT

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