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    Friday, October 25, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends A quick strategy reminder on field lane control

    Elder Scrolls: Legends A quick strategy reminder on field lane control

    A quick strategy reminder on field lane control

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:00 AM PDT

    It's been a while since I've harped on it and there are a lot of new faces so thought I'd do a quick educational reminder on one of the most fundamental pieces of TESL strategy (and easiest to improve).

    1. Every single deck, bar none, wants to win the field lane. Some decks only give it up because they have to.
    2. There is no such thing as winning the shadow lane. You win the field, creatures just exist in the shadow.

    When you put a creature into the shadow lane you should consider it as being 'forced' to put it there. This means that you would lose too much by putting it field (probably your opponents creatures would just kill it for cheap, or you want to chase the enemy creature in the shadow). You want reasons to put creatures in the field, the shadow lane is a bad place to be avoided where possible.

    Winning the field lane comes with the obvious benefit that you decide how the trades go. It allows your creatures to protect each other. If you have a big creature and a small creature in the field lane then your opponent is in a dilemma. If they want to target your big creature (say... a lethal fighters guild recruit) then the little creature will protect it and clear out the lethal guy for cheap. If they want to target your little creature (say... a 2/5 dark guardian) then the big creature will stomp it out of the way for free and your little guy can keep on fighting. They can only do this if they are together in the field lane, split lanes or together in the shadow lane shuts down your own teamwork.

    Winning the field also comes with the hidden benefit that you control the clock. If you decide to attack and break runes your opponent must either wrestle the field lane back (expensive and hard) or race through the shadow lane. If you're favoured in a race then you force your opponent into the dilemma. If you aren't favoured then you simply don't break the runes and enjoy your shadow lane advantages. This gets a little more complex from here but trust me, starting with this view will beat a lot of opponents who don't. There is also the added benefit of you can fit 8 creatures on the board for racing with while your opponent can only fit 4 (the shadow lane).

    A very common line I see is a weaker player going 2-drop in the field lane, 3-drop in the shadow lane and then the opponent goes ring hive defender in the field lane. Your 2-drop dies for free and your 4-drop development is stunted and vulnerable, your opponent has won the field lane. If you had played both your creatures field the smaller one would have damaged hive defender and the larger one would have finished it off, probably surviving with 1hp. Now you develop your 4-drop field as well and your opponent is in a dire scenario despite having just played their best defensive tool. Splitting your creatures up for symmetry's sake, or the idea of being ready for either lane, is a misguided instinct you need to suppress to improve.

    Thanks all. Also yes I still exist sometimes on twitch.

    submitted by /u/TurquoiseLink
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    October 2019 Monthly Reward Card: Champion of the Arena

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:11 AM PDT

    This card looks new.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    Stealthy Lil' Siege Crawler, Crip-Crawlin' Over Your Rooftops

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    How in God's name does Siege Crawler (a literal building-sized threat; essentially the closest thing the inhabitants of Bruma will ever get to meeting Gojira) not come with the card text "can't gain cover," but Wild Boar (a pig; angry af and super hairy, sure, I'll grant you that, but no larger than irl feral swine according to the card art) does come with the "can't gain cover/mostly unplayable outside arena" card text?

    Sparky? Bethesda? The people deserve answers.

    Far more importantly: I deserve answers.

    submitted by /u/weggman
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    As a new player some quests are literally impossible to complete

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    Alright, alright, I'll do it - Toastie complaining about JOO

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:36 AM PDT

    It's pretty much a tradition at this point so I might as well :-)! Let's keep it short and tight this time because let's be real, nobody enjoys negative rambles.

    Faded Wraith has the same unfortunate outcome as Tullius' Conscription (although they appear to be frequently used together nowadays) in that a deck can run just a handful of value cards that are so disproportionally strong at re-drawing, uninteractively, that it makes control matches very unsatisfying. It seems that every time Control sees a push to compete for the board (like with Alfiq post-nerf) it is followed up by a huge step backwards.

    Invade as a mechanic is thoroughly highrolly on multiple levels. The initial ramping of the gate, whether the opponent has direct removals for a larger gate, what the rolls are on the first handful of keywords. All of it is too closely tied to mechanics in the game that neither player has much agency of. Subsequently, Invade games often to a large degree feel highrolly or lowrolly and that's not good. Honestly, this mechanic probably needs a bit of work, making it less binary when one kills gates (de-level them?) and making the random keywords a lot less impactful.

    Goodstuff, more specifically tricolor goodstuff, does get stale very fast and it's a little discouraging to see most "classical" decks barely change. The powerlevel and consistently does seem like it chokes a lot of fringe stuff out. However, at this point the only solution to that probably comes in the form of either a thoroughly pushed dualcolor expansion (Alfiq style) or some kind of format change.

    I also want to say there's several cards I am really happy with. There's a ton of great stuff in this expansion that I am thoroughly enjoying (I can't recall the last time I played this much!), so here's a few shout-outs to my favorites. The Gray Fox, Ultimate Heist, Wordly Wanderer, Defense of Bruma, Blades Guardian (he sucks but he's beautiful nonetheless), Attuned Dremora, Marauder Chieftain, Mehrunes Dagon's Flayer (finally some true aggro support!). I've also had a ton of fun with Goblins in Monk and Scout!


    submitted by /u/ToastieNL
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    Legends Cast Episode 20: Goblins Goblins Goblins!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:59 AM PDT

    Idea for the "Unsummon" oblivion gates problem

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    I had a brutal game against some legend with a fine-tuned oblivion deck. He got a gate up to level 5, I destroyed it. He soul teared it. Then played an invade, then dropped it. A couple more invades, and Brilliant Experiments.

