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    Friday, July 24, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Any chance I can get this alt art for Odirniran Necromancer ?

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Any chance I can get this alt art for Odirniran Necromancer ?

    Any chance I can get this alt art for Odirniran Necromancer ?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Now we all know goblins are a little too underpowered currently. They're fun to play but it wouldn't hurt if they were made more viable. Here's a custom card I made that would make them into an actual deck, hopefully sparky sees this ��

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    So I've had a bunch of ideas of cards that'd make dualcolors better. so I'll be posting them here. I'll have one for every class, this is the first. Text on cards with Pledge only trigger if you started the match with no more than 50 cards in your deck.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Stop going face when you are at a disadvantage

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    The amount of times I've won games because my opponent decided it's a good idea to break a rune with only 1 creature on board and 2 cards in his hand is astounding. Stop being braindead and build some actual board.

    submitted by /u/TheCynicalKazakh
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    The Stepping Stone of Elder Scrolls Legends and What I'm Doing With the Experience

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Imagine a comedy skit where you leave work, are walking the streets home, and happen to strike up conversation with a passerby. After they have gotten to know you they say, "so you've worked for such and such agency for 20 years and what have you got to show for it?"

    Tough question...

    It seems to be that, largely, many don't have much to show for what they have been habitually doing. Think of, for example, the thousands of hours that you may have spent playing a video game. I'll just admit, my /played time of Elder Scrolls Online is nearly 365 days - that's a lot.

    I've heard that, well this is entertainment. I guess so. Or I've heard that I have a bad ass account. Sure, for now. But neither of those things is good enough in my opinion.

    Let's take Elder Scrolls Legends for example. Think of all of the effort and time that you may have put into this game or other digital card games alike. And now, especially with it's departure from the digital landscape foreseen, what good was it?

    I remember some people lamenting the loss of friends that will be suffered by moving on. Couldn't you still keep the same relationships? I can see why it may not be the case. I also remember many people looking for the new digital community to reside in. So this meant going from playing one failed game to what could be another. I've done the same thing many times.

    In fact, Elder Scrolls Legends has been especially important in informing my view of what current digital card game milieu is like and what that means for future games as well as how I should approach them. There should be many takeaways from this game for everyone.

    While I may not know the best path for everyone, or even myself all of the time, I'm choosing to make do with what I have. That just happens to be a very specific view of strategy games, how they should function, and what would make for the best game.

    I therefore am deciding to try and apply such skills toward making content geared toward helping others in the places where I feel I have some insight. That is with strategizing, evaluating lines of play, and applying knowledge of a game in such a way that future choices become axiomatic or self-evident. I also will take time to discuss what I see as sacred cows, video game addiction, and perhaps motivation.

    If that sounds interesting to you, or you would like to reach out to me for either suggestions of what you would like to learn about, or you would like to just get some help, then consider joining me on Patreon.

    This is a pathway that I am still figuring out, but it's what I have to show for all of the time I've spent on this hobby. I hope that it is eventually fruitful as to benefit others and allow me ability to follow through with creating what I think would be the ideal card game. And thank you for any interest.


    submitted by /u/personofsecrets
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    Unite Dominion is relative consistent now

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    First things first, here is the deck code:



    I had some good games over the last 12 games on high ladder (10 wins) so, why not share it?

    Dominion is in my opinion the best class for Unite the Houses simply because it has a 50/50 chance to produce a red card without the involvement of your opponents deck (1/8 to miss over 3 tries). So this deck is rather randomness deprived and focuses more on reaching your goal savely.

    The initial main combo is:

    1. Unexpect Survival without a gate, this has a 50% chance to spawn a Invasion Scout (red)
    2. Either Wandering Skeleton or Black Worm Neophyte can summon a Skeleton (violet)
    3. Dominion Battlereeve (blue, yellow, green)
    4. Unite

    So from an empty board and no other cards you are able to pull this combo off with 13 magicka. With only one other creature in shadow lane you can crush the Wandering Skeleton with the Battlereeve making the combo possible with 12 magicka.

    The Close Calls enable the search for the red/violet part of the combo before you have all components, returning either Skeleton or Invasion Scout back to your hand. This makes the combo possible with only 8 magicka from hand. I prefer to prioritise the red card first, because the deck has more options to summon the Skeleton.

    Either way there are some random options that were just to good to pass up. Mainly these are there to give you more options for finding a red card. Mudcrab Merchant can shorten the search for a red card quite a bit. I always try to stay in the confines of the 12 magicka/playing all cards from hand, when I choose my card. Remember that weapons count as a color card ingame for the combo when the are equipped by a creature.

    Razum-Dar and Riften Pickpocket can both search for red cards in the opponents deck, while looking for value cards against decks which don't inlcude red.

    The Gray Fox eases the combo against strength opponents a lot, because you just can steal the card from their discard pile.

    The rest of the deck is pretty much just control cards and some beefy options to get you through the early game, as well as card draw (Cornerclub your second Unite in Hand D: ).

    Have fun and maybe you can improve the deck further.

    submitted by /u/Paknoda
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    First time in months

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 12:35 PM PDT

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