• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 21, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Card Design #12: Double Cards (Dragon Theme) + Signup Now: Reddit TESL Tournament #3

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Card Design #12: Double Cards (Dragon Theme) + Signup Now: Reddit TESL Tournament #3

    Weekly Card Design #12: Double Cards (Dragon Theme) + Signup Now: Reddit TESL Tournament #3

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 02:06 AM PST

    Signup Now: Reddit TESL Tournament #3 <- Click on the link

    Theme: Double Cards (Dragon Theme, Epic card)

    Welcome to the Weekly Card Design #12. You can submit your card in the comment below following the theme and rules. This thread will run for the entire week where members can Upvote submissions that they like. Members are also allowed to discuss about the submission but stay within the comment.

    The best submission will be selected based on Upvotes and the cut off time for the submission will on Sunday 11pm EST. The winner then will be announced in the Weekly Roundup Post on Monday.

    The winner will get a 2 packs code and gets to pick the theme for the following week's (next next week) discussion.



    • You can only submit one entry where the content has to follow the theme, is created by you and is related to TESL.

    • Submission must be posted in an image format. Optional text describing the Card, its effects and your strategy on playing the card can also be explained.

    • Submission must not infringe any copyright and you are solely responsible for the content.

    • Submission/Comment which is reported off-topic, offensive, sensitive and breaking any of the rules above will be removed.

    Next Week Theme: Factotum (Rare card)

    Other ongoing/upcoming Community Engagement Activities for this week with 2 packs giveaway

    See also:

    submitted by /u/teachua79
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    update : invade only upgrades one gate now.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    Players Should Receive Some Sort Of Invade Refund

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:15 AM PST

    I know refunds need to come in a patch, and the two invade nerfs came from server side changes (super cool that this is possible btw), but I do think some sort of refund is warranted for players due to the double invade nerf. Maybe something is planned for the next patch, and if so disregard this lol.

    I do agree that deciding on an appropriate refund for invade is tough, after all no specific cards were nerfed. However, it's undeniable that many of you probably spent lots of soul gems, if not real money, on building invade decks to try out the combo. As a player that leans more towards the whale side of things, I can only imagine the disappointment at spending whatever few gems I had on building something that got nerfed.

    Now obviously we can't refund all invade cards, that just isn't happening. So my proposal would be one of two things. Either A) Give players something like 3600 flat soul gems as a refund for invade being nerfed. This would be the equivalent of crafting 3 legendaries. So we'll call it your playset of invasion party or Daedra-scription. or B) Give players something like 10 free packs for Jaws. This wouldn't be a great soul gem value for people with a full collection, but it would be a nice boost for people with low to medium collection status for JoO. Honestly, the game could use some good will with the players, so giving out packs whether you crafted JoO cards or not isn't a bad idea. But hey, I'm just a guy.

    Anyways, I just wanted to get my voice out there in support for refunds for players. Hopefully something sweet comes yalls way.

    submitted by /u/DTBlayde
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    [OC] Keening and Wraithguard

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:26 AM PST

    Getting to Legend in Versus Arena was a mistake...

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:36 AM PST

    The matchmaking was pretty bad up until now, but since I've reached legend, I can't find matches at all. I have to keep restarting after 1-2 minutes of waiting, and sometimes even that doesn't work until I've done it like 10 times.

    I don't know what they've done to the matchmaking, but I assume they're trying to match players with the same rank, which is a horrible idea. The matchmaking should be done based on current score alone. Not based on rank or some hidden MMR that we have no idea how it works. I don't want to play at 0-1 and face someone that's at 5-1 just because we happen to be at the same rank and I previously had a 7-0 run. This just makes it very frustrating to play and makes it feel like the game is purposely trying to make you lose.

    I know everyone is focused on the invade problem atm, but this is just as big. As someone who's spending most of their time in arena, this ranked system made it almost unplayable for me.

    submitted by /u/iancudorinmarian
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    Deck Images Update

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:50 AM PST

    A bit of self promotion, but I've just update the deck image application.