    So he had like a Level 12 Gate in hand, for 0 cost. I cleared the board, established board presence, and he had only that Level 12 gate in hand. He then dropped the gate and played Forces of Destruction. Game over.

    My solution: When the gate increases a level, increase the cost of the card by 1. So a level 2 gate costs 1 magicka, a level 5 gate costs 4, etc. This keeps the gates strong, but doesn't allow holding a superbuffed gate in hand.


    submitted by /u/spedizione_ateniese
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    My frustration!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:51 AM PDT

    I think I finally have to admit to myself that my relationship with this game is a love/hate one, I think its time for me to stop playing.

    The sheer amount of times I have lost to RNG is so frustrating, yet the game always makes me question my skill. I develop strategies, watch others, identify my misplays etc

    But given my last week or so of playing I have come to the sad conclusion there are some seriously cruel algorithms at work to ensure I am always 'just out of reach'!!

    1) Matchmaking has pitted me against an opponent 2/3 ranks above me, with ring and they have the legendary card back, far too many times this week alone!

    2) Three times this week I have had lethal, and on closing the game, they proc the exact prophecy they needed (from a three attribute deck) on their last rune

    3) I went from rank 9 to rank 8 in less than one hour with a guildsworn token deck, winning every single game in a row, once at rank at the win rate with the exactly same deck dropped to 50:50

    4) I have seen some incredibly lucky high rolls this week alone:

    Dagoth Ur from Spymaster on turn 12 (that's literally 1 in .... how ever many cards are in the entire game now).

    Pulling a 0 cost Alduin back from a 35/40 strong discard pile with skeleton dragon

    3 x 0/28 oblivion gates on turn 8, I still managed to achieve lethal only to be stopped by the opponent having a blast on his last rune, in a three attribute deck!!

    It has become painfully obvious to me that the game is free to play, as such it is designed to keep me playing, it just feels cruel to suggest that it is my skill that is letting me down

    TL:DR this game is more about RNG than skill, it feels cruelly designed to keep me 'just out of reach', but ensures I blame myself

    submitted by /u/BinaryEgo
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    How do one play/destroy this card?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:02 AM PDT

    Removal is too big a part of this game

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:39 AM PDT

    Especially with the JoO, decks are running a crazy amount of removal and it's kind of ruining the game. Decks are running more removal both because of countering oblivion gates and because joo brought tons more removal cards in the form of goblin. Never any chance to play cards and actually have them battle it out

    submitted by /u/loljoedirt
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    Shearpoint Dragon's Carnival of Curses - A legend tier deck

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    hey, i am making this compilations, so, if you dont mind may i share it here?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:25 AM PDT

    What is dead may never die

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:56 AM PDT

    I have to be honest and say it's a little disheartening to see Bethesda tags reply in threads but carefully ignore all critique on Invade etc.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    The standard response is always "we hear you", but it'd be nice to have some acknowledgement as well.

    submitted by /u/ToastieNL
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    Negative money and packs?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:02 AM PDT


    I keep getting coins/packs basically removed when I get them since the game sees my number of packs as -1, and my money also as minus something, even though I have 0 packs and 170 coins.

    Has this happened to anyone else?


    submitted by /u/Hoduhdo
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    Returning player after a nearly 18 month break. This is the deck I used to get to legend in a few days with a 70.4% WR.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    plzdonhakme made a big boi

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:52 PM PDT


    Will ran out of time and opponent conceded to 999/999 next turn...

    submitted by /u/Suppenkaschper
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    Fuck this game sometimes

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:17 PM PDT

    I mean honestly, playing ladder sometimes is a frustrating fucking shit show. Either invade x a billion or some super greedy deck, or up against some lane changing aggro asshole.

    submitted by /u/niff76
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    Weekend Card Discussion Thread - Outland Patrol | October 24, 2019

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:49 PM PDT

    Weekend Card Discussion Thread - Outland Patrol | October 24, 2019

    Hello everyone and welcome to the latest card discussion thread! This time we are discussing Outland Patrol.

    Please feel free to talk about anything you find interesting about the card: design, effect on the meta, the art, sounds, animations, lore or anything else.


    Set: Jaws of Oblivion

    Constructed Rating*: 2.7/5

    Arena Rating*: 3.8/5

    *Constructed and Arena Ratings are a based on community votes on Legends-Decks. Remember to rate cards if you feel these ratings are not accurate.

    Example Decklists: Hand Buff Conscription by ElderTrollLegend

    Trivia: Imperial Guard regularly patrol the roads of Cyrodiil in Oblivion, but never without a horse unlike the depiction in this card art.

    For more stats and decklists, try Legends-Decks or visit Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages for more information!

    <-- Previous Discussion: Weekday Card Discussion Thread - Mountain Lion | October 21, 2019

    submitted by /u/MillenialSage
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    Best ways to grind for new cards?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    Just started playing this week and I really enjoyed the story mode and love playing the game, but holy shit am I bad. I use the decks I got from the main missions, and I get absolutely stomped and spanked in every match.

    After some googling I heard ranked pairs you against guys of the same skill, so I started queueing for that but every guy I've gone against has these premium card backs and insanely powerful cards that just destroy me with no chance.

    I looked up some good starter decks but they all are like 5000+ soul gems, and with the rate that I'm actually winning matches it'll prob take me a couple years to even get my first deck. I don't mind losing because I'm still new and learning but it seems like I can only get a steady grind if I'm winning. I've currently got 800 soul gems from doing a lot of AI practice and it's gotten old tbh.

    So I guess my question is how do I grind new cards and soul gems to get better decks as a new guy with subpar decks?

    I appreciate anyone who answers as this game is really fun, and I would love to better myself.

    submitted by /u/PresidentCheeto420
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