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    Tuesday, August 18, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends 12 simple balance changes that will never happen

    Elder Scrolls: Legends 12 simple balance changes that will never happen

    12 simple balance changes that will never happen

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    First, I realize I'm an armchair developer, so I'm probably way off base here… but I feel like the meta would be a lot healthier if a few cards were tuned down, and a couple of others were brought up. But also, these aren't going to happen, so really I'm just venting. Let me know what you think/why I'm wrong in the comments :)

    Disclaimer: there are many other cards that could be nerfed/buffed. This isn't meant to be an exhaustive list.

    6 NERFS (+1 honorable mention)

    1. Murkwater Skirmisher – Only give Goblins +1/+1, or at least lower the base stats to 3/3. Maybe both.

    Even before we got more Goblins who could take advantage of the +2/+2, this was a strong card. Now it feels like I win/lose depending on if my opponent draws this card. This card is especially egregious when you compare it with Shadowgreen Elder, which is basically the same card except it has one additional power and health and costs THREE more.

    1. Shearpoint Dragon – Reduce health to 3 (base stats of 4/3)

    A staple in so many decks because it's a good-sized body on top of a powerful effect, I think making this thing just a tad bit easier to deal with would help the meta. But then again, I love this card and I think most everyone does, so maybe it's fine.

    1. Queen's Captain – reduce the draw effect to the old Indoril Mastermind summon effect of "Draw two, discard one."

    Support monk is ridiculously snowbally and this card just does too much in my opinion. Especially when playing aggressive, this card is often the difference maker between running out of momentum and steamrolling the other player.

    1. Forward Camp – remove discount given to other supports

    This card is absolutely insane when you get it to activate. 8/4 stats and draw two cards for ONLY three magicka? The downside is obviously the setup required, but with several one cost supports in the game, it's not unreasonable to activate this VERY early into a match.

    1. Old Salty's Assault – increase cost to six

    Despite being basically my favorite card ever created, Old Salty's Assault is just too good. It thins your deck, lets you draw a random card, deals one damage and gives you 8/8 of stats across four bodies. Even at six this thing is still nutty. BUT at six cost it has to compete against Halls of the Dwemer, meaning it's a more meaningful choice if you want to build around it or not.

    1. Halls of the Dwemer – remove guard from Dwarven Spider

    Similar to Murkwater Skirmisher, this card has always been strong, but was never really a problem until there were more Dwemer added who could synergize with it. Even so, I'm of the opinion that it's mostly fine. That being said, as this is primarily an offensive card, I think guard should be removed from the free Dwarven Spider you get.

    1. Invade – anything really

    Everyone knows Invade is awful, so I won't bore you with my opinion on how it should be changed. Plenty of great solutions have been posted since its release (but also, cost reduction should 1000% be removed).

    6 BUFFS

    1. Prophet of Bones – Change Risen Dead's base stats to 1/2, and instead of filling a lane, make it always summon three Risen Dead.

    I want to use this card, but it's just bad. Giving the Risen Dead a bit more survivability AND making it so you aren't restricted to a single lane might make it viable. Maybe?

    1. Forerunner of the Pact – increase health by one (base stats of 4/4)

    Veteran as a mechanic hasn't been great, but I think a few buffs could help increase its viability. Given that this is one of the 'staple' Veteran cards, increasing its survivability is huge.

    1. Black Marsh Prodigy – have ability change his base stats to 5/5, in place of the +4/+4

    This card is awesome in theory. High risk, high reward. But he's too vulnerable to silence to make it worth the risk. Tweaking his veteran ability to instead change his base stats (meaning that after he activates veteran, silence won't do anything) would help. Still probably worse than Bleakcoast Troll though.

    1. Regenerate (the keyword) – let it block Lethal once

    Regenerate is probably the worst keyword in the game, but making it retain its current function, AND offer a single instance of immunity to lethal (before the keyword is consumed) would make it actually usable. Maybe even too usable. But seriously, I just want to play some trolls that aren't Bleakcoast!

    1. Covenant Masterpiece – increase cost back to eight and give it charge

    They cut the cost from eight to seven not too long ago, and this still sees ZERO use. Giving it charge will make it instantly useful. Maybe even too strong? Not sure, but that'd be a huge boost to Daggerfall, which is arguably the worst of the tri-color combinations.

    1. Thief of Dreams – change base stats to 5/5.

    Back in the day, our poor Thief was nerfed to only be 4/4, but now that we've slowly power creeped our way to today's meta, I think it's time we returned Thief of Dreams to his former glory. Because I miss him.

    submitted by /u/ch4_meleon_
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    Gauntlet of Champions (Aug. 14-17) - Top 100 Players

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Just Remember... Good Things Can Happen

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    I think I will quit this game because players are terribly slow.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    I can't play. I literally can't play. Even in the Legend rank where I am people don't seem to be able to think fast enough and the game can't be played fluidly. Sometimes it's this, other times it seems they are just absent, like doing other things on their computer, and they come back after 20 or 30 seconds every turn. It's really awful.

    submitted by /u/sinho4
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