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    Friday, November 8, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends TESL Wallpapers

    Elder Scrolls: Legends TESL Wallpapers

    TESL Wallpapers

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 07:14 AM PST

    How To Fix Invade

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PST

    Plz Sparkypants - Move that button. (Missclick hell!) :(

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:12 AM PST

    Th' Invasion be Ne'er Endin'!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 07:00 AM PST

    Those landlubbers be lootin' all o' our gold 'n doubloons 'n then disappearin'! Where be th' ol' CVH! Where be th' Sparky who best be sortin' this out? 'tis blasphemy!

    Us pirates 'ave had a long trek this year. We finally settled in on a new island 'n looked o'erhead at th' Moons 'n drank rum through th' night, as Elsweyr was upon us. Now though? We've been bloody invaded!

    Th' Daedra come at us nonstop. We can nah close th' gates. Captain told us they fixed problem but th' problem be only gettin' worse! 'tis like a leaky ship that can nah be fixed... oh how I wench ye ol' reliable.

    So us pirates are a done. We can nah stop th' invasion. We be receivin' no help from th' mothership. We be off t' th' sunset t' settle in on a new island, far far away from th' ship o' invasion.

    submitted by /u/NibbenBayCutthroat
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    Old School OTK

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:09 PM PST

    I feel like the underlying cause of the negativity/concerns is the perceived lack of commitment. It /feels/ like TESL is being left to bleed out.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 01:54 AM PST

    Emphasis on Feels. Feelings are not rational. In my head, I know that a lot of people are working very hard on my favorite CCG and every piece of content they drop and patch they implement is on-point, but I can't help but feel down. Part of that is community. Part of it is meta. Large part of it is uncertaintly.

    There are so many topics that are just festering in our community, causing negativity, but I have to be honest and say most of it boils down to two elements:
    - Uncertainty. Where is the game going? What is the future plan? Are patches coming to specific mechanics? Rotation is a phrase that gets brought up with increasing frequency and the latest comment we have on it is 2 months old, with no information to be shared.
    - Continued Commitment. Is there ever a competitive scene coming, even with just minor financial support? Can we start looking beyond the Roadmap? What new features are in the works? What about the console port? Why is TESL never getting marketed/advertised even slightly (remember when we had this 50K event that got advertised only on the day-off...)?

    To me personally, it feels like TESL is getting neglected. TESL is on Page #4 of the Bethesda "All Games" index, between Doom (1994), Doom II (1995) and Call of Cthulhu (2006), and I can't recall a TESL commercial to safe my life. And I know that there's still very much so a commitment to the game, as TESL Asia IS actively being promoted!

    One of the greatest things about the previously mentioned Roadmap being announced was the feeling of commitment. We were about to hit the first anniversary of the Dark Ages of TESL, but then the announcement came. The whole community experienced the greatest sigh of relief. Cool, new content was coming! Expansions, Gauntlets, Arena Changes, UI improvements - and Sparkypants delivered! The unexpected buffs in Patch 2.15, despite hitting at perhaps the worst time (outside of SparkThesda's control, might I add!) were received very well!

    But here we are again... People are down. Invade was a bit of a disappointment (to put it lightly), content creators are burning out and abandoning ship at a rapid pace and the silence has been absolutely deafening.

    I think what a lot of the current negativity comes down to is that, like what happened in the Dark Ages during the developer switch and content drought: We have nothing to look forward to. We have no idea what is coming up. We don't know how committed Bethesda is to keeping the game running. And this uncertainty breeds negativity and negativity breeds more negativity.

    I don't mean to step on any toes here, but I think it's pretty well accepted that communication for TESL has never exactly been a forté. I think it's time for a little update, a little refreshed commitment. Something positive, to get excited about. It'd do more good than we can imagine.

    submitted by /u/ToastieNL
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    Here is a Dragonstar OTK bullying invade to hopefully make your day!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:16 AM PST

    Creature Size Chart (And an items size chart after it)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 07:32 AM PST

    "Your opponent deck is empty"

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 06:59 AM PST

    Legends Cast Episode 20: Special Guest Silverfuse

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 06:35 AM PST

    I want to personally thank that patient random from my recent casual game. Thank you!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 11:21 AM PST


    Random Person from my recent casual game, I want to thank you for not conceding! You let me finish my "Use Expertise 15 times" daily quest AND let me buff Fighters Guild Elite up to 166 power which ultimately gave me the "The Unconquerable" title.

