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    Wednesday, August 19, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Combo: Dawnstar of Namira

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Combo: Dawnstar of Namira

    Combo: Dawnstar of Namira

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    What are the absolute worst cards in your opinion?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    While I feel the game does a great job at making each card have a use, many of them feel absolutely abysmal, I would never bring them. And my entire schtick with this game is to make gimmick decks, as I now have so many cards I craft golden copies of Adventure cards.

    What are cards that feel too bad for you to even use? And what buffs do you think would help them feel stronger? (Ignoring pack filler vanilla cards, or core cards that you can't open from packs anymore)

    Daring Heist: I love how everyone just ignores this card after the powercrept version came out. Spoils of war will ALWAYS be better to use than Daring Heist. There's not way to deny that. As even if you do the effect to activate daring heist, you could have played Spoils of War for the same amount. Which you could have played for more without it being a dead card in your hand. Or for less if you do more effects to your opponent. I feel that making it a 2 cost would at least make it somewhat useable. Would it get used? Probably not, unless rushing archer could use it. But at 3 cost, there's absolutely no reason to play it. The only good thing of it is giving it to your opponent with Mudcrab Merchant.

    Betty Netch: This card feels absolutely underpowered, Yes gaining two magicka is strong, but spending 5 magicka to gain it temporarily with no real impact on the field is terrible. You can compare it to both Spine of Eldersblood and Hist Speaker. Both have way more easier use than Betty Netch has. The only thing I can see summoning Betty would be useful is if you have High Hrothgar on the field, you know, a very gimmicky support that you have to build you entire deck around? Which even then, why would you bring Betty Netch over cards like Hallowed Deathpriest, Lurking Mummy, or even Portcullis. I guess the OTHER very specific use for it would to be to summon it when Pure-Blood Elder is on the field, for a permanent +2? Once again though, Spine or His speaker would be way easier to play with that. Betty Netch fix? +3 attack at LEAST. Give it some sort of body on the field. And with that it can avoid both Execute and Fell the Mighty.

    Lowland Troll: Ah, what one expansion does to a very slow card. Lowland Troll vs Ironscale Giant. The choice is pretty obvious. +1 hp and -3 attack? Once again, High Hrothgar seems to be the only use it would have, and that would only be for a +1/+1 over the dragon with no setup. I feel it's power as 6 cost would fit in more with creatures like Stonehill Mammoth. Once again though, something that never sees play unless you're a brassalisk deck?

    Manic/Demented Grummite: Trust me, I try to find ways to use these two. I even use them for discards or transforms to try to get advantage off of their horrible bodies. I understand them being 2 cost would be extremely powerful, especially as neutral creatures for flood decks that eat their hands quick. But I think 3/3's would be fine enough with their split card bonus.

    Lich's Ascension: A card who's entire use is give it to your opponent with mudcrab merchant and trick them into playing it. The advantage this card gives you lasts 5 turns in the best of circumstances. Unless you run alduin and alduin only? You play it ringed out on turn 6. This mean turn 7 you better have someone big. Odahving, Parthunax, (Although his shouts would be useless) Alduin, Iron Atronach. Otherwise you'll only get a small mana advantage over your opponent. Turn after that, you are now down to +4 mana advantage, after that, +3. And it goes on, the longer the battle goes the worse the card becomes. I'm honestly not sure what could fix it, maybe lowering the cost to make it bigger risk and reward? Honestly, I wouldn't be so annoyed at this card if it was a common or something, but no, instead it's a LEGENDARY.

    Anyway, I hope you liked the ramble, what cards do you think have practically "No use?" I use a lot of gimmick decks so I'd be interested to hear if you say any that I bring in decks. :D

    submitted by /u/AvietheTrap
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    There’s something so satisfying about beating invade decks at their own game

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    Draconic Ally bug

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Hello there ! Am I the only one whose game crash when the opponent plays Draconic Ally? The only option is a quick reset, but it is sad to have to do it everytime.

    submitted by /u/nordique69
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