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    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Challenge #4: Singles' Day Special (11.11)

    Elder Scrolls: Legends Weekly Challenge #4: Singles' Day Special (11.11)

    Weekly Challenge #4: Singles' Day Special (11.11)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:38 PM PST

    Good old times.... (part 2)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:19 AM PST

    ToO in 5 Seconds

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:55 AM PST

    Free pack a while back. Saw someone post a screen shot of a free pack they got. I got this and nearly passed out ��

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:19 AM PST

    try clean me again! and...

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:15 AM PST

    To whoever had the amazing idea of adding this to the AI pool of decks, you deserve a raise

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:20 AM PST

    Surplus Gauntlet (Nov. 1-4) - Top 100 Players

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:23 AM PST

    999 damage on 3 creatures.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:49 AM PST

    turn 5 unite the houses

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:06 PM PST

    Oblivion Gates..... EZ to counter?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:51 AM PST

    Am I the only one that thinks that oblivion gates are kinda useless if you get good card draw?

    Execute, grisly gourmet, grand inquisitor are pretty effective against it, as well as a lethal and any creature with power to destroy it's ward. If all else fails, edict of azura and piercing javelin. Am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/ogdrewbone
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    I broke the hand card limit

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:20 AM PST

    Invade still makes me sick of disgust to want to quit the game!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:37 AM PST

    Like I've said before, Oblivion Gates Still needs more nerfing!
    They will be broken until you over at Sparkypants change them from +1 New Keyword per Gates Every Level after Level 4,
    To +1 New Keyword per Gates every Second Level after level 4!

    Meaning instead of this:Level 4: +1 Keyword, Level 5: +2 Keywords, Level 6: +3 keywords.

    It would be like this:Level 4: +1 Keyword, Level 6: +2 Keywords, Level 8: +3 Keywords.

    If this cant be addressed and changed then I dont see a reason to why Mundus Stone should have its Unique gem left and not have a 1 Magicka cost!

    Even if this was the case with Mundus Stone, Invade would still be much better.
    Because Mundus Stone is just a support that doesn't have protection from Removal Like Gates can get.
    So I will give a list of examples on how you can still protect your gate after the last gates nerf patch from being removed and get more value from, compared to Mundus Stone which is a Unique 4 Magicka cost support and still really dont have any ways to be protected from being removed:

    Ebonthread Cloak = Immune to removal next turn. Even though its in execute range threshold.
    Leaving you only with grisly gourmet as option if you even run that in your deck and if you do you will have to top deck draw it.

    Assassin's Bow = Now has 3 attack, removing Execute and Grisly Gourmet as removal option.
    Also gets Cover at end of turn, meaning it cant be attacked by normal attack for 1 more turn to get wounded or just straight up removed by a lethal creatures normal attack the next turn.

    Grappling Hook = Yes I know it sounds weird but it is very flexible if you know how to use it. That is if you even have to use its summon ability, since you can cancel it.
    Your gate still gets the stats, leaving it protected from the cheap Execute removal and Grisly Gourmet. Which in turn will leave you with in most cases only option to spend your whole next turns magicka on 1 single target action removal, while your opponent still has the creature advantage on board.

    Seyda Neen Courier = Guessing most of you didn't think of this but this too protects gate against above mentioned cheap removal.

    Sigil Keeper = Now you'll be saying to me; Sigil Keeper doesn't protect against cheap removal in and of itself. That is true.
    But in terms of comparison to Mundus Stone when you play this on turn 4 it still protects gate better against removal which in this case is in the form of Dushnik Sharpshooter. How?
    Well for starters there is no card that can give your Mundus support or any other support for that matter a ward.
    So if I for example play Invade vs Archer that is sure to have both Dushnik and Finish Off in his deck and the opponent has ring on his turn 5 he can still not remove gate with just Dushnik and Finish Off and get value in the trade, because the gate has ward. While if I had played a normal deck with Mundus Stone played on turn 4, then the Archer opponent could just play Dushnik to remove it and still have magicka left to do stuff with in the same scenario.

    Now I dont even have to give more examples here.
    We can already sum this up by saying Gates win by 5 to 0 against Mundus Stone in terms of how you can protect it and get more value from a card that really doesn't even have a cost to be summoned to the board in the first place!
    Come to think of it actually. If you developers over at Sparky Studio dont think that my suggestion to this gate nerf would actually be good, then at least do any of the following I will mention now.