    You are the real mvp. Also, welcome back Mantikora! :3

    submitted by /u/fieryexploitsword
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    Now I get why control is so popular.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 03:01 AM PST

    I'm just sitting here on an early weekend with a mug of coffee playing ranked with a Redoran Conscription deck saying: "lol... nope!", "nope!" ... "gotta say BIG NOPE to that card".

    "sorry bro but no thanks".

    *hand buff, hand buff, hand buff*

    *Tullius conscription*


    submitted by /u/ThisOneLovesChicken
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    The issue with invade isn't necesarilly power, it's linearity and RNG

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 12:42 AM PST

    Hi again, another pretentious post about card design here.

    So invade fucking SUCKS. Not power wise, it's actually alright there, but as a mechanic it's horrible. We've all played vs the pre-nerf deck and wanted to blow our balls off, but even before that invade struck me as a mechanic with slightly wobbly legs, for a variety of reasons.

    TL;DR for the TL;DR: Invade bad give karma

    TL;DR: Invade promotes a linear gameplan that makes engaging gameplay impossible as neither player can predict the outcome of gate rolls. Invade can only be good with those two things prohibiting it getting removed, and that makes the mechanic broken. Suggestions for changing it at the end of the post.

    1: It's nerf or nothing

    Invade is nothing without daedra, and daedra are nothing without invade. It's quite the awful situation when a mechanic has this much potential to just brick or run out of steam on your very first draw. This isn't necesarilly unique, many decks can brick or have a bad few turns, but typically deck building allows you to minimize this through a good curve and cards that are independently good but get better through synergy or just by having board presence. Invade doesn't do this, an invade card sucks nuts if it has no daedra to be played alongside. You might just say "Well then play a good deck with a few daedra and some invade, that way you won't brick." Truth is you'd of course brick even harder, seeing as you now have filled your deck with functionally dead cards that just summon a shackled 0/4 minion that fills up the shadow lane. Invade is all or nothing, which is bad. Next.

    2: It's linear as fuck

    Play invade, play invade, play invade, play invade, play daedra, play daedra, gate gets killed by something, play invade, play invade, play daedra. Repeat ad libitum.

    I legit can't think of another mechanic that is THIS linear. I might really dislike Wax/Wane and Consume, but at least there's SOME measure of when to play certain cards and how to use them. Invade offers none of this. There's no active decision making in the cards themselves. Sure it has the utmost basics of lane control, trading patterns, when to trade and when not to, but we should demand more from our decks than that. People often criticize midrange decks for just being curve decks, and while there's a degree of truth to that, they still have decisions to make. No "standard" invade deck has any of those decisions to make, which leads to the third and fourth point.

    3: It's so heavily rng based that it's impossible to have a real gameplan.

    If you hit charge/drain off of a gate proc, you are happy. If you hit breakthrough and regenerate off of a gate proc, you are not happy. This is the curse of both random keywords and invade, but invade is especially guilty of this as it's what your entire gameplan centers around. Say what you want about Royal Sage, it was never BM or Assassins primary win-condition. Rolling the correct keywords in invade decks is literally your win condition, because the right keywords can completely break certain cards. This mean YOU can't plan around shit, your OPPONENT can't play around shit, which means no one is actually playing a thoughtful game. You're both throwing shit at a wall and hoping your stuff sticks for SLIGHTLY longer, except one of your guys' shit occasionally gets random occult properties.

    4: But then why was it so succesful?