    Improvements are:

    • I've manually gone through 1300 cards picking better positions to show each image (saving coordinates so I don't have to do it again - that was fun btw)
    • Fattened each card image slightly
    • Made the count ring semi-transparent to allow card to show through
    • Add Card Count below deck name (e.g. "[50/50]" or "[100/75]" etc)
    • Add a more controllable effect over the colour part of the image

    Everything that was manual in the process is now coded, so I can change colours and re-render everything quickly.

    I was also thinking of making the images themeable in some way, e.g. background behind the cards, or applying a custom set of colours for the attributes of the card.

    Up for suggestions, if anyone's interested.

    Here's a code to see how it looks: SPAKdKmxrpnNqtgByxeBjtliAEhNnXeeuCATxqnAybgsxlxioeqyxpqfqNkvmcxNsSqBlIrbeh

    submitted by /u/fenrock369
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    Happy 3 years old

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:44 AM PST

    A "general rebalance" kind of expansion?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:12 AM PST

    I just wanted to toss this idea out there, following, once again, an example of a game that's currently, seemingly, in maintenance mode with very infrequent updates - TF2. Once upon a time what it got were new weapons galore, which came with different playstyles, sometimes broken combos and outright OP-ness. Sounds familiar? Feels like the state of a certain card game at several different points of time.

    So TF2 once did something different. Instead of adding even more new weapons, they took the ones they currently had and rebalanced a decent portion (i'd say about 10-15% of all of them) and suddenly the game felt better, as if it received new things. In reality it did, the stuff that was previously unplayable and a downgrade now is actually more reliable (stuff like Short Circuit, Diamondback, Liberty Launcher, to name a few for some of you out there).

    What if our next expansion was just tweaking a much bigger chunk of cards than usual? It would kill two birds with one stone - refresh the game a bit, while also potentially ensuring that good piles/staples are vastly different than they used to be.

    Back a few weeks ago, I posted this thread and it didn't really get the most positive of responses. I'm using it right now more or less to illustrate what do I mean. Combine that with changes to problematic mechanics, staples and buffs to unused cards and you'd end up with a completely different looking game.

    Note: I'm not a balancing expert. I'm purely theorycrafting things that could see some change. I'm unable to see every interaction possible or playtest the stuff i come up with. Take the custom cards presented here with a grain of salt and merely as potential ideas.

    At any rate, discuss?

    submitted by /u/Brassrain
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    It’s official. Combo Invade is dead.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:25 AM PST

    You've been Miraaked

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:43 PM PST

    Who will be the next player ?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:35 AM PST

    .....that will break invade :)

    Im pretty sure people are working hard on it at the moment.

    Exciting times ahead boys and girls.

    Happy gaming

    submitted by /u/Friedrich73
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    Help with Monk deck?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:18 AM PST


    I'm new at the game and I have been trying to make a deck with the cards that I mostly like. Most of the time I'm losing so I would like to share my deck and see if anyone can suggest me any changes. On the other hand, is any of the pre-made 500g decks any suiteable to my deck? Should I buy one of those? I'm new at card games so I actually don't know with strategy I'm going on (talking about aggro, control, midrange). I just try to kill the enemy cards with actions or lethal and then kill him with my cards.