    1. Give us ways to protect our supports from being so easily removed.
    2. Buff Mundus Stone.
    3. Change Creature cards who have the "Summon: Invade" text on them to have an extra cost to get the Invade option.
      The same way Exalt works, that you have the option to pay extra magicka for a Bonus Effect. Which in this case would be the Invade effect.

    The recent nerf you released only stopped a few different combos.
    But it didn't change the fact that you will Always get More Value from a 0 cost summoned Oblivion Gate, which has protection from other cards and no ends to how many can be re-summoned over and over again, compared to a Unique Support Card with the name Mundus Stone that can only see play again after being removed, by including another 3 Cost Blue Excavate card in your deck with the requirement of you having in the first place 7 magicka for Mundus Stone to be played in same turn or 6 magicka if you have ring. Cant even re-play Mundus again if you dont play Blue.

    I hope you get where Im going with this. That Oblivion Gates are still not balanced enough. Thank you for understanding.

    submitted by /u/micaeyolyx
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    I just won in life. Give me all of your money

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:49 AM PST

    Consume Alfiq Battle Mage deck I just made. 10-0 streak right now. Just made to rank 4. Try it out!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:39 PM PST

    Yet another thing about Arena - can we get a fixed number of cards per rarity?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:14 AM PST

    As we all know, arena is hard enough. Not only because of the current expansion but theres a lot involved about skill in drafting and playing arena.

    Yet here I am after finishing an arena run (most of my runs end with 7 wins), which was ended 6 - 3. I should consider myself and be glad that I can keep up with consecutive aces. But theres one thing thats bothering me a lot.

    I basically should have ended this run with 7 wins. I couldnt. I was playing a Curve Mage aka tokio drift, my draft was pretty bad and I ended up drafting mostly commons and a few rares only. So i just went for stats and curve which got me to 6 wins with an ugly amount of brainfucking thinking and sweat.

    The thing that bothers me, I had maybe one or 2 Epics (which were bad), rest was commons and a few rares. On my last match I met another Mage.

    And this guy brings a gun to the knife fight sporting 2 Dawns Wrath followed up by a Sotha Sil.

    Am not kidding.

    I think it would be helpful if we at least get a fixed number per rarity in draft. (Maybe 1 or 2 Legendaries, 3-4 Epics. XY rares and XY commons).

    Legendaries are way too powerful if you have em and the opponent doesn't.

    Like for example if I draft an Odahviing in Arena, I will adapt my draft accordingly and go 7 - X where X might be 0 very likely. I guarantee.

    Just my thoughts, maybe consider.

    submitted by /u/HailAstora
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    [deck] Anybody could recommend a good competitive scout/telvanni magicka ramp control. I would be eternally grateful!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:14 AM PST

    Edit: I've tried to make one myself for a long time,(since I really want to play magicka ramp) but to no/little effect.

    Also, missed "?" In the title.

    submitted by /u/unsouppable
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    [rant] Seriously - F*CK INVASION! The meta will never stabilize nor diversify with this invasion cancer in the game.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:57 AM PST

    Excuse me for being bold to try couple of nice curve middle-range decks in order to try some new interactions in the game - while immediately getting punished by those greedy keyword hunting jack-shit cancer of an invasion players who can't patch together a turn without spending a f*cking 55 seconds for a three card play @ turn 5. Oh oh, they are soo deeeep.. calculating... chga Charge chgagggg Drain cghagggg Lethal.. well FFFFFFFF YOU.. OK!

    Don't get me wrong, I beat them here and there, but understand that beating those decks is NOT even fun. It is always the same - it is either they pull their effin charge/drain/lethal or they don't. Either they choke on their hand or they rope for 10 minutes in order to sucesfully star their RNG engine of an utter RNG shitfest. THEY gamble while BOTH players getting mindfucked. Literally.

    Bottom line - fff this shit - I'm back to my three top hyper mindless aggro topdecking your stupid ass off at turn 5.

    Big excuse if you're not invade player.

    // rant off

    submitted by /u/npavcec
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    Deck Advice anyone?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:20 AM PST

    I've been playong with a pretty fun rally deck and im wondering if there are any tips to take ot to the next level. Keep in mind I'm 100% f2p so most cards I dont have 3 of are that way simply becuase I haven't gotten to it yet. One thing I'm debating is replacing the ambitious hireling with emperors attendant to better synergies with grand inquisitor and east empire crafter, any other thoughts?

    Oh and here is the link https://www.legends-decks.com/deck/72250/rally-the-troops

    submitted by /u/ShirtlessKyloRen
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    Soul Trap Guide?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:14 AM PST

    Is there a list of legendarys that are safe to soul trap? I'm sure there are some useless ones sitting around in my collection. I'm not a collector and therefore mostly interested in playable cards. Still missing some very useful legendarys like Dawnbreaker, Dawn's Wrath etc.

    submitted by /u/plyzd
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    Umaril and Zumog interraction bug

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:54 AM PST

    Zumog doesn't summon Umaril after it dies. I think it should still be summoned as a 1/1 despite the silence effect which should trigger afterwards. Or is it intended to work like that?

    submitted by /u/BigGreenZ
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    3 color decks?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:10 AM PST

    New player here I'm only level 12 but why can I not build 3 color decks? Do you have to be a certain level or something. Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/Sjt08480v
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    Weekday Card Discussion Thread - Dust Eater Skirmisher | November 4, 2019

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:27 PM PST

    Weekday Card Discussion Thread - Dust Eater Skirmisher | November 4, 2019

    Hello everyone and welcome to the latest card discussion thread! This time we are discussing Dust Eater Skirmisher.

    Please feel free to talk about anything you find interesting about the card: design, effect on the meta, the art, sounds, animations, lore or anything else.


    Set: Jaws of Oblivion

    Constructed Rating*: 4.6/5

    Arena Rating*: 4.9/5

    *Constructed and Arena Ratings are a based on community votes on Legends-Decks. Remember to rate cards if you feel these ratings are not accurate.

    Example Decklist: I like goblins and you should too. by Zeyphyr

    Trivia: Dust Eater refers to a nine-member goblin) clan based in Barren Mine in Oblivion.

    For more stats and decklists, try Legends-Decks or visit Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages for more information!

    <-- Previous Discussion: Weekend Card Discussion Thread - Blades Guardian | November 2, 2019

    submitted by /u/MillenialSage
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    [YT] (Eng. Subs) Handbuff Conscription Redoran

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:46 AM PST

    Arena Thoughts

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:34 PM PST

    I asked one of the sparky team if they'd mind me giving them some arena thoughts. They said sure, but they also like it on reddit to see feedback. This was my post, highlighting what I thought was wrong with arena, as politely as I could, and what I think might be possible solutions. I'm copying it word for word.

    "In my opinion, the current format of arena has three major issues: - format - card disparity - card variance

    Format: there isn't one. It's incredibly difficult to figure out how to draft a format that is as wide as the whole game. I think the "any three random cards" kinda worked for the first couple of sets, but now you have a lot more sets and supplement products, there just isn't a draft format at all.

    Card disparity: Cards are not created equal. Part of the draw to sealed /campaign product is the power level of the cards. They are supposed to be more powerful. But because they are more powerful across all rarities than normal sets, it hugely warps the power level of those cards in terms of draft balance. For example, Jack you just should take over basically any rare or epic in blue because he's an epic-legendary statted card at common because of the rarity of the madness campaign. Other than you're niche enablers like market, the base power level is so much higher and its a problem with them mixed in with anything else.

    Card variance: It really sucks to get nailed by the guy who drafted four legendaries and six epics and you're there with your one giant snake holding the Fort. Also there are serious epic and legendary enablers for strategies you just might never get to see because you didn't roll well enough. Not knowing what you can and can't draft towards means there is very little point in trying to draft a synergy other than "take all the campaign cards and overstatted cards

    I have two proposals that would make for a better experience, one that should be relatively simple, and one that I think would be a significant upgrade if the work was put in.

    Solution 1: just can a load of sets from the pool. Make the format just core set +1-2 of the most recent sets. This means you can reasonably see the synergy cards you want to draft towards, you're going to get less packs that are like "Dremora Adept + Rebellion General + Mystic of the Ancient Rites" and be sad about your life. And this also fixes the power balance of supplemental product because they're just not in the draft

    Solution 2: get input from people who play arena a lot and create a curated "arena only" set of midrange power cards that doesn't include utterly unplayable stuff that is just there for niche constructed decks and super ridiculous things that aren't balanced for arena, and have the arena format be "Arena set + newest expansion"

    The last thing that I really think needs to happen is have an actual predictable rarity structure during draft, that probably looks something like

    {Epic/10%leg, RRRR, CCCCC CCCCC} x3

    Or something like that That way, you know if you happen to open your Rebellion General, you know early and you can draft in such a way as you can predict and actually apply knowledge of the draft format to the draft process. It also means everyone is on more of a level playing field power level wise with aset structure, and should end up with a more balanced and skill intensive draft format. Which I think is especially important now arena has its own ladder. /endrant"

    submitted by /u/IncandescantSon
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