    Invade suddenly spiked when it was found out that it could be broken with bounce effects. Gate's cost 0 magicka, their buffs could be stacked, and they retained their levels upon being bounced back to the hand. This eliminated ALL the problems i'd talked about until now. Invade decks were no longer "standard" by any means, in fact they were basically stalling combo decks. Whenever you dropped a daedra you and your opponent could BOTH be sure of what keywords it would get. It was all of them. It probably got +3/+3 as well. The issue that we quickly discovered is that without the limiters that made invade such a shit mechanic it suddenly became godlike. So what's to be learned?

    Well first off: should invade exist in the first place? I believe there is a place for a more unique tribal synergy within TESL. Currently both Goblins and Orcs have very simple synergies that don't really deviate from one another. So yes, invade as an IDEA is good, but how do we make it, as one of my friends put it "Not noncingly fucking awful."

    Well some ideas have been to simply make the gates give stat buffs. Replace the keywords with additional buffs. This doesn't really change the gameplan of invade decks at all (might make them slightly more token focused) but it does completely nullify the RNG issue and allows both players to count on their knowledge of cards, so that the Golden Initiate that gets played doesn't suddenly have guard and ward on top of everything else.

    A suggestion my friend came up with was to simply make the gates draw additional daedra at the end of the turn, kinda like a scuffed Namira's shrine. This could play on the concept of the gates funneling in daedra, but i could see this having it's own problems (Degenerate draw engine for specific combo decks prhaps)

    To finish off: Invade is bad rn, and it will continue to be bad for the game for the forseeable future. The nerf was nice and eliminated the immediate problem of the degenerate combo deck that was going around (actually it kinda just cut off it's legs, it has now figured out how to walk on the stumps) But it doesn't help with invade as a mechanic, and i doubt that without a complete rework any kind of buffs and nerfs are just going to make invade ping-pong between being everything i've described above, or being good but also the worst but for different reasons.

    Have a nice day

    Edit: A bit of formatting to make it easier on the eyes. Added TL;DR

    submitted by /u/novablast13
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    When a texture doesn’t load in

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 12:06 PM PST

    Nerf Invade into the literal Oblivion. Remove the Daedra cost reduction, and remove multiple gates getting buffs. Possibly more..

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 11:42 PM PST

    I love TESL but this last expansion mechanic needs urgent address. Too many people are quitting this great game because of it. Fix the damn game or the playerbase is just gonna get smaller, and stop promoting RNG keywords and mechanics and stupid cost reduction cards that just break the game. It's not balanced and, even if it was, it's still not fun to play with or against.

    On a side note, stop introducing new keywords alll together on every new expansion. You can focus on something else like giving weak archetypes more options and adding cards to theme decks that are lacking.

    submitted by /u/jdgev
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    Warpmeta Tournaments

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 04:38 AM PST

    Is their a qualifying process for the weekly warpmeta tournaments or can anyone sign up? If so how does one going about doing that?


    submitted by /u/SuperSeeg_
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    [OC] The Dragonfires. We need a hard counter to these Oblivion Gates because this is getting ridiculous. Even if I destroy three, six more just pop up to replace them

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:29 PM PST

    Returning player to ranked: Invade has fucked everything beyond belief

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:21 PM PST

    I would rather the indignity of being facebashed 30 times by 0 cost nord berserkers than lose again to this rng shitstorm. Awful awful awful.

    submitted by /u/meereenbeans
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    Smirking Necromacer

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 02:19 AM PST

    Are there only 4 decks being played right now?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:58 PM PST

    Invade has fucked up an entire class of decks, to the point where there are only 4 maybe 5 different decks i encounter in 20 matches Greedvani, hand buf control, burn assassin, or gd invade

    submitted by /u/Turdburglary1
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    Community manager? A new design team? Did I dream of us having these things or was that a different game?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 05:05 AM PST

    Where is everyone? The game is a literal dumpster fire right now especially in legend where Invade abuse continues to live.

    You gave us a bandaid fix temporarily... but we have since learned that the bandaid is not enough. What's next?

    grabs microphone is anyone out there?

    submitted by /u/LuteRider
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