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    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Custom Card: Torch

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Custom Card: Torch

    Custom Card: Torch

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:59 AM PDT

    Potential Future Cardbacks - spoiler (don't click)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    Proposal for much needed quality of life changes/upgrades.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    Proposal for much needed quality of life changes/upgrades.

    I have made a couple posts about this in the past, but I wanted to do so again with the accompanying visual examples. I really think the deck builder (and my deck building ability specifically) would benefit from a more extensive stat box. Something that included the secondary and tertiary aspects beyond creature, action, item, prophecy and support like — guard, lethal, consume, etc as well as the grouping races (valuable in tribal decks). I took a tiny bit of programming classes in college, so far be it for me to have expert knowledge of the process, but wouldn't having something like the now seemingly stagnant website TESLEGENDS PRO be somewhat straight forward to implement? See attached images.

    I love how it highlights and features whatever fits into that category. I know for me this would be a huge assistance when building my decks. Does anyone know how hard this would be to add and if anyone at Bethesda has given this type of upgrade any consideration. Just my 2¢. Thanks!


    submitted by /u/screamhbk24
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    The Emperors have arrived

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:48 PM PDT

    and the ? of the month is...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:01 PM PDT

    Where was the amulet of Kings in the latest expansion?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    It would have made so much sense for it to be in here. Maybe it could have been used to close oblivion gates, or trigger Martin's transformation or trigger exalt/summon/last gasp abilities or something.

    submitted by /u/knightfluttershy
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    My sad last match in the melee

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:20 PM PDT

    Opponent plays all 3 piercing twilights on my

    Doomed Adventurer (no biggie)

    Edict of Azura (that one hurt)

    Faded wraith (okay it's not looking good)

    I manage to play all 3 of my fervors and Galyn on a dremora channeler for when they pivot to attacking.

    I heal up to 104 and fill the board ensuring lethal next turn....

    Opponent drops vivec. Oh it's cool. I've got 6-10 turns to kill that with big creatures.

    Opponent puts a ward on vivec.....spellsword can't deal 1 damage.

    I could've conceded there and I'm sure no one would've judged me, but I figured I have unlimited healing between necros and journey so I go the fatigue route. Not a great plan, but I was on two losses so I couldn't concede.

    Then the turn timer runs out on opponents side....or so I thought.

    I spent like 3 minutes looking at a frozen board state too intent to realize I needed to restart my app.

    Lost to disconnect and I'm sure my opponent thought I rage quit.

    10/10 match

    Picture from when I thought I was the shit

    submitted by /u/Wreckspowercolt
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    Gauntlet petition: Origins - all cards have their original stats/wording

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    hello i have a question.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:42 AM PDT

    i used to play on the bethesda launcher for a while and i wanted to switch to steam. but i accidentaly used my other account. will i be able to switch it to the right one again so that i can play on steam? it's not letting me change it now but i was wondering if i can change it after i complete the tutorial.

    submitted by /u/BakedPotatoXP
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    [try at satire, but really a PSA] It is that luxury time of the month again, folks.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:49 AM PDT

    Some guy asked me on stream today why I concede so much games on the legendary ladder, that he just sees no reason to quit the game on turn 2-3-4 with such a decent board/hand position. I just hastly responded that I'll post on reddit, so shoutout to the main motive/protagonist of the story here. :P

    [puts on the Master Yoda hat]

    Hear out, padawan, young are you. Ask why concede much I. But see the reason not? Is lost resource most limited. Which wraps us all, that. Remember, you call it, hmm?

    [takes off the Master Yoda hat]

    Anyways, LOL, back to the normal talk - I suck at Yoda. :)

    So, it is that time of the month again when my lader position plummets from top 100 to somewhere around 1k or even lower due to me conceding games to players who fail to play their first 2-3 moves under 10 seconds or so. Time is the most precious resource in the game (of life), and I have a profound sense of it (RL, job, family, chores, tasks, etc.).. so, when someone needs a freaking 45 seconds to decide what to play on a two or three mana, I just plain abandon that game than to participate in the drag-fest.. I call it a luxury time of the TESL month/season.. :)

    I am fully aware that it can be interpreted as a "reward" to slow players and that most likely they won't understand and/or correct/change, but the whole orderal is an anomaly of the game design system where player who is more skilled/faster is accepting none of the bullshit from it. Not from the opponent, but from a design of a game where you don't get a progressive and/or tighter play clocks.

    Anways, catch you on the ladder.. me having a 75% win rate but rank trajectory on a waaaaaay down.. :D

    ps. I'm fully aware that this post will probably get buried as it is unpopular topic, but I wanted to type it out for my honest TV viewer. :P :D

    submitted by /u/npavcec
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    I just love the new expansion.......

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    A Bug? Needs a fix regardless

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:06 PM PDT

    I don't have an image, but on Android I played an Alfiq, box popped up to choose a creature and I quickly selected one and out of habit pushed where the okay button is. It cancelled on me and I later lost the match in large part to a 6 cost 3/3 guard. I swear the creature was highlighted but regardless, there should be a pop up if you are not taking the obvious advantage play, esp on mobile. Disappointing, and it was in the gauntlet no less so my opponent happily danced on my aggravated grave. SPARKY!!!

    submitted by /u/amac214
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    TESL (mobile) and Google Play Games

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:13 PM PDT

    When I first installed TESL on my tablet and phone it said Google Play Games is required. But whenever I started the game GPG made problems and didn't let me in. I was about to uninstall TESL and started the game one more time after I had GPG deinstalled and oh wonder everything went well.

    Then I played without GPG for a few weeks but since two days whenever I start the game it says GPG is needed. I can skip that message but I wonder: is it really required to have it installed? Does anyone else the same problem?

    submitted by /u/plyzd
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    Why doesn't invade hlaalu work better than it does?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:52 PM PDT

    It seems like a simple question but i don't get it.

    It seems like on paper it should work better than it does. I have access to invade, daedra, removal, and some draw. Why do I get the bejeezus stomped out of me by a comparable guildsworn invade deck?

    submitted by /u/Thatguyjmc
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