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    Thursday, September 24, 2020

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Monk Gets a New Monthly: Dark Mane

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Monk Gets a New Monthly: Dark Mane

    Monk Gets a New Monthly: Dark Mane

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Is Aggro BM still considered best for farming resources? (quick wins/losses)

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    I just wanted us both to play Gates of Madness, is that hard to ask?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Just won w/ *Unite the Houses*!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    First time, so I just got the title now ^-^

    The game had gone poorly for me, I started the game with 2× Unite the Houses ... anyhow, it was up to turn right or so and I used A Land Divided, in one lane, had one Stormcloack Skirmisher or Colovian Trooper killed, and then on my next turn, I used another A Land Divided in the other lane, wasn't able to do much else, and ended the turn, lost a creature so both of my lanes where down to to three creatures each and next of my turns I summoned an Aldmeri Spellwright and of course played Unite the Houses, but I did so in a rush & didn't screenshot as my last few games had my opponent concede the game for no apparent reason, and I was worried I was gonna miss my chance lol

    I think today's been the first day I played using an Aldmeri Dominion deck, very pleased with how it went, even if it was pure luck and gimmicky (-_-")

    FWIW, on reflection my opponent was at 30 health, and I was like 15~20, and they still had 3 or 4 creatures on the board, all with guard IIRC, so I very much doubt they were about to rage quit, but because of random turn two (or so) concedes (& no I haven't been playing invade) I was still a bit 'spooked', however in retrospect I imagine it's probably not overly difficult to get a win with Unite the Houses in casual, even if it takes a few (many? many-many?) tries, then again, I can't say I've ever lost to it myself before, at least not so far as I can recall.

    I only joined the game like a month or so before it was confirmed to go into "life support mode " or whatever it's called last year; consequently stopped playing for a while, and only resumed this last month or so, so whilst I'm (only?) level 35, I figure I can still try and complete my collection of cards, and collect titles.

    I only play casual versus games and am working my way through the solo quests (slowly), so still having plenty of fun even if the game is moribund. Anyhow sorry for the ramble, I was just excited; happy playing :)

    submitted by /u/uusv
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    Why The Hell Does Call Dragon Level Other Shouts

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    It makes no sense in my mind why it would level other shouts. Seems way to overpowered. Especially when paarthurnax give you three zero cost level 3 shouts!!

    And of course your opponent draws it on curve after leveling it up with word wall every time, even with a 75 card deck.

    submitted by /u/Retardo214
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    Too good

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Someone turned my character into a sweet roll. So me being me I gave my sweetroll some armor (I think its (+1/+4) , a heavy axe(0/+4) and some dragon armor (+2/+2). Wish I screenshotted 🤣🤣🤣

    submitted by /u/AreoSky
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    Help creating aggro deck

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Hi all. I'm pretty new to the game, 3 months or so of causal play. I managed to get to legend rank with an Invade deck (all events and rewards ar invade, and dont want to invest money into the game yet), but i think Invasion mechanics are a kind of slot machine. I don't have much skill, and as I said, i'm a casual player that plays 30 or 40 min from time to time, but Invasion it's so unfair to people that invested a lot of money, effort and time in their decks (I sometimes feel bad when I rush a legend guy, with all the nice premium cards and first ranks of legends in turn 5).

    The point is that Invasion it's boring, you dont need skill to win. I want to start with an aggro deck (i dont have much time, skill and patience for control), but dont know if it's better to start with a crusader deck or a goblin deck. Since card drops are mostly from the last expansion (invasion), I need to buy cards with soul gems (i have over 10k right know).

    Wich one you consider better... or at least, funnier? Crusader or gobling? Any help would be apreciated :)

    Oh!! Another question. There are some premium cards with alternative arts, I think rewards from past gaunlets. Do they will come back?

    Thanks!! (and sorry for my speling, non native english)

    submitted by /u/Mad_alenas
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    I broke this dude’s gates around 5 times this game (including a level 9 gate that almost killed me, hence the missing runes). But I finally broke him. He stopped playing any cards, wouldn’t forfeit, didn’t disconnect. He played prophecies when they popped. Poor invade players.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:15 PM PDT

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