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    Friday, November 22, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends I'm quitting. Not the game, though.

    Elder Scrolls: Legends I'm quitting. Not the game, though.

    I'm quitting. Not the game, though.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:29 AM PST

    I'm quitting this awful sub.

    This is one of the most deeply unpleasant communities I've ever been a part of. Full of nearly constant complaining on all subjects, unending whining about invade, incessant bitching about "what this game was supposed to be".

    Any redeeming feature (i.e. deck ideas) can be easily had by visiting either the https://www.legends-decks.com/decks/1/latest, or visiting one of the great content creators in this game like https://choategaming.com/, or a streamer like Matt Ob., Silverfuse, Nemi, etc.

    There's no reason any sentient, grown human being has to subject themselves to this place just to play a card game.

    New players, I urge you to get OUT of this reddit. Don't try to join this "community".

    submitted by /u/Thatguyjmc
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    I'm going to tell my kids this is Mantikora

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:03 AM PST

    How to beat Invade

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:25 AM PST

    I havent played against the new Ivade deck yet, but reading on this subreddit it seems people think its still unbeatable, so i thought i share what i have learned during the last days playing Invade and against Invade.

    - Try to figure out which archetype it is.

    -- If they are more on the aggro side, be aware that they will Invade by smacking your runes too and going for the gate too hard can cost you the game because you simply get beat down by their daedra on board. >> as against every aggro deck removing their threats, setting up guards and Drain and taking favourable trades should win you the game. Its still correct to take out the gate of course, because they want to snowball with it. If you can try and develop in both lanes, because that will make it harder for them to go back to field and kill you from there

    -- The other type is more common, here you can mostly focus on taking out the gates and develop mostly in the shadowlane. Lethal creatures, Viper, creatures that bring back vipers, leaflurker, grisly gourmet, penitus oculatus agent, blue flip guy, execute, finish off, stonethrow are all your friends in this war against the gates. Use them wisely. sometimes i found it better to let them invest into the gate about 3 times or more and then take it out. If you can clear the gate with the creatures on board, do that and hold back your hard removal. Since gates are their wincondition they will try a few times to set them up. So get yourself ready to kill those gates about 4 and more times.

    At first i thought (since it was also a combo deck) i needed to play aggressively, but most of the time, that just gave them the cards to win and get even more monstrousus gates with Adept and when i started to play more controlish and just focused on the gates and then setting up lethal in a huge blow, i started winning. It should be much easier now to beat them. They cant have insane combos. Just focus on the gates and think of that draw a card daedra, it might sometimes be worth to play around that and trade a damaged creature in, so there will be no damaged creature on the board

    I hope this helps <3

    Bonus Content

    here is one game goblin scout against invade i had a few games ago (ignore the discussion about support monk at the start, where the term otk was used wrongly)


    submitted by /u/jele77
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    Hello, is this the complaint department?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:11 AM PST

    Yes, I am here to complain about all the complaints on this subreddit. I would like them all to be removed because it is toxic (except this complaint, this complaint is not).

    I am sick of being called names by all these stupid, moronic jerks. It's not very nice to call people names, it's toxic (except this time).

    I'm leaving.

    submitted by /u/ShittyTunaFish
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    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:07 AM PST

    "Item Assassin is full of surprises ! Come discovering some funny and crazy wombo combo decks with the Gardener of Swords. Here is a short selection of some decklists that i'm hoping you'll enjoy. Welcome in my wombo combo world and HAVE FUN !"

    Hi everyone ! I've always been an Item Assassin and combo lover, so i've tested many decklists (some famous and others less, i think) and today i want to share you combo i've loved to play since these last months, into a short guide about some combo decklists : « 50 SHADES OF COMBO ITEM ASSASSIN »


    Here is one video from decklists i've presented in the article, of course i invite you to discover more of this GUIDE (presentation, gameplay, videos) in the link above and let me know your impressions if you want! Hoping you will like it : )

    Thanks !

    The Elderscrollsement vôtre,


    submitted by /u/IN-SITU_TESL
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    I fucking despise this card.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:15 AM PST

    Struggling to rank up?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:21 AM PST

    I have seen some people saying that they can´t rank up. If you are one of them and you want someone to help you, you can add me and I can spectate some of your games and try to figure out what are you doing wrong. My game nick is same as here.

    Why I´m doing this? For fun, because I have nothing better to do today and believe it or not I like to help people.

    For you who don´t know me:

    I´m legend rank every season for the last 1.5 years. I consider myself to be the best thelvani player and one of the best players in the game. I´m also famous as most toxic player in the game for my controversial topics about game balance, but I´m usually not toxic towards players so no worries.

    Anyway, if you want help, add me and we will see what can be done.

    submitted by /u/eviltunafish
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    (Unpopular opinion) It's been nerfed... but it's still incredibly unfun

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:43 PM PST

    Seriously... I still hate this mechanic... been playing since day 1 of beta and have taken many breaks from this game when cards and combos were introduced that were unfun, but I always returned... But, now I am honestly considering uninstalling this game and never coming back... this game has felt extremely unfun ever since Invade (even before the broken combo)

    Is it fun for anyone to play against a level 5+ gate??? Honestly?!?! Your forced to waist highcost actions to delete a card that 90% of your opponents deck will resummon or buff as a simple summom affect. So, you have to ignore their +5/+5 guard/regen/drain to delete this gate... and what do you know, another one is summoned next turn and now there is still some ridiculously strong bodies on their board.

    So, you waist high cost actions to delete them, or you start bringing bottom tier cards into your deck, or you play hyper-agro... all, just incase you go up against invade.

    In my opinion there are a few ways to go about making the mechanic something more manageable and less unfun to play against:

    • 1) reduce the health and health gained by level-ups to 2

    • 2) add a buff cap (ex: after level 5, there are no added benefits to increasing the level, other than synergy with cards that use the invade level as a variable in some affect)

    • 3) gates can be silenced

    • or 4) take away the keyword bs entirely

    Any one of these or a combination of any of these would be welcome. But as it stands, Invade has fundamentally changed deck building and therefore this entire game... and it hasn't changed for the better.

    Though it isn't god-tier meta anymore, it's still very powerful and just generally an unfun mechanic to play against.

    If you really want your refunds, then lets actually nerf these cards to an extent that warrants it... all they've done so far is remove an obviously busted combo that anyone with a half of a brain knew was going to be removed....

    Rant over... summon the downvoters wraith... I don't really care anymore... i just hate this mechanic....

    submitted by /u/Luke_KB
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    I finally became a Legend Rank *tears of joy*

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:03 PM PST

    [GUIDE] Deck Tech: Stealer of Secrets Control

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:33 AM PST

    On refunds and the lack of communication in general.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:10 PM PST

    Lets assume they 'rebalance' the Imperial Grunt. They add the text 'Sacrifice this at the end of turn.' Is it supposed to be refunded? Not a single soulsummon-able card is changed. Every Grunt is still 1/1 they just die a moment later. Will the Grunt summoning cards be refunded? If so, the invade cards should be also. On the other hand, still missing the proper communivation. They did two changes without the usual patch with patch notes, without stating what will happen on the refund side. There were not a single word about it before, the changes just happened. They still not giving away clear statments, the communication is still as shady as the changes were. Right now, they have the following panels: 1. We understand you, here is the refund you deserve. 2. We understand you, we are going to compensate, we are just jot sure how. 3. We dont now yet, but we are working on decide if its a refund or not. 4. We are sorry, there is no refund. Please feel free to skip our next preorder because we might flip the table if things go wrong. Trust us neither on consinstent refund decisions. 5. Shhh... Stay quiet... If we are in silence, the might just get it over.. Maybe leaving for good, but at least i should not say anything...

    TLDR: i miss the communication more than i miss my soul gems.

    submitted by /u/zephyr9010
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    HELP! me with this deck..

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:00 AM PST

    HELP! me with this deck..

    Clearly it is not working smoothly, draw seems to be a little messed up and things are not coming when they should. Clearly I know I have a concept that should work and even with these cards seems like it would work, but just doesn't and I am having a hard time figuring out why or analyzing this one. Can anyone offer me some sage advice suggestions...thanks in advanced. Deck code is below and screenshots included.


    submitted by /u/screamhbk24
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    TESL Chinese Version - Preview Video - Scheduled to release end Nov/Dec

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:01 AM PST

    Lets complain about cards that need nerfs here!!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:43 AM PST

    Faded wraith is bullshit. Draw 6 cards, and its purple. Like what the actual fuck?

    Ok its your turn^

    submitted by /u/Turdburglary1
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    Refund me now!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:09 PM PST

    I can't abuse invade, break the game AND ruin people's experience anymore?? I'll take 5,000 gold and 10,000 soul gems, thanks CVH and Sparky.

    submitted by /u/Tuhjuh702
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    Help improving my deck? "Blade Telvanni"

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:53 AM PST


    This is my first real attempt at a control deck, and I've have a decent win/loss ratio. The main goal of this is to get magicka quick, then use get several big bodies on the field. It also uses several of the new Blades cards (hence the name) to buff creatures, particularly the Determined supplier. Some of my best wins include getting 3 aspects of Akatosh on field, and one where I summoned in a Dagoth Ur + 4 Worm King's Agents. Any tips will be appreciated, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Brahn_Seathwrdyn
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    315 Dragons? Yes please. Where’s my hall of colossus?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:57 PM PST

    Legends Cast Episode 23: Runeterra, Rotation, and Axis?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:18 AM PST

    Finally nerfed, but...

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 02:08 PM PST

    /I'll immediately warn you that my native language is Russian and in some places I can express myself inaccurately/

    Ok so, everyone who asked to nerf invade mechanics is happy now, but what about people who played it? Of course, u can send me to hell and don't read subsequent text, BUT. What about newbies who just started to play legends, I know a few people who decided to make invade their first deck. So, they had worked hard to get necessary legend cards, maybe destroy their collection to build this deck and play strong tier S deck on their begining of playing this game.

    And what they have now, sparkypants name this nerf "a mechanic fix", so there will be no compensation, no gems, to build something new. I have full collection and it no matter to me playing with one deck, or another. But if all i have will be cards to play invade, and it is nerfed now and unplayable on high rank, i will just delete this game.

    What i want to say to sparkypants - if you nerf something there should be compensation, or it is just unfriendly to that part of community, who loved invade and played it.

    submitted by /u/kusia_kusmin
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    Anyone else make you own decks?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:56 AM PST

    Everyone constantly talks about specific decks that are featured online, but does anyone else build they're own decks? I've never even looked at a deck list and my custom goblin deck got me to legend

    submitted by /u/AWildSliceOfBread
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