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    Monday, March 8, 2021

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Meme Deck Mondays!! “Cat Scratch Fever” Can 1 power creatures attack 30 times by turn 5? Does Telvanni have enough Neosporin for all of those cat scratches? Do they look infected?!

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Meme Deck Mondays!! “Cat Scratch Fever” Can 1 power creatures attack 30 times by turn 5? Does Telvanni have enough Neosporin for all of those cat scratches? Do they look infected?!

    Meme Deck Mondays!! “Cat Scratch Fever” Can 1 power creatures attack 30 times by turn 5? Does Telvanni have enough Neosporin for all of those cat scratches? Do they look infected?!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 06:30 AM PST

    A look into the past - ESL go4 decklists - part 2

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 04:42 AM PST

    Thoughts of a returning player (warning - lots of words)

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 06:43 AM PST

    The background to this post is that I stopped playing legends shortly after Bethesda put it into a medically induced coma. I returned to it for the first time this week and what follows is my thoughts on the experience. It is a long, self righteous rant which undoubtedly contains no original or interesting thoughts and I write it only because, in the midst of the latest UK lockdown, I quite literally have nothing better to do. If you value your time at all I can't recommend reading beyond this point.

    So, on day one, naturally the first thing to do was jump on the ladder with some of my favourite decks. I immediately noticed that the ladder is a total dumpster fire. The game has been reduced to a coin toss. Have I managed to draw an answer to whatever stupid thing you're going to do? If yes, I win, if not, you win. The standard of play is absolutely awful but why would making the effort to get good at the game matter when you can summon a lane full of 6/6 goblins on turn 5, a board full of mini Dagoth Urs on turn 6, Parth loops on turn 7 (some examples may be exaggerated for illustrative purposes), utterly degenerate.

    I lasted until day two before I threw a tantrum that would shame a toddler, uninstalled the game and vowed never to play again. Seeing decks with which I had previously enjoyed great success (*success relative) reduced to ashes 5 or 6 times in a row by some noob who just spent all their dust on a premium set of invasion party's was too much for my fragile mind to take.

    On day 3, having made a full recovery from my emotional trauma, I reinstalled the game, turned the sweat dial to 100 and, over the next day or two, dragged myself up to the higher rungs of the ladder. And upon arrival I was pleasantly surprised that around rank 1 and Legend, all those things that used to matter like resource management, tempo, board position etc, all mattered once again, at least some of the time (invade players sadly still abound). When I won I felt I had earned it, when I lost I felt my opponent deserved it (again, exceptions made for invade players). Decisions mattered and the game at least began to resemble the Legends I remembered.

    And now, a week into my Legends revival I've had a lot of fun in the game. The gauntlet would have been very enjoyable were it not for my own diabolical performance, I've had some really engaging back and forth games on the ladder against good players and I've been having a great time in casual attempting to make a viable Doomcrag deck for the 10th time since the Namira nerfs (you can still go off like it's 2019 if you draw right).

    With all that said, the overriding emotion of the week has been one of real nostalgia for what we had with Legends. I've never been a big gamer and, in my naivety, for all of my previous time playing Legends, it never occurred to me that the game would ever end. When I discovered Legends it totally captured my imagination, I watched the streams and the YouTube content, listened to the podcasts, spent hours on this sub and generally obsessed over the game to an unhealthy degree.

    That obsession was partly down to a good product but I've played other good games and nothing has ever come close to engrossing me to the extent that Legends did. In hindsight, I think this was entirely down to the community. I've lost interest in other games when I've had no one to share them with and that never felt like the case with Legends. There were so many genuinely entertaining content creators and there was always some kind of interesting discussion going on reddit, or at the very least some good memes. Then there was the competitive scene, such as it was, as something to aspire to. I remember watching the 2018 Legends Series around the time I got into the game and seeing players like TDC Jason and Hakme popping off with crazy combos was like watching some kind of unattainable magic at work that I could never hope to understand. It was exciting to be a part of, even if I was mostly just lurking in people's streams.

    Now, I can't help but feel quite sad and a little angry at just how terribly managed the game was. To have gone from having a great game with really interesting, original features and a committed, if not huge, player base with great content creators to a dead game with a bunch of half baked mechanics and brain dead cards within a year was really quite an incredible feat of incompetence at pretty much every level. I think the fact that the game was left in such a state, swamped by undoubtedly the most widely reviled deck in the history of the game, speaks to the contempt in which the player base was/is held. I know I'm pissing in the wind here but how hard could it be to drop a balance patch once or twice a year, if only to change things up slightly for people who still want to play the game. You don't even need to have card designers, I'm barely even joking when I say that CVH could write up some nerfs/buffs on his lunch break that players would gladly accept just for the sake of some variety. It all just sucks really.

    I should mention however that it's nice to see people still maintaining some kind of community around the game, I caught some of Jele's tournament on stream this weekend which was really entertaining, I've had some very engrossing games against some of the Azzura players and others and been handed my obligatory ladder beating from Eyenie. The more things change the more they stay the same.

    I appreciate that this post is an utterly pointless waste of everyone's time, I mostly just wanted to vent. I also know that in the current circumstances it is stupid getting misty eyed over 'the good old days' of a digital card game. Despite that, more than anything, coming back to Legends has just made me miss it more than ever.

    submitted by /u/Maxi_Sweet
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    This "friend" here was spamming taunts since the muligan and then rage quits.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 09:44 AM PST

    Retro Gauntlet (Mar. 5-8) - Top 100 Players

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Hello everyone

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:40 PM PST

    Hi, So I just started playing this game and I'm really enjoying myself. My desire to play a card game is fairly new as well. I love the ES universe since I was a kid and I amore the artwork. But now I discover that this game won't receive updates anymore? I fear I joined the party when it was about to end. Also is there a place to get information on Cards and theme decks before buying them you guys would recommend? Thanks for any answers and a great day to everyone

    submitted by /u/Shift_back
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    I wonder if anyone would be so kind

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 05:46 AM PST

    to share the deck list of the deck that relies on yagrum's workshop and assembled titan. The object is to activate workshop, gain 2 health with titan (both choices x 2 with workshop) and then use other factotums to win. (There may be other win conditions too but I am sure you know what I am talking about).

    submitted by /u/hashim65
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    Looking for Table images

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 01:58 AM PST

    Does anyone have screen grabs of the battlefields? I'm working on a project I'd hoped to use them for, but I can only find the Elswyr one without any cards or lanes, would anyone have the other boards?

    submitted by /u/DeLoxley
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    Any good Dwemer Deck without crabs and maybe with wispmother?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:40 PM PST

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