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    Sunday, June 13, 2021

    Elder Scrolls: Legends invade player lost by... an Oblivion Gate, isn't it ironic ? x)

    Elder Scrolls: Legends invade player lost by... an Oblivion Gate, isn't it ironic ? x)

    invade player lost by... an Oblivion Gate, isn't it ironic ? x)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    Gauntlet of Chaos Was Fun

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    I mean, the gauntlet this time was pretty fun except for the left lane's condition (it's better off without it since most of my opponents were aggro or midgro). My absolute favorite is retro gauntlet and I believe most players want gauntlets like chaos or retro instead of some niche ones such as micro or singleton. Hope they will be doing enjoyable events like this more often in the future.

    submitted by /u/BootResponsible4627
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    Please help with my deck

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    I'm about a month into the game. Somehow I managed to climb all the way to Rank 4. The problem is that I don't think I truly belong here, as I manage to win only about 30%-40% of my battles here. Sometimes it takes an ugly form of 4-5 losing streaks.

    Now, I'm currently running the Empire deck. Pretty like it, especially the New Era card - more than once it saved me from losing. There are a few issues though: - I feel that my deck is lacking the final push. Quite a few times I manage to get the opponent to 1 (one) health, and then lose. - Deck doesn't have enough card draw. I have 3 copies of Fresh start, but I feel that this doesn't cut it, most of the time. - Sometimes my starting hand is all actions (Weakness, Trespassers Bane and etc) and items (like Deadric Dagger). This simply doesn't help at turn one, and I miss those crucial first few turns. - Finally, the deck size is HUGE! Im running 86 cards! I tried to give it a thought, but I guess I'm greedy - I think that all cards are there for a reason.

    So I finally get to the main point: can somebody please look at my collection and my deck and advise me what I need to change, please?

    My collection: SP#1bkqkletMtQpWhAbwwDhfftospSaeqBmJrBpTxWagvLqjaueAsetCeDvKxQgxfEebiykMduvOsHmpjOmldycFhmbcayxLqgaXfnjbyaqOpHnRhrcraEydxxcfxgaVhlgRuodbbxaTpGrclvoUmfrrkIaUmesJiZnLpbarrMeekQjyqWuqcMuvbTgBommPhhrHbvhgiSfxkFnHdgpzlxhTxtgTmzeRhbeyjwoKahmLmOjEujwfiGmmktwCvHtuxVdCdhatdTfFdQwEqqdrklwGywrubtkhdFkSuBaAcPyBddggxRiRsKnvfBrReVrsxismyolGgMxTvMkHhDsGkdhVrQwUqzjtwKrUnKvIdanIeYqYuegdqnykqmplmXnesTkTdXnNpVwP"#lbxMoQePiLlssfiNadrLmjbymgryjDglpsrAcBoDrClhyilwquabgJmGmDkecIsWotlMepfliolUmFgskcfRfWfrfiiWnGxNxPjPymkRgenDvXxzfTyfmwhFjSnzxulLtjodpRrpbUkNjecQaMiirElEqwhojXvFxYskfIkzciamlckbbmhioYxU#2ediPBomtBhrGazbQpiguecytmEgyxjrllZoymIxrBjsdqFAYkVpEoophxkimrTcJxwmYbAitihcGdvdWgIqLdBcycZdKBbBlhucxnjiaAXlYiIoeBagaoOoxdOcunBBmqPxoxneJeodIolhspQgCoVrkbHBfBnyryvoSemyqeXdsoqhWzCcUjHzBcgceppgpnuhNlDclkEcXjJaIxEaKprcvygjqiKBirnaCnsqUyhfadPxpeskimWfkysdRhHzAhvhXnfcKkyikbrgnmQljfAncbereeZnigojrcwdUqNxmyynCyxxvjTeHBgpUkkyurKlJlVBcjLxHfhaijnnwjCcjfUoubCdMocxlfLmHnxBeBkeflzqCqXqeaQgjxqqRnrbsxImyqy

    My deck: SPAUrBmDqndXwCeDfBmOqBmLqOykmmddlvlwlxmzxRnNALfWimrppRyucwaMxzlhxIoxAPBegplYbAdUqNyyjLhvaQguqygarGyx


    submitted by /u/tommy_ngl
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    Present Gauntlet

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    is showcasing to an even more hilarious degree how broken a 3-charge Ring is. Once you lose the left lane by turn two or so, you've basically lost the game, dumping minions into disfavorable trades. I think in my first run I just went 100% with ring, 20-30% without. This is going to be a fun night of 'real skill'.

    Even if you have drain creatures to pump into the shadow lane, it's never going to outpace the lethal damage you'll be taking in two turns.

    I always liked this game more than all the other card games I've played, but sweet Jesus was the 3-charge Ring system a dramatic mistake their development team was never funded long enough to correct.

    The Ring is either irrelevant or game-breaking—wonderful design! You never hear people talking about the single-use coin in Hearthstone being game-breaking or failing to have it. Three-charges is insane, especially with how important the 2-cost and 3-cost curves are.

    submitted by /u/of_ice_and_rock
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