• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Grand Melee Cardback reward.

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Grand Melee Cardback reward.

    Grand Melee Cardback reward.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Is the game worth playing in 2020?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    I played Legends when it first came out but I never took it too seriously. I logged in today and did some quests and a solo arena and I enjoyed the game, but from what I'm seeing lots of people are saying the game is dead. I'm looking to sink time into a card game (hopefully Legends), but I'm not sure Legends is worth it anymore. I learned today that the game will no longer be receiving new content updates so that's a bummer.I really love the art style and I want to stick with the game, but I want to make sure it's worth it. I'm pretty much a casual player but I might play some ranked matches once I get a decent deck built.

    If you don't recommend this game, what other CCGs can you recommend? Hearthstone is expensive from what I hear and I don't want to go down the pay to win route. Please give me the most unbiased answer you can. I know every game has its haters and fanboys.

    submitted by /u/ohyesbryce
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    Deck on the Nightclaw Lord

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Hello, pros and beginners of the game in TESL! I would like to ask you one request. Help make a deck on the Nightclaw Lord. To him, I use the Night Burial, a feather with the regeneration keyword, a daedric dagger with a staff of sparks in order to steal creatures from all over the line, Laanet, as well as a blacksmith from Crucible to get items from the deck.

    submitted by /u/ShishkaN
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    Looking for a new Singleton Deck Code

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I miss the deck website. Anyways, I really like Singleton decks, but I haven't updated mine in a very long time and it tends to fail spectacularly (90% of the time) or kicks some ass the other 10% of the time.

    I wanted to try out some other variances. Anyone have any fun singleton decks?

    Here is my current singleton deck I play.


    submitted by /u/synfidie
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    I feel dirty and I'm sorry.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    I ran an invade deck just long enough to get the titles (including Paradise's Chosen) then I scrapped the deck and dusted the cards. If you played me, just know that I felt as bad running it as you did going against it. That is all.

    submitted by /u/Totally_A_Wizard
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    Is there any way to avoid oblivion packs?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    I'm new on this game and I found arena / solo arena to be a good way of getting started; my goal is to work on white and blue cards first and worry about soul summoning later.

    It's about a month and I got most white and blue oblivion cards. However, when I finish an arena run, I still get mostly (at least more than half) oblivion packs, but I really want to have other kinds of cards like Skyrim. Even for Core cards, I only have about 50% of the white cards.

    Is there any way to avoid oblivion packs please?

    submitted by /u/superarts
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    Deck Guide

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    Hi, I played Legends long time ago but I want to return to playing. I did this deck but I don't have all cards. I just finished Shivering Isles Act I and II. I really don't know what I should ask so here is my deck. I wanted to play around Grunts and Recruits. I am open to all suggestions.


    submitted by /u/Vader_The_Invader
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    (Dech Tech) Monk Deck-building Advice.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    What's up, men and mer?

    I've never been much of a Control player, and I don't think I've ever used Agility in any of my decks, ever. That said, I'm home-brewing a Moon Monk deck and would love to get feedback on it. Am I on the right track, or is there another direction I should be taking this?


    submitted by /u/Chameleon108
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    Invade question

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    I have one question about the invade keyword - was it developed by a mentally challenged zenimax worker? I guess that I came to the party late and you guys probably already ranted about it, but I'm gonna go anyways.

    I came back to the game after 2 years and when I witnessed for the first time the Invade deck, I though "wow, that is completely backwards, broken and unfun to play against". Little that I knew then, that now apparently every third game I'm forced to play these decks and it is driving me mad. I've just played a game against some dude, who had played 6 creatures on turn 5 and got a 0/12 gate and I was there like "wow, that is completely backwards, broken and unfun to play against".

    And I refuse to believe that anyone that was unfortunate enough to let the opponent grow his gate to the 0/16 level and seeing the list of keywords appearing under every summon thought to himself - yeah, the guy was just better.

    It is the most vicious case of sacrificing balance for monetary gain that I've ever seen in the game outside of mobile gaming world.

    submitted by /u/El-Grimbo
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    Best packs to buy with gold?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    I've gotten enough gold to buy like 4 packs of 6 cards each. Been playing off and on since launch, usually enough to unlock something before it gets too grindy. Trying out ranked play but I've been getting my ass handed to me. Which packs should I buy to get the best chance to get some decent cards( or maybe recommend some cards I should buy with soul gems? I've got 4.5k atm) so I stand a chance these days.

    submitted by /u/ThndrFckMcPckpTrck
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