    So this is my deck so far:

    1 arrow in the knee x2

    2 daring cutpurse x2

    2 legion shield x2

    2 healing potion x2

    2 Fighters Guild Recruit x1

    2 thieves guild recruit x2

    2 Finish Off x3

    2 Kvatch Soldier x2

    3 Nimble Ally x2

    3 Two-Moons Contemplation x1

    3 Eastmarch Crusader x1

    3 Blacksap Protector x2

    3 Ash Oppresor x1

    3 Rajhini Highwayman x2 3 Skooma Racketeer x2

    3 Swift Strike x1

    3 Thievery x2

    4 Cloudrest Illusionist x1

    4 Green Pact Stalker x1

    4 Hive Defender x2

    4 Hive Warrior x1

    4 Territorial Viper x2

    4 Writ of Execution x1

    5 Divine Fervor x1

    5 Dren Bodyguard x2

    5 Leaflurker x1

    5 Pahmar-raht Renegade x1

    5 Piercing Javelin x3

    5 Vivec x1

    6 Quin'rawl Burglar x1

    8 Shrine Guardian x1

    10 Mantikora x1

    My favorite card at the moment is Quin'rawl Burglar so if I would like to keep it for now xD

    Thank you all before anything. Love the game and I hope not to be bothering anyone.

    submitted by /u/DiegoLucas25
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    Winstreak 6! New Goblin Scout | The Elder Scrolls Legends

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:30 AM PST

    Power level errata?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:25 AM PST

    So the new Invade changes fall under what I would consider power level errata, meaning the card text hasn't changed but the effect has essentially been nerfed due to power level. This used to happen a lot in Magic but has been reversed in that game, as far as I know, and generally targeted a specific card.

    My question to some of the more experienced players here, is this the first case of it happening in Tesl? Or have there been other cards that received a power level adjustment without a change to the card text? Just want to figure out if they are setting precedents here or if it's been done in the past, particularly since refunds are obviously a big part of the conversation at the moment.

    submitted by /u/twreyn
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    TIL Heist doesn’t reduce when drawn with spoils, which seems a little counter intuitive?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:22 AM PST

    So multiple pilfers which reduces spoils of war, which draws Ultimate Heist but then heist sits at 12cost not taking into account previous pilfers this turn.

    submitted by /u/BigFactHunt56
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    Yup, that’s a turn 5 Alduin. (Incursion+Transmogrify+Incredible luck). Name of the opponent left visible to give him credit.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:51 PM PST

    Man-Car Camoran

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:47 AM PST

    Ebonthread cloak fix.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:39 AM PST

    Its opponent cant target creature with actions but that needs fixed or rewritten. I just got squished and targeted by steal in different scenarios. Seems a crappy item or should read cant target with direct actions

    submitted by /u/NemoThoughtCaptain
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    Well there goes 15k gems.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:10 AM PST

    Do you know how long I had to grind to make the invade set? Not everyone here has time to play 24/7 and is sitting on a big stockpile of resourses. Now you hit the cards not once, but twice.

    At least let us soultrap them for full value.

    To those of you that are saying ' well durr you shouldn't have been playing invade '

    Fuck you buddy how's it my problem that I'm playing the game?

    submitted by /u/Jaxc1w
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    99 Tips for the Aspiring Competitive Legends Player - Part 3: Building Your First Competitive Budget Decks

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:45 PM PST

    I beat an Invade deck with pure Endurance.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:04 AM PST

    I've been playing my pure Endurance deck today. Came across your typical invasion deck. Well, here is how it went down.

    Had a few low level cards out the gate. My opposites first move was... you guessed it, INVADE!

    So my next step was to use a weakness action and get it out the way. But it became obvious really quick that the invasion would just keep coming. So I switch to pure fast attacks and guards. Then I got the sweet satisfaction of turning two of his daedra into mummies with the hollow deathknight card, back to back. Oh it tasted so sweet.

    Then out comes a few wards on his gate. But no big deal because at this point I wasn't even targeting the gate. Then out comes a Ogrim! I'm thinking he's going to wipe out all my cards but instead he goes on to attack my health. Bad idea because I was already ahead. A few nasty daedra on his side with insane buffs, a few silence spells on my side and I got to beat his little invade deck.

    Oh it felt so good.

    submitted by /u/zinobythebay
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    App Store: why does ‘LEGENDS’ not show up??

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:13 PM PST